The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 20 You don't deserve it!

For many years, Mei Xueyan, who has always taken the overall situation into consideration, has the idea of completely destroying the three holy places for the first time!

In the final analysis, the safety of the mainland is in danger, and all sentient beings in the world have nothing to do with me?! I was just a mysterious beast! We are just mysterious beasts! Even if the world is destroyed and the world is ruined, including the aliens, who dares to enter the heavenly punishment?

Over the years, how much have I paid for this illusory world? What's the return of the change?

Our heavenly punishment, with the body of a mysterious beast, holds up a sky for human beings, but why are we constantly framed and intercepted? Constantly facing life-and-death crisis? And what wants to kill us is the human beings we have been saving!

is exactly what we want to save the world! Persecute us in every way! Kill us by any means! The crazy force on us! Deal with us ungrately! Why are we really going to be treated like this? Why? What? What? Why!!!

It is rumored that everyone has a conscience! Heaven and earth have their own justice! But where is the conscience of these people? When we suffer injustice, where is the justice of heaven and earth?! Mei Xueyan is crazy! In her heart, there is only the intention to come!

These former comrades-in-arms actually threatened themselves into a desperate situation with the mother of their lovers! Threaten yourself with your brother's life and face the nine saints at the same time with the cultivation of the venerable! Have you ever shared honor and humiliation for thousands of years? Have you ever fought side by side for thousands of generations?! Just people like them?! Hahaha... It's ridiculous!" Mei Xueyan's sad roar, long smile! There is self-deprecation, sadness, anger, and unwillingness!" You don't deserve it!"

Mei Xueyan roared angrily, her eyes flashed like a fierce electric power, and it was even brighter than the lightning in the sky. She looked at the eight people shrinking opposite, flew through her body, and shouted again: "You! Not worthy!! Ding,

"Everyone retreats separately. This woman's life is over, and everyone doesn't have to fight with her anymore!" Chen Chong hurriedly blocked Mei Xueyan's sword, but his body was shaken repeatedly. Mei Xueyan's power seemed to be increasing sharply all the time!

Chen Chong looked sideways at the thunder pillar in the sky, and his heart was cracked! If you encounter a heavenly attack in the battle, what will happen? These saints know better than anyone else!

Withdraw? It's so easy there! Since I have a plan to plot against me, I have the possibility to bear the consequences!

Mei Xueyan's eyes were full of a desperate sneer, and her body flashed like lightning. It flashed away. The first thunder pillar actually hit the empty place with a bang under her rapid body. The dust on the ground rolled, and a bottomless hole appeared! Thunder clouds flashed in the sky, and three electric lights were shot down one after another!

And Mei Xueyan's body flashed away like a ghost at this moment. When she appeared again, she had already arrived in front of the dance of thousands of souls, and the sword was flying and stabbed!

The dark magic knife in the hand of Dancing Thousand Souls led, and jumped back with all his strength! Even if it is the saint, his face is also full of panic now! In the face of Mei Xueyan, she was empty-minded and speechless!

What's more, there is the double success of heaven and earth, even the saint can't keep it!

So he has to escape! Use all your strength to escape!

But how could Mei Xueyan let him escape? Without breaking through the second-level venerable, Mei Xueyan's speed is already the first in the world! What's more, he is now a second-class saint? The speed has increased more than doubled?

Her body shook, came to the back of Wu Qianhun like lightning, and stabbed out with a fierce sword. The sharp sword instantly destroyed the mysterious defense of Wu Qianhun, breaking through his reinforced and iron-like body "deeply pierced into his back heart, a clear and bloody tip of the sword, from Wu Qian's soul came out of his chest, and under the lightning, it glowed with the color of death!

Mei Xueyan hummed heavily, and the strength hidden in the sword detonated in an instant. The sword spirit exploded in the body of Wu Qianhun. Wu Qianhun shouted fiercely and roared up to the sky, but spewed out pieces of internal organs!

At this time, three thunderbolts fell one after another in the sky. Mei Xueyan's body avoided quickly and barely avoided it twice. There was still a thunderstorm that inevitably hit her shoulder, and immediately a smell of burning was permeated. Delicate shoulders, the whole hole!

But her look still did not move, and her figure moved again, and it flashed! I didn't even look back to see the end of the dance thousand souls under the power of the heavenly disaster!

The other two thunderbolts are magic knives raised along the dance of thousands of souls, which is a good lightning guide pin, which is fiercely chopping down! The blazing light flashed, and after breaking the internal organs, the dancing soul, which was still escaping, was split into a charcoal with fire all over! He suddenly stopped and stood still in a daze. Suddenly, his body was torn apart and scattered on the ground! The five viscera have turned into a dark thing, emitting the smell of cooked meat! It turned out to be the destruction of the soul!

A generation of saints and strong people died so miserably! Even when he was dying, he didn't even leave a word, and it turned into rotten meat on the ground!

No matter how earth-shaking he was in his lifetime, from now on, there is only the effect of stinking a piece of land! The remaining seven saints roared and dispersed! Now Mei Xueyan is obviously in a crazy state! Even if she and others give up their original intention and stop chasing him, under the power of such a double thunderstorm, she still has no life! Even if she doesn't die under the thunderstorm, the fierce power of the medicine is enough to kill her!

The seven people are all saints, how good their eyesight is! Such an improvement speed is obviously beyond the ordinary range! This is clearly a secret way to improve your skills for the disabled!

The price of such a secret method can only be life! Only by sacrificing yourself can you get such a terrible promotion! The Seven Saints know this better than anyone else!

It's just that I really didn't expect that the legend of heaven's punishment was real, and it really contempt for such a terrible move! Mei Xueyan just now instantly improved her power by more than ten times? Now Mei Xueyan, it is clear that she was pulling the back of the cushion before she died! Everyone is raised by their parents. Who is willing to bring a mortal man to be buried? Therefore, at this time, the seven saints all launched the fastest speed of Taiji, escaping at full speed!

At this time, all manners and temperaments are just bullshit. Even if it is a saint, he will be afraid and afraid of death!

At this moment, seven electric lights in the sky have increased to the thickness of the child's fist and fell down fiercely, but with Mei Xueyan's rapid escape, it hovered over her head and did not fall!

And now Mei Xueyan has appeared in front of Shen Qingyun, the demon sword saint who escaped at high speed, like green smoke, without any stop at all, directly a sword! Like a thunderbolt! This is a sword enough to kill any strong man in the world! The glory is unstoppable! The Thunderbolt in the sky also splits!!

Under Mei Xueyan's desperate efforts, she was originally extremely powerful, not to mention that now every sword is bombarded at the same time with a heavenly disaster? How can Shen Qingyun resist such a terrible power?

Shen Qingyun smiled miserably and knew that he was unlucky. He did not dodge or avoid it. The demonic sword in his hand was sent straight out and pierced Mei Xueyan's chest. Since he couldn't survive, let's fight to die together!

Mei Xueyan also does not dodge. She is already a mortal body. Early and late S1, there is really not much difference! Two long swords form two parallel lines, each running to each other's heart! Both of them had despair and madness on their faces!

Because the other six saints have escaped so much that they can't see the shadow! Even if Mei Xueyan wants to track it now, it is impossible! Shen Qingyun is destined to be the last saint to die under her! In this case, it's better to be killed with a sword! Although they die together, they can also be happy, which is always stronger than the pain of counterattack and the pain of thunder!

Mei Xueyan's face instantly had a sad smile, and she muttered, "Mo Xie one by one, one by one, the only regret is that I didn't see him again at the end of my life!

Farewell, my favorite person! I just hope you take good care of yourself, don't make me worry, don't let me worry, but you, don't worry about me, forget me...

At this moment of life and death, Mei Xueyan suddenly remembered that Jun Mo Wu saw her for the first time in Tian Pun. At that time, she was still a little beast... She also remembered that she was walking with Jun Mo Wu Wanli. The two of them chased and killed all the way, and then hid under the snow layer and were tired... Unexpectedly, a trace of shyness and joy emerged. Enemies, one by one, one by one

At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the sky, with endless sadness and heartache: "Snow smoke~~__!

Mei Xueyan's eyes suddenly lit up and flashed with surprise. In the unbearable time, she actually burst into a strong will to survive, and her body twisted violently! Avoid the heart! Even if I am bound to die, I want to... take a look at him again! Because, after this glance, it is life and death, yin and yang... Then I would rather go with love! One by one, one by one

Come g Shen Qingyun's demon sword penetrated under Mei Xueyan's chest. The blade was stained with blood in an instant, and it protruded from Mei Xueyan's back!

At the same time, Mei Xueyan's long sword plunged into Shen Qingyun's front chest! And the mysterious power of the two people instantly turned into the most violent sword spirit, and broke out in each other's body at the same time! Endless thunder and dazzling lightning suddenly exploded over the two people's heads!

Then, the two of them flew out in the opposite direction at the same time! The powerless bounced out! The long sword was pulled out of the opponent's chest, bringing out a bright blood beads!

Mei Xueyan fell to the ground with a heavy bang, but as soon as she landed, she couldn't wait to support her head, regardless of her injury. She looked at the direction of the long roar affectionately and persistently, and her eyes were full of tender expectation!

Mo Xie... I'm so happy that I can finally see you again! Mei Xueyan's eyes lit up. She even used her last strength and stretched out her finger to brush her scattered hair...

How I wish I could always be the most beautiful snow smoke in Mo Xie's heart... What I look like now... It must be ugly...

But...I'm sorry, I don't have time...H