The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 112 Are you the fifteenth?

Today's first update!

Speaking of this, Jun Moxie also wants to thank the three holy places!

If it hadn't been for the three holy places and a group of strong people above the holy level @ injuring Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master, and there are still many strong men in the three holy places in this ** city, so that this guy would not dare to act rashly... How could Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master eat his anger here?

If it doesn't have today's coincidence, Jun Moxie wants to understand this realm, I'm afraid he doesn't know how much time it will take••••••

The real hospital is not to be unscrupulous at will; because no matter how you do what you want, there is a prerequisite: you must have absolute strength! You have enough strength to do whatever you want! Don't care about anyone's opinion.

But the real ego is like a newborn baby. Even for this big tiger who wants to eat himself at any time, he still has to struggle to cry and breastfeed when he is hungry•••••

Don't feel afraid! •••••

This is the real instinct of human beings! And when this instinct can be magnified in any field, it is a real return to the original!

Jun Moxie exhaled a long breath in his heart••••••

It turns out that this is the truth!

No wonder there are so few successful people in the world, and the reason is here.

All the people who practice martial arts in this world pursue their own strength or spiritual state of mind that is enough to carry strong power, but they ignore their own objective existence intentionally or unintentionally! That is, the so-called capital and origin. However, even if your strength reaches the peak, what can you do if your cultivation @ reaches the limit?

Even the most powerful force has a premise; in addition to the matching state of mind cultivation, it also needs a carrier, a carrier that is enough to carry these powerful forces.

And this carrier, without exception, is the body of living creatures!

As the Buddha often says, the body of living creatures is the treasure of world practice!

While most people pursue strong power, they are gradually divergent on this road, going further and further. In the end, they have lost themselves and lost their true self!

People like that are no longer using their strength, exerting their strength, and using their bodies in the opposite direction!

Just like a dangerous change often mentioned in martial arts novels, man-made military service, if extended here, it is man-made military service!

And in this way, it is indeed put the cart before the horse, and the host and the guest change positions. If there is any high achievement, it is a strange thing! You are almost gone crazy. It is undoubtedly a fool's dream to try to climb a higher peak.

If Jun Moxie has something to understand, Lingtai puppet's idea is unwilling to let it go. He thought hard: If it develops like this from the beginning, what will happen?

There is no doubt that the Jiuyou fourteen young master on the opposite side, the ruins of their Jiuyou vein, began to exercise like this from an early age. That's why I have such a great achievement, but there is also one of the biggest drawbacks, that is: infinitely enlarge yourself!

Although he is confident, this excessive self-confidence does make his heart become arrogant and crazy intentionally or unintentionally! They should always think that there is absolutely nothing in the world that they can't do. They are the strongest and omnipotent. All people should crawl at their feet, look up to themselves, and support themselves!

In this way, the disadvantages are relatively very serious!

After all, not everyone can achieve the achievements of the first young man in Jiuyou. It seems that there is only one person like him since ancient times.

Since the first young master of Jiuyou, although everyone is a talented and beautiful person, there is always a big gap from the incomparable terrorist forces of the first young master of the day. When you lock your self-confidence or arrogance and can't match your strength, there will be only one ending. It's just a tragedy. It is also among the young people of Jiuyou, only the first young master has achieved infinite glory, and the other young people of Jiuyou have been destroyed by history! In fact, even if he is the first young master of Jiuyou, why didn't he be tragic? He was extremely confident and arrogant, didn't he end up in the hands of another peerless strong man? Compared with other Jiuyou Zhu Shao, or just that he was lucky enough to destroy him in Xuanxuan Continent.

Young Master Jun has never lacked self-confidence, but he is not as excessive self-confidence as Jiuyou Zhu Shao!

Self-confidence is a good thing, but excessive self-confidence is definitely a bad thing. How to find a balance in it? It can not only make its unrestrained development, but also judge the situation accordingly and recognize its position, so that the power and self can develop at the same time!?

When Master Jun was meditating, there were fourteen young masters opposite him, but he was observing him with great interest.

After being angered by this boy just now, Hao Xuan was not angry with the or bad Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master until now, and finally recovered. He is also a smart person. His eyes are not high. Before, he was just confused by Jun Moxie's nonsense, so he was unscrupulous. Master Jun suddenly stopped his voice. Jiuyou's eyes and ears and eyes instantly returned to clarity. He stared at the person in front of him again. He was shocked to find that the boy opposite suddenly no longer Instead, it turned into a solemn and profound look in an instant, and the fourteenth young master almost felt that there seemed to be a different person in front of him, and he felt a very unfathomable level,...

This boy actually fell into an epiphany now!

I just finished playing with my mouth and made myself smoke, but I was trapped in the super-second realm of epiphany!

This is simply unacceptable to anyone...

There are fourteen young people who are really completely speechless!

This guy, I don't know if he can still be a little better? Besides, this epiphany... is a flash of spiritual realm that can be encountered and cannot be sought! Even I don't dare to say epiphany. How important is this? He was actually here drinking, chatting and playing with a poor mouth, doing this kind of shameless thing... Suddenly an epiphany!


This deep and plausible strange fluctuation seems to be familiar... I must have seen it somewhere before... The fourteenth young master frowned deeply and thought about it before he remembered: How can this be this...? ...Isn't this the self-soul impact of our Jiuyou family? Is it really possible to have this fluctuation in the secular world of Xuanxuan Continent?

As soon as I thought of this, the fourteenth young master was immediately surprised!

Is this boy actually a member of the Jiuyou group? If so, there is a reasonable explanation for him to understand his identity, but... he recognized me... Why didn't I recognize him? And... Why is his soul fluctuation so strange? Although it is quite similar to the original mind method of the family, there are still many differences in the details, but it can also be regarded as the same work.

And... I'm not dead yet. I'm still here, ready to fight again. If this boy is really a Jiuyou family, how did he come out? Why don't you feel it at all? Can the strength of Jiuyou's back really surpass my imagination?

After a long time, Jun Moxie's fingers moved and finally woke up from that magical realm. Unexpectedly, he stretched out and rubbed his eyes and said, "This sleep is really comfortable. I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time..."

When he has an epiphany, is he sleeping? Jiuyou Shishao, who was originally lost in meditation, was instantly covered with black lines, and the fire that had just been suppressed rose again!

"Kid, are you... Xiao Shi?" Jiuyou Shishi asked with a cold face.

"Little Fifteen?" Jun Moxie was stunned: "What little fifteen?"

"Less the nonsense! I can see through your identity. How did you get here? Jiuyou fourteenth young master slapped the table and said angrily, "Don't you bastard know a little respect for the old and virtuous people? Even if you don't care about the people in this world, you have to respect me, right? I really don't know what your adult is, you boy!"

"Who, I really don't understand what you're talking about. Which language are you talking about?" Jun Moxie shook his head doubtfully, but his heart was bright. It turned out that this guy actually regarded me as a young master of Jiuyou... and saw through my identity? Shit, I really don't know what I think. Besides, even if I use numbers to make a name, I have to be the first master of Jiuxiao. How can I be behind you?

"Look at this, boy." Jiuyou Shishao stared at him fiercely, stretched out his right hand, and put five Baizan's slender fingers flat on the table. Suddenly, the color of his fingers slowly changed and turned into a black shadow, covered with a layer of floating fog, but the fog was milky white.

Jiuyou Shishao smiled, and his fingers changed back to his original appearance in an instant. The process was extremely short, and no one noticed it except that both of them could see it clearly.

This strange change is indeed the unique ability of the Jiuyou family! If it's fake!

It's not a great skill to say that this technique is a secret method to hide yourself in the dark world of Jiuyou, but when you come to the current world, it is basically useless, but these unique means of this clan have also become an excellent way to identify each other...

It's just today that the performance of Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master really flattered the blind man, completely delaying his time!

"Did you see it clearly? Do you still want to pretend in front of me?" Jiuyou 14th Master took a little scorn, looked at Jun Moxie, leaned against the chair, looked at him with a look at the younger generation, and said, "How on earth did you get here? Say it happily!"

"I can see it clearly, but I'm really speechless to you! I just said that you had epilepsy to give you a round of time, but now I really doubt..." Jun Moxie said depressedly, "... You don't really have epilepsy!"

"Stinky boy!" The fourteenth young master of Jiuyou stretched out his hand and grabbed Jun Moxie's vein, and Jun Moxie did not dodge and let him grab it, but his heart laughed so much that his intestines were almost knotted.