The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 310 Reincarnation of the world, only love is eternal!

Slowly, after the huge number of horrible aura gradually formed a certain rule, the people finally recovered from this extreme shock.

Xiong Kaishan, whose cultivation has reached the supreme level, has been scared to death... This is not to say how small Xiong Kaishan's courage is, but because of this natural momentum of the king of mysterious beasts, he has to be afraid. Out of the sincere awe of the emperor of the beast, he almost showed a prototype to show his submission Under the restraint, he trembled and stood up, but he felt that his lower body was in a hurry. He glanced back and forth a few times, and ran out sneakyly. He chose a rather hidden tree to untie his trousers and squatted down. There was a crackle, and the stench was overflowing. For a long time, It's finally easy to see the love.

In addition to the convenience of Fourth Master Xiong, even Xinqian has greatly improved. He has spare time to tie his trousers and look at the big straight pine tree in front of him with his hairy head tilted, and muttered, "It's so straight, damn it! So high, so straight, it's really like a tree that has been punished. Fourth Master Xiong helped you fertilize today, which is also your creation...

When he was muttering to himself, he only heard the brushing sound behind him, but there were a lot of mysterious beasts walking over with their trousers. Looking at that, there was no exception. They were all scared by the momentum just now, and their faces were pale and bloodless.

However, it seems to be better than before. In the past, when I met the strong, I solved it directly on the spot. Last time, the six beast kings advanced, which made the forest punished by heaven. Now I at least know to take care of my face, cherish my clothes, and I also know how to find a more hidden place. I have made

The momentum carved by Mei Xueyan is really the biggest shock to them. It is far from comparable to the previous six kings. Even beast kings such as Xiong Kaishan, who are only inferior, are full of fear!

Although Mei Xueyi has tried her best to restrain her own momentum, try not to reach other people, and concentrate on Jun Moyu as much as possible, the vast pressure is still full of this world. Even if there is no actual lethality, it still makes the mysterious beasts clearly feel the panic. Tso!

This is even more in the bloodline. They are born to submit by nature, which comes from the heartfelt awe in their bones. If another person gives out momentum, it is likely to arouse their strongest fighting spirit, but now it can't, just worship!

"What are you panicking about? What are you panicking about?" Fourth Master Xiong carried a cotton belt and scolded harshly: "Just line up and come one by one! Don't make a lot of noise. How can you be so unqualified and force yourself to be your own home? It's a shame to be outside. It's not only your personal face, but also the face of the forest, understand?" The mysterious beasts are submissive, and even nodding, I don't know if they really understand...

Only poor this tree was directly submerged by shit and urine..., but it is also good. In the next few hundred years, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, the longer it grows, the more luxuriant it is, far away from the trees of the same generation...

In the tent, the tarpaulin directly above the two people's heads has long disappeared. A stream of air of heaven and earth, pure cyan pure aura is injected from this gap, and then disappears. This small gap is carved like a black hole that can swallow the aura of heaven and earth one by one.

And Master Jun's face also became more and more red with the massive indoctrination of the aura of heaven and earth, becoming more and more bright, with a tendency to be red and purple. In fact, after his face reached purple, he suddenly returned to a normal face.

Jun Mo Wu gently gestured to Mei Xueyan, indicating that she could stop. Mei Xueyan knew how to recover the momentum immediately, dispelled the killing in his heart, and gradually restored her momentum to a calm state. This whale swallowed the sea, which can be said to have made the aura in the Hongjun Tower almost full!

greatly exceeded the total amount of aura when there was no output before, and the spiritual power in the body also increased greatly due to this massive indoctrination. Jun Moxie clearly felt that he had reached the edge of breaking through at any time!

Maybe it only needs a little understanding, and only a little chance to be able to make the fifth floor of the Hongjun Tower! Now what is separated from the breakthrough is equivalent to a thin layer of window paper... It will be broken as soon as it is poked!

In this process, Jun Moxie clearly sensed the invasion of the heart demon, and the nuisance of the seven emotions and six desires came in an endless way. In the past and present life, all kinds of things flowed in my mind. Even the most subtle things were clear and there was no omission. It's like a clear stream, clean to the bottom.

Sometimes my heart is full of anger, sometimes my heart is full of tenderness, sometimes my desire is burning, sometimes I am overjoyed, sometimes my heart is full of hatred, sometimes I am at a loss... All kinds of feelings and all kinds of complicated emotions are gathered in my heart during this period of time, great joy, great joy, great sadness, great anger There is a lot of chaos.

The engraved Jun Mo Wu is just guarding the last line of the spiritual platform, and he doesn't care about anything else! No matter how much nuisance there is, it is difficult to disturb the calm heart lake!

No matter how you encounter yourself in the fantasy world, you die tragically, your wife and children are separated, your family is ruined, or your closest relatives die in front of your eyes, there is no emotional fluctuation at all, as if you haven't seen it!

It seems to be just a moment, but it seems to have experienced the reincarnation experience of thousands of generations. When I opened my eyes again, no matter what I saw, I sincerely felt the vicissitudes and strange! It seems that after thousands of years of reincarnation, it has returned to reality again! Even the moment he saw Mei Xueyan again, he couldn't help but be stunned. At this moment, it actually gave birth to a slightly subtle strange feeling within easy reach.

"Do you feel that everything in front of you is strange? Is it the same for everyone and everything? It seems to be the loneliness that has gone through thousands of years? Mei Xueyan smiled, looked at him, and asked in a strange voice.

She came over. Seeing the expression in Jun Mo Wu's eyes, she instantly judged what Master Jun was thinking about in this situation.

"Not bad! What's the reason? Or everyone has a similar feeling when they break through!" Jun Moxie tried to lift the true qi, and only felt that a golden flow in the meridians in his body was surging, and the stream was endless. He only felt that his strength was endless, as if even if there was a mountain in front of him now, he could raise it with one hand!

"Generally speaking, it is indeed like this. You have carved the strength of the second level of the venerable! It happened in front of me, but I still can't believe it. I really didn't expect that your breakthrough would be so fast and smooth! It's so weird!"

The strange expression in Mei Xueyan's eyes became stronger: "Once the breakthrough is successful, everyone will have some kind of subtle illusion at the moment of the breakthrough. It really seems that they have experienced countless lives, the alternating experience of a lifetime, and this illusion is actually abnormal. Real! So that in addition to returning to reality, there will be an unreal feeling about the current reality! At the beginning, I didn't really return to normal after three years for this test.

"That's you." Jun Moxie blinked his eyes and said with a smile, "But who am I? He is a peerless genius. He will never be as stupid as your stupid girl. Isn't that all right, haha..." His look and face unexpectedly returned to normal after being stunned at this moment!

Mei Xueyan looked at him in shock. Unexpectedly, this bad guy, who was a little thicker than the corner of the city wall, could recover immediately as soon as he broke through. This is too strange!

You know, that's the reincarnation of thousands of generations! Doesn't it have any impact on him? Is it true that the shipper has reached such a point?! Or is it just like this for the peerless genius?

"Silly girl, you ignored a very important thing!" Jun Mo Wu looked at her gently and said, "Because when I broke through, I have feelings in my heart!" And that love is around! That's why I can get out quickly. And when you broke through that day, your heart was not only empty, but also empty. Although it is unrestrained and relaxed, it is also ruthless at the same time! That's why you have experienced three years of confusion, and you have to be surrounded by seven emotions when you hit the third level. You know, the word of love is the root of the breeding of all things! The reincarnation of the world, only 'eqing' can last forever, stop!" It makes sense to say so." Mei Xueyan pondered for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

"I was originally a ruthless person. I used to be in my mind, I was not the most ruthless, only more ruthless. I don't know if it was God's favor, but it gave me another life full of 'feeling, one word! Whether it's family, friendship or love, let me experience it myself. So now is the most sound moment, so although this level is not completely unimpeded, it is really not big, and it can naturally return to normal quickly.

Jun Moxie smiled. His face was only mild, and the vitality on his body also changed greatly invisibly. A kind of dusty charm slowly appeared on him.

"How are you? Did you understand anything after the breakthrough? Jun Mowu looked at Mei Xueyan with a smile: "Have you understood any earth-shaking moves? The kind that can kill tens of millions of people in one move?

"How can there be such an exaggerated trick in the world?" Mei Xueyan looked at him angrily and then said, "But it's true that I have gained something. It's just that compared with a perverted person like you, my breakthrough is just a matter of silence... Your breakthrough is really special! Can you take advantage of the powerful momentum of others on you, but will it cause a breakthrough? Even completely harmless, it's really an incredible breakthrough method!" This is undoubtedly Mei Xueyan's incomprehensibable strange suspicion. C