The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 140 Experiment--

Even if it's a violent thing, even if there is no treasure, if you can't even cope with the dangers in front of you, let's talk about the future!

Mei Xueyan stepped aside as she said. As soon as she flashed away, she saw a cold electric light falling. When the sharp body of the bloody sword touched the skin of heaven and earth, it was like a red-hot knife cut into the frozen butter!

With the sound of "brush", the long and short piece of the palm at the outermost end of the spiritual vein broke off from above silently, and fell down with a bang. This is the outermost part. Even if it is roughly cut off, it will not damage the Jinjin jade liquid inside.

So you have no scruples!

Jun Moxie never stopped, waved his hand, and the power of the five elements of strange power and water was launched, and the aura of the Hongjun Tower above him was instantly condensed, forming a clear stream of water falling from the air.

At the same time, Jun Moxie gently dug a small hole with hot yellow blood on the side of the falling piece, and the water of those aura condensed water poured in impartially and just filled it.

You should know that although the outermost end is only the length of the palm, the cross-section is three feet long. And that small hole is also a few feet deep, which is enough for Jun Moxie to do experiments.

Mei Xueyan stared, but saw Jun Moxie resolutely waving his hand and shouted coldly: "Chaotic fire! Now!"

Then, just on Jun Moxie's fingertips, a dark flame came out with a bang, beating silently and softly.

Jun Moxie took a deep breath and made a sudden force. The chaotic fire suddenly roared, and the flame rose for tens of thousands of feet and burned fiercely. After that. Jun Moxie put the black flame of this chaotic fire on the cross-cutting surface with lightning speed!

The cross-cut surface of the spiritual vein melted in an instant, turning into a crystal **, slowly flowing down, slowly pasting the whole small hole...

Jun Moxie breathed a sigh of relief, his mind moved, and the chaotic flame disappeared from his fingers again. He stretched out his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

How can Jun Moxie not be nervous?

If this experiment is successful, then Jinjin jade liquid will almost become his easy-to-take treasure. No matter when you want to use it, you just need to prick a needle from the confused place and release two drops. Then paste it in this way, and everything will be fine!

But if this experiment ultimately fails, then... This time, the plan to improve the implementation should be put on hold for the time being!

Seeing the half of the blurred spiritual vein, Jun Moxie took a deep breath, and another snowy sword light flashed in the air and chopped down!

Sword fall!

Stone open!

The two disconnected parts all flowed out of the crystal that had just been transformed into the aura of heaven and earth**. Drop by drop, drop off, and then turn into ethereal aura in an instant, floating in the air...

"It's done!" Jun Moxie took a deep breath and hurriedly, and his eyes were shining.

"Ded?" Mei Xueyan couldn't believe it: "Is it really okay? Are you sure? This is not an ordinary thing, in case of a mistake..."

"No, in case!" Jun Moxie interrupted and said happily, "The reason why I didn't use ordinary water just now is to use energy to turn aura into water, in order to prevent this in case! You know, even Jinjin jade liquid is just a ** of heaven and earth aura. However, the concentration is too much higher than the ordinary spirit liquid, and there are more subtle changes in it, but... But no matter how it changes, its essential form will not change! That's like... It's always **!"

Jun Moxie's eyes emitted an extremely fanatical light. Looking at the huge spiritual vein of heaven and earth in front of him, he slowly said, "Today's experiment is of profound and meaningful! This experiment shows that our royal family will rise from now on, and it will never stand down!"

"In the Hongjun Tower, the aura is far more than a thousand times thicker than the outside! The spiritual vein of heaven and earth is here, and it will develop faster! The amount of Jinjin jade liquid in it will only be more and more. Even if the descendants of the Jun family will live for thousands of years, it will be enough! As long as the cultivation reaches a considerable level, with the help of the effectiveness of a drop of Jinjin jade liquid, it can be quickly promoted to the Holy Emperor or even higher..."

"Yes. As long as you can stay here all the time, the Jun family will continue to be brilliant and live forever. Mei Xueyan's eyes were hazy, but she raised a sharp question: "It's just, can you really do it?" Apart from you, who else in the Jun family can use your sword to break the spiritual veins of heaven and earth, and to control the chaotic black fire and repair shortcomings? Even if they have both, is it possible for them to own this Hongjun Tower! "

Jun Moxie was stunned. After a long time, he muttered, "Yes... I was too excited just now, but I ignored the most important point, but I... But I will stay here as much as possible until the day I have to leave!" Mei Xueyan said good words, which means life, old age, illness and death. In her heart, no matter how powerful the legend in the world is, there is no immortality. She just raised this fact vaguely.

But what Jun Moxie thinks is another matter.

Of course, in his previous life, he never believed that there would be immortals and immortals in the world; but in this life, especially after getting the Hongjun Tower, he believed it! The truth is in front of us. How can you not believe it?

If the power of Erji reaches the extent that Ba Rong can't keep himself in a world, then he will definitely leave! I believe that the first young master of Jiuyou left this land on that day. Of course, it may be because he is tired of waiting, but there should be a factor that his own strength is too strong!

Or, those ancient daytime soaring are real at all, and it is unknown!

The two broken spiritual veins, Jun Moxie chose one of them, then cut off the core piece of the palm from it and handed it to Mei Xueyan: "This piece, you keep it. If there is a day when I am not with you and you are injured, scrape some powder with a knife and drink it. This piece of color is warm and has some soft jade quality, but it is equivalent to the good thing of heaven and earth fairy milk.

Mei Xueyan agreed and carefully put the small piece of jade heart into her arms.

Jun Moxie looked at her cautious and interesting appearance, and couldn't help laughing: "You don't have to be so careful. It's just a temporary expedient measure. You and I may not be separated. Even if you are not together for a day or two, you may not be hurt.

"There is no absolute in the world... Someone else will get hurt. Living in this world, especially our strong class, which is free from the constraints of the rule of law, has always been the survival of the strong and the weak... Rolling between life and death every day, how can there be no reason not to be injured? Mei Xueyan sighed gently, slightly depressed, and reluctantly smiled and said: The law of you human beings, the law of our mysterious beasts. We are all separated now..."

"Yes, that's what the world is all about!" Jun Moxie also said with deep feelings: ..., human beings... ≦≧≦≧≦≧≦≧≦W≧≦.≧≦n≧≦è≧≦≦≧≦shou≧≦fa≧ is really a strange Before there are human beings in the world, everyone should abide by the law of the jungle, choose nature, and survive the fittest. The law of the jungle, although cruel, is the fairest. But after the emergence of human beings, they began to fight for power and profit. Why? Later, for the sake of unification and desire, under this premise, the legal system happened... The original intention of the emergence of the legal system is to make everyone equal and for the better management of the country... But after the rule of law, what is bound is still the lowest level of the people, or the weak... It is only limited to equality between the weak and the weak..."

He sighed deeply and continued: 1,... On the contrary, after having a certain position of power, the rules of conduct will no longer follow the basic legal provisions; it will return to the ancient law of the jungle. The strong survive, and the weak die... For example, the original struggle between the Jun family and the Li family in Tianxiang Kingdom, or the struggle between the major families in the capital, the legal system of the kingdom... Can it really do anything? The most important thing is which of these families is the most powerful..."

"As for the dispute between the strong such as the Holy Land and the heavenly punishment, it is completely a further law of the jungle! That is to say, people, whether they are power or their own strength, after reaching a certain level and position, they have transformed again and become beasts! I'm really surprised, so this civilization or the so-called equality of the rule of law, the struggle for profit and bloodshed... Why on earth? What's the point? Is it just to return to the law of the jungle for the last time?

Mei Xueyan smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be quite touched."

"The feeling is not necessarily, but the idea is real, and the puzzle is also true.

Unfortunately, it seems that no one can answer these questions for me!" Jun Moxie smiled bitterly and said, "When I think of these things, I feel that this person is really fucking in the world!" Those who really need equality and fairness will not get this; but those who get will eventually abandon these by themselves. Do you think it's funny or not?

"It's not funny! It's not funny at all!" Mei Xueyan smiled and said, "In fact, there has never been so-called fairness in the world. Previously, a great sage once said that the prince violated the law and committed the same crime as the common people. However, there is one thing that is not explained here, that is, the so-called law is actually made by someone. Both those who make this law and those who implement this law enjoy big or small privileges! This is the rule! And this rule is the same as the privilege of the beast king of our heavenly punishment forest.

Mei Xueyan smiled charmingly and said, "In the heavenly punishment forest, the law of the jungle is happening almost every day, and we kings never care about it. Just let it go below. There is only one provision: there shall be no ethnic-scale war between ethnic groups! I don't care about anything else. But if there is a conflict between the king himself, the war between the ethnic groups is still fought, and the difference is different... The law is naturally valid, but it depends on who violates the law! We, the kings of the forest, can naturally not be bound by the laws we have made.

She looked at Jun Moxie delicately and said, "In fact, human beings are another group of mysterious beasts, a larger heavenly punishment forest, that's all! It's just that our Xuanshou King enjoys privileges, which are acquiesced and recognized by all Xuan beasts. He is not as powerful as others, and he has nothing to say! Moreover, every mysterious beast, as long as you work hard, can reach this status, so there is hope; and you human beings, these privileged classes have not been publicly recognized... Or, they themselves do not recognize their privileges, and they are also playing the role of abiding by the law as much as possible, which is just such hypocrisy and shamelessness..." Y