The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 5 Difficult to travel through the ground!

Yin and Yang escape, the power of earth, the two magic means launched at the same time, Jun Moxie has fallen to the depths of the earth in the blink of an eye! And this position happens to be the bottom of the core position of the Silver City Hall! Last time, the supernatural power that Jun Moxie once sensed was emanating from here!

Sure enough, only ten people entered the ground, and Jun Moxie had already felt the Hongjun Tower in his mind spinning at a high speed again, with an extremely strong sense of exhilaration! Moreover, the sticky feeling that I had felt before has become stronger again!

It seems that the whole underground is full of a large swamp, and I am trapped in it, and I can only struggle to move forward!

"You're excited, but you're just excited! This is under the ground. It's not that you don't know how much spiritual power it takes to operate the yin and yang escape and the power of the earth at the same time? What's more, every step you need to break through this unimaginable sticky resistance. If you don't work hard, how can I stand it by myself? Brother, do you want to play me to death?

Jun Moxie complained in his mind that this is not alarmist. If there is no support of Hongjun Tower, with the support of Master Jun's own skill alone, it is difficult to maintain it for a long time. Once the power is overdrawn, no matter how magical the yin and yang escape and the power of the earth are, without the spiritual Someone directly had a cup... But Hongjun Tower still didn't move at all for a day. He just rotated in a hurry and looked forward to it excitedly, but there was no sign of opening the door to release aura... It seems that this girl is still full and has not digested it.

Jun Moxie sighed sadly, evil! It seems that you must be self-reliant and work hard to save all resources. I hope you can support the destination!

It's just the support of the old man. The real most relieved thing is... This entrepreneurship seems to be created for Hongjun Tower. How many benefits can I get? It's really a two-hearted thing to say... This makes Master Jun a little unbalanced...

In the spirit of never wasting, he only took one step in each of the four directions, and Jun Moxie made a decision: drill in the northwest direction! Because in that direction, the breakthrough is the most difficult of the four directions, and the degree of viscosity is clear that if there is really good things here, it must be there! I didn't say anything, I'm fighting! If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent! Jun Moxie took a deep breath, and his whole body suddenly rotated rapidly in the soil layer. The faster he turned, the faster he gradually formed a whirlwind. Just as the turn reached the highest speed, his body suddenly tilted, and it was actually across the soil layer, and then his feet kicked fiercely on the soil layer behind him, and the whole person was like _ The arrow of the string flew out at once! The front end of Master Jun's head is like a high-speed rotating drill bit at this moment, which is also the most labor-saving method that Jun Moxie thought of all the way at the beginning!

This is about a distance of more than ten feet away! Jun Moxie only felt that his scalp was hot because of the high-speed rotating friction, and his scalp had a bad feeling of baking on the volcano.

I can't help muttering in my heart: Shit, my brother's hair won't be ruined like this, will it? That's too heartbreaking... Although the hair is a little long now, a little in the way, if it becomes bald... it's too indecent...

The rotation gradually weakened, and finally stopped. Jun Moxie turned around and stood still again. The first thing he did was to touch the top of his head. Finally, I was relieved. Well, the hair is still hair, but it was a little curled by the sudden heat friction. This is a new discovery. I don't know if I can derive the perm technology with this means...

At the same time, Jun Mo calculated the distance and couldn't help smacking his tongue secretly. With such momentum, if it is in the air, I'm afraid I can at least rush out more than a hundred feet away! But in this underground, it is only a short journey of twelve or three feet!

And - and in the current position, the viscous force is stronger, and the resistance is greater. It seems to be like a huge silkworm cocoon, which is tightly tied up in it, and there is a feeling that it is very difficult to move your fingers!

Jun Moxie tried to carry the luck and absorbed the travel energy here, but found that it could not be absorbed at all. It seems that this resistance is not the general aura mutation condensation of heaven and earth, but a mysterious force that he does not know!

There's nothing we can do. Let's continue to drill!

Jun Moxie is also fierce. If you don't believe me, I can't get through it! I have never believed in evil! I'm with you!

Run the Xuangong of heaven and creation again, and improve his strength. Jun Moxie closed his mouth, gritted his teeth, step by step, one by one, inch by inch, squeezed over... for a long time...

Jun Moxie no longer cares about any elegant posture. He sat on the ground, gasped heavily, sweating on his head, and filled with white steam, which was instantly absorbed by the earth! This is also too difficult... Mr. Jun was a little helpless. At the beginning, he could still take a big step forward. Although the resistance was a little big, he was not completely unable to move forward, but when he got here, he directly shortened it into an inch by inch!

The movement is also moving, but there is another great rebound force in it! Almost an inch forward, if you can't immediately use a thousand catties to stabilize your body, you will be shocked by that anti-bi force! If it hadn't been for Jun Mo Wu's rapid reaction, I'm afraid he would have been bounced back countless times... Then he wouldn't have made any more plans today! Now, I'm really a little exhausted!

Even with his current Venerable second-level strong power, coupled with the abnormal effect of Kaitian Creation Gong, as well as the unimaginable imperial ability of Yin and Yang Dun and the Power of Earth, he has only advanced less than 50 feet in such a long time! In addition, the twelve feet rotated at the beginning, which is a distance of about 60 feet at most! To put it more plainly, it is 180 meters!

Now Jun Mo Wu can vaguely feel that it seems that the core of the strange power should not be far away. It is estimated that it will be a few feet if it is a little conservative. But these feet are as far away as thousands of mountains and rivers! It's really close to the world!

There is a kind of inexplicable rotation force, such as viscous, beam array, rebound, and even forward. There are swirls and swirls. No matter how you spin, it is the kind of power that makes people lose balance involuntarily!

Jun Mo Wu is completely sure that if he hadn't had the magical power of yin and yang escape and the power of earth, if ordinary people came here, even if the strong man of the holy king level came in person, it would never have been possible to move forward!

This kind of power is really strange!

But Jun Mo Wu also thought of another point at the same time: since there is such a strange and powerful force to protect this place, how will the things inside be against the sky?

On the other hand, in fact, this is also logical: if it hadn't been for something powerful and extremely precious, would Hongjun Tower be so urgent? In terms of the picky eating degree of Hongjun Tower, how can what makes him so long for be Fan~w?

After a break, Jun Moxie finally began his next effort! At present, he temporarily lost the powerful supplement of Hongjun Tower, so Jun Mo Wu had to work hard to open the sky, and even he could feel the whistling sound when the spiritual energy flowed in the meridians! This feeling is very cool! But Jun Mo Wu disappeared, and the Eagle King, Xue Shuangqing and others above were anxious.

Xue Yingqing is wondering: Why is my future good son-in-law missing? What's so good about this? And those questions haven't been asked clearly!

The Eagle King is even more anxious: his brother-in-law is missing! Where the hell have you been? Dizzy, I thought it would be good to follow my brother-in-law alone this time, and I can also eat alone... Unexpectedly, after following him for a long time, my brother-in-law suddenly disappeared... What should I do! Jun Mo Wu's disappearance is directly for three days!

Only the city owner Han Zhanmeng has one more heart. He said in his heart that this haunted guy will not touch the biggest secret of our silver city, will he? Although he knew it was impossible, he secretly went in and looked at it several times. There was still only his father, Han Fengxue, who was alone in it, without any abnormality. In the face of his old father's stunned eyes, Han Zhanmeng was released, and at the same time, he couldn't help wondering: Where on earth did this boy slip It seems that there is nothing else in Silver City that he can like, right?

No one expected that Jun Moxie was underground and fought tenaciously with that strange mysterious force for three days!

Three whole days!

As the last day has passed, Jun Moxie at this moment is almost like a catfish that has been thrown ashore for a long time. He is completely exhausted, but it is finally determined that it is only less than half a meter away from breaking through this damn power!

At the west, the strange rebound force seems to be extremely strong! Jun Mo Wu didn't dare to move his footsteps at all. He just rubbed in bit by bit and moved his whole body together, which was almost equivalent to a millimeter of breakthrough in! Hongjun Tower's inaction made Master Jun suffer a lot.

Although he was in the state of yin and yang, Jun Moxie clearly felt that there were still countless places on his body!

He cut a little bit with his magic sword, cut the almost nihilistic strange power, and then squeezed his body into the little bit of the cut gap...

God, earth, my god!

Master Jun directly wants to cry without tears!

Such a cup feeling, I don't want to have a second time in my life!


At the last moment, Jun Moxie suddenly felt that he seemed to have pierced a unique balloon inexplicably. Although the outer skin was extremely difficult to pierce, once it was pierced, the whole balloon would disintegrate. A sense of unsation was uploaded from the body of the sword to his heart, but before he had time to cheer He was excreted out by a huge terrorist force that had no way to resist! H