The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 176 Go with your sleeves

"But this is not a mean and shameless reason!" Qiao Ying's pink face turned red, "He said harshly, "Since you can't afford to take responsibility, you shouldn't boast and sell Haikou. Why didn't you stop when you were betting, watching the fun and gloating just now? Do you know that you can't bear it now?"

"Afraid? Qiao Ying, don't you know that this is no longer a matter of whether a person is afraid or afraid? This matter is related to the future of the whole Heavenly Palace! And in any case, in terms of luck, in terms of the root, it is the mean and shameless boy! He had already planned to make all kinds of illusions and tempted me to make wrong judgments. Teng Chongjie shouted, "He fooled us like this. I insisted on getting justice back. Even if the promise is in front of me, I will not hesitate!

He blushed and said heavily, "Beother way... This matter has evolved to date, and it has changed to be a personal grudge between me and Jun Mo Xie! It has nothing to do with the Holy Palace! Qiao Ying, if you still admit that you are a member of the Heavenly Palace, please don't open your mouth again. In order to wash away this personal grudge, even if I surrender my identity and stigmatize the small, I can't take care of it!

Qiao Ying was so angry that he could hardly speak.

"Hahaha..." Jun Moxie suddenly laughed: "Personal enmity... What you said is really beautiful! I finally understand where the shamelessness of the three holy places came from, so it is! It's always that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, and what about the strong above the Holy Emperor? It's nothing more than that! Teng Chongjie... You really gave birth to a good one... I, Jun Mo Wu, opened my eyes today!"

"Anyway! If you don't want to leave the treasures of this mountain today and don't give us an explanation, you can't leave this holy mountain!" If you don't stop Teng Chongjie, everyone will take a step forward together. With their own air, they will lock Jun Moxie and stare at him!

I see that the current situation has entered a dangerous situation!

"I'll see who dares to do it!" Qiao Ying actually floated himself and stopped him in front of Jun Mo Wu, full of anger

Red, my heart is heartbroken, angry, and a little ashamed!

The many elixirs are distressed, and even more shameless and angry...

I didn't expect that a group of hermits on Tiansheng Mountain, all the strongest people in the world, could do such things.

It's okay to go back on your word and not believe it. Unexpectedly, you have to threaten with force, bully the weak with strength... As for Jun Moxie, although he is reasonable, he actually took so many things at once. It's really too greedy, but... Now that he has agreed, you can't go back on your word, let

How can people stand between heaven and earth without faith?

"Haha..." Jun Moxie smiled, pushed Qiao Ying away with one hand, shook his head and said, "This

You'd better not get involved! You are always a guest of the Heavenly Palace!"

With that, he looked at the forty or fifty people in front of him and said lightly, "So far, there is really no room to change the garden. What you have done... really disappoints me! I, Jun Moxie, absolutely never thought... People's skin turned out to be so worthless! I thought that the legendary Heavenly Palace should be somewhat different. Even if I won't allow me to take away the elixir, it will never be so bad... But it turned out to be nothing more than that, it's just a dragonfly!"

Young Master Jun paused again and said sarcastically, "Although I haven't finished what I want, the rest... will be left to you; as for the bets you mentioned before... with your face... I'm sure you will never fulfill it; hehe In this case, I won't force it, so I'll say goodbye... Ladies and gentlemen, the green mountains will not change, the green water will flow for a long time, and I'll see you in the tide of the river.

"You still want to leave?" As soon as Teng Chongjie finished this, his eyes suddenly widened in shock: in front of him, Master Jun's handsome face was full of sarcasm and contempt. His whole body slowly faded, turned into nothingness in an instant, completely integrated into a piece of air, and disappeared one by one.

"Where are the people? What about people?" Everyone released the divine detection one after another. In terms of the strong strength of these people, I believe that no strong person can escape so easily. Even the Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master will be no exception, but they found nothing, and everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

"Qiao Ying, you can immediately use your eyes to take a look. Where is the hell is the boy hiding?! If he leaves like this... Then our Heavenly Palace will be a big shame..." Li Chongjie bit his teeth and said.

"Our holy palace is so embarrassing!? Haven't you lost your adults a long time ago? Do you still need to wait for this time?" Qiao Ying shouted coldly, his face was like frost, and he turned around. I suddenly felt extremely disappointed in my heart, and my heart suddenly became cold: Is this... the Yaosheng Palace where I have stayed for more than a thousand years? Do you want to guard the legendary land of Xuanxuan Continent? Why is it so strange?

Although Qiao Ying ignored Yu's departure, everyone present was full of experienced and experienced people with rich experience. Immediately, many people dispersed in all directions, guarding all the points, and some people went all the way down the mountain and blocked the intersection.

As long as Jun Moxie is still on the mountain, even if his invisibility escape is so strange, it is always

It's hard to escape!

Teng Chongjie looked at Qiao Ying's back and said angrily, "What's the air? If the Heavenly Palace is destroyed

, is it

What else can you have to do?

Qiao Ying heard his words from afar, but he didn't react at all, but his face was colder. I walked straight into my room, and there was no sound...

The carved Yaosheng Mountain was completely messed up... When Wu Shanyun came out of the customs, he almost fainted.

But when he heard the whole story, he was surprisingly indifferent and said only one sentence: "If he takes it, take it away... the more he takes it... the better.

From then on, there was no more follow-up, as if there was no heartache at all about what was taken away by Jun Moxie. Moreover, it seems to be a little... relieved.

He finally took it away...

This kind of strange reaction really surprised everyone. No one can imagine that he has always regarded these things as the boss of his heart, how can he be so calm after such an incident?

Are you confused?

Look at the other bigwigs who have just come out of the retreat. Everyone's face was angry when they first came out, and they were all swept away, turning into extreme indifference...

This is really strange!

Jun Moxie went down to Tiansheng Mountain, but did not leave immediately. Instead, several mountains went to Qin before and after, especially the place where the three holy places were located, and checked it carefully for a while.

Then he turned his foot and went up to Tianzhu Peak.

The battle for the sky is set here. Jun Mo Wu can't go up to have a look.

When I got closer, I found that this huge mountain range was really magnificent. Moreover, the rocks are obviously different from other mountains, and they emit an extremely special color, fluorescent connotation, not stone, not jade, and extremely hard.

Jun Moxie grabbed a stone the size of a fist and tried it in the palm of his hand. He couldn't help but be shocked. The hardness of the stone in Tianzhu Mountain is much beyond the imagination of ordinary people! With his current skills, he has to use more than 50% of his spiritual power to crush it!

And this is just a small piece that burst out. I don't know how many years the stone has been weathered! Then, how hard the stones inside the surface will be, it can be imagined one by one, one by one

Looking up from a distance, I have always seen the end of the clouds in the sky, and I didn't see the peak of the mountain! Moreover, just by looking at it, you can clearly feel that a huge pressure is so abruptly coming to your face, which makes people involuntarily have a feeling of trembling...

This special feeling makes Jun Moxie really strange.

There is only a mountain here. Can't it be like a first-class master? Jun Moxie crossed his heart and floated up, flying up at an amazing speed like a streamer.

The more you go up, the more pressure you can feel. After only six or seven kilometers, you are already a little overwhelmed. It seems that there is a god above, exerting his unparalleled divine power to prevent human beings from climbing to the peak of the existence of gods.

Jun Moxie mentioned the inner yuan again and climbed up to a height of about 5,000 meters. When he looked up, he still couldn't see the vertex position... And this position is at least more than 10,000 meters high one by one by one r

Jun Moxie smiled bitterly: "It seems that Mount Everest is only more than 8,000 meters, and this mountain is only halfway up the mountain... It's really abnormal..."

But at this time, Jun Mo Wu finally knew the reason why he could see Tianzhu Peak thousands of miles away when he came: the stones on the mountain are not only extremely hard, but also seem to be able to dissipate light, and the light emitted can also have a magnification effect. Hundreds of millions of pieces are piled up in one. So, it has caused this strange natural scene...

Try to dive down the mountain, but Jun Moxie found one thing: his own yin and yang escape, on this Tianzhu Mountain, the magical ability seems to have disappeared...

The whole mountain range of Tianzhu Mountain here is like a forbidden magic weapon of some ancient power

like. This discovery shocked Jun Moxie himself!

Who on earth can have such an anti-sky ability?

Also, this mountain... seems to be big!

Master Jun originally planned to go up again, but he found that he could not get up. Jun Moxie sighed: No wonder no one has been able to climb over Tianzhu Mountain. So it's like this... Sometimes the manpower is poor, but his strength is still limited. At present, he can only seal it here. But this secret must be solved in the future...

Turning down the mountain, Jun Moxie went all the way north... It's been a long time since I left Tianxiang City, or it's time to go back and have a look... Now that I don't have so many constraints, I don't have to care about anything...

Well, there are also colorful holy fruits, the ethereal mansion... I must get it. At present, I can only calculate it step by step. When I get the news that Cao Guofeng can wait for others, I will make my own plans.

Jun Mo Wu thought about it, took a big step and went all the way north. C