The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 123 Deadly Misunderstanding!

The fourth update! Try again to see if there can be a fifth update one by one. In addition to pointing out these maids, some of them faintly show a cheerful look, but they dare not reveal them clearly.

It turned out that Master Jun hurried out last night, and there was a young man similar to himself among the bodyguards? In a hurry, I heard a girl's sad cry from a room. I followed the sound and looked over. "A almost naked rogue teenager was forcing a maid with a smile on his face. Jun Moxie didn't even have time to understand the reason." He slapped the teenager unconscious, rescued the girl, and then carried this down. The moldy guy came back...

Even Jun Moxie didn't expect that he had done a good deed in a hurry and sent this second young master of the Chen family to the road of no return.

This matter has changed sharply, and everyone, including Cao Guofeng and Zhan Muzi, was dumbfounded at the same time!

Since this body is the second young master of the Chen family, where has the ethereal genius gone?

Taking this opportunity, Zhan Mubai also talked about his experience, especially focusing on: If I really killed him, how would I hold a black dress in my hand? Since you have ever lost it, with my ability to show Mu Bai, don't say it's a black dress. Even if it's thousands of pieces, the corpses have already been destroyed!

In addition to the Chen family, who will care about the death of the second young master of the Chen family?

Everyone is thinking about one thing. Where is the ethereal genius? This is the real point!

If this matter is a conspiracy, then isn't the war between Cao Guofeng and Zhan Mubai extremely wronged?

Cao Guofeng's skills are relatively high, and it's probably nothing." But Zhan Mubai's side was miserable. His clothes were broken, and his face was bruised all over his face. His face was also directly broken. His beard was cut off, and his two eyes became panda's lips were swollen like sausage, and his teeth were also Three times in the world, not to mention that there are still a serious injury inside!

Even for ordinary people, this is unbearable. What's more, the person concerned is a holy emperor? What a shame!

Cao Guofeng, Bai Qifeng and others looked at each other in consterance. "I don't know what to do for a while!

Who would have thought that "I and others have a total of eight holy emperors, the world's top strongmen" would be manipulated so fiercely?

But at the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: as long as the genius is not dead, no matter whose hand he temporarily falls into, there will always be a day to find it!

But Zhan Mubai gasped, looked at Cao Guofeng and others like he wanted to breathe fire, and said with hatred, "'Cao Guofeng! You are such a disgaught man, I said, "I don't share the same day with you!" This grievance can finally be washed away, and the Emperor Zhansheng can finally shout righteously! After his teeth fell out, his words leaked, and Zhan Mu Baizhou almost wanted to die. Just now, he was beaten like a sandbag? "But in public!

And the shocking scolding, I believe that everyone in the whole ** city has heard of it!

What do you say about this? Did I get beaten for nothing? Do you have to say something?

The emperor cried; tears fell like rain.

In his life, Zhan Mubai only cried under a specific condition, except for crying when he was a child. That is, when he was particularly wronged, and after the grievance was clarified, he would cry. Now, Zhan Shenghuang cried. I'm so wrong... I'm so wronged. "Thinking about it, Zhan Mubai suddenly remembered a very important thing: the body in front of him is fake, and he argued for himself, but... where is the real person? His eyes turned rapidly. "The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. The more he thought about it, the more right it was: the black clothes were just thrown in"

Cao Guofeng and others then came in, "Even if it's a fucking traitor, there is no such time... Who will frame me at this tm? Who else is there besides Cao Guofeng, a competitor?

"'Grasss!' Zhan Mubai punched the ground and roared like a mountain: "'Cao Guofeng! You still have the nerve to scold me for being despicable. You are really despicable at home! In order to dominate a person with an ethereal physique as an apprentice, how can you do such a thing!' Since he learned that he made a mistake, Cao Guofeng has always been extremely embarrassed, and his anger has already disappeared, and the rest is only guilty now. Especially seeing that Zhan Mubai, an old friend of hundreds of years, is now beaten by himself, he is even more ashamed that he can't say what he wants to say.

The only thing I can do now is to make amends to Lao Fa. I must be a good ** old friend's great-grandson, even if it is not an ideal heir, I can't care about it!

At this moment, when he heard Zhan Mubai roaring, he couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "Brother Zhan? Where are you talking about? I know you are unhappy. I have apologized to you. If you bring your great-grandson to me later, I will cultivate it carefully..."

Zhan Mubai jumped up, furious like thunder, and came to Cao Guofeng in two steps. He grabbed his skirt and shouted viciously with his head tilted eyes! Oh, you are a thief who catches thieves. How dare you say that you didn't set all this? Ps! I'm really blind. I've been friends with people like you for hundreds of years! Now that the conspiracy has been exposed, do you think you can finish it after making amends? You still want to take my great-grandson to enter the introduction. If you miss your heart, how dare I give you the great-grandson? Let you make him a villain!' His saliva sprayed Cao Guofeng's face. Cao Guofeng wiped it awkwardly and shouted in a low voice, "What are you talking nonsense about? Don't lose your body? "The Holy Emperor, don't worry about your own face... I sincerely apologize to you.' You also said that your great-grandson is in danger of being on the line of life. Now he says so again, "" "The style? Face to face?"

Zhan Mubai roared sadly and indignantly: "My body has long been thrown into the toilet by you!" My face has already been wiped by you, Cao Guofeng! Now that the conspiracy is exposed, I'm going to talk about my great-grandson again. Do you want to blackmail me? I made it clear to you that even if I'm really a man, I don't have to save him! Cao Guofeng! Hand over my apprentice happily. From now on, our well water will not offend the river! Otherwise, 'today you and me' can only leave one alive!"

Cao Guofeng was stunned and said, "What...what are you talking about?" Zhan Mubai roared, "My ethereal physique apprentice! Cao Guofeng, you are really a good means. You know that I want to argue with you. You actually came to be the first to steal the beam and change the pillar. You not only killed the second boy of the Chen family, but also slapped him on the head and blamed me. After that, the thief shouted to catch the thief and came to frame me and attract Hide it, "Isn't it true or not?" Cao Guofeng stared at him with a tongue. "I really didn't expect that the opposite person's brain was so dexterous that he could make a completely shadowless thing." He even rake upside down and framed himself in turn!

"Bubt! What are you talking about!' Cao Guofeng was angry: "'You and I have been friends for many years, and I'm that kind of mother?" "Get out of here! Just before, I have been with you for many years! Am I that kind of person? Didn't you still humiliate my husband with hatred!'' Zhan Mubai looked red and said, "Cao Guofeng, Cao Guofeng, I was still strange at the first time. The ethereal teenager lives in your place, surrounded by seven holy emperors, and he can even be intercepted and killed." In today's world, who has such magical ability, "Haha?" Am I really a fool? said that Xiaoxiao looked up to the sky with a bleak smile: "Who in the world can grab a big living person and leave calmly under the strict protection of the seven holy emperors? I believe that even if Jiuyou 14 is here, you can't do it!

Such an obvious flaw, I didn't expect it just now, and I actually wanted to explain, "I didn't expect it at all. This is a good play written and performed by your Cao Guofeng! In order to dominate the genius! When you slandered me for acting just now, I said that your acting skills are really good! Cao Guofeng, your purpose is that if I still don't understand, it's really in vain!"

Zhan Mubai said that the masters of the three holy places immediately said a meaningful "Oh", this matter is very possible.

As Zhan Mubai said, in this world now, who can take people away from the strict protection of the seven holy emperors? This is an incredible thing!

This is an iron fact!

Don't even say that there are seven holy emperors, even if there is only one. As long as he cares about his life and death and goes all his best to protect someone, before he dies in battle, someone who is protected must be safe and sound!

This is a master of the Holy Emperor, and now he is still guarded by the Seven Holy Emperors! If it's something that even Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master can't do, I believe that no one in the world can really do it!

"'It's nonsense! Don't talk nonsense! Upside down black and white, it's ridiculous!" Cao Guofeng is now really angry and trembles all over." Even his hair and beard are shivering. Now he can finally feel the feeling of Zhan Mubai just now.

The apprentice was lost, and he was humiliated, but now this pot of shit actually has to be buckled on his head. Zhan Mubai felt that his own analysis was correct, and it was more reasonable to say, "unforgiving, crazy shouting" Everyone persuaded one after another, but it was also full of words. For example, Hai Wuya said, "Brother Zhan, this matter is still not well planned from a long time. Brother Cao has always been upright. In a few days, he will figure it out, and it's not too late for you to discuss it...' And how to know Qiu said, "Brother Zhan" This matter can't be rushed for a while, Both of them have the same meaning in their words. This view is the same as Zhan Mubai: according to the current situation, the genius must have been secretly collected by Cao Guofeng, and even Li Daitao under the joint deployment of the seven holy emperors of the fantasy mansion. U