The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 79 Where is Jun Moxie

You should know the area of thousands of miles. It is the essence of the heavenly punishment forest! It not only has countless spiritual herbs. And there are treasures everywhere. The aura of heaven and earth is far thicker than elsewhere! And there has never been anyone trampled by devastation. It's completely the most natural and complete treasure.

If not. The strange existence of Jiuyou Channel. It won't happen here.

The most unbearable. But I didn't even get a minimum explanation. The only reason is that the heavenly punishment is too weak now! The meaning of the words is that there is no right to be on an equal footing with the other four major forces!

Such a thing. It's simply unbearable! So the beast kings stormed away on the spot!

Cao Guofeng sighed. If you want to speak, you can stop. Finally, he said, "Brother Lu. In this case, you can wait for yourself! Let's meet again in the future!"

The emperor of the deer has a straight face. He said blankly, "Please do it! So far, the nine beast kings have finally completely gave up on the three holy places and the ethereal mansion! Cao Guofeng is the leader of the four families in this operation. The injustice of the heavenly punishment will be regarded as if it were not seen.

It can be seen that these four major forces. It's not a temporary intention at all. It has been planned and discussed for a long time.

It's time to eradicate the punishment... It must be eliminated!

"If Brother Lu is lucky enough to meet Elder Mei. Please apologize on behalf of me! The national style... I'm really sorry for him!" Cao Guofeng's face was heavy, and this sentence was almost sighing.

But the Lu Shenghuang was so angry that he almost vomited blood! He said coldly, "I dare not. Presumably, if Emperor Mei knew the prestige of Emperor Cao now, he would also be gratified!"

The senior Mei in their mouths is a holy emperor of heavenly punishment more than 700 years ago! In the battle for the sky a thousand years ago, Cao Guofeng watched the battle as a descendant disciple, but was almost killed by a foreign ninja. It was Mei Shenghuang who saved him, which was a real life-saving gift!

Because of this, Cao Guofeng's behavior today. It made the Lu Shenghuang even more angry!

Cao Guofeng sighed. He waved his hand. He said, "Everyone, let's go." Be the first to come.

Tens of millions of mysterious beasts around watched them retreat. One's eyes were full of anger but no order. But no one dares to act rashly.

Just as the last man was about to walk out of the scope of the original fantasy mansion. Suddenly, he turned around and asked faintly, "Why is the person who is talking here a holy emperor-level master in the Dunshi Fairy Palace. Zhan Mubai, "Don't be evil? Who is it?" The deer emperor was stunned.

"Jun Moxie, you are the son-in-law punished by heaven! I'm coming this time. But there is another very important thing to bring to him. Zhan Mubai smiled coldly and said, "Brother Lu, the strength of heaven's punishment is far less than before. It's not easy to do. Unexpectedly, I found a human son-in-law. Mr. Zhan wants to congratulate him.

"Human son-in-law?" Lu Shenghuang frowned, glanced at the mysterious beasts, frowned and shouted, "Who married human beings?" Little crane. Little bear, who is it... Married to human beings"

He glanced at it and immediately noticed that one person was missing. I can't help asking, "Where's Xiaomei?.

He Chongxiao hurriedly came out and said with a smile: You are old... hehe. Well, this...

Jun Moxie, that is. It's the eldest sister's beloved, and the eldest sister was injured a little before, and she hasn't recovered yet. Just... didn't come over... "Xiaomei's man?" The Deer Emperor's face moved strangely. Then he suddenly smiled and said, "This little girl is okay. Unexpectedly, he can abduct a human being to heaven's punishment"... This ability is really not small. What about the boy? Listen to it and show it to me."

When this sentence came out, not only He Chongxiao and others were shocked, but also Zhan Mubai was shocked.

Mysterious beasts marry human beings. It is a taboo for both sides! During this period. The holy kings can't get out. Mei Xueyan is alone, so no one dares to have any objection. Now the deer saint emperor and a class of mysterious beasts are coming out again. I heard about it. Unexpectedly, he didn't look angry. This chapter is updated by and the members of the book portal. It's really strange at this time. The 19 people walking in front also stopped far away.

"Are you looking for me? What's the matter?" The mysterious beasts slowly separated. A man walked out of the rice and white clothes, Shengxue, his face was like a crown of jade, and his slender figure and his eyes looked at Zhan Mubai with a smile: "I don't know that this holy emperor specifically mentioned the younger generation. But is there anything to teach?"

In his current position, behind him is the Tiger King's cracked land. On the left is the Lion King Stone. On the one hand, it is Qianxun, the king of snakes. They are not far away, and they are in the middle of a large group of metamorphic beasts. He is not very tall, and his figure is not burly, but it can be said that he is not eye-catching at all. But somehow,

As soon as he came out, everyone's eyes involuntarily focused on him!

A unique person! It's by no means a vulgar person! All the masters, at the moment of meeting Jun Moxie. The pupils of the eyes are all shrinking!

How good-sighted these holy kings and emperors are.

I can see the teenager in front of me at a glance, which is absolutely extraordinary! And. The cultivation of this teenager. Unexpectedly, it has reached the level of the venerable!

But what surprised them the most. But he is still a teenager of his age. The real age will never exceed 20 years old.

A genius who reached the realm of the supreme before the age of 20!

Xuanxuan Continent has been around for a long time. Mysterious geniuses are emerging one after another. But. Throughout the ages. Under the age of 20, cultivate the genius of the venerable. But it has never happened!

The subsequent development potential of this teenager. It's really unlimited! With the current momentum, I'm afraid he can become a master of the Holy King in 30 years! And within a hundred years. He is bound to be promoted to the Holy Emperor!

This is the moment when Jun Moxie appeared, which is enough to make the emperor-level master have leg cramps and stomach. The nine beast kings looked at him at the same time, and the 19 holy kings and emperor masters who had gone away at the opposite turned around and walked back at the same time to look at Jun Mo Xie's eyes one by one. It's extremely complicated!

No wonder this son can become the confidant of the three holy places! Now it seems. Isn't it just a trouble in the heart? It's a disaster!

The hatred between each other has gone to a place that can no longer be resolved. Once the wings are full. I'm afraid... it will be a more terrifying existence than Jiuyou Fourteen!

After all, Jiuyou Fourteenth Master is just to conquer. But he will never kill innocent people indiscriminately, but this Jun Moxie is obviously not the type of Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master. This boy can not only kill indiscriminately. And there will be big kills and special kills!

This is a growing ultimate killing god, whether it is for yourself or for the Holy Land, you must destroy it!

If such a person belongs to the Holy Land or belongs to other unintrinsed forces. The holy kings are not only not jealous. No scruples. And there will be a strong love for talent! Try your best. Even if it costs a lot of money. This genius should also be recruited.

But. Unfortunately.. Such a talent is actually an enemy! Moreover, it is an irreversal enemy!

So. The masters of the four major forces showed a strong look of fear in their eyes at the same time. They stared at Jun Moxie and thought about it one by one.

These people are not ordinary saints in the three holy places. Just a look at it, they found the horror of Jun Moxie!

But. When the beast king of the nine seniors of the Heavenly Punishment Forest saw Jun Moxie. The mood is very different from that of the people in the Holy Land! There was light in each of his eyes!

This looks really good. Before Emperor Mei mysteriously disappeared, he once said that he would be fined ten thousand years a day. Success or failure.

It must be in this person. For a long time, the prophecy left by Mei Shenghuang has no beginning and no end. The high-level officials who punish the forest today are a little confused. Heaven punishes the forest. It's all mysterious beasts. How can there be a "ten-thousand-year punishment from heaven? Success or failure. People, "such a strange statement?

No matter what your uncle is. The success or failure of filling the forest can't be decided by human beings, not to mention just one person!

But now, at the moment when I really see Jun Moxie. The nine senior beast kings woke up to the meaning of this sentence at the same time!

It should be, absolutely, the teenager in front of you!

The real value of Jun Moxie. These nine senior beast kings also saw it at the same time!

This one. It's simply a living and growing ultimate killer!

What's more fortunate is. He is the son-in-law of the Heavenly Punishment Forest! And he is Xue Yan's husband!

It can be said. This is the real person.

After the nine beast kings accidentally heard that Mei Xueyan married human beings without authorization. Although it is silent on the surface. But in my heart, I am angry and punish the forest for 10,000 years. How can it be broken so easily? It's just because the strong enemy is still there. I don't want to lose my own face, so I can't hide it.

So. Before Jun Moxie came out. They even plan to. If you don't like it. Then just kick it out. Or kill it directly. The name of the heavenly punishment forest cannot be destroyed by a human being.

But at this moment, Jun Moxie just came out so plainly. I only saw him for the first time. The nine beast kings changed their minds at the same time: this guy. It is definitely an opportunity for the heavenly punishment forest. It is the biggest savior in the crisis at present! What about No. He should also be left in the heavenly punishment. Keep his life!

Especially now. Nine of my own people have been consumed for more than 300 years. It's almost out of oil. Heaven's punishment lacks successors. It's a critical autumn. Fortunately, such a talent, such a person, came out. Once the wings are full, it can protect the reputation of heaven and punishment for thousands of years.

So. When all the strong men in human beings turned around, the nine senior beast kings.

took a few steps forward without moving. It vaguely cut off a subtle distance between them and Jun Moxie from various methods. It is equivalent to the power of nine of them. Protect Jun Moxie!

Their step. The form of this scene has become particularly subtle. Everyone has a ghost in their heart. But no one dares to act recklessly!

Only Jun Moxie and Zhan Moubai were left to confront each other on the court.

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