The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 342 Ten years of separation and meeting again!

As soon as he said this, Jun Moxie was shocked and looked up. Yunbiechen testified to the three people, Han Fengxue and Li Juetian, and let the Oriental family make that oath! I didn't expect him to appear here again at this critical moment of your family's revenge!

Mei Xueyan's eyes shot like lightning! What she saw was not Yun Biechen, but the rough man around Yun Biechen! The big body shook. Looking up, when he touched Mei Xueyan's cold eyes, his strong body suddenly trembled and shrank, and his eyes were full of panic and guilt...

In the mysterious beast group, the Peng group suddenly burst into a shocking roar, rolling around the wind and clouds. But this roar has not yet reached the commanding height. Mei Xueyan has become extremely angry. Her eyes are horizontal, and the strong momentum has rushed over crazily and domineeringly, rushing into Peng Qun, and mercilessly under the hood!

With a bang, the group of Peng suddenly dared not even breathe one by one. Unexpectedly, they were suppressed by this unprecedentedly powerful king's momentum and spread their wings and fell on the snow, trembling all over, like ** one ▲r, eleven

"What are you shouting about there? Since the day he left the heavenly punishment, he will no longer be your king, and he will never be again!" Facing Peng Qun, Mei Xueyan's voice was flat, but the meaning in her words was decisive: "Now he is just a complete traitor!" If there is a day of hostility to each other, the moment of meeting on the narrow road is even more of an sworn enemy! What else do you want to cheer for?

"Big boss, you..." The big man shouted sadly, suddenly ran out, ran all the way to the front of the mysterious beasts, stood trembling all over, and stopped abruptly, just because he no longer existed in the eyes of his former partners!

Mei Xueyan looked at the watchman in the direction of Fengxue Silver City in the distance, and it seemed that she did not find that there was one more person in front of her at all; He Chongxiao's expression was very complicated, he lowered his head, and Xiong Kaishan turned away; Hu Lidi and Hou Qi and others shouted "Bah Spit, Qi Qi turned around.

These simple-minded beast kings, they only know that the former second brother, the former Peng King, has already left the Heavenly Punishment Forest, deviated from his responsibilities, and betrayed the legacy of his ancestors. "That is a complete traitor, no longer their brother!

What's more, it's a great shame to treat a human as a human being as the king of heavenly punishment beasts!

With Mei Xueyan's words, the birds no longer had the previous joy, and their eyes were full of anger, especially the Peng kings who had just emerged from the Peng clan. Looking at the eyes of the Peng kings in the past, they were full of anger and contempt, and a little sadness!

"Heavenly punishment is always heavenly punishment! Heaven punishes high-level mysterious beasts and can become friends with people. Even if it is not too much to know how to make friends, it must not be a servant of human beings! If a friend is in trouble, righteousness can be helped, but after the end of the matter, it is still a mysterious beast punished by heaven. Even the king of beasts can't break this case! What we pursue from beginning to end is equality with human beings! It is by no means enslaved! Tramped on! We, who have contributed the most to the battle for the sky, just to prove that the mysterious beast is no worse than human beings, or even stronger!"

I can't remember the words left by a Heavenly Punishment senior many generations ago. And this passage makes the heavenly punishment beasts, which have been discriminated against, have always been regarded as the golden law, firmly engraved in the heart of every generation of mysterious beasts!

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, after ten thousand years, there are very few natural punishments of mysterious beasts that have become human mounts! It can even be said that it is almost unique! Until Mei Xueyan's generation, there was a single-digit number! Heaven punished the king of Peng and violated this clear taboo with great fanfare! In addition to the punishment of heaven, this Mr. Peng became the mount of the first supreme Yunbiechen.

So Mei Xueyan's plan is unacceptable! Such a huge shame happened in the era of his own rule of heavenly punishment! And even after he was injured and closed, when he was punished by the king of Peng - temporarily acting in charge today, he gave up his pick and became a human mount!

The heavenly punishment of all beasts is even more unacceptable. During the period when Mei Xueyan closed and swallowed and Peng Wang accidentally left the heavenly punishment, the heavenly punishment forest fell into the weakest and darkest time since the name of the heavenly punishment of the fierce place. Many high-level mysterious beasts also had accidents during this period, and even the beast king fell In the name of heaven's punishment, it is almost true! This is definitely something that all the heavenly punishment beasts can't understand and can't forgive! Whatever the reason!

King Peng trembled and stood in front of the iron-walled mysterious beasts. In the face of his partners who once took care of each other and shared life and death, he clearly felt a great alienation and an indescribable rejection! Those brothers who used to be close relatives and brothers who got along with each other day and night are looking at themselves like the sharpest knife at this moment. Those nine-level peak flying mysterious beasts that have not yet been transformed even exploded with hair all over their bodies, staring at themselves hostilely! He knew very well that it was a gesture of preparing to fight!

Looking at the scene in front of him, he knows more clearly that this group can never go back in his life! I will never go back!

For a moment, King Peng's face was like dead ashes, and he staggered back step by step. His burly body, at this moment, was like a loser in the wind, wandering and helpless, withered and decayed... The people in the Silver City finally came to the front. The first person was Han Yan-Yao, holding four spiritual positions in her arms!

Since she got off the sword peak, she made these four spiritual positions overnight and worshipped them. In today's battle, no matter whether the Jun family wins or loses, she will come out with these four spiritual positions! If the Jun family is unfortunately defeated, she will hold the spiritual position and have no intention of going to Huangquan with you! If the sky has eyes, the Jun family will finally win, this is the spiritual position that needs to be sacrificed with the blood of the Xiao family! The unyielding heroic soul!

There are two ways to win or lose, but she has turned these two paths into one!

"Dad! Mother!" (Mother) Han Yanmeng shouted in surprise and ran over with his feet. All the way to Xue Yuqing's arms, the city owner's wife Xue Yuqing hugged her long-lost little daughter tightly and was overjoyed.

"Good boy, my little dream... Mother's heart, my mother will see you again..." Xue Shuangqing picked up his daughter and looked carefully at her daughter's beautiful little face. She wanted to see if her daughter was wandering outside during this period. Is it black or thin... Is it a condescension? One one one one one

In the past few months, for this missing daughter, Xue Shuang doesn't know how many times she has tried to break her soft intestines early in the morning. Now that her daughter has finally returned un safe and sound, she wants to take a good look and be intimate.

To her surprise, her little daughter was neither thin nor black, but more or more plump. Her snow-white face showed two healthy blushes. Between the flow of the eyes, there was more shyness that she didn't have before... shyness? Xue Yanqing was stunned.

At this moment, Han Yanmeng gathered to his mother's ear as if offering a treasure, and whispered

"Mom... Look, that boy is Jun Mo Wu, hee hee, I've been living in his house for the past few months. This guy is really abominable. He is obviously the nephew of Jun Sange. He should have called me a little aunt, but he cheated me into betting with him, and he had to say that I . R. . . . "

Xue Weiqing looked at his daughter and said at a long story. Although he seemed to be dissatisfied in the words f6, his eyes were full of joy and a little embarrassed. The feeling of satisfaction overflowing from his heart was uncovered at all. He couldn't help but sink in his heart and sighed feebly...

Jun's family... Is it really a bottomless hole? Are you going to trap both of your two daughters? And this boy is still your unintentional nephew... It's so bad...

On the other side, Dongfang Wenxin and Jun inadvertently have been rescued by Jun Moxie with spiritual power, but they can't help crying. The holy color of the third master of Jun has returned to indifference, but Kuang's two lines of tears are a sign of no end.

Han Yanyao slowly came over with the spiritual position in her arms, with only sadness on her face. Her long hair fluttered in the wind and snow, and her lips trembled. She wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything. She just quietly looked at Dongfang Wenxin, who was in extreme sadness, and then knelt

"Sister-in-law... I'm sorry for you... I'm sorry for you... I really deserve to die... It's me! Why am I still alive? So people who don't deserve to die and suffer are innocently implicted, but I, the culprit, is still alive and free in the world. I... I'm the most damned one..."

Dongfang Wenxin sighed, suppressed his sadness, wiped away the tears on his face, and choked = "Sister, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one Over the years... I have also suffered..."

Dongfang Wenxin's voice trembled. As soon as a sentence was over, the two suddenly hugged each other and cried loudly again.

For a long time, the two separated under the persuasion of others. Han Yanyao was pulled up by Dongfang Wenxin, and the two stood side by side. Jun's unintentional eyes have never left the beautiful woman since Han Yanyao appeared. In this 1, the eyes of the two finally met.

But it was just a slight touch, but it moved away as quickly as a horror. Their eyes were full of tears in an instant. Just that gentle touch, both of them felt the deep sadness in each other's eyes, and the unspeakable guilt as deep as the sea and as heavy as a mountain!

In an instant, the two hearts of the two people are in pain as if they were torn!

Ten years of separation of Laoyan, ten years of carved lovesickness, ten years of spring and autumn, the sea has almost turned into mulberry fields, will it be different?! This pair of beloved lovers finally met again, crossed thousands of difficulties and dangers, experienced thousands of tortures, and finally came to this moment of reunion! But they didn't dare to look into each other's eyes...

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