The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 170 Heavenly Palace

How fast these four people are. They have been running for thousands of miles in just a few days.

In the past few days, four people haven't talked much.

Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Buhui were more open-minded, but Qiao Ying was worried along the way and worried about the success or failure of the battle. In a few days, she was haggard a lot. Originally, with her skills, she could not do this, but she was worried, and it was really difficult to resolve.

Four people in a group, gradually moving away, gradually moving away from people, and getting more and more desolate. After walking forward for a few more days, I climbed to the top of the mountain. Looking around, there was a continuous mountain in front of me, as if to the end of the sky.

Looking back, the country is picturesque, and the nearby towns can be faintly seen, although it is already blurred.

"Jun Moxie, the name of this mountain is called 'the world'! It means that the north of this mountain is the world, while the south is full of desolate areas!" Qiao Ying stared at the faint human smoke in the north, faintly.

"The world? What a strange name. Jun Moxie dealt with it. Thinking in his heart, Qiao Ying has been ignored by himself all the way, but now he suddenly talks to himself, but why?

"Did you see it? To the north of this mountain, Vietnam and Vietnam are densely populated. And most of the inheritance of human beings is concentrated there; tens of thousands of years of development and reproduction have finally formed today's prosperous era!"

Qiao Ying looked at Jun Moxie coldly: "And what guarantees all this is the battle for the sky! See, from here to the south, the farthest and highest mountain is Tianzhu Mountain! And the battle for the sky will be fought there!"

Jun Moxie looked far away and only saw a cloud and fog. A majestic high mountain rose straight up and went straight into the sky, above the clouds, and the mountain body of the mountain... Unexpectedly, I couldn't see where the top of the mountain was, let alone straight into the sky!

"If the battle for the sky is ultimately defeated, aliens will invade the world, and human beings will be prosperous for tens of thousands of years, or they will be destroyed in one day! All the prosperity in front of us will turn into hell on earth! Even all human beings will become slaves and food for aliens!"

Qiao Ying said coldly and heavily, "Just a few days ago, the 30 people you slaughtered with your own hands were the masters who were about to throw their blood for the whole human race to participate in the battle! Do you know what it means to die those people?

"What does it mean?" Jun Moxie tilted his head.

"It means that this battle of heaven, the Xuanxuan mainland will end in failure! The invasion of aliens is about to become a fore conclusion and a reality! The mainland is full of life, and the eyes are full of sores in front of us!" Qiao Ying said heavily, and his eyes were full of fire: "And the culprit of all this is because of the battle you launched! Jun Moxie, don't you think that your conscience is a puppet?

"Are you ashamed of your conscience? Why should I feel ashamed of my conscience? Jun Moxie said lightly, "What you said...what kind of creatures, alien's none of my business?"

"You!" Qiao Ying didn't expect that the young hero who controlled such a powerful power could say such irresponsible words. He was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time.

Jun Moxie didn't take Qiao Ying's disappointment in his eyes. He turned away and continued to say ruthlessly, "I've been tired of hearing about the safety of the world! I don't want to hear anyone say these eight words anymore, especially in the face of Master Ben, because it hurts when I hear it! Don't put these righteous things together with me. These things have nothing to do with me at all!"

"You said you didn't want to hear it? But you are harming the interests of the world!" Qiao Ying said harshly, "The battle for the sky is about to fail because of you alone! It's about to ruin your life because of you! If you don't kill Bo Ren, Bo Ren will die because of you! What right do you have to say you don't want to hear it? Why does it have nothing to do with you? Do you know how many innocent creatures will die in the world just because you are alone?

"Bullshit! Are the creatures in the world dying for me? There is always fate when things happen. There is no wind and no waves. The reason why I kill people is that people want to kill me!"

Jun Moxie said angrily, "I have never taken the initiative to provoke your three holy places!" I didn't even offend you! But you fucking hold up your sanctimonious face and do the matter of male thieves and female prostitutes, and come to me endlessly again and again. Dog skin plasters can't be thrown away! Do you still have the face to ask me now? Even if many people really die because of this, it is the responsibility of your bullshit holy land, which has a bullshit relationship with me!"

"Lao Ke was originally the Duke of Tianxiang City. He was rich and rich, and he was rich in a lifetime! But the land was driven out by you, so you had to abandon your family and property, retreat to the forest of heavenly punishment, and join thousands of mysterious beasts!"

"I have made concessions to this point, and you still refuse to give up and deal with my relatives and my friends! Anyone who has something to do with my Jun's family, you don't let go... You even have to the heavenly punishment forest to assassinate me. If I hadn't had a little ability and had not exhausted the cards, I would have been plotted to death by you bastards for 800 times!! This is a bastard!"

"The patron saint of the mainland? The three holy places are full of bastards! Including the three of you! Now you are so embarrassed to talk to me about justice and justice and talk to me about the world? Ask yourself, do you deserve it?! If you can't kill me, I will kill you. How can you blame me for killing the world? Is there such an algorithm for paralysis?

"Since you have killed me, I will kill you first! The thing is to deduct some simple things and just collect you for the sake of the world, so what? Even if you are the only remaining Optimus Prime in the world for the sake of cosmic peace, if you kill you, the sky will collapse... As long as you want to kill me, I will still kill you! At worst, let's break up. Let's all be finished together!"

Jun Moxie smiled coldly and said, "Everyone's mother is a life. People die and birds face the earth. If they don't die, they will continue to be scourge!" What about the charcoal of life? These things are not in my heart. It is impossible to make me feel awe-inspiring. I have never thought I am a hero, a benevolent and righteous man. I want to talk to me about the world and think the wrong heart! Even if this continent really collapses, so what! After tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years, it's a new world! But no matter who it is, please don't pretend to be a savior. That's disgusting!"

Young Master Jun smiled viciously and looked at Qiao Ying: "~Most}} Have you ever heard of an idiom called Mu Monkey! Does a monkey think he is a king when he wears a crown? Do you think your three holy places are ridiculous? In comparison, you are just a group of stronger monkeys at best. Why do you represent the world? Why do you call yourself a savior? Even if you call yourself a savior, it doesn't matter, but don't say yourself extremely noble first and then hit others with noble! You don't have that qualification! Again, you don't deserve it!"

Jun Moxie said it smoothly, and even Bi said it smoothly, but he didn't notice it at all...

"Another ten thousand steps back, you can put yourself on the platform of the savior because of some things you have done. No one cares about it, but you don't expect others to repay you! Three years of high moral inquiry, you must be able to tell the difference between active and passive! You do those things because you are willing. It seems that no one has ever put a knife around your neck and forced you to sacrifice! You can do it at all! This is not your obligation... Do you understand?! Let me tell you, no one in the world will have any impact! Even without your three holy places, aliens may not be a great thing. Understand?!! It's so ridiculous!"

After a long speech, Jun Moxie scolded him happily.

But when he said he was spoiled, he found that the three people around him did not make a sound, but looked heavy and thoughtful.

Standing in this world, on the top of the mountain, for a long time, Qu Buhui sighed and said, "Let's go. It will take another three-day journey from here.. ..."

His face was full of anger, and Dong turned into a solemn Qiao Ying, but he no longer accused Jun Moxie. The four of them galloped silently, like four meteors passing through the big shackles...

Wangshan running dead horse, this sentence is really good. From the top of the "human world" mountain, you can clearly see the Tianzhu Mountain, but even with the strength of these four top masters, they have been flying for two days, but they still haven't reached the foot of the mountain... .......

Jun Moxie is very strange. How can he see Tianzhu Mountain thousands of miles away? Even if you have good eyesight, you may not be as good as that, right? After all, the distance is too far...

It seemed that he could see Jun Moxie's doubts. Qu Bu smiled back and said, "When you arrive, you will understand."

Strange to say, since Jun Moxie cursed the street and said that, the three people's attitude towards Jun Moxie was much better, which made Jun Moxie a little puzzled: Do these three guys directly owe to scold? Or is it simply the legendary "masochist"? Typical type of smoking is not enough to smoke if you have nothing to do? Do you want me to scold you every once in a to time? Just move your mouth, and it won't take much effort!

was considering the feasibility of this idea, and suddenly found that Qu Buhui was waiting for all three people to stop. As soon as his heart moved, he stopped his footsteps in an instant. He only heard Qiao Ying's tone with a heartfelt and relaxed tone, and muttered, "The mountain in front of him is the location of the Heavenly Holy Palace..."

In the tone, with a sense of joy of going home.

Jun Moxie raised his eyes and saw a towering mountain rising dozens of miles ahead. At the top of the mountain, several houses could be faintly seen in the snow. As he got closer, Jun Moxie suddenly found that the drought was clearly dozens of thatched huts! Several lush trunks propped up the main body, with green buds, and the roof was full of vines...

A simple building that can't be more simple!

"Is this the legendary Heavenly Palace?" Jun Moxie looked at it in a stagnation and suddenly turned back in disbelief. In his heart, the legendary Heavenly Palace should be magnificent, like a palace. How could it be such a dilapidated scene in front of him?

Qiao Ying smiled proudly and said, "This is the Heavenly Palace!"

"Ap"Ap!" Jun Moxie said from the bottom of his heart. As the strongest person in the mainland, he is willing to live in such a place. No matter what it is for, it is enough to be admired!

"Thank you very much." Qiao Ying smiled faintly and was very satisfied with Jun Moxie's words.

She could hear it, but Jun Moxie's "admiration" was sincere, and she couldn't help but change her bad impression of Jun Moxie. Then he pointed out, "Three hundred miles east of the Heavenly Holy Palace is the mountain where the Dunshi Fairy Palace is located. If you lean more than a thousand miles, it is the supreme golden city! As for about 2,000 miles to the west, it is a sea of dreamy blood. The mountain where the Tiansheng Palace is located is regarded as the 'Tiansheng Mountain' by the three holy places. The location of only a thousand miles south of Tiansheng Mountain is the place that determines the fate of the mainland. There is a place where Tianzhu Peak collapses for some reason, which is extremely vast! And the battle for the sky is carried out here!"

"It turned out to be here... This place is hard to find!" Jun Moxie smashed his mouth and asked, "Are all three places like the Tiansheng Palace?"

Qiao Ying's face showed a trace of embarrassment, and she said, "Those three places... Cough, better than here... It should be a little more gorgeous."

Jun Moxie said with a deep meaning, "Is it a little more gorgeous?" What the saying is this! Unexpectedly, they let their ancestors live in such a simple place. If they themselves are so simple, it is even a matter of reason. Unfortunately, the fact must be very out of place..."

"Diligence and thrift is the tradition of the Heavenly Palace!" Cheng Yinyao on one side said something faintly.

seems to be a rebuttal.

"It's really a good tradition... It's really not easy to starve you to death. Thanks to the mystery... Xuanqi is really a good thing! At least I won't starve people to death!" Master Jun sighed.

The faces of the three people suddenly darkened and...

"It turns out to be so diligent and thrifty!" Jun Moxie finally went to the Tiansheng Mountain and was amazed: "Fuck, such diligence and thrift, I dream of it! Can you be less hypocritical! Damn it, is this called diligence and thrift? I'm diligent and thrifty! I wish you and your whole family rich!"

Master Jun finally saw the hut of the Heavenly Holy Palace at close range. I couldn't help but get angry in an instant, and I was paralyzed, which made me sincerely admire for a while. It turned out to be like this.

On the top of the mountain, the aura is almost substantial. Although it is not as dense, pure and quintessential than the aura in the Hongjun Tower, it has a thriving essence of vegetation!

The Heavenly Palace consists of a total of one hundred houses, and the columns of each house are all growing trees! And this kind of tree, Jun Moxie recognizes: Xuanlingmu!

Xuanling wood, which can be more than 10,000 years old, can be cut into pieces of wood and worn on the body, which can have the effect of concenturing the mind and immortalized for a hundred years. The living Xuanling wood itself is similar to a small gathering array, which can spontaneously gather the aura of heaven and earth!

Each house needs at least six Xuanling trees this time... Cultivate Xuanqi in such an environment, and never have to worry about mental disorder and go crazy! C