The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 142 The prologue begins!

This phenomenon shows that the effect of that drop of Jinjin jade liquid is not what these two people can bear at all, and even greatly exceeds the limit of these two people!

The current situation is undoubtedly extremely dangerous. As long as any one of the two people can't withstand this fierce spiritual power, it will burst with the other person at the same time and the bones will be gone! Now the four hands of the two people have formed a circle of true qi, and the strong aura flows in it at high speed and can no longer be decomposed...

This is a critical crisis!

At this time, the Hongjun Tower suddenly spontaneously flourished, and the colorful light shone out, and then a simple but magnificent force slowly dispersed, covering their whole bodies and protecting their bodies...

It seems that there is also a reluctance...

This is Jun Moxie's heart.

He has long judged that if the two of them really can't stand the last moment of death, then Hongjun Tower will protect the Lord, but it will only protect himself, and will never pay attention to Mei Xueyan's life and death!

So, at the moment when he just bent down and realized that it might be bad, he practiced with Mei Xueyan, forming the spiritual power of the two people as a whole!

In this way, if Hongjun Tower wants to save himself, he must even save Mei Xueyan!

If you don't save yourself... Humph, does it dare?

That's why you dare to brazenly launch this promotion operation, entirely because of the strong backing of Hongjun Tower!

Otherwise... How dare Jun Moxie take Jinjin jade liquid that even a drop of immortals will explode and die? He is not impatient to live...

Naturally, you can't tell the truth to Mei Xueyan, otherwise this girl will definitely not let herself take risks. But she doesn't know what kind of confidence she has...

Only make this raw rice cooked first, and then talk after it is promoted... What do you like...

Time slipped away quickly and slowly, and it had been seven days since the Chen family was destroyed.

** The city is calm, without wind and waves, and it is still a prosperous scene. It's not that no one noticed at all that the Chen family, which used to be domineering, somehow disappeared completely during this period of time, but no one can think that the real meaning of the ** city is full of people, and the Chen family has all returned to the hatred...

Nowadays, the big house of the Chen family has long been occupied by Zhan Mubai and other doves. They live extremely peacefully and at ease. These people have been killing for hundreds of years. For killing a few people, as long as it is for the future of the three holy places, it is equivalent to the future of mankind. For the future of Xuanxuan Continent, everything is just! It's aboveboard!

What is it to kill a few people? What's more, is it such a slave-like vassal family? If you kill it, just kill it! ⊥⊥⊥shou⊥⊥fa⊥

As for the fact that after killing, it is even more common to live in the victim's place. If you say the only unpleasant thing, or just because there are no slaves to drive at will, you have to do everything yourself, but for such "hidden" masters, the luxury of the world is not very nostalgic!

Of course, not everyone is so at ease. There is another person who has been tortured during this period, and the only exception is... Qiao Ying.

In these seven days, this profound and amazingly powerful wise-eyed Lord Rasha lost a whole circle of weight!

Of course, others can admit that they are righteous and at ease. They can eat, drink, sleep and sleep. There is no psychological burden at all. But Qiao Ying can't do it...

Qiao Damei has a wise eye, and the effect of this wise eye this time is more significant. And the information brought by is 100% negative.

Because as soon as Qiao Ying opened his eyes and saw everything in his eyes, only the ghosts of the Chen family were crying, accusing, bleeding and tears... Every night, countless ghosts of the Chen family were sing around, condemning the people in the Holy Land angrily.

Especially inside and outside Zhan Mubai's room, it is almost overcrowded.

However, their enemies are really too powerful. When they are people, they can't resist. Now they are ghosts, and they are helpless. The strong power of the holy strong and the power of Xuanyang are the nemesis of ghosts. As long as they are close, there is the danger of annihilation at any time

If others can't see it, it doesn't mean that Qiao Ying can't see it! Not only can she see it, but she can also hear it! But she has no countermeasures. If she is a cruel person, as long as she bursts out the powerful power of Xuanyang, she can completely annihilate these wronged souls. But how can she do this with a kind heart, not to mention that this is completely wrong with Zhan Mubai! So she can only watch the countless ghosts, floating around and hissing in pain...

In fact, if Qiao Ying turns off Hui's eyesight, he will naturally not see anything; but... as long as he has seen and heard everything, who can resist it? The more I look at it, the colder it is. The colder it is, the more I can't help but continue to watch...

During this period, through unilateral observation of the wronged soul, Qiao Ying thoroughly understood the real reason for the demise of the Chen family, which made her angry at Zhan Mubai's behavior!

Even though the master of the Chen family is unforgivable, there are a few people who are led at best. Even if they want to destroy the whole family, it has nothing to do with those ordinary servants... But Zhan Mubai cruelly cut it up and eradicated it...

So during this period, Qiao Ying has proposed more than once to subdue Zhan Mubai and severely punish him! Killing people to pay for their lives and paying off debts. In this way, the people in the three holy places should not act so unscrupulously and care about justice; but the two guardians who came to him did not agree to say anything.

Anyway, Zhan Mubai is also the emperor-level strongman of the three holy places, and he is also an important combat power to protect the Xuanxuan mainland and the battle for the heavens.

If you kill a few secular people, you have to pay for your life... Is there any reason in the world? This proposal seems a little ridiculous!

Qiao Ying was so angry that he immediately moved out of the Chen family and lived alone in the inn.

To be honest, in fact, during this period, all the people in the three holy places have also been living like a year: the killers from the Oriental family and the mysterious masters who made trouble before, where have they gone now? Why is there no movement at all?

Even if you come out and make a fuss, don't let us catch it, just let us know that you still exist... It's okay.

They are in a hurry, and the lurking people in the East is even more anxious. They have been in that secret place for more than ten days. In addition to the first few days, Jun Moxie has not seen any news at all in the past seven days. What's more, it seems that there is no life, no one or death, no corps Sent.....

And the last instruction left by Master Jun is one word: wait!

"Wait! Wait a minute, what year and month should I wait for? This little bastard! What kind of trick is he? When he comes back, let's see if I don't break his ass!"

Don't look at Uncle Dongfang's extreme anger. He speaks even more passionately, but he fully understands the situation in front of him, and he dares not act rashly. Because this place is not his own, he can be impulsive, and it's no problem not to cherish his life, but if so many people are involved to die together, especially most of the people here are not from the Oriental family... This is Uncle Dongfang's biggest scruples, so even if he is aggrieved and there is nothing he can do, he can only continue to wait...

With the passage of time, the news came one after another: the target was determined before, except for this place, all the sniping has been successful.

The Oriental Family is an assassin and has already returned to the Oriental Family to deliver the task. As for the remnant soul-eating members belonging to Jun Moxie and those big killers, they all turned into zero and sneaked into ** city one after another.

Dongfang Wenqing even knows that these people must be in the ** city now; but they don't know exactly where they are. However, Uncle Dongfang thinks that this matter is really magical. Although this ** city is not his own place, the intelligence path is still very well-intelligent, but these people come in from all directions, and then like a drop of water melted into the sea, disappearing in an instant, and it is not one or two, but they are completely I don't know... How on earth did this work?

** Although the city is not small, it is definitely not big... The group of people in the three holy places are divine detection and something else every day. Why haven't they caught any of them? It seems that my nephew really has two subordinates, and there are several of them!

When I thought of Mo Xie, I couldn't help asking, what is this boy doing these days? I'm so anxious!

It's not only Uncle Dongfang who is in a hurry, but also a little anxious. There are also Jiuyou 14 Shao.

This madman raised his neck and waited every day: My injury has recovered to the level when the seal was broken, and I can fully cope with many war situations, but why did the "master" have no letter?

You're going to make trouble again. It's not easy for you to break the alliance between the two places. Why are you WA? But at this extremely important moment, it disappeared? What are you afraid of? Aren't I still behind you?

It's really a headache. Originally, I wanted to use this boy's east wind to provide me with a great opportunity to give me a fierce blow to the three holy places, but now I want to see... There was only a long sigh.

It's been another two days...

Even the holy emperors belonging to the three holy places can't calm down.

It's late at night, and the whole ** is quiet. In the study of the former owner of Chen Qingtian of the Chen family, the lights are swaying...

Hai Wuya served hot tea, frowned and said, "We won't be teased, will we? Could it be that those people are no longer here at all, all their actions are just a false shot, and now they have already gone somewhere else? Another most important point is that the nominal purpose of those people's trip is the dead Chen Qingtian, but now that Chen Qingtian is dead, will they stop here?

"No, no way." Zhan Mubai sat down. These days, the kind-looking and immortal emperor has changed a little. The peaceful face of the past was faintly shrouded in a trace of anger. He said, "Since they have set off such a big stall and come in so blatantly, they will never quit so much. Those people hidden in the dark have sinister intentions. Their real goal has never been in the Chen family, but us from the beginning to the end! Now that we are here, how can they withdraw?

"Brother Zhan said it well! During this period, we have strictly controlled the four gates, and saints guard the hidden place of the gate every day. Although there are several suspicious people coming in, there is absolutely no such person going out!" He Zhiqiu said with a calm face, "So, they must still be in this city! It's just that I don't know where it is. Now we don't have to do anything. We just need to wait quietly. When they can't calm down, they will naturally jump out! We are just recuing ourselves and waiting for work.

He smiled proudly and said, "Originally, with our current strength, it is superfluous to nourish our energy and wait for work. I believe that no matter what tricks they play, it will not have any impact! What's more, we just need to wait for the war to come. When the end of this battle, the next thing is to wait patiently for the battle to seize the sky. That also needs to wait quietly... It's better to wait now. It's a little something to do. It's better than living on the mountain.

Zhan Mubai and Hai Wuya laughed at the same time.

At this moment, suddenly! A cruel cry to the extreme tore through the dark sky!

In this endless silence, this extremely sad howling is like lightning in the middle of the night, which makes people feel creepy! The painful despair in the scream makes people's back numb!

Everyone has a chill on their backs! ... What happened?

Moreover, although this penetrating scream was the last cry of the man's death, the person who made this scream was obviously a master! Even a master in the world! Because of this scream, the whole ** city can hear it clearly!

The owner of such deep power is the level of the most holy strong!

But once such a cry is made, whether it is a chicken or a saint, there will never be a chance to survive!

Zhan Mubai and the other three holy emperors stood up at the same time, looked at each other with a cautious expression.

"That's Xia Dongting's voice!" In addition to giving a positive answer, the muscles on his face**, the pupils in his eyes were open, and two sharp cold rays were shot out. The anger in his heart has obviously reached a limit!

Xia Dongting, a master at the level of the Fantasy Blood Sea Sage, is even more fascinated by Xuangong. After engraving, he actually made such a dying scream!

"Go! Go quickly!" Zhan Mubai's breath soared in an instant, and the "brush" had disappeared from the study. Then, Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu also disappeared at the same time...

In the study, the red candle burns quietly and the flame is stable. The three of them left so quickly that the flame didn't even move...

An extremely bloody scene, in this loud scream, opened the prelude to the inhumane massacre! Y