The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 321 Sour tenderness--

At this time, he deliberately maintained the invisibility state of yin and yang. Naturally, it was invisible and silent, but after entering the cave, Jun Moxie was stunned. The ground is very dry and clean, but it doesn't look like a woman's long-term residence.

It lacks the expected smell of powder. The cold air in the cave is better than that of the outside world. The wall of the cave is smooth and shining. You don't need to look at Jun Moxie to know that this hole was directly hollowed out in the ten-thousand-year-old Xuanbing!

But the interior of the hole is quite wide, deep, and twists and turns a few times. It was not until the depths of the hole that Jun Moxie felt a little warm.

In the innermost part of the left is a narrow bed. The bedding is neatly folded, with a faint fragrance, slowly flowing.

There is a stone table on the right, but in the middle is a futon, a white-clothed figure sitting quietly in the futon*. The black shawl, facing north, motionless.

Jun Moxie's fingers touched the smooth wall of the cave, and suddenly felt a feeling of concave and convex. When he looked carefully, he saw that the wall of the cave around him was densely engraved with words. Jun Mo Wu fixed his eyes and couldn't help but be shocked...

Your unintentional name! It is completely engraved with three holes, and the handwriting is slender. Look at it, "it should be engraved with nails; and every word is extremely clear, stroke by stroke, neat and neat!

To engrave on the wall of this ten-thousand-year-old Xuanbing cave wall with thin nails, even if you are the strong man of Tianxuan Peak, I'm afraid you may not be able to! When Han Yanyao volunteered to be confined here, she was definitely not Tianxuan!

At that time, she was just a girl's family under the age of 20, which was slightly longer than today's cold smoke dream, and she was spoiled since she was a child. How could she have such a profound mysterious cultivation? In this case, how are these handwritings formed?

Jun Moxie was shocked. He carefully felt that some of the handwriting was clearly dark red on it. Presumably, it was the grinding of his nails and the blood flowed out...

Looking at the extremely simple decoration in the cave, looking at the delicate figure, and the unintentional name of the stone wall, everything is self-evidented, Jun Mo Wu's nose is inexplicably sore, and an inexplicable strange feeling surged up, which seemed to be a sour hot current...

You don't have to say anything!

Han Yanyao, it's really the Han Yanyao in your heart!

My third aunt!

Looking at the sky at night, I will not look back in this life!

This woman has never looked back in her life!

Jun Moxie floated past her side and looked at the stone she was staring at, and couldn't help but be shocked again!

On this last stone wall, there are four spiritual positions neatly chopped!

In order, you have no regrets, you have no dream, you have no worries, you have no worries!

The signature is: the unworthy sister-in-law Han Yanyao stands respectfully!

Don't say anything more. Jun Moxie has deeply understood this woman's heart!

Love is stronger than gold, and love is deeper than the sea!

This delicate woman has already regarded herself as the daughter-in-law of the Jun family and a member of the Jun family in her heart!

No wonder she will be treated like this under the control of the Xiao family!

He didn't say a word, but Jun Moxie has admitted this Sanyu in his heart! This is a strong and terrible, but persistent woman who can move anyone, worthy of respect!

Suddenly, at this moment, Han Yanyao, sitting on the futon, sighed gently and said gently, "Who is coming? Please show up."

Jun Mo Wu was immediately shocked! No one has ever been able to feel my yin and yang escape. Even the strong man at the level of the venerable level has never seen through it. At best, the woman in front of him now has only the cultivation of Tianxuan Peak. How can she be called for the arrival of breaking?

"Please come out; your body is extremely mysterious. I don't feel it, but I can still feel your existence." Han Yanyao gently raised her head, her eyes were clear and cold, her eyes were very beautiful, expressionless, and her facial features were exquisite, just like skillful hand carving, and every cent was just right. Seeing this woman, Jun Mowu suddenly understood the true meaning of a noun. Ice and jade!

Han Yanyao's whole body is like an elf condensed by the aura of heaven and earth, ethereal

It's like the green bamboo after the empty mountain and night rain, dusty.: $$ There is no decoration on the body

There are no ornaments, but it is like clear water out of hibiscus. It seems that any ornaments worn on her body will reduce the dusty atmosphere on her body! She just stands like this, which is enough to make anyone who sees it feel refreshed!

And in the face of such a peerless beauty, it will never make people feel blasphemous from the bottom of their hearts! The only thing you can do is to appreciate it!

Only the four words of ice and jade can barely be worthy of this stunning beauty, this bitter beauty!

Han Yanyao's long eyelashes flashed slightly and continued, "People in the dark, I admit that your hidden spring method is extremely unique. I don't even have the ability to make you appear. I just want to tell you one thing. You have overlooked a very important fact; I have lived alone in this cave for ten years, for a whole ... In the past ten years, no one has ever lived here except me. In this cave, every corner, every detail, I know very well, and I am also very clear about the taste and feeling of every moment every day. I even know more about the weather and how the airflow in the cave flows." Although you are invisible and clever, I really can't feel it if I only rely on my own strength, but these feelings other than Xuangong tell me that someone has come in!" Han Yanyao said quietly, "The words have been said to this extent, why don't you come out? With your strength, do you need to be afraid to meet me?

Jun Moxie couldn't help smiling bitterly, withdrew the hidden method of yin and yang, and appeared. He really ignored this point. Han Yanyao has lived alone in this narrow cave for ten years, and she is unaccompanied. Every day is sad and clear, thinking nonsense, lonely and lonely, how can she not study those illusory things?

At the moment, it is this boring research that is useless in anyone's opinion that exposes his unique magical escape!

Jun Mo Wu only has Yuanyu, or even a complete Yuanyu.

In fact, this is not Han Yanyao's special ability. Such a spiritual ** feeling only needs to go down the mountain to mix with the crowd for a few days, and disappear immediately after coming back, but Han Yanyao has not gone down the snow peak in ten years!

Although the interior of the cave here is not small, but... Even if a person is given the space of a city to live in, there has no companion for ten years. I'm afraid this person will have a great understanding of the flowers and trees in every place in the city...

Just because loneliness and loneliness will force this person to do something. No matter how boring it is, it is better than nothing to be proud of! Otherwise, it will really make life crazy!

"Who are you?" Han:\}8 Yao quietly looked at the jade-like teenager in front of her, and suddenly her heart beat violently = how could ■■■■■■ like this. That person: \}■■■■■■ Thinking of this, Han Yanyao's body couldn't help shaking...

Jun Moxie smiled apologetically and did not answer, but straightened his clothes, bowed respectfully to the four spiritual positions on the stone wall, and kowtowed three times before standing up. This action is more convincing than any words.

Han Yanyao only felt a "boom" in her mind, a burst of dizziness, and her face was instantly pale as death. She shook it violently a few times. She only felt that the Venus in front of her was in chaos. She took a few deep breaths and tried her efforts to smooth the fierce emotional fluctuations in her heart, but her heartbeat It's normal for the throat to jump out...

She hurriedly held the wall of the cave with her hand and gasped for breaths. The tears in her eyes suddenly fell like pearls that broke the line. She choked and said, "Are you... Mo Wu?"

The familiar face of the person in front of him was as if she had seen it before. Jun Moxie said a word, and Han Yanyao immediately confirmed his identity. However, although she had confirmed it, she still couldn't believe it...

The person in front of me is the person I most looking forward to seeing besides that person, but also the person I am most afraid to see!

Because this is what I have been looking forward to for ten years! And it's already a desperate thing!

Jun Mo Xie smiled and said, "The third aunt is really good-sighted. Mo Xie is polite."

Han Yanyao was dizzy and almost fell to the ground. She couldn't believe what she heard. With tears in her waist, she held the cold wall of the cave with her hand and asked dreamyly, "You... just now... what did you call me just now?" Third aunt!" Jun Mo Wu said clearly, "The third uncle sent me to visit you. We can pick you up at the latest tomorrow and reunite you with the third uncle."

At this moment, Jun Mo Wu suddenly felt that the idea of thinking about what would happen to Han Yanyao if she changed her mind when she came was simply unforgivable... It was simply a typical scum idea, really whimsical... How could such an affectionate woman turn her back on her heart?

Han Yanyao heard this sentence clearly and clearly heard Jun Mo Wu's name for her, but she looked at him with her eyes wide open and shook her head in disbelief. It seemed that she was still not awake. Tears flowed, but she suddenly smiled reluctantly to the extreme, as if she was trying her best to make her shape. She looks better in front of her relatives, but she didn't succeed...

She suddenly choked in her throat, and her right hand on the stone wall seemed to lose all its strength in an instant. She slid down the ice wall weakly, and her whole body slipped softly to the ground. She sobbed and choked silently. Suddenly, she hugged her head tightly with both hands, shaking her shoulders. Severely shrugged, silent, but the hysterical crying... God knows how Han Yanyao has come through these ten years!

Compared with your intention, Han Yanyao is undoubtedly much more painful in winter. After all, she is a woman, an emotional woman!

In the past ten years, guilt, missing, self-reproach, hope, but fear, not to mention the boundless loneliness and loneliness!

She has always thought in her heart that she is an unintentional woman and a member of the Jun family, but she has never dared to expect it. The Jun family will admit that she is a sinful daughter-in-law! And in her heart, she was extremely eager for this identity. She even thought that as long as she could see you again in her lifetime, even if she let herself die immediately, she would be satisfied!

If you can engrave the word "jun" on the tombstone after you die, you will be satisfied in this life. I'm really satisfied, and I don't have any other wishes!

She never dared to ask the Jun family to let you marry her inadvertently, and she didn't even dare to think so.

Because she knew how great the damage to the Jun family was, how serious the damage to the Jun family was, and the damage to the teenager in front of her...

But now, although Jun Moxie's three sentences are only two light words, in Han Yanyao's heart, it is as heavy as a mountain! Because this represents the recognition of the Jun family!

The people of the Jun family made a special trip to visit themselves.! H