The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 306 The power of heaven and earth!

This can be said to be the most ultimate must-kill trick of Jun Moxie! If this move doesn't work again, "then once you face a strong enemy such as the Venerable Free and the Venerable of Life and Death, the prospect is really worrying!

Or there is only one way to retreat!

Whether it will work or not, Jun Moxie is not sure at all!

Time is passing quietly.

Mei Xueyan only felt the rapid change of the meridians in her body like turning over a river and a sea. For a while, it was as cold as ice, and for a while, it was as hot as fire. A large amount of heaven and earth aura was injected into her body crazily. After swimming quickly in the meridians, she turned And the newly obtained Yuanli is extremely tamely stationed in its own meridians, and this transformation process is extremely fast!

What Mei Xueyan has to do is really simple, that is, to improve the speed of vitality in her meridians as soon as possible, faster, faster... In addition, she doesn't need to worry about everything else! No need to absorb! No need to - sense! No need to understand! You don't even have to panic... Just because everything is up to you! Everything is dominated by you!

The green jade vitality in the meridians gradually increased, from a dry stream, gradually expanding into a brook, transforming into a fast-flowing river, and then gradually evolving into an endless river... All of this came so fast!

In the past, it basically took me years, decades or even hundreds of years to accumulate "to have such skills and progress, but tonight, such concepts and traditions have been completely overthrown!

The breakthrough of the venerable can be achieved so quickly!?


The third-level venerable primary, initial peak, intermediate, re-accumulation, re-rush, intermediate peak, continue one r, eleven one and again and again eleven eleven eleven one step into the peak ten r one▲r one

Such a crazy speed makes Mei Xueyan feel like a dream!

With the dense and massive input of the aura of heaven and earth, Mei Xueyan's meridians gradually swelled in less than two hours, gradually expanding to a level of horror, and it continued to pour into the body...

The meridians carved by Mei Xueyan are like a small reservoir downstream, but above this small reservoir, it is the sea! Now, the sea has suddenly made a decision, and the terrible amount of water in it has poured out crazily and has gradually filled the small reservoir, but it has not stopped...

Suddenly, there was an inexplicable whirlwind in the sky, rolling countless snowfles, straight to the high altitude, and then the north wind blew, and the wind became more and more fierce. The clear sky, which was originally full of stars and bright moons, was suddenly covered with clouds!

A mass of clouds rushed over at the speed of chasing the wind and electricity, and gathered in all directions, just like the heavenly soldiers and the heavenly generals received the summoning order, and they came together! A mass, layer by layer, a roll, a wave of clouds are surging, overlapping, scrambling to emerge, and then covered by others... Thousands of miles of clear sky, in the blink of an eye, there are already dark clouds, between heaven and earth, you can't see five fingers! Such a stacking speed is absolutely rare, even in summer! But these strange phenomena appeared in the cold winter!

Only the increasingly fierce north wind in the sky whistledly, the whole mountain forest trembled and moaned under the raging wind, countless thick branches were scraped off, the previous moment was still flying all over the sky, and the next moment was gone...

The clouds are getting thicker and thicker, darker and darker, and lower and lower. It seems that the competition is pressing down with an irresistible posture, and a calm and solemn atmosphere suddenly fills the world!

The faint light appeared inexplicably. It was a small but fierce electric light flashing in the clouds, shuttling, collecting, and preparing!

That's Thor's Wrath! It is the power of heaven and earth!

The faintly dull thunder came slowly from above the nine heavens, as if it was thirty-three days away, and it seemed to be within easy reach of my ears, or in the place of my heart! That kind of extreme oppression can almost drive people crazy on the spot! This is a snowy mountain in the far north! Min has never seen thunder and lightning for thousands of years! Now, at this moment, such a strange thing has appeared in the snowy mountains in this winter!

At the moment, somewhere a hundred miles away from the enemy, the three teams are flying themselves and rushing towards the direction of the snowy mountains, faster than lightning. The wind is blowing! But just as the sky suddenly darkened, the group of people suddenly stopped their steps forward and devoted themselves to feeling the strongest pressure in the world! The three middle-aged people's faces changed greatly at the same time!

"The power of heaven and earth! The power of wind and thunder!" Who is breaking through? Who is breaking through and causing such a strong change in the world! Unexpectedly, there is such a strong master in this far north!" A man in black beard and white robe looked up with a surprised face and looked at the faint silver snake-like electric light in the sky, looking surprised and heavy!

"Yes, such a vision will only appear if the Venerable is above the fourth level or the saint and the strong breaks through! Brother Xiaoyao, the strength of this person who is breaking through is not small. You know, this is a snowy mountain in the extreme north!" Another middle-aged man in sackcloth looked ashamed of himself.

In the late winter, in the snowy mountains in the far north, it can still cause such a powerful thunder and lightning punishment! This force is enough to make them unable to look back at it at all!

There was also a middle-aged leader who looked at the changes in the sky with a heavy face and said lightly, "I thought that I would take action in person this time. The battle of Fengxue Silver City is in the right hand, and there is no more suspense! But I didn't expect that there was such a master hidden here! If this person belongs to the enemy... then, Xiaoyao, life and death, I'm afraid we will have a lot of fun this time!"

"It can't be such a coincidence!" The voice of the person who spoke first was full of strong uncertainty and faint fear. He sank for a while and said, "Everyone look in that direction. Be careful not to disturb this person. If you can't be hostile, it's better!"

The other two answered in unison, and the three teams were like three sharp arrows, flying in the dark night to the direction of the electric light! Everyone comes to the people, and naturally knows how to find...

In the Wind and Snow Silver City, everyone stood outside and looked at the sky in fear. They couldn't understand what was going on at all! If someone says that the natural phenomenon of lightning bombardment will occur here before this, I'm afraid everyone present will sneer at it!

But now, this original situation is not possible at all, and it happens in front of everyone!

Many people pinched their arms fiercely, followed by their thighs, with dreamlike confusion on their faces... Isn't this really a dream?

Coincidentally, a team of people arrived at Fengxue Silver City at this delicate moment. The disciples of Silver City guarding the door were directly knocked unconscious. The leading people's faces were gloomy and stood in the center of the square in front of the Silver City Hall: "Where is the owner of Silver City? The three holy places came to help, why didn't anyone come to welcome them? It's Xiao Tianya and others!

Han Zhanmeng, Xiao Xingyun and others heard the news and hurriedly led the crowd to welcome them. Hanzhan's dream is in a complicated mood, but Xiao Xingyun is overjoyed! Especially when I saw the ancestors of the Xiao family among the people from the Supreme Golden City, I was even more happy! Busy greetings.

Xiao Tianya snorted coldly, looked at the clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky with a puzzled face, and directly ordered, "Arrange the guest room, let us stay and have a rest first."

Only then did Xiao Xingyun and others find that all the leading masters with a strong breath were injured on their bodies! This senior, this is...what's the matter?" Xiao Xingyun asked cautiously. He asked.

"What's wrong? It's not for your bullshit!" Hao Tianya snorted, and his face was heavy. He glanced at Xiao Xingyun, and there was a faint hatred in his eyes: "We have just had a battle with the team of Jun Mo Xie's party. The merciful brother Zhen, the merciful brother Zhen, the hooligan venerable brother Liu Qiu, have been buried in the Xiao Xingyun, this is all caused by your Xiao family! What else do you ask?" Ah?!" Xiao Xingyun was struck by lightning and stayed on the spot: "Is there such a thing? Is the strength of the Jun family really so strong!?"

"It's just a nine-level peak mysterious beast, at least 2,000! How strong is it? You can think about it yourself!" The Venerable Hua Feng kissed coldly. When Xiao Xingyun heard the bad news, he exclaimed again. He was stunned on the spot and was stunned like a wooden chicken!

Huafeng kiss ignored him at all, just looked up at the vision of the sky: "Brother Fu, this should be a peak strong man breaking through, right?"

Xiao Tianya's face was gloomy and said, "That's good! There must be a top strong man making a breakthrough at this moment, otherwise how can there be such a strange situation that violates common sense in this far north!" Hua Feng's face showed envy, and he looked at the free thunder and lightning in a squint. Brother Fu judged, could this person be Master Mei? Qu asked ruthlessly, the Venerable Knife.

"It's impossible! Her cultivation is only comparable to that of my husband at best, and it is only the primary stage of the third-level venerable. At least 300 years short of hard work from the peak level, how can we break through? Xiao Tianya snorted and said, "If she really breaks through, then I can simply break through to the level above the saint..."

Everyone smiled, and they were all knowledgeable people. They understood that Xiao Tianya's judgment was extremely reasonable. They immediately asked the people of Yincheng to arrange a secluded room to enter the retreat. "Then everyone gathered in the square, looked at the sky, felt the success of the world, but thought about it in their hearts.

As soon as the thunder and lightning appeared, Mei Xueyan's eyes finally appeared in horror. She struggled violently; because she knew that she was about to face the greatest test of the breakthrough, the power of heaven and earth, the power of thunder and lightning! I may still have a certain amount of resistance, but I'm not sure! But if Jun Moxie is still with him, he can't resist at all! Once the fish in the pond are affected, there will be annihilation. mF