The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 331 The army is coming!

"Good poem, what a good poem!" Jun Moxie said twice, shook his head and praised. I am very satisfied with my unprecedented literary talent.

This terrorist created the collapse of Jianfeng with one hand, causing an unprecedented landslide avalanche, and thus completely destroyed all the scenic spots of the whole snowy mountain, turning the wind and snow silver city of the world into fragments between the fingers, and he was still complacent...

Who the hell is this? What the hell is that?!

In the distance, the snow was bulging, and a black head appeared in the continuous squirming "brush", and the next moment another one appeared. Finally, as many as a hundred people gradually appeared. Everyone's face was dark, the corners of their mouths were bleeding, and their faces were fierce!

It was the people of the Xiao family. This group of people were escorted by the ten supremes of the three holy places to see the people and horses who were ready to ambush the Jun family and the mysterious beast, but they were also affected because they were close to them! Although he was not crushed to death, such a strong shock to the extreme, because of the inferior strength of this group of people, many people also died!

This group attacked a total of 300 people, and about 70 or 80 people were killed on the spot by the splashed boulders. Even if they were lucky enough not to die, almost everyone was injured, and then 40 or 50 people were killed by the aftershock... Now the survivors are less than half of the total, and there are still no Less disability...

There are also many people who are seriously injured and can't get out of the bottom after the avalanche, and they are still struggling below, but at this moment, the people who have finally climbed up are all at a loss, but how can there be enough to save them? So that part of people seems to be almost dead! Anyway, I definitely can't live!

Xiao Xingyun, the most powerful boss of the Xiao family, crawled out tremblingly and looked at the tragic elephant in front of him, and his face was full of shock! But when he looked back and saw the other side of Fengxue Silver City, he suddenly laughed wildly and shouted, "Hahaha... That's great! If our Xiao family can't get it, can your Han family possess it permanently? Haha, it's finally ruined. It's ruined! It's ruined! Everyone is separated. It's just right! Go to your mother's Wind and Snow Silver City, hahahaha... cool, cool, 1: 1!! lL.. R...."

He shouted there, jumped his feet and roared like a madman.

The other people who drilled out were even bleeding in their ears, and their eardrums had been shaken. They couldn't hear what he was calling at all. They just watched him jump like a madman and closed their mouths, as if they were watching the pantomime.

In fact, even if Xiao Xingyun himself can't hear what he is shouting, but he roars crazily as if he is lost! This can be said to be an old man who has planned for a lifetime and is determined to win the throne. He can be called a generation of heroes! If he hadn't met Jun Mo Wu! He is very likely to succeed! But he is so unlucky! However, I met such a doomed evil star!

First, he was disabled by Master Jun's grandson, abolished his great-grandson, and planned to kill his own brother. Now, under the design of Jun Mobang, he killed his two direct brothers with his own hands, and, at the closest to success, the painstaking efforts of his life were destroyed by the sudden reversal!

The mental and physical blows came one after another, which had already overwhelmed him! Such waves of blows made him collapse directly. Now he sees that the silver city, which he regards as his lifelong goal, has turned into a pile of rubble in the moment, and finally he can't help but be a little out of his mind...

No one else intervened. All his painstaking efforts, all his relatives, all his ideals and goals, and all his plots were destroyed in the hands of the same person: Jun Moxie!

Xiao Xingyun is finished!

Nowadays, Xiao Xingyun is no longer the scheming and scheming conspirator in the past. He has completely disintegrated his soul in his life, and it's completely over!

Looking at Xiao Xingyun, who laughed and had no Xuangong master demeanor, and the masters above the three holy places who were responsible for monitoring the Xiao family all looked at each other silently and shook their heads.

Seeing a group of people like ducks who were stunned by the thunder, several people sighed together. If there are enemies coming now, how can they fight in such a state? Even if you barely drive the battle, how much combat power can you exert?

The leader of several masters in the three holy places waved his hand to a party to move their skills on the spot, grasping all the current time to recover as soon as possible. Even if it can't be in the best state, it is necessary to restore the minimum hearing first. This feeling of near deafness is really too uncomfortable... I don't know how The ten supreme masters belonging to the Holy Land recovered first. Although their heads were still buzzing, they could at least hear each other's voices... "Let the two of them here!" Everyone else should go and have a look. They don't know what's going on. I hope they..." Eight people flew over together like a meteor. At a glance, they all beat up

On the ground, there was an extra mountain like a horizontal mountain range, a hundred feet high, with stumped boulders, and occasionally there was a cluttering sound. It was some boulders that had not completely stopped shaking freely...

Next to the mountains, there are several huge cracks, which are dark and bottomless. Obviously, they appear because of the violent shaking... There is no figure nearby... All the masters of the three holy places have disappeared... Eight people stood in front of the mountain, dumb as a wooden chicken! Looking at this huge mountain, everyone is full of cold vests. The current situation is really not optimistic! There is no doubt that Mo Xiaoyao and others should be under pressure here!

However, with the analysis of such phenomena in front of us, none of the eight people still have too much hope for the fact that Mo Xiaoyao is still alive.

One of them happened to be almost killed by a landslide when he was chasing Chu's crying soul that day. Thinking about that time, his power was at least a hundred times smaller than this time, and he was smashed like that. Although the strength of Mo Xiaoyao and others is not comparable to himself, his strength may not be higher than his own Well, this disaster is really hard to suffer!

This is not something that anyone can resist! No matter how strong the personal force is, in front of such the power of heaven and earth, it is just a fart! There is basically no need to think much about the result this time. In short, it is not optimistic... These eight people stood in a daze, sweating like pulp!

I can't believe that such a powerful strength, a total of 500 supremes, the four venerable people, just blink their mother's kung fu is over! This is too unbelievable!

Suddenly, there was a faint sound of slight vibration under the ground, as if someone was swinging a sledgehammer underneath and hitting the ground fiercely...

"Sir, they are not dead yet!" In the face of such a change, eight people couldn't help shouting in surprise! They fell to the ground one after another, put their ears to the ground, and carefully listened to which direction the subtle sound came from, so that they could respond outside.

As we all know, even if Mo Xiaoyao is lucky not to die for the time being, the air below must be thin, and I'm afraid that he will be afraid of death after a long time! This kind of rescue work is naturally as fast as possible. Even if it is delayed in the blink of an eye, people will die...

After listening carefully for a while, the eight people said Yuanyu at the same time: the slight knocking sound below clearly came from the center of the mountain... If you want to save them, I'm afraid you have to remove these big stones before you have a chance!

Looking at the horizontal mountain, all eight people had numb scalps. Even if it is a relatively small stone, I'm afraid it will weigh thousands of catties. As for the relatively large ones... I'm afraid that millions of pounds of scales can collapse...

"From the crack! Dig in diagonally!" One of them was more dexterous and suggested. The other seven people couldn't help but be overjoyed when they heard the words. In this way, although the distance is more distant, the relative speed will be much faster...

No further delay, the eight people quickly began to act. A place was selected dozens of feet below the crack, a hole that could stand out, and then began to dig!

The eight people had little discussion, so they completed the division of labor: four people dug gravel, and four people shipped them out one by one.

These eight people are all masters above the supreme. Under the full operation, they are at the crack. In addition, the earth and stone at the crack is relatively soft, so that the progress is still quite fast!

As both sides are used at the same time, the faint knocking sound has become relatively becoming more and more obvious... But it can also be noticed that the action over there is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems that the people over there have gradually exhausted all their strength...

Eight people are working crazily, trying their best to create the maximum penetrating movement to let them know that they and others are trying to figure it out... At this moment, it suddenly got dark! There is no light in the dark! It's just early morning. It's just dawn and the sun hasn't come out yet. Why is it getting dark? The eight people were strangely tight, and suddenly heard the desperate screams of the left-behind side!

Quickly, a guy in charge of transportation ran out and showed his head. He shouted, his lips were black and white, and his whole body trembled all over, and his words stammered and changed his tone:

One day, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one,

"What's the end of the sky?" In addition to the four people who were still digging the hole, the other seven people also went to the mouth of the cave one after another. After seeing it, the three of them sat on the ground, moaning like a funeral: "It's over... It's over..."

But in the distance of the sky, there is an extremely large number of cranes, with hundreds of cranes, neatly arranged, flying from the direction of sunrise! What's wrong with the crane group? Will so many masters above the supreme be afraid of cranes? The problem is that those cranes are clearly all level 9 peak mysterious beasts!

Each of them is a dragon spirit and a fierce tiger, with wings spread out seven or eight feet, and the pointed mouth is like a sharp blade; the thick claws are full of strength, and the tip of the claws is full of the cold light! The huge red eyes are full of fierceness and cruelty! It shines bloodthirsty.

These eight masters above the Supreme have not seen so many nine-level mysterious beasts before. With this lineup, it is estimated that we will have to be torn to pieces by others. This is not over, and what's more terrible is still behind!

On the back of these nine-level peak cranes, there are all big men one by one, Qi: halberd, five big and three thick, wild and unruly brilliance in the eyes flashing fiercely, with a face of choosing people! Eight people are clear at a glance. This is not an ordinary human being. Obviously, it is a mysterious beast that has successfully transformed into shape!

I'm not my sun! Why are there so many for the time being... Isn't this rude? I don't believe that even the sun has reported it... l; I just came back from my birthday. Well, with my generous drinking capacity, I will naturally not get drunk.

The update is a little slow these days. Everyone can see that the plot of Wind and Snow Silver City is coming to an end. Next is the more ** battle to seize the sky! And this is also my biggest headache, and everyone naturally knows the reason.

I'm thinking about how to keep the original taste, but not to involve ***... So I really have a headache these days! If you don't write a book, you don't know what it's like... Or the authors know that if the plot is set for a year, the ** plot that has been planned for a year will suddenly change, what kind of feeling is it?

I feel so uncomfortable that I want to hit the wall and scratch my hair! Really! Looking at the outline of the battle for the sky set before, a sense of depression rushed straight to the head...

So I need to think carefully, carefully... sigh, indicating that I need help. I hope you can leave a message in the book review area, and I will read them carefully one by one. This is a big problem. I hope we can spend it together.

Well, about that matter, let's not scold or say anything. Let's just go. Many brothers have been banned, which makes me very uncomfortable. We ignore the wind and rain, and we can also overcome the difficulties!

Everyone, help me! I am in great need of your help! Thank you!?! C