The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 344 The Desire of Hongjun Tower!-

For a long time, Dongfang Wenxin took the lead in slowly standing up, wiped the tears off his face, and smiled and said, "Everyone get up. I have thanked everyone's intentions on behalf of the congenital, the second uncle and the deceased. It's snowy, don't catch a cold. Unintentionally, I led everyone up. This time, I came here and got two major events. At this moment, the blood feud is over, and it's time to talk about the marriage with the younger sister-in-law. You can go to the owner of the cold city, take the younger sister-in-law back, and hold the long-lost From then on, you two should love each other, hold hands, and grow old together! This is also the most happy thing for my father-in-law and me, no regrets and no dreams!"

You didn't mean to be shocked all over, and Huo Ran looked up: "Sister-in-law! I..." "This is my sister-in-law's order. At this moment, my sister-in-law represents the Jun family and your eldest brother! The eldest brother is the father, and the eldest sister-in-law is better than the mother! Do you dare to disagree? Do you dare not listen?"

Dongfang Wenxin didn't let him have a chance to speak again, and said majestically, "Your eldest brother's greatest wish in life is to see that you grow up, become an indomitable hero, have a family and a career, and be happy! Do you want your eldest brother not to rest in the spirit of heaven?"

Jun was inadvertently stunned. He was stunned for a long time. Suddenly, he hit his head on the ground fiercely and sobbed: "Big brother..." Suddenly he fell to the ground and cried again...

Han Yanyao knelt on the snow, suddenly climbed a few steps on her knees, and hugged Dongfang Wenxin's legs) cried loudly = "Sister-in-law, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, >

Dongfang Wenxin smiled gently, reached out and pulled her up vigorously, gently wiped away her tears, and said anguly, "Silly girl, since you call me sister-in-law, say thank you... What's more, making you two happy is also your eldest brother's lifelong wish. You don't deserve it. Don't Just an ignorant third brother..."

Song Yanyao shed tears and could no longer speak. She just nodded repeatedly, and finally burst into tears. She fell on the shoulder of Dongfang Wen's heart and cried bitterly...

At this time, Jun Moxie has stood in front of Hanzhan Meng, and next to the owner of the cold city is the old city owner Han Fengxue, the wife of the city owner, and Yunbiechen! Mei Xueyan fluttered and stood behind Jun Mobang.

"The Han family is not responsible for the crime of the Xiao family! In those years, the affairs of the Oriental family were suppressed by the three supreme forces, and finally contributed to it. This matter is really unfair! Therefore, I once proposed last time that in view of the third uncle and Sanna, we don't want to take revenge on Yincheng, but we want an explanation. I don't know if the owner of the cold city has considered what you said? Can you still make this justice? Jun Moxie said this sentence without being humble or arrogant.

"Silver City... Ha ha, what other Silver City is there now?" The owner of the cold old city looked sad. He looked back at the broken tiles of the full day hidden in the wind and snow in the distance, and there was a trace of decadence on his face. After he was distracted for a while, he turned his head, looked at Jun Moxie, and said slowly, "That day, after the dream went back, I was made clear to the request of the third young master. I thought for a long time. Anyway, the Han family did owe the Jun family a justice on that day. It's natural to pay off the debt. Naturally, it is to give you the Jun family an explanation!"

The cold wind and snow-white beard floated in the wind, but the voice was heavy: "The silver city has been passed down to this generation, and the dream is cut down; there are only two women, and cigarettes can be counted as this! But Silver City can't be destroyed! Therefore, I decided that after Yan Yao and you had no intention of getting married, their descendants would inherit the foundation of Silver City! On the one hand, there is someone to follow in Silver City, and on the other hand, it is also an explanation to your Jun family! Is Jun San Shao satisfied with such a statement? When the cold wind and snow talk, the expression is very tragic!

No matter how powerful and domineering the king's family is, Fengxue Silver City has always been surnamed Han! No one can take this! No matter how humble it is, it is also its own foundation!

But if you let your unintentional son inherit it, then Fengxue Silver City will become the foundation of the Jun family! It is almost equivalent to packing the whole Wind and Snow Silver City to the Jun family! Such a grand explanation is simply out of the way of Jun and the \} Wu Prep!

Jun Moxie had a big accident here. Besides, this matter has involved Jun's intention. No matter how strong he is as a junior, he can't make his own decision. He hurriedly turned around to discuss with Dongfang Wenxin and others.

When Dongfang Wenxin heard about this matter, it was also unexpected. He and Jun quickly exchanged a few opinions and finally made a decision. It can be faintly seen that you have a little shameless look on your face, but it is also eliminated immediately.

"The Lord of the cold old city is so righteous that our royal family is very grateful and dares to be honored. I discussed it with my third brother. Decided to accept the kindness of the owner of the old city! After unintentionally marrying Yan Yao, if there is only one son, the surname will be Jun, and he will inherit Yincheng! If there are two sons, the second son will change his surname to Han, and the second son will inherit Yincheng! How about the idea of the unknown old city? Dongfang said with a smile. The cold wind and snow looked shocked. Huo Ran opened his eyes and looked at Dongfang in surprise: "Is this true?"

In his heroic life, the biggest regret is that he has never had a chance to make Sun Yile, and no male grandson inherits the foundation of Yincheng. In the old man's heart, although his granddaughter is also the same treasure, she will eventually marry a woman and become someone else.

At this moment, it is said that the inheritance of Silver City will be given to the Jun family, and it is nothing more than a helpless move! Although it is this statement, it also continues the arrival of Yincheng. After all, even if Han Yanyao married you unintentionally, half of the children born are still from the Han family!

At this moment, as soon as I heard the way mentioned by the East, I couldn't help but get excited! With his Xuangong and cultivation, he should not have been so excited, but the joy of the successor still made him unable to be arrogant. The older people are, the more they look forward to the fallen leaves returning to their roots, and the more they look forward to the prosperity of their descendants! This may be the common problem of all the elderly in the world...

"Of course it's true! Our two families are already in-laws. Anyway, they are both children of Yan Yao. Even if they are surnamed Han and Jun, can they not be unintentional children? How big the difference can it be. Dongfang Wenxin said with a smile.

Dongfang Wenxin's words are too "conternal". If you want to know the surname of the off-law, unless you are a son-in-law, you will always follow your father's surname. There is a truth of following the mother's surname. Even if the power behind the mother's line is, it is difficult to change

Making such a decision also gives great face to the Han family! In addition, it is also to make Han Yanyao feel more comfortable... It is the finishing touch to resolve the feud between the two families.

When the cold wind and snow heard this unexpected surprise, they were happy and said, "It's good!" With that, rubbing his fists and palms, it was obvious that he couldn't wait. She shouted, "Yaoer, now that you have got what you want, you have to fight out and quickly give me a few great-grandchildren, haha...

There was laughter all around, and Han Yanyao suddenly blushed, blushed in embarrassment and lowered her head. In front of so many people, she was really embarrassed... How could this grandpa speak so unstoppable... He stamped his feet vigorously, but died, and did not dare to look up...

I was shy and angry, but I felt that my little hand was suddenly shaken by a big hand. The warm big hand seemed to be with some temptation, and I didn't dare to work hard. It seemed that I was ready to pull back my hand the next moment...

Han Yanyao peeked at it and saw that Jun was inadvertently calm and stood beside her. Han Yanyao couldn't help gritting her teeth. Her little hand quietly trembled and shook back. She grabbed the gentle big hand, held it tightly, and never let go of it again...

You didn't mean to be shocked all over. It seems to be familiar and quite strange. It has been more than ten years, but the unprecedented warm feeling comes to my heart...

Seeing that the big thing was over, Jun Moxie couldn't wait to turn back to the fragrance, but just as he was about to speak, it was the time when Han Fengxue had just listened to Dongfang Wenxin's words, and his whole body was shocked!

At this moment, Jun Moxie suddenly felt a burst of dizziness. The Hongjun Tower, which had fallen into dormancy in the sea of consciousness, suddenly rotated with a "buzz" sound, and the rotation speed was strange! It faintly reveals an extremely urgent look...

There is another great gravitational force, pulling his own body towards the cold wind and snow. As long as you turn around, you will have a splitting headache immediately!

How could this happen? Hongjun Tower is actually very domineering and rudely involving his body and leaning towards that side, and there is no room for discussion at all! This kind of spontaneous action is unprecedented!

I'm wrong! Aren't you full? Why do you suddenly come out to make trouble now? This is the time to die! An inch of time and an inch of gold!

"Brother Ta, I have something urgent to rush back to Tianxiang now. The situation over there is really critical! Can't you sleep well? Why do you have to pull me like this?" Jun Moxie prayed silently in his heart. But the Hongjun Tower is not affectionate at all. Most of them are stubborn, and I do what I want!

"***, aren't you full? Then you just need to digest well. You can eat, drink and rest. It's better than anything else. What do you have to restrict me? Tianxiang over there is: L Wanhuo's urgent event, one step behind may be that heaven and man will be separated forever!" Jun Moxie is a little angry.

Hongjun Tower rotates more rapidly, and the strong and inexplicable gravity is getting stronger and stronger! Jun Moxie stood in place, wanted to resist this force, and then immediately returned to the sky! But the more he resisted, the greater the reaction of this force, and then his face turned pale.

sighed helplessly. Jun Moxie took a few steps closer to the body of the spring cold wind and snow. Since he wanted to get closer, just get closer! So once Master Jun took these steps, he almost stood face to face with the owner of the old city...

Hongjun Tower is even more excited, an emotion of urgent desire clearly reflects the bottom of Jun Moxie's heart!

It's actually the feeling of the continuation of the soul jade, and there are other inexplicable powerful forces! Jun Moxie can clearly sense this point! Even, although the smell on the cold wind and snow is relatively weak, it can be sensed that it is not what it naturally has, but stays in a place full of soul jade for a long time to carry this unique breath!

l; Recommend a new book: Fenwu Demon Girl's l; The Law of Survival g;, hehe, who is the demon master, I don't think I need to introduce it. The military text written by this guy is unique.

Hey hey, I remember that in Shanghai this year, this guy was severely killed by me. He asked me and the knife to wash my feet. I'm a rural child and I don't understand. He asked me, do you want essential oil? I said, yes! After a while, he asked again: Do you want essential oil? I said: Yes! It was not until I used several kinds that I was surprised. Q: How many kinds of essential oils are there? How long will it take to finish? The buddy who washed my feet said: There are a hundred and ten kinds in total... I'm cold... Do you want money? The guy said that there must be an extra charge. So I fainted.

Sure enough, when the demon Shao went to pay the bill, I could see that the big red face immediately turned black, and the stingy hand that took out the wallet was a little shivering... In fact, I really didn't mean to... That night, the demon master gritted his teeth and asked me to treat him, saying that he

I took them and turned left and right. I found a farmhouse restaurant. I got in and spent 98 yuan on a meal, which was not enough for a bottle of essential oil... I still remember the resentful eyes of the demon Shao... I'm sleepy. √ He is to be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in. M Chapter More, support the author, support the genuine reading!) F