The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 329 Sword Peak Collapses Snow Mountain!!

At this point, everyone was really surprised. They stood up one after another, looked around, looked at each other, and everyone's faces turned into a look of surprise!

At this time, the ground moved more violently, and the sound of rolling under the ground was also connected, and the mountain shook in an anpanse. What's going on?" What the hell is going on?" Everyone gathered together, opened their mouths, and asked one after another.

Mo Xiaoyao's pupils shrank, looked at Jianfeng, and suddenly roared, and his eyes froze almost in an instant: "Run, everyone! This sword peak is about to collapse!"

Because of his sudden appearance, the sword front is collapsing towards himself and others in an extremely slow degree! It's like a giant standing upright, slowly falling down. Although it is slow, it is clearly visible. However, it's late, everything is too late! Suddenly, there was a long roar in the air, and the roar was fierce, breaking through the clouds and fog, cutting through thousands of miles

A sound of Qingyue like a sword shocked the sky, shook the earth, and shocked the ancient and modern history. It was leisurely but majestic and exciting, echoing in thousands of mountains and raines, as if making a declaration to the whole world: "The mysterious beast has been punished by heaven, and the sword peak collapses the snow mountain! The oath is broken, and only I, Dongfang Yong

The majestic voice echoed between heaven and earth for a long time. At this moment, it even overwhelmed the chaotic and huge sound of the collapse of the sky and the earth!

In the tightening of Mo Xiaoyao's gallbladred pupil, he saw a small white shadow in the sky suddenly flying out with a sad long roar from the middle of the sword peak, and then collided like a meteor in the blink of an eye! The brilliant sword light bursts all over the sky!

It's like a blazing sun suddenly appeared in the air! Fly towards the front of the sword! Slamming! Hit it crazily!!

This collision is full of ulting determination, and the mountain that is slowly falling gives people a thrilling feeling of the end of the world!

It seems that today I have fallen into absolute rage at this moment, but it is absolutely still! The whole world was roaring everywhere, but Mo Xiaoyao didn't seem to hear any sound in his ears... His whole heart had been frightening by the sudden appearance of the shadow and sword light in the sky! This light is like the wrath of a god who can destroy the universe! A heavy death crisis weighed heavily on everyone's hearts! A roar then sounded, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky: "Collapse! Sword

A sudden tremor, Mo Xiaoyao's soul finally returned to his or her mind. He was about to crack and roared desperately. His voice had changed with fear, and it was sharp and sharp: "Everyone, let's go..."

With a bang, the white figure above has hit the already dangerous sword peak! Become the last straw that overwhelms the camel!

In the middle of the sword peak, a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose and rushed straight to the sky! Countless gravel collapses flew out, from small to large, and the flying flies in mid-air turned into oncoming huge meteors in the blink of an eye!

The slowly falling sword peak suddenly added, like a tractor starting, but suddenly turned into a Ferrari with all Mercedes-Benz accelerators to the end! With the absolute height of chasing the wind and electricity, with a kind of momentum of patting mosquitoes with Mount Tai, ruthlessly pressed down to the black spots below! This white shadow is Jun Mo Wu!

He reached the mountainside and then took action. After popping up, he first waved his sword crazily with the back collision. At this moment, his arms almost turned into a hurricane. The blood of the fire and yellow seemed to come to life completely with his excitement. The sword spirit was like a dragon roaring and a tiger, !

Almost in the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of swords were bombarded on the huge and friendless mountain of Jianfeng, and then the long sword was put away, with the overwhelming power of his palms, and bombarded crazily!

Almost in the time of taking a breath, hundreds of palms of the front and back bombarded the same part! It's like hundreds of sledgehammers weighing tens of thousands of catties, heavy bombardment in the same part! This is the wrath of thunder! This is the success of heaven and earth!

Jun Mo Wu is now a real second-level venerable cultivation! In addition, it has the powerful ability of Kaitian Creation! Even if there is no damage to the underground of Jianfeng, he can blow out a big hole!

What's more, it has been completely hollowed out by him under the sword peak now? It has demorphed into complete tofu dregs! What's more, the side of Jianfeng facing Mo Xiaoyao and others has been made a bottomless hole by Jun Moxie, hundreds of square meters... So hard work up and down...

The sword peak, which was slowly falling, suddenly accelerated and pushed the golden mountain down and smashed the jade pillar! Countless small hill-like stones and meteors rolled down from the top of the mountain first, hitting the ground like lightning and thunder!

On the ground, Mo Xiaoyao and others only felt that the original blue sky was dark in an all of an hour! The sword peak is as high as thousands of feet. Once it falls down, the coverage will naturally be vast and boundless! What's more, with the disintegration, the scope that can be covered has almost doubled and more!

Mo Xiaoyao and others were originally in the position of Jianjin. Now that they see the degree of the collapse of the sword peak, I'm afraid that more than 500 people, even if they have the cultivation of each saint, can never fly out of this category of death before the sword peak collapses!

In the face of such a shocking scene, more than 500 people in the three holy places ran away one by one. Whether they came to ambush in advance or later came to the brigade, they were all like a group of crazy ducks, running desperately with a swarm of bees!

What tasks and principles do you have to care about at this thorn? The most important thing is to escape your life! Everyone's face is full of panic, only the despair shrouded in the shadow of death, and the idea of being extradited by Huangquan has filled everyone's heart! Although everyone knows that all struggles are futile, everyone is trying to move their legs. People always cherish their lives. Even in the face of a desperate situation, there is no physiology, they still have to try their best to struggle. Even if it takes one more minute, or even a second, it is a good one r, ten...

This time, what self-restraint, demeanor, identity, and face have all been thrown out of the sky, one by one, they only hate their parents for having two legs less.

In the face of such a terrorist force that suddenly collapses in the natural environment, it can never be resisted by manpower. No matter how profound your cultivation is, you may not be sure that you can survive such a catastrophe! Mo Xiaoyao, Jia Qingyun and others almost spit out bleeding in winter! I didn't expect to be cheated! And it's such a miserable pit! Despicable! Shameless! You bastard! It's dirty!

Although they don't know how they can shake the huge peak that has existed in ancient times, but there is no such coincidence!

The appointment time has passed, but the other party did not even see the figure, but the people on their side who went to the appointment at the same time encountered such a deadly disaster, and the strange white shadow, all of which showed that this is the death trap set by the other party!

This inference is absolutely true!

This loss is a big loss!

While running with all their strength, the two of them almost vomited blood indignantly and blamed themselves: They knew that the other party's appointment was absolutely malicious, but everyone still insisted on their strong strength and came to the appointment without scruples! This is simply that he stretched out his neck and got under the gull raised by others, waiting to be slaughtered!

Mo Xiaoyao vomited blood in frustration! I was arrogant and resourceful all my life, but I overturned the sailboat in this small gutter, and I was unconsciously played by the other party between applause!

When I arrived here just now, I saw that the other party did not arrive on time, and I already realized that something was abnormal. At that time, I should retreat immediately! But although I felt something was wrong, I still didn't pay attention to it!

It's just that this change has become too outrageous, hasn't it? Can you blame me for this? Who the hell can think of a good mountain that will collapse? What kind of means does this have to cause such a terrible disaster? Is his grandfather dreaming?! Damn it, even if it's a nightmare... It can't be so "evil"! Mo Xiaoyao almost wanted to cry! What kind of luck is this?

In normal times, where do you need any venerable people to come out to support the scene? Any supreme master can sweep the world and dominate!

But now, I'm coming out with a group of venerable people and supremes, but I've come to such a bleak ending? I also planned to sweep away the heavenly punishment and Jun's family as soon as possible with the wind to sweep the fallen leaves, and then immediately return to the mountain to prepare for the upcoming war; but I never thought that the other party had made a big mountain to the top, and death was imminent! Is it really doomed this time, and it really turns into a meat pie?

Looking up at the huge mountain peaks getting closer and closer, Mo Xiaoyao finally cried out: Now it seems that it's an extravagant hope to turn into a meat pie. I'm afraid it will be completely crushed and directly turned into meat dregs. *** There is no need to chop the stuffing of dumplings, and it can be used ready

As a master of a fourth-level venerable generation, the law is really too aggrieved to be destroyed in this way. I'm not willing to..., ten...

Jia Qingyun, who was running, suddenly stopped and roared wildly: "No one should run away. The coverage of this mountain is too wide. It is impossible for us to get out before the mountain is at the top. Everyone gathered in one place, concentrated all their strength, and worked together to fight against this catastrophe, only to find a way to In the middle, or there is still some micro-life, if you still care about running for your life, everyone will really die and have no place to be buried!"

His voice is fast and urgent. Just listening to his voice, I feel a kind of taste that is about to vomit blood.

Mo Xiaoyao suddenly woke up and roared with the same voice!

These two people have reached the fourth level of the venerable level. How deep the Xuangong is. At this time, they roared with all their strength. Although there was a lot of chaos, the voice still shook the four fields, and everyone heard it in an instant.

But it's one thing to hear; it's another thing to be able to do it!

For a moment, two or three hundred people flew towards the two of them, but the rest of them still rushed around like headless flies and did their own things.

Especially those who are running in front, their cultivation of light kung fu is relatively high. They consciously use their own light kung fu or they can try their best to escape. At this moment, who cares about your venerable order? Just think that Mo Xiaoyao and Jia Qingyun are farting together, turning a deaf ear, and fleeing away with all Even if you hear it, you can't react! And the next ten... With a loud "bang", the whole ground suddenly trembled a few times, and the first big stone ended 1t; I'm going back to my hometown soon, haha, tomorrow is my father's birthday.

I will go back one night in advance to wish him a happy birthday. Well, careful friends can feel that Ling Tian Legend has also asked for leave this month. However, last year was November 22 of the lunar calendar, and this year it is November 21. Hey hey.

This is what we discussed together, because the birthday is Monday; tomorrow is Sunday, and everyone is free. It's more than one day in advance. My uncle's cousins and cousins all came back, as well as my cousins, and there were double-digit small radish heads... It should be very lively!

The update will be later tomorrow... If I need to ask for leave if I am drunk, I will take a single chapter in advance. But this possibility doesn't seem to be big... Because I'm so handsome that I don't get drunk...! H