The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 145 Terrible Tianwei!

(Today's first update!)

The night deepened little by little, and at dawn, there was another big storm!

On that day, Master Jun tried his best to blackmail himself, forcing Hongjun Tower to output the amazing power to help ** and Mei Xueyan protect themselves, and successfully used the terrible medicine power of "Jinjin jade liquid" for his own use. With the help of Hongjun Tower, the ultimate cheater, the two had a thrilling and smooth success.

After the breakthrough was completed, the two still did not leave and continued to stay in the Hongjun Tower. Mei Xueyan is consolidating **'s own realm, like the safest, calmest, and a large number of pure aura. ** is the best choice to consolidate **'s realm. As for Jun Mo Xie, he is busy with alchemy, Anyway, I'm very happy and busy.

When the two came out, they also went to a deserted place outside the city for a while. The purpose is the natural disaster that comes with the continuous promotion of several levels. Hurry up and catch up with the progress. That's the real good luck... But the two waited for a few hours, but there was no response!

This makes Mei Xueyan a little confused!

It is not difficult to understand that people may be negligent; but the heavenly disaster is the killing of heaven.

Is this also negligent?

Two people have been promoted at the same time, and both of them have been promoted several levels, that is to say, now everyone has accumulated at least five or six heavenly disasters,... There is no response now! The two of them guessed for a while, and they had no clue. They couldn't just wait so stupidly! In the confusion, he went to ** City again and killed Xia Dongting that night!

I didn't have enough strength before, so I couldn't kill it, but now I have enough strength. Isn't it stupid if I don't do it again?!

The target of this killing is always a third-level saint. Even the young master Jun, who has been promoted, has to use his real strength to kill him in one fell swoop.

But because of this, his real strength of the inner chain has been fully demonstrated, making the disaster that has not responded for a long time...

It suddenly reacted! And it seems that the natural disaster of young master Jun is not the only one, but the thunder disaster of the two people came together!

So ** When the two of them came out of the Chen family, the dark clouds in the sky have been gathering, gathering all the time, almost endless... It seems that the clouds all over the sky will be concentrated in one place on this day, in this morning!

I don't know how long the electric light that has been accumulated has gradually approached from far to near. The thick dark clouds slowly formed a huge whirlpool in the air, and finally formed a huge eye, like a one-eyed giant monster suddenly appeared in the sky!

Then after a flash of flash, it did not drop immediately, but disappeared into the one-eyed, and there was no movement at all.

Then the next batch of dark clouds converged, and after the lightning flashed, it must be hidden...

This is the same!

In the early morning, the thick dark clouds in the sky pressed down, giving people an extremely strange feeling: within reach! It seems that as soon as you stretch out your hand, you can tear down the thick dark clouds!

So much, the top of several tall trees has reached into the dark clouds... It can be seen that the density of dark clouds at this moment has reached!

The strong pressure of heaven and earth is getting heavier and heavier. Even the roaring wind in the past seems to be struggling and difficult to move forward...

Above the sky, nearly a hundred huge and frightening one-eyed eyes have been accumulated, densely scattered in the dark clouds!

There is no electric light, and there is no trace of other color, only black! Black... This kind of black is darker than the night. Even if a person puts his finger in front of **, he can't see it at all!

has been preparing and gathering, without any extra action at all; but this heavy depression makes everyone breathless!

This kind of supreme pressure from the world is just a depressing feeling for ordinary people and low-level mysterious people. But for the masters who have mastered part of the power of heaven and earth, it is an indescribable deterrent!

Within a thousand miles, all the masters of the world above the supreme dare not move at this moment! Whether it is above the supreme or the existence of the venerable or the holy emperor, no one is careful, even dares to breathe, let alone move a little, especially... ** My own mysterious office, I dare not call it at all!

I'm afraid that ** only needs to move a little. With the traction of the air machine, the terrible disaster in front of me will find **'s head... This kind of thing is not a joke, let alone an unfounded worry, but a real possible fact!

When the disaster comes, of course, it will only find the person who caused the thunderstorm... But if someone else takes the initiative to help, or "it happens" to enter the scope of thunderstorm. Thunder Robbery will increase the level accordingly, up to double or even greater energy. Hit all the people involved into ashes together!

But in the current situation, the thunderstorm of this scale is really unprecedented! So no one dares to be selfish, and there is no exception for the strong at any level! Who knows who this thing is looking for? If I come as soon as I move, I will come, and I will support the jar for others in a daze... Then won't I die unjustly?

Not to mention this cylinder... But it's a super big one! Once in contact, it is definitely not a life of nine deaths, directly ten deaths without life, or even a hundred deaths without life!

Such a terrible formation, I believe that even if all the masters of the three holy places pull over and make up the number, even if the disaster will not be upgraded due to the increase in the number of people... I guess it will all turn into a pile of flying ash. You have me and I have you...

On such a scale, even if the first young master of Jiuyou came that year, I'm afraid he would be shocked! ** From beginning to end, ** After tens of thousands of years, there has never been such a strange situation, not once!

A total of 99 single-eyed eyes stare quietly in the sky, and the energy is still accumulating, but there is no movement!

It's impossible for 99 masters to break through and cause thunderstorms at the same time, right?

But... Why hasn't the lightning been cut down yet?

What on earth are they waiting for?

Wanmu is silently waiting for the rain!

Finally! Suddenly! !

Everything is silent!

The sound of the shrill wind in the air seemed to have been cut in the waist, and suddenly stopped from the violent blowing!

At the moment before, there was a tsunami in the mountains, but at this moment, the needle can be heard!

Such a strong contrast makes everyone feel in their hearts!


Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan are still on the tree, as if they are afraid that the thunder and lightning will not hit them, and deliberately put **'s position to the most conspicuous height...

“...... Nineteen, twenty... Thirty-five... Seventy-seven..." Now, Master Jun is lying on the lap of the beauty, wrenching his fingers, seriously counting the huge number of one-eyed eyes in the sky one by one. Counting, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said in surprise, "No, this number seems to be too wrong."

"What's wrong?" Mei Xueyan asked.

"Stuction... Generally speaking, only one of these things will appear..." Jun Moxie pointed to the vision in the sky and said, "When the corresponding energy is exhausted, it will be over. Even if each of us has crossed many levels this time, and the two of us have gone through the thunderstorm together. It is understandable that the number is a little more, but it will not be able to reach so much in the sky today... Isn't it obvious to bully people?"

Young Master Jun was a little annoyed with his fingers on the floor and said, "You see, I went from the third level of the venerable to the fourth level of the venerable, and then broke through the first to fourth level of the saint; I became the third level of the Holy Emperor... At best, it's just eight breakthroughs! And you, because we are one at the time of the breakthrough, you and I have the same strength... That is to say, the two of us add up to only 16 times. Even if the two of us pass together and double, it will only be thirty-two thunderstorms... But ninety-nine of this thing actually appeared! Three times more, what's the saying?!

Master Jun said angrily, "Isn't this playing with people? Who can I learn arithmetic from?

Mei Xueyan covered her forehead with her hand and said gloomy, "Ah?... Why don't you go and find their theories?"

"Are you sending me stupid? I'm not going!" Jun Moxie resoruptedly refused: "Whoever goes is a fool!" Just kidding, jump into the sky to find the theory of natural disaster? I didn't look for it like this! You're going to murder your own husband!"

Mei Xueyan smiled delicately, and the flowers trembled.

These two people, in the face of such a terrible disaster, actually didn't care at all, laughing and scolding, six as usual...


At the moment of silence to the extreme in the sky, it was also the moment when the color was extremely black. Suddenly, the clouds roared violently, and then the whole world suddenly glowed, an unprecedentedly strong purple thunderball, ** The core position of the dark cloud suddenly formed, and then accompanied by earth-shaking thunder, as thick as The water tank-like lightning column slammed down!

Straight, accurately split into the big tree where the two people are hiding!

The whole earth trembled with a violent earthquake!

At this moment, Zhan Mubai and others were in the Chen family's yard, but they were almost the closest place to the place where the thunderstorm occurred. Everyone felt breathless and... What kind of evil disaster is this? Unexpectedly, there was such a terrible momentum? Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan launched a yin and yang escape at the same time, making their bodies turn into nothingness!

The water tank-like lightning column roared and hit the towering tree almost at the beginning of its formation!

Hai Wuya and others waited with a tongue, and their eyes were full of despair and dead boat despair!

No one expected that the bastard was so close to them!

It seems that today, I'm afraid everyone will be doomed!

Everyone understands that the next step will definitely be accompanied by an unparalleled explosion. Or, with this thunderbolt, hundreds of feet will turn into a piece of ashes, and it will gradually spread until the energy of the thunderstorm is exhausted!

However, with the scope, momentum and accumulated energy of this thunderstorm, if you want to get through it completely, it is simply a dream! Y