The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 286 Set the plan! Eliminate Jun Moxie and kill Mei Xue-

Xi Ruochen sneered: "These words are by no means the words of our family. They are alarmist. If you really give him a chance to grow up, then the destruction of the three holy places is just around the corner! With this kind of person and style of action, he will never take into account any battle. In fact, he is a lawless person! The world is full of life, and the mainland is in danger, which may be able to make the whole world's people care about it, but it will not impress him; because in his eyes, the people in the world are not much different from grass mustard! Therefore, it is inevitable for him to deal with the three holy places, and it can be expected!"

Huyan Aobohan put away his recklessness, looked very solemn, and said in a low voice, "So... This Jun Mo Wu can be said to be a Jianghu man born today! You should know that these things can't be taught by someone! Even in the old world, without decades of training, coupled with countless blood and tears teaching, "it may not be able to reach this step, but Jun Moxie seems to be self-tified without a teacher, more familiar than our hundreds of years of old rivers and lakes!"

"This sentence is good! Jun Mo Wu was born to be a fool of the world, but he was born in the family by chance. But we must admit that Jun Moxie may bring disaster to my three families in a few years at most! Because we have dealt with his woman more than once! This is an indelible hatred. For such an extremely arrogant and self-centered person as Jun Moxie, it is absolutely indelible!"

Mo Wudao gently raised his eyelids and said slowly. You know, he dared to face the Blood Soul Villa for the sake of Guan Qinghan. At that time, she was not his woman! This is a lesson from the previous car!" His slow words made Xi Ruochen and Hu Yan Aobo feel heavy at the same time.

"Everyone has weaknesses, and Jun Mo Wu is no exception, and his weakness lies in his family and his women! This is his biggest weakness. But at the same time, it is the strongest point now!" Xi Ruochen sighed deeply: "Because there are many signs that his mysterious master is stationed in Jun's house!" And this is our biggest scruples!"

"We don't even know who his master is, what level of cultivation he has reached, and what level he has reached. What's more, I don't know his origin at all, and I don't know anything at all!"

Xi Ruochen smiled bitterly: "So far, we only know that the apprentice who can teach luck must be a earth-shaking figure! And that time, the 90 masters of the three holy places were suppressed by his momentum at the same time, which proved this. His ability will only be on our judgment budget, and it will never be slightly worse. I don't think I have such cultivation!"

"So, we know that the disaster is in the eyes, but we can't act rashly! It's not that I can't, but I don't dare..." Mo Wudao came to a conclusion.

"That is to say, everyone is now retreating. You can't enter, and you can only wait to die when you retreat? Huyan Aobo frowned and said uncomfortably, "Are our three holy places forced to such an extent by the future generations?" Although I don't want to admit it, that's the truth!" Mo Wudao and Xi Ruochen smiled bitterly at the same time. Jun Moxie's mysterious master, if you think about it, will he be a person from the ethereal mansion? Hu Yan Aobo suddenly asked cautiously.

"I don't think so! The power in the ethereal mansion may be able to do it, but after all, it has not been revealed in the world for thousands of years; if so, I'm afraid it is also a figure like the old bones of the ethereal mansion. Moreover, such a speed of cultivation, I'm afraid that the Fantasy Mansion may not be able to do it. And there seems to be only one person who can really do it. As far as I know, it seems that only he is not inferior to such a speed of refinement. A sharp light flashed in Mo Wudao's eyes. Who?" The other two talked at the same time.

↓Jiuyou...Fourteenth Master!" There was a strong fear in his eyes, and there was a faint fear in his eyes! It seems that the name itself is accompanied by an indescribable strong magic, and even he, the lord of the fairy palace, feels the sincerity of his soul. Not bad!" Huyan Aobo and Xi Ruochen gasped coldly at the same time: "Only that evil can do this!"

"However, the ethereal mansion and the nine secret places contain each other, which has been contradictory for ten thousand years, and the struggle between the two families has never unfolded between the secular worlds. If it's just speculation, it's unfair. Besides, Jiuyou Fourteen... Without this devil, he may not have such patience, ** disciple. When Hu Yan Aobo said the name 'Jiu Yi Shi Shao', he seemed to have a toothache. He grinned and took a cold breath before he said the whole name.

"Everything is possible!" Mo Wudao is worried about the way. Don't be careless! Be careful not to save it many times, but an inadvertent careless care may lead to an irreparable disaster! Let the ten-thousand-year foundation of the three holy places be destroyed!" But at the present, there is a big opportunity today! If it is really used properly, not only Jun Moxie and Master Mei can be destroyed in one fell swoop, but also the people behind him can be drawn out, and our three holy places will be gathered and annihilated! Even the Nine You Fourteenth Master may not be able to withstand the joint attack of the peak power of our three holy places!" Xi Ruochen said slowly, and his face showed the color of a broken boat. The other two didn't say anything, but their eyes were fixed on his face.

"Junjia Jun Moxie is about to leave for Fengxue Silver City! I believe that this time, in order to help Jun Moxie create momentum, the heavenly punishment of the mysterious beast will also go out of the way! With such a situation, Fengxue Silver City has no resistance at all! But this time, after everyone goes, the defense strength of the Jun family's base camp is bound to drop to the lowest moment.

A trace of gloom flashed in Xi Ruochen's eyes and said coldly, "So, the top of the snowy mountain is a rare opportunity! And Tianxiang City is another rare opportunity! If it's... hehehe one r, eleven one"

"What do you mean..." Mo Wudao's eyes lit up, and then fell into thinking, frowned tightly, and his eyes were full of contradictions and difficult to decide.

"The Jun family to which Jun Moxie belongs is now irreconcilable with the Tianxiang royal family! And the power of the Jun family is by no means what a secular royal family can resist! But this time, we have to intervene as an exception. Of the three princes, our three holy places can support one person in each family. Then it is also a temptation to encourage secular forces mixed with the power of masters in every place, constantly putting pressure on the Jun family, and challenging the bottom limit of the Jun family! During the period when Jun Moxie and Master Mei went to Yincheng, be sure to make the Jun family jump and let the master hidden in the Jun family surface.

"This kind of temptation, even if it doesn't work, our three holy places can stay out of the matter at any time. Secondly, if we really have something to do, we can also concentrate our superior forces and completely take down the forces behind the Jun family in one fell swoop. At that time, no matter how good the thief is, no matter how talented he is, it will not be in my eyes! However, this time, you can't make a small fuss. You must concentrate the most elite and top forces. Once you start to attack, you must be ready for the thunder blow at any time! There must be no mistakes!"

Xi Ruochen raised his head, looked at Huyan Aobo and Mo Wudao, and said word by word, "This time, a strong man who is not a saint can't do things!" The general so-called master goes forward, even at the level of the venerable, I'm afraid it's only to die! If it is true that Jiuyou Fourteen is sitting in the king's house, even if he is a saint, I'm afraid he will fall to several places! Everyone should be prepared for this. I believe that this loss is inevitable again!" Huyan Aobo and Mo Wudao almost stood up in shock at the same time: "Is it..."

"Not bad! Our supreme golden city saint-level master, there can be three! Go all out and participate in this battle!" Xi Ruochen settled down and stretched out his white fingers and knocked on the coffee table three times. His voice was crisp, but he only gently knocked three times, but the crisp voice kept echoing between the mountains and ragments. He said word by word, "Three offerings!"

Mo Wudao stood up, with a heavy face, walked a few steps, looked up to the sky, exhaled heavily, and then reluctantly said, "Okay, in order to ensure the complete victory of this battle, we can also have three saints in the fairy palace!"

"We dream of the sea of blood, there are also three people, three places are the same,: f, join hands to defeat the enemy." Comparatively speaking, Huyan Aobo looks very happy, but the look on his face shows that he is by no means as relaxed as he said!

"Then it is sent to Tianxiang to disturb the situation and force the Jun family. The strength may still be secondary. The first is to be resourceful and patient, and even more able to endure. You know, as long as there is a little carelessness in this battle, it will be a bleak situation of losing the whole game!" Xi Ruochen said quietly, "Believe this, you two must also have plans.

"Let's let Zi Jinghong go in the dream of the sea of blood. Although this boy's Xuangong is not very high, his brain is first-class. If you play a conspiracy, you are even better at it. Huyan Aobo snorted and said, "Let him bring a few good hands to cooperate with the action. If it's just a mess, it's enough."

"Well, then our Supreme Golden City will send Li Youran to cooperate with several masters. Li Youran is a native local, and although he is young, he is calm and moderate, quite like a general! It is expected to be helpful. Xi Ruochen smiled. We will discuss this after I go back to the palace. In a word, it won't miss the dagger. Yes. Mo Wudao said with a gloomy face, "This time, we will definitely eradicate Jun Moxie and kill Master Mei!"

"In addition, there is also the war on the other side of Wind and Snow Silver City! I believe it also needs a large number of people! This battle is a crucial battle to annihilate the power of heaven's punishment! If they let go of this opportunity and let them withdraw the heavenly punishment forest again, then I don't know when they will have such a heavenly opportunity again! F