The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 300 Never let you die happily!

Jun Moxie guessed well. Qu Wuqing really reacted immediately, and he also adopted the most correct coping method, which is the most suitable trick to use in this case! Jun Moxie was able to retreat at full speed, but he just withdrew less than two feet. In an instant, his whole body was shrouded in a knife, and he just felt that he was about to cut his body! I had no choice but to dodge and directly penetrated into the Hongjun Tower... Let you be a cow! I have a cheater! Do you have it? Small sample...

The knife light was vertical and horizontal, cutting the world, and even the boulder ice layer dozens of feet away was also lifted up. For a moment, with Liu Qiu's body as the center, there was a shocking scene of the collapse of heaven and the earth in a radius of dozens of feet!

Snow fog, ice debris, and stone debris rose to the sky, directly rushing straight into the air like a fountain. "Leaving deep bottomless knife marks on the ground! There are three widths of almost one finger on the ground! It can be seen that the attack is dense!

But Qu Wuqing is sad and depressed! Because after his move was sent out, as soon as the power exploded, he saw that Jun Mo Wu had returned to Mei Xueyan's side safe and sound. He was saying something to Mei Xueyan with a tender and honey face... Dare to say that this move is completely hitting the air!

The master has gone back, but the eagerness of his full play can't be taken back at all. It's like a monkey teasing, but it's useless... This kind of greasy feeling makes Qu Wuqing almost vomit blood!

And the person he wants to protect is now rolling on the ground with a twisted face holding the crotch. Every time he rolls on the snow, it leaves a wake-up blood stain, and some of the color of the egg yolk that broke the egg... Liu Qiu howled in great pain, and the sound from his throat is no longer like a human voice. !

Du Jue and others are also stunned! Although Liu Qiu was in the realm of the venerable with several of them, his cultivation was amazing, but he was first counterattacked by the full force of the venerable Mei, who had the third level of strength. He was seriously injured, and was secretly attacked by Jun Mo Wu when adjusting his breath. His lower body was about to be hit again. In terms of his

That's not bad, or Liu Qiu may be tenacious, but what really surprises the five venerable is that he never thought that under the full protection of one venerable person, Jun Mowu, a boy in his future, could successfully attack another venerable man! Although Liu Qiu's strength has been greatly reduced, and there is no power to resist at all; but Jun Mo Wu can successfully break through the ruthless protection of the remnant knife venerable, and severely damage the hooligan venerable Liu Qiu, and then retreated completely, even without any sign of embarrassity...

With such a record, the four people watching the battle asked themselves who could not do it!

This shocked the four people!'s heartfelt shock!

Looking at Jun Moxie's eyes are full of strong fear and murderous intent!

This son must not be left, and this boy must not be allowed to live in the world again!

Even if you live one more day, it's dangerous!

If you don't get rid of it again, as long as there is a little more time off, we will wait for the fish!

You don't even have to wait for him to grow up. Even now, he is already a big trouble!

Anyway, his master has nine saints to deal with it. It's no big deal. It's okay to kill him at this time~! Thinking of this, the five people's hearts are full of murderous opportunities!

Mei Xueyan quietly watched the changes in the field. Her exquisite heart was analyzing the situation a few days ago. Her sensitive divine senses firmly locked the five venerables on the opposite side. If they dare to act rashly, Mei Xueyan is ready to take over at any time!

Seeing the strong murderous spirit in the eyes of Du Jue and others, Jun Mo Wu's expression is still motionless, but his heart is also murderous! No matter how crazy the three holy places are, they will not only come to the six people in front of them!

The strength of these six venerable people is undoubtedly very strong, but if it is to deal with the five hundred beast kings and two thousand scoops of Xuan beasts, it is still a fantasy, and the strength is really not enough! I think all these six people came here with their own teams.

As for them appearing alone in this manic, it is nothing more than demonstrating and detering their own side!

But... now there are five left!

Can you... Jun Moxie suddenly had an extremely crazy idea in his mind: whether he can kill all six venerable people here one by one, if it can be done, it will be a great thing!

Their eyes are full of murder. Obviously, they don't want me to live. Do I still want to hope that everyone will live a long life?

Jun Moxie's body is motionless, and his face is calm as constant, but once this idea in his heart sprouts, it is like a wasteland weed that has been fertilized. The longer it grows, the more prosperous it is, and it breeds wildly!

I believe that as long as the six people led by this are solved, no matter how many other people come to the three holy places this time, they will become tigers without claws. This Fengxue Silver City action will definitely be solved satisfactorily!

"Jun Mo Wu, how can you be so vicious at such a young age!" Looking at Liu Qiu rolling around with his crotch on the ground, he howled in pain, and the five of them were full of anger and uncontrollably, especially Qu Wuqing. If it hadn't been for the man Mei who was staring at him, he would have come to trouble with Master Jun long ago! No matter how inferior Liu Qiu's character is, no matter how unbearable he is, he always comes with himself and others! Everyone knows that the part of a man is the most cruel and embarrassing thing to be hit like this!

Even if Liu Qiu is really tough and lucky enough to live, he will only add one more eunuchs at the level of venerable level for the mainland!

Hua Feng kissed a float in front of Liu Qiu, and his hand was like a lightning. He clasped Liu Qiu's wrist. After checking his luck, his face suddenly changed greatly! Qu Wuqing had a black face and asked calmly, "Brother Hua, how is Liu Qiu's situation?"

"The injury was extremely serious, and a total of seven sternums were broken. It was injured by Mr. Mei, and then more than 20 bones were broken from the shoulder to the thigh. It must have been caused by the round of palm of Mr. Mei. Finally, Mr. Mei showed mercy and did not kill... But..." "But what?"

"The trauma to the lower body is very heavy, the strength goes straight through the five, the Dantian burst, and the internal organs have been broken! That's all right. Before, I was surprised that Liu Qiu was going to be injured. How could he still drag his life to death, but it turned out that... Although the meridians all over his body are fragmented, they are full of continuous vitality. He is doomed not to die within a few days. He will not die until the remnants are exhausted, It's useless to continue to suffer a lot of pain...

Huafeng kiss suddenly turned around and was about to crack: "Jun Moxie, if you kill him directly, it's okay. Why do you want to add more to the mystery of continuing vitality, so that he can't survive and can't die?! You... you despicable villain, you are really a bastard!"

The faces of the four venerable people changed color in unison, and the question just now was answered, but the answer was so cool...

Jun Mo Wu's thunderous series of kicks, when attacking Liu Qiu, was actually mixed with a lot of anger! Even if you beat this person to death a hundred times, he will not die immediately! Because as long as this vitality is not exhausted, it will continue to protect Liu Qiu's life operation function, so that he can continue to live tenaciously, and his mind has always been in a sober state, but he will definitely never have a chance to survive! At first glance, this sentence seems to be quite a shield, but in fact, it is a way to punish people!

I'm sure I'm going to let you die, but I won't let you die happily! Even if you have died, I want you to taste the most painful torture in the world before you die!

"What's wrong with you people? Shouldn't you thank me?! His injuries were killed on the spot! But I'm just looking at your face. In addition, my heart has always been very soft and good, so I generously leave him time to arrange the after-shi. What a humanitarian approach! I've done this, and you still scold so viciously. Is it really difficult to be a good person?

Jun Mo Wu smiled and said, "Forget it, I won't care. I just said that I've always been used to doing good deeds. I'm born with a good heart. I always take the safety of the mainland as my responsibility, and I always keep the world in my heart in my heart. People like you who are narrow-minded are not Yi Ding: Mr. Don't be so kind and say, "Amitabha, it's good to be good; to save a person's life is better than to make a seven-level Futu!" Shameless!" Huafeng Kiss, Qu Wuqing and other people were so popular that they trembled all over.

Over there, Liu Qiu suddenly screamed in a hoarse voice, with a pain that even his soul was trembling and struggling: "Qu Wuqing..."

Qu Wuqing's body shook and turned to look at him, with a complicated face. Kill... me..." Liu Qiu looked at Jun Mo Wu resentfully, but pleaded to Qu Wuqing: "Kill me...please!"

Dantian is ruined, Xuanqi is destroyed, and he has to bear unbearable pain. Nowadays, hooligans and venerable people don't even have the strength to commit suicide at all.

Qu Wuqing's face trembled, and his right hand was suddenly raised, and a gorgeous unruly light came out of the air, rushing into Liu Qiu's chest like lightning! Then, a bright blood burst out.

"Thank you...thank you..." Liu Qiu thanked in a weak whisper. Although his voice was low, his voice was full of relief. Suddenly, he stared at Jun Moxie, and his mother shouted with all the remaining strength sadly: "Jun Moxie... You wait for me... Tonight... I turned into a fierce ghost and came to you! Just wait for me..."

The sharp scream cut through the sky, and Liu Qiu was already motionless. His ugly face still exuded strange resentment. A pair of eyes, dead but not, stared at Jun Mo Xie, emitting a faint light belonging to hell...

The cold wind roared, and Liu Qiu's last words swayed in the wind, echoing ethereally, as if the door of the nine ghosts was about to open, and thousands of fierce ghosts were about to surge out...

Everyone who hears this dying curse feels that the vest is cold, cold sweating, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, I'm so scared..." Jun Moxie shrank his neck. Jun Mo Wu, you killed Liu Qiu, you must pay the price!" Qu Wuqing turned his face to Jun Moxie and said coldly, "The top of the snowy mountain, the snowy silver city, is the time for you to pay the price!" mF