The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 105 The Madman's Battlefield

\"**In the city. The mysterious master appeared, and his strength was amazing. He defeated two second-level venerable people and a number of supreme masters in one move! At present, this group of people have not left ** row..., this is undoubtedly a target! One of the most conspicuous goals!

I want to open the gap at the time. Just start from here and follow the vine!

So. The three holy places have attached great importance to this matter!

After careful discussion in the three places. The unanimous conclusion is that it can defeat two second-level venerable people with one move. Moreover, according to the situation at that time, there was absolutely no use of the power of heaven and earth! Such a state. Even if it is a level 4 venerable. It can't be done either!

Then, according to this. This person should at least have a saint's level of cultivation! It is reported. There are more than one person, but twenty-three or four! It is said that everyone is not vulgar and good at it.. Well, to be elegant, among the more than 20 people, there is at least one saint!

If there is only one person. How dare you face the three holy places? And it's so blatantly provocative?

If you really want to deal with such a master. You must be cautious!

Now facing the ground, it's more than revenge. Go further. The faces of the three holy places need to be recovered!

The three holy places need more prestige!

After ten thousand years, the three holy places have basically not moved around the rivers and lakes. It seems that now the people of the three holy places no longer know the horror of the three holy places, and they dare to do such a thing of slap flies on the tiger's head!

So, after asking for instructions from the Holy Palace, Mo Wudao. Several holy emperors in the palace were also furious and gave instructions: No matter who the opponent is, they must be annihilated as soon as possible!

In order to make a quick decision and make a quick blow, the three holy places are full of power. Invite a holy emperor to each of them. Together with the three saints, the six venerable! A total of 30 supreme masters from all three places rushed to ** City at night! Be sure to eliminate all those discordant notes in one fell swoop with the momentum of big u!

It is necessary to re-establish the reputation of the three holy places that cannot be desecrated with supreme deterrence!

The reason for sending such a strong lineup. The senior officials of the three holy places also have their own considerations: looking at the enemies in the world. Mei Xueyan had already died with the three saints of the Dream Blood Sea. It turned into clouds and smoke; Jun Moxie has also been punished and died under the sneak attack of the Holy Emperor! And he also spared a snake king...

The power of revenge of this car. It's nothing more than punishment from heaven! Except for the heavenly punishment. I'm afraid there is no such strong power in the world. It is more likely. This change is fundamentally that the few remaining predecessors of the heavenly punishment, together with the mysterious master of Junmo Xiedi, led the heavenly punishment turned into a mysterious beast to carry out revenge.

I'm afraid that this ** city is no longer a trap arranged by the three holy places for the Oriental family! Instead, it has become a heavenly punishment forest to set a trap for itself. So, you can't be prudent!

Actually. In the cognition of the three holy places. Only when the fierce elites of heaven and earth are exhausted can we achieve such a terrible result in such a short time. In any case, we must not wait to be idle. Don't be confused by the superficial phenomena in front of you! How can the enemy expose all his strength to people at once?

What's more, there is a world-class murderer hidden in the dark: Jiuyou Fourteenth Master!

He is the real big trouble!

No one has forgotten, let alone forget that this crazy Jiuyou 14th young master has been punished by heaven. After breaking free of the seal. There has been no news. At the time. The world is surging and the storm is endless; the three holy places have been retaliated so naked and naked; the young master of Jiuyou has always been a must-have, and no one can guarantee that he will not take this opportunity to come out and take advantage of the fire?

So. It is absolutely necessary to send such super strength!

Even the fantasy house, which has always been indifferent to the world, has sent a team of mysterious masters. Cooperate with the actions of the three holy places. But this team is a horse. However, he made his position: if Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master does not appear, then this group of people will not participate in the worldly disputes!

The three holy places, Mo Wudao and Huyan Aobo and others, of course, promised: If the Ninety-Fourteenth Young Masters do not appear, with their strength, they still need to ask for help from the Fantasy House. That's a little too cheap...

In four directions, forty or fifty people can make the world's shaking masters set out at the same time and leave their respective stations. It's like forty or fifty deadly arrows. The wind is speeding, silently shooting at ** City!

The whole world is also densely covered with heaven and earth!

Including Mo Wudao and others, everyone has an inexplicable feeling: a decisive battle. It's ahead of time!

But in this early battle, I don't know who the opponent is at all!

News from the Holy Palace: There will be another full year. It's the great day of the battle! Everything in front of us must be solved as soon as possible. Then everyone will come back immediately. Prepare for the battle! Regardless of casualties. No matter right or wrong! Anyway. This matter. It was the last battle in the secular world before the battle for the sky!

This battle. Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose! It is more important to keep the strength to return! Because. If this battle is defeated, if these masters are lost in ** City. The strength of the three holy places to deal with the battle is not enough at that time. I'm afraid that the three holy places of ten thousand years will become the sinners of history and be engraved on the pillar of shame forever!

Therefore, this battle will never be lost! In order to ensure the victory of this battle, the Holy Palace even sent several more holy emperors in the dark. Pay attention to the movement of ** city at any time!

Three holy places. It's equivalent to the elite! Be sure to do it with a thunderous momentum. Crush the enemy in one fell swoop and destroy the high-level officials. Completely relieve future troubles.

Then he took the power of a great victory in this battle. Swind the top of the pillar. Expell the aliens. Then turn back in a circle, and the whole continent will besieged and four young people!

Establish the top position of the three holy places in one fell swoop! Then he instructed the imperial power of the world. Its history will be recorded in the past. Burn it all. Compilation! Let the name of the Holy Land be dedicated to the world from now on, dominating the history books of Danqing!

Now that it has been done. Just do it to the end!

It's such a thing. The first young master of Jiuyou has done it once. Jiuyou is the first one who can do it. Our three holy places can still do it! What's more, we live in the world. We also paid for it. I have done n! We are heroes! We are the heroes!

We have the right to enjoy these honors! What's more, we are for mankind! This is a noble slogan. A lofty goal. We are the most noble people!

Under such a crazy idea. The people of the three holy places finally came out! Countless masters who have always existed and legends, walk through the world and toss the world! With enthusiasm. With... Ideal!

In full swing. It's on the verge of breaking out!

The whole world is trapped in the vastness of swords and tension. The heavy and depressing atmosphere enveloped the whole continent. Mountain rain is coming!

It can be said that the high-level officials of the three holy places are under the great achievements and grand goals of great fame and fortune and hegemony of Danqing History. It already has such a fanatical meaning. Or lost his mind. To some extent. He is already half a madman!

And their opponent, Jun Moxie, was stabbed and provoked by them, instigated by hatred. It's already a little paranoid and crazy! It is also equivalent to half a madman... In addition, there is also a complete madman. I picked up the other force of Jiuyou Fourteenth Master! This is a man who takes conquering the mainland as his responsibility and inherits Jiuyou's first ambition... Totally crazy!

The whole world has become two half-crazy and all-crazy three perverted battlefields!

The three holy places are determined to win for fame and fortune! Jun Moxie is for the sake of hatred, that is to take revenge even if he dies! As for Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master, he is a madman who wants to conquer 10,000 times!

During this period, Jun Moxie has been relatively leisurely. WWW. SHUSHUW. CN Book Network.

Or it can be said that such a situation and situation. It was deliberately created by Jun Moxie. The most ideal situation!

His original intention was to have such a vigorous duel!

The original intention of your three holy places is for the people of the world. For the sake of the people. I know. I also know, and I even have a little respect! But. I don't care what you mean, and no matter how noble you are, these are not the reasons for you to hurt me!

The battle for the sky is imminent, I don't know! I also know the serious consequences of the failure of the battle...

But this is not the reason why I want to suffer a mute loss!

You can't even take good care of your family and friends. What are you talking about for the sake of the world? What qualifications do you have to say for the sake of the world?

You don't take your own mission as a thing, and take your glory as your own evil, the reason and capital to harm others, and I still don't care! Don't pay attention to it either!

If you are good. Then we are all fine. But if you don't want coffee. That. So what if we destroy together? Damn it. It's not just me who died!

What is the overall concept? Get out of here, paralyzed! Everyone has a big picture, so the world is a saint!

The three holy places are preparing for the war, but Jun Moxie's side has already finished preparing for the war!

Or it can be said that he was ready for the battle before he was punished!

Everything is ready, and now the only place is missing. It's just the enemy!

Jun Moxie has an almost perverted idea: I just want to live well! I don't have any harmful intentions! As long as I live freely and live freely; then everything is enough! You make me feel better. Naturally, I will return the favor. Make you feel better; but if you don't make me feel better, everyone will have a better time at most! Why do you want to make me feel good while you feel better? People are better than people... How much did you get? It's all fucking life!

Strong perverts like aliens, so what if the two bodies are connected? There's only one fucking dick!

As long as it goes well in your life. Even if the flood is good after death?

Even if I die, you will dig out my body and ashes ten thousand times. I don't know either. But I just need to take a breath. Don't think about making me feel bad!

You make me sad. You will be more sad. I promise you will regret it! And I don't regret it! Even if the planet is destroyed. This fucking world is not mine! Not to mention the earth!

In terms of this mentality. Jun Moxie is actually more crazy than Jiuyou Zhu Shao.