The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 293 The Holy One

"Yes! I haven't loved it, and I really don't know what it's like! So I can't get through the seven emotions!"

Mei Xueyan's face blushed, but she said it calmly. At that time, I had no choice but to break through the barrier and directly killed JL Dunshi Fairy Palace to ask for an explanation. In the war in the Dunshi Fairy Palace, I fought with the owner of the Dunshi Fairy Palace day and night. Although everyone was evenly matched, the other party showed many people to the public, and it was the home court. I finally Siege! At that time, I wanted to fight in vain, and my own Xuangong was not as good as 80% of the peak. In addition, I was tired after a long battle and refused to be cruel. Finally, I was defeated by them and was hit hard so far!"

"That serious injury almost made me doomed! Although he has been recuperating for many years, the injury has never improved, and he can only barely suppress it! Until a few days ago, although I healed my injury because of you, my strength only reached the peak of the second level, and it was still difficult to break through! After returning to the heavenly punishment, I... miss it day and night..." Mei Xueyan's face turned into a big red flower, but she went on bravely. Because she knows that these are all the experience of rushing through the customs. If it is not clear, if everyone here rushes through the customs at that time, they will inevitably go astray.

"I... miss you day and night, and I can't sleep. I finally understand the kind of bitter... lovesickness! From this, I know what love is! At that moment of that night, I suddenly broke through the love barrier in an instant and stepped into the third level of the venerable!" Mei Xueyan said it out in a puff.

Everyone looked at each other and felt that this matter was very mysterious. If it was a breakthrough in the deep realm, it needed such a unique encounter. There is nothing more strange than this. So, what is your feeling, love, now? Jun Moxie turned his eyes and asked with a smile.

Mei Xueyan smiled and didn't answer. Naturally, she would not say such a question in public, but her face was a little softer. Looking at Jun Moxie's eyes, she also had a little more attachment and affection. The soft love, it seemed that Jun Moxie's whole heart was firmly entangled. One r, eleven One

Although Mei Xueyan did not make it clear, Jun Moxie made it clear in an instant. Mei Xueyan's love is the kind of desperate love! I can change for you, for you, I don't care about anything, I don't care about anything! I just want you! The only love!

In fact, it goes without saying that everyone can also want to kill Mu Yan, which is enough to support her to directly break through the love of the seven emotions from the second level of the venerable to the third level. How fierce and sincere it should be!

Jun Moxie's heart was inexplicably hot. It seemed that the hard ice in his heart suddenly melted. He quietly stretched out his big hand, held Mei Xueyan's little soft like white jade, and held it tightly.

A trace of rare tenderness flashed across Mei Xueyan's face, allowing her Rou to be held by Jun Moxie. Feeling the temperature of his palm, she smiled gently and said, "Further further, the number of the third level to the fourth level of the venerable is related to the formation of heaven and earth!"

Jun Moxie's body shook and suddenly thought of something. He asked with burning eyes, "Is it related to the power of heaven and earth? The power of thunder and lightning?

"Exactly!" Mei Xueyan said solemnly, "From this level of realm, it is really into the forest of the peak of the strong! However, once you can't stand it, it will turn into ashes and lose your soul! And from this level, every upgrade is accompanied by thunder and lightning! And the higher the achievement, the stronger the strength, the more violent the number of thunder and lightning. When I remembered the Holy King's breakthrough, I heard that the thunder and lightning lasted for a full day. The venerable beast king and the saint-level beast king who guarded the Holy King were killed and injured for almost half before barely survived! And he himself has almost only one breath left!" Saint-level? Jun Moxie keenly picked out the word +^.

"Yes, the saint level! Above the venerable is the saint! It is also divided into four levels, but at that level, I can't reach it now, and I can't even think about it! However, it is said that the promotion of each level of the saint is hundreds of times more difficult than that of the venerable!"

Mei Xueyan sighed and said sadly, "There must be saints in the three holy places!" Those people are all legendary figures who have participated in the previous battle for the sky, and some people have even witnessed two battles for the sky! And our venerable and sage of the forest, but trapped in the mist of the illusion house, guarding the secret place of Jiuyou! If not, even if the three holy places have 100,000 guts, how dare they rashly attack me!" So, the saint level is actually not the highest level!" Jun Moxie meditated and said slowly.

"Yes! Our previous saint king successfully broke through the fourth level of the saint and reached a new height, an unprecedented height!" Mei Xueyan showed respect and said, "And as far as I know, there is no one in the world who is higher than him, or there will be a mysterious mansion and a secret place, but they... will not appear in this world after all!"

"That is to say, the Holy King is not the highest!" Jun Moxie's voice is extremely sure! He said in a calm voice, "Being the Holy King, at a higher level, or many more!" I can be sure of this! But... at that time, it will be a very distant thing for us!" Everyone was stunned. Only Mei Xueyan nodded and said with the same feeling, "I didn't expect you to say this. It is said that after the Holy King broke through, he left a sentence, which was actually a different way to say to you." What are you talking about?" Everyone asked hurriedly.

"I didn't expect that a genius finally started! That's what the Holy King said in those years. Mei Xueyan said this sentence slowly, but after everyone heard it, they fell into a state of speechlessness at the same time. The level of the Holy King is just getting started! What is this saying about the Arabian Nights? He has just started, so what are the people sitting now?

"Ha ha... The mystery of heaven and earth is endless. Why are you so persistent? Do you know how far is that far away from us?" In a Yuan language, Jun Mo Wu suddenly laughed. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the brightest star in the sky and asked. How far? It must be far away! Who can be sure about what's in the sky!" Everyone gave him a white look, thinking that Master Jun was adjusting the atmosphere for everyone.

"Yes, it's really far away. I promise that even the fastest flying beast will maintain the fastest speed from birth, and it may not be able to fly for 100,000 years!" Jun Moxie smiled and said in shock, "But I can also guarantee that there have been to that place artificially, and there are absolutely human beings, although the time is difficult to determine!" "!!!" Everyone was shocked to the end! This time, even Mei Xueyan showed disbelief.

"Don't be so surprised. That person is not necessarily from Xuanxuan Continent. Or some people who you don't know and have never heard of. Jun Moxie sighed and said, "Or if I say something you don't believe; but there are indeed such people, they can raise the whole Xuanxuan Continent with one hand. With a flick of their finger, they can make Xuanxuan Continent no longer exist! These are not bragging...

No about what Jun Moxie said! The same as this boy has a fever and is talking nonsense. Jun Moxie just smiled and no longer distinguished. After a long time, he asked again, "In this world, the strong are like clouds. So, why did the Supreme become the peak master of the world? That's what I want to know most.

"One, because of the restrictions of the battle for the sky, the three holy places are constantly selected to enter; second, above the supreme, there is basically not much to be interested in in this secular world, so everyone avoids the world one after another. Third, after entering the three holy places, such as you"

Mei Xueyan looked at the eagle fighting in the air and the wind and clouds: "Each of you is invincible in the world, rampant in the world, arrogant and unrestrained! But if you suddenly arrive at a place and find that everyone's cultivation there is higher than yours, and even some masters can beat you thousands of you alone... What will you think? What will you do again?"

The eagle fights and the wind and clouds looked at each other and said without thinking, "Of course, that's dedicated to practice. What's the matter with being trampled under your feet all the time?" When this sentence was said, the two of them suddenly realized at the same time! So that's it!

As long as you have made considerable achievements, no one will be willing to be trampled on by others forever, especially those masters who once dominated the world. Even if they know that they are trampled on themselves, the so-called legends and miracles of the past will not be really willing!

So when you see this situation, once you feel your own smallness, the shallow strength, and the mood of double hard practice in order to climb the peak again, it can be understood. And once you fall into this mentality, what else do you have to go out to wander around the river?

You can find countless opponents on the spot when you practice. You don't have to worry about opponents at all. Even if you don't want to find someone, they still want to find you... So the high-level hands on the mainland are basically extinct...

On the secular continent, the reason why those who only have the "supreme" realm is enough to dominate the world is also derived from this. To put it worse, that is, the so-called "no tiger in the mountains, monkeys call the king"!

"Of course, there are also prohibitions from the three holy places! The three saints who created the three holy places at the beginning of that year are all three benevolent people who are open and aboveboarded and have the world in mind! They once said that above the respect of knowledge, it has become more than the boundaries of secular people, and they should be forbidden to participate in secular disputes!

Because once you reach the level of Zhizun, if you deal with ordinary soldiers, one person can basically deal with thousands of soldiers. Even if you take the head of a general in a million army, it is easy to turn your hand. The lethality it has is relatively terrible. Once you act wantonly, it is very likely to cause havoc in the world

In fact, the strong above Zhizun are also human beings. If they are stimulated by anything, it is not impossible to do such a tragic thing as slaughtering the world. There have been many precedents since the past dynasties, so the three holy places have this obligation to regulate the world! In recent years, although the three holy places have become... too much for power and profit, fortunately, this principle remains the same.

&l; I'm starving... Have some food and continue to fight for the fourth update! Brothers and sisters... Monthly ticket, recommendation ticket... Evaluation ticket... As long as it's a ticket... The more the better. 7F