The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 10 I'll come back to you!

"...But I have lost my previous desire to conquer... My mind is very peaceful

Jun Mo said to his evil heart, I guessed it if you don't say it... With your perverted kung fu, isn't it a matter of minutes to conquer the earth? What's more, with 99 beautiful wives who are also very perverted, can travel between stars. It's difficult not to be perverted...

"... I have always been open and aboveboard. The reason why I didn't launch the expedition is that there are still many masters on that planet. Among them, there are several of them. My cultivation is not less than that of me. Well, it may be as strong as I am. ...Since I can't be the only one, it's meaningless for me to stay. Originally, I had a very appetite apprentice, but before I could teach kung fu, an accident happened, forcing me to leave... and I came back here...

This passage is unclear, and it is a little cover-up, and it still means half-masking the pipa. Seeing this, Jun Moxie can also guess with his toes. This guy must have been dejected on the other side of the earth... I really don't know who can teach this pervert a lesson? This really surprised Jun Moxie, and then there was a strong sense of pride. Earth, hometown, domineering!" Speaking of this past, I'm always very unhappy. That's all...

It seems that this girl also feels a little embarrassed. She adopts the spring and autumn brushwork, deleting and subtracting: i;. R &qu; + . .

Jun Moxie curled his lips. You also know that there is a sky outside the sky. There are artificial people. If you dare to be arrogant in our hometown, it's the opposite of heaven!

"Speaking of which, I'm really sorry for my apprentice... I just finished the personality transmission and introduction with him... I left, and I don't know how he will get along in the end... I don't think it will be too bad. After all, it's the heir chosen by me. The little guy named Ying Zheng, wait until *For you..." Jun Moxie stumbled and fell to the ground. Ying Zheng?? Qin Shihuang?

No wonder that guy is so keen on fighting, so keen on conquest, so keen on immortality, and also committed a book burning pit... It turns out that the root is here... It is the influence of the pervert who killed today...

You still don't **... It seems that you are just a few words, creating an ancient emperor who has unified the state of China! That guy has lived all his life, and the war seems to have never stopped... God knows that he was influenced by you!

That's true, the kind of fanatical desire to conquer from the bones... Except for the perverted madman who is the first young master of Jiuyou, it seems that no one else can teach it so thoroughly...

"Since I came back, I have built this stone house. I have been living here for self-cultivation. After thousands of years, it has finally become clear, ▲God, the truth! So the past life, this life, the past and the future are all in front of us! If you want to know anything, you don't need to think about it or bother. Naturally, you will know... On that day, I knew that ten thousand years later, there would be such a strange outsider as you... It surprised me a little... Especially you are still from that mysterious earth, and I'm a little itchy!"

"But I have to wait for you for ten thousand years, and I have to wait for you to have the highest cultivation to fight with you. Such a wait is too long... So I'm here to talk to you! Boy, when you reach your peak, I will naturally come to fight with you! I suffered a little loss in your hometown... Cough, this... Naturally, I have to get it back from you. One r, eleven one." This passage of iron painting silver hook actually came out with some fighting spirit.

"What? Get it back? Shit!! What does your loss have to do with me? Why did you come to me for trouble?" Jun Moxie looked at the ghost charm of this scroll in a daze, and finally had a new understanding of the unreasonableness of this product...

It seems that this girl suffered a lot of losses on the earth in those years. It is estimated that at least he lost his face, so he will never forget it!

However, here, Jiuyou said one thing: 'God, the truth? What is the truth of heaven? Jun Moxie fell into a period of meditation. After a long time, he continued to watch.

"... Next, I have to go back to my hometown to see if there are any opponents worth stretching, and then continue to wander around. I hope that one day when I come back, you won't let me down again!"

Jun Moxie frowned: It turned out that this guy went back to Jiuyou later; then, needless to say, the so-called second young master of Jiuyou went all the way to the fourteenth young master of Jiuyou, which should be the follow-up tail made by this guy. Otherwise, is it so neat there? Every thousand years, such an ambitious guy comes out...

"Your boy is really lucky. Come on, come here. You even brought a baby... You shouldn't have come here. What the mother brought here is still the most proud baby you killed that day... If I don't bother you, who are you going to find?" There is a lot of resentment in this passage! Jun Moxie finally understood. It turned out that this person could make Jiuyou the youngest one to eat sores... Hongjun's ancestor! At this moment, a feeling of admiration rose from the bottom of his heart! Your old man is really majestic. Our prestige is all made by you... If you don't admire it, you can't do it. Such a perverted guy is also under your hands...

"This time it's a bargain for you. The treasures I have searched for tens of thousands of years have been left here. It depends on whether you have the ability to find it! In addition, there is a big surprise for you. It depends on your real ability, but this cave alone is enough for you to wave... This is the first spiritual vein of Xuanxuan Continent!"

"However, there is still a point for me to warn you. The three holy places are always my disciples and grandchildren. You should do things in a sense of moderation. It doesn't matter how many lessons you teach, but you can't give me the root! Otherwise, when I come back, I will look good with you!" This passage is full of threats.

"I really don't believe in this evil! I have to give it to you!" Jun Moxie tilted his head fiercely and spit: "Do you have the ability to come and bite me now?! Since there are high-level people on the earth who can punish you, I will definitely be able to make you, a baby-faced million-old monster in the future!"

"Write for so long, it's fucking hard work, but I don't have much time to talk to you! Pay attention to everything! ! If you don't hurry up to practice, when I come back, it's ugly for you. Don't expect me to show mercy. If you are really detained by me, you can only blame you for not working hard enough, not for being ruthless! My wife is screaming, and I'll go!" It should be over here, but there are still a few lines of words below. The handwriting is very scribish, which seems to be done in a hurry:

"You *** don't have to sell it cheaply. First, tell me what I left you and then make your decision today! In this way, you owe your virtue. See if I come back and don't make you into 3,600 different shapes... Warning again, don't try to change the world with the little bit of carving skills you have learned. You are still far from it!!!!!" It's really the end here. In the end, there is a series of scolding on the street and a series of exclamation points! Finally finished reading, Jun Moxie has a black line! Look at this scroll, it's just a long passage, which actually made Master Jun have the impulse to have several internal injuries and spit blood several times! It's so annoying!

Fortunately, when this guy came to the earth, it was the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. At that time, the words of scolding had not evolved into such a development as now. If he really traveled to modern times, it is estimated that he could be killed by this scroll and then the corpse would jump back and forth in the co

However, the time here is more than 10,000 years, and the time on the earth seems to be only more than 2,000 years. What's the matter? Is there such a big difference in the time between the two planets? Of course, I can't figure it out. If you can't figure it out, don't think about it... In fact, I didn't figure it out... So, what does the last sentence mean?' Don't try to change the world with the little tricks you have learned." The meaning of the sentence seems to be very deep.

What can change the world? It's nothing more than high technology, high civilization, and gunpowder... But these things are developed. At that time, the first young master of Jiuyou had left the earth, right? How did he know? Do you even know these things about the so-called insight into the past and the future?

Jun Moxie thought about it and was relieved: the first young master of Jiuyou could even know that he had traveled here. What else did he not know? These have long included the past and the future!

Looking at this strange scroll, lying softly on the ground like a snake's skin, Jun Moxie couldn't tell what he felt for a moment. Surprised, shocked, unbelievable, and there was a kind of admiration, yearning... Such earth-shaking strength, such strength... Such pride and arrogance... Like it.

I really didn't expect that I was still the strongest opponent set by this ancient first perverted figure. I don't know how many years later... Jun Moxie suddenly had an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart! He didn't feel honored or complacent at all! He just felt: It's urgent! Who knows when this guy will be killed back?

Therefore, it is the biggest and most urgent thing to improve your strength as soon as possible. It is the biggest and most urgent thing to reach the ninth floor of Hongjun Tower as soon as possible, and then further enrich yourself! It's not just for the first young master of Jiuyou, but also for the urgent things now, it should be improved as soon as possible!

I will never lose to you! Even if you are the ancestor of Xuanxuan, even if you are an outstanding talent! Even if you are a legend since ancient times, I am Jun Moxie! Jun, don't play evil in front of me! &L; Ask for a monthly ticket! It's still a double period, so Feng Ling doesn't dare to neglect at all.

After drinking the wedding wine, I immediately came back to code words. Sweat, although I sat at the banquet, I came back without touching my lips... It made the bride unhappy, and I didn't care about the bridal chamber... This is a big loss. Brothers and sisters use monthly tickets to comfort my injured little heart... I'm so pure and upright. It's really a big loss for people to lose such a chance to make a bridal chamber...&g;! D