The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 318 A sword blows the heart!

Sooner or later, we will fight with these two people. If we don't fight today, we will fight tomorrow! If it can be solved now, wouldn't it be the most wonderful thing? It can also avoid unnecessary losses!

After the breakthrough, Jun Moxie hasn't taken action yet; it would be a good thing to sacrifice the sword with a four-level supreme blood! It must be very cool!

What's more, this evil king who is good at assassination has long been extremely itched in his heart! In the face of such an opponent, such a despicable and shameless assassination object, it is simply unreasonable not to put on such a sword! I'm sorry, the people are sorry for the big 6!

Therefore, Jun Mo Wu, in line with the lofty idea of doing the way for heaven, benefiting the world and purifying the human heart of human beings, as well as the heart of the saints who care for the country and the people, the worries of the world first, and the happiness of the world later, and the promotion of world peace and care about

Sworn to cut these miscellaneous pieces under the sword! It's still a Jingping in the world! Such a noble protagonist, what do you report? Today, my brother's sword is going to be a savior! This sword flew out of the sky, and the dead souls of the venerable people of life and death!

The strong people at the level of the venerable level are also human beings. As long as they are human beings, they will be afraid of death, especially those who have experienced long years and have been in a high position for a long time. Such people are often more afraid of death!

Once impermanence and everything is over, once desperate, all kinds of glory in the past, all kinds of glory have become history, turned into dust!

In the face of this sudden shocking sword, even with such a powerful existence as Wei Kongqun, the four-level outstanding ability of the venerable person has no room for it! The power of this sword is actually not wide, and it is even very narrow. The target is only one point, which is his heart!

But no matter the timing or the position, it has reached the point of ingenuity! Moreover, it is so fierce that all the masters present have never been seen before! Because the goal is small, the strength is relatively more concentrated. Once hit, there is no luck

It happened so suddenly that the Weikong group was already unavoidable! You can only close your eyes and wait to die!

But! One by one, Weikongqun is indeed worthy of being the peak strongman of the world. In such a bad situation, there are still means to adapt to changes, but when he saw that Weikongqun competed in this time, suddenly the thunder roared like a muffled, and then took a deep breath. With this rapid inhalation, his body actually A hole appeared strangely! To be more precise, there should be a hole in the place where the heart was originally located! At this moment, the real weirdness is to the extreme!

It seemed that Wei Kongqun's body suddenly split, and the heart of the chest disappeared inexplicably and disappeared.

Even, everyone can clearly see what's behind him from the position of his chest!

At the moment when the hole suddenly appeared, Mo Xiaoyao's face became as pale as paper!

Although this move is the ultimate trick to save your life, it is also a move that will greatly damage your vitality! Shift your heart and external muscles, and accumulate your skin and bones around, vacate a vacuum! Isn't it easy to do such a means?

Although Wei Kongqun successfully understood this move because of his promotion to the fourth level of Venerable, he has never used it in actual combat, and has not even planned to use it at all, because he never believes that someone can force himself to this point!

But today, even if he doesn't believe it, he has to use it. If he still doesn't use it, he will definitely die! It is self-evident how to choose between great damage to vitality and death on the spot! Although Wei Kongqun has hated it so much that itches, he still has to choose this way!

He is even ready for the next step. As long as he successfully avoids this sword, even if the internal injury is aggravated, he will do his best to counterattack, find the despicable man who sneaks on him and kill him with all his strength!

This man is really hateful... But it's too terrible. With such an enemy, I'm afraid it's hard to sleep and eat!

Mo Xiaoyao was finally relieved, recovered from the shock, and immediately rose up; behind Wei Kongqun, his hands had already been full of deep mysterious power, ready to take the sword at any time! The extremely attacking sword is obviously thrown out of hand!

On the one hand, if it is in people's hands, even if the body and the sword are combined, it will never be so amazing. Second, this sword is attacked in a straight line trajectory, completely without returning. The goal is extremely simple, which is just the key to Wei Kongqun's chest and heart! Although Wei Kongqun's move is inevitable to lose his vitality, he has always dodged this life-threatening sword. Although it is only a glance, it can also be judged that it is absolutely a rare divine soldier such as an immortal god. If it is in the hands of the layman, isn't it a tyrant? In this case, whoever grabs it is his! So Mo Xiaoyao decided to accept it unceremoniously! Only for a moment!

What a god the god of the dragon sky's pretentious Yuxu flying sword has flown into the void that suddenly appeared in the body of the Weikong group! As soon as it was about to come out, the sharp tip of the sword at the front of the sword had even broken through to the back, flashing a sharp cold light! Mo Xiaoyao stretched out his hand and grabbed it! He is sure of it. This sword must be handy!

But at this moment, this extremely flying imperial sword turned from a state of intense flight to static in an instant! The tip of the sword has indeed protruded to the back of the Weikong group, but the hilt and most of the body of the sword still stay on the chest of the Weikong group!

Then at the same time when the body of the sword was still in an instant, in the fearful and unbelievable eyes of the Wei Kong group, a purple-black powerful airflow burst out with a "bamp" sound! It's like forcing a bomb into the heart of the Weikong group, and then suddenly detonated it!

A series of shocking changes in front of us have shocked the people present, but this last change is even more unexpected! Everyone was still shocked at the previous moment that Wei Kongqun was really worthy of being a strong man at the level of venerable. Unexpectedly, he could avoid this must-kill sword with such a strange method. If it were someone else, it would definitely be finished, but the next moment... It was Wei Kongqun himself...

The purple-black powerful airflow suddenly exploded, and poured into the body of the Weikong group with extreme fierce and fierce power! Wei Kongqun seemed to have been struck by lightning, shaking violently, and suddenly a look of despair appeared on their jade-like faces!

This ultimate trick to save your life is to be used as a last resort. While using this move, Weikongqun also consuming a lot of mysterious energy, making the self-provided strength decline the most weak moment! But at such a critical time, s1 gave birth to such a strange thing! It's really going to die!

The long sword retreated quickly, retreated from the chest of Wei Kongqun, and then floated so quietly three feet in front of Wei Kongqun, and the figure of a man in white Qin, also quietly transformed himself, his feet did not touch the ground, stood three feet, suspended in the air!

After the mask, a pair of cold flashing eyes looked at Wei Kongqun like a dead body and said coldly and sadly, "Wei Kongqun! You're done!"

Wei Kongqun roared something in his throat, just like the roar of a beast when he was dying. At the moment the long sword left, the strange hole on his chest suddenly disappeared, and his body returned to its original appearance. It seemed that he had not been injured at all, but when everyone was puzzled, Wei Kongqun Suddenly, there was a sound of firecracker-like bursting on his body: crackling...

And his body also appeared strangely at this moment, countless subtle blood, penetrating the white robe, like the hazy drizzle in spring, illusory, floating in the air, but he was already wet and dyed red by blood in an instant!

Wei Kongqun's body was still upright, and his eyes were still as sharp as eagle ears. He looked at the masked man in white in front of him and said quietly, "The killer supreme? Chu's crying soul?" In his voice, there was a rare calmness, no ups and downs, no anger, no sadness, or even despair, as usual! He is even much calmer than he was just now! He is calm now, just like a wise man who can break life and death and look down on the world!

At the end of wandering between life and death, this venerable man finally showed the demeanor of his unparadable master! This masked man in white is naturally not the supreme crying soul of the killer, but the young master of Jun Mo Wujun.

Jun Mowu stared at Wei Kongqun, who was so calm and had no fluctuations, and there was a rare look of respect in his eyes. Although the person in front of him was the enemy, he acted even more dirty. He hated him very much, but the other party's attitude towards life and death was still worthy of his respect! Respected opponents, annoying people! This is not contradictory, and it has never been contradictory!

Jun Moxie replied in the same calm and quiet voice, "Killer Supreme? No! I am the king of the killer world today! The unique king!"

After a moment, he actually walked two steps in the void and said lightly, "Today, I want you to see what the real killer king is, and what is my own means!"

Although his voice contains a lot of calmness and wisdom, it is full of a kind of dece and madness that permeates from the bones and overflows from the soul! Although his voice was flat, all those who heard his words could clearly have a feeling: this man was overlooking himself condescendingly with an attitude of a high-level king talking to his subjects! All the ages! I am the only one! Only the sky is above, who can be with me!

"That's right, I have to admit it! You are indeed the king of today's killer world!" Wei Kongqun smiled, and his cold face suddenly showed a smile at this moment. The smile actually had a true feeling of spring breeze. The lines were soft, so calm and elegant, not like a seriously injured person at all.

Weikong group slowly continued: "It's really not what a supreme can do to kill my Weikong group, even the so-called supreme killer. Chu Wanghun, it seems that you broke through quickly! Great progress has also been made! The name of the killer supreme can no longer match you, or only the killer can match your current achievements!" He actually ignored Jun Moxie's denial and insisted that this was Chu Wang's soul! Jun Moxie is almost stunned. Shit, he is so domineering...

amp;1t;Khan, I didn't expect a report that made everyone so angry... I'm sorry. Officially tell everyone that the alarm has been lifted.

I began to revise it after uploading last night, all night until 9:30 this morning... The amount of modification is not very large, but the problem is... The starting point stipulates that the number of words in the revised manuscript must be more than the original. This worries me a lot. Basically, it's all about deleting swearing words. I have to dig out more to make up for it, and then I have to produce the original number of words. The most important thing is: if there are some chapters with my ticket request, although it doesn't account for the subscription, it also accounts for the number of words... That scene,

After the modification, I waited anxiously for the news, and I was not even in a hurry to sleep... I couldn't change the code. I stared until noon and was notified by the phone: the alarm has been lifted, let's continue. I'm dizzy. If I had known it was a phone notification, not a QQ notification. I went to bed early and cried...

Then it was all right, and the siege was over, and I was extremely excited. I caught several beautiful women in the group and ate a lot of tofu and began to code words... I coded and shouted on the keyboard... When I got up in the afternoon, I saw hundreds of pages of various symbols full of documents. Looking in the mirror, my forehead was full Yes, one on the forehead! I#39;, a comma is also printed on the chin of a 'o' on the left face, which is particularly clear... This keyboard feels really harmful... Well, let's go on...

Well, tell me how I feel. In fact, I should thank you for this report. I didn't expect such an effect. First, it condensed my brothers and sisters unprecedentedly. Second, there are more subscribers and more rewards... I said this buddy who reported it, I really can't do it if I don't thank you! How much income have you added to me...

Third... Your stick really woke me up. Don't worry, I will be careful and cautious in the future. It should not let you seize the opportunity. You directly guarantee the long-term nature of my work, otherwise with my temper, I may be harmonized at some point... I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart, please don't think I'm sarcastic! I sincerely, thank you! Thank you! The second update later! H