The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 180 Tang Yuan's decision to influence future generations!

Tang Yuan snorted, "It's just to inquire about the news. Aren't you also worried? I'm doing that for you. What I said is so unbearable. Be careful that I will sue you to the third young master! You can't eat and walk around..."

Another voice sounded: "Master, I am willing to testify for the wind. This fat man has been holding chicken feathers as an arrow all the way. No matter what, it also instructs us. We are really miserable. Although we share our worries for the master, it is what the disciple should do, but... In short, it is difficult to say..."

The sudden title of "Master" was stunned by Master Jun, and immediately remembered that Song Shu, the old partner of Hai Chenfeng, was not his apprentice? Although it is only the master-apprentice relationship in the "wine road", and even the young master Jun seems to have never recognized it, this old apprentice has never changed as long as he mentions that he is called a master.

This sentence "Master,"

But it reminds Master Jun of a lot of past events, the rain, the wine, the gambling, everything in front of him, endless warmth.

That was when I was the weakest in the world...

Everyone laughed loudly. In the laughter, they walked in together. Looking at Sun Xiaomei following silently, Jun Moxie suddenly had a whim and asked maliciously, "Wow, fat man, you are really promising now... After so long, my wife has not lost again 9" Tang Yuan's fat face suddenly He turned into a bitter gourd type and said, "Third young master... We don't play like this... Are you going to play me to death? It hasn't been a few days since I stopped here... hiss... It hurts me to death..."

But Sun Xiaomei pinched him on the waist fiercely and said angrily, "Fat man, with you, wait for me!"

Then he snorted and looked up and went away.

Tang Yuan was suddenly at a loss. He chased him and ran up and begged for mercy: "Wife... I really don't know. How can I... I, I... You have to believe me..."

Looking at the fat man nodding and bowing, his nose and tears, and apologizing after Sun Xiaomei like a kowtow worm, everyone laughed happily. Jun Moxie only stayed in Tianxiang City for two days, and then received the news from the people of the ethereal Mansion.

Because in the past two days, Jun Moxie was so annoyed by Tang Yuan that he almost called Uncle. He experienced the pain of Hai and Song. I don't know where this guy got so many different versions. He holds a thick stack every day to tell stories to Jun Moxie, which is about the evil monarch. The section of the battle against the three holy places...

In just two days, Tang Yuan actually bought almost 60 different versions at a high price, and directly compiled it into a book. He pulled Jun Moxie to read it every day. Later, as long as Jun Moxie saw Tang Yuan coming with this book in his arms, he would immediately have a big head, and he almost shouted for help...

As soon as he received the news from Cao Guofeng and others in the Fantasy Mansion, Jun Moxie almost fled in the wilderness, and can even be said to have escaped from Tianxiang City...

Looking around today's events, if you can fool the evil monarch Mo Xiejun's young master into this virtue, you really have only Tang Fatty. Tang Yuan Tang's young master's achievement is not only unprecedented, but also unique!

However, Jun Moxie also gave an elixir to Tang Yuan, Sun Xiao, Mei, Hai Shenfeng, Song Shu and others in the past two days.

Let them use it to improve their strength; Tang Yuan has no interest in Xuanqi at all. The current low cultivation is not at the level of Jin Xuan. Although it is not used, Jun Moxie still left one more for Sun Xiaomei. In case when the fat man wants to practice, these elixirs will be his greatest motivation. .

Deliver medicine to Fatty, Song Xiehai Shenfeng and others... This is the biggest purpose of Jun Moxie's coming here!

In addition, Jun Moxie also left a lot of low-level elixirs such as fried bone elixirs for the fat man, so that this guy can make money... Although he also hopes that this guy will eat one to consolidate and consolidate himself, Jun Moxie can see from the fat man's entish expression: I'm afraid that this ...

Jun Moxie plans to pour it on the fat man as soon as possible if he refines the marrow washing elixir without any side effects one day. Otherwise... the fat man will die in just a few decades. How boring the world without the fat man would be...

After he left, Tang Yuan gave an order: try your best to acquire different versions of the book about the evil monarch can be acquired at a high price; even if it is now edited, there is no problem. Then compile it uniformly and summarize it into the study...

Because the fat man thinks that these things are simply the best jokes he has ever seen in his life. No matter which version, it looks so pleasing to the eyes that it can make him laugh. The only regret is that no matter how you look at it, the protagonist of the story does not seem to be his best friend, the young master Mo Xiejun... too It's a high school, can the boy be so good?

With the strong support of Tang Yuan, an unparalleled "rich man", all kinds of anecdotes about the evil monarch have sped up from the whole continent like bamboo shoots... This acquisition action directly led to the public talk about the legendary figure of the evil monarch in later generations. Li and my mother-in-law said that my mother-in-law has a way... The legend of the evil monarch has increased the taste of fantasy several times in his life. Of course, how many of this is the real evil monarch, which is more intriguing and intriguing...

There is a dense forest in front of him. Cao Shenghuang and Cao Guofeng walked in front with a calm face. Since he came out of ** City, he has been pulling his face, and his mood is obviously very heavy. The other six people also knew that he was in a bad mood and didn't come to talk to him in his spare time. Seven people have been so silent for several days.

The purpose of his trip was to find someone.

Everyone has searched in this mountain several times, and there are no search blind spots. Before that they heard that the man lived here, but the seven people turned over the whole mountain several times, but they didn't find that everything was not going well on this trip. Cao Guofeng and Bai Qifeng, the two people, were all depressed. The only good news recently is that I heard the legend that the three holy places were defeated by a born 'evil monarch', suffered a great loss, and almost the whole army was completely destroyed. These people were happy once. I talked about it happily for a long time, and then returned to dullness...

Looking at the mountains and forests that were particularly silent and without any trace, Cao Guofeng finally decided that the person he and others were looking for would never be here. Cao Guofeng finally decided to give up.

Cao Shenghuang slapped a big lining beside him with extreme depression and said angrily, "It's really unlucky to come out this time! I couldn't find anyone, and I fell out with the Holy Land. Those bastards! The most annoying thing is that the ethereal and pleasant man of the manor that was finally found disappeared so inexplicably..."

Bai Qifeng sighed and said with the same feeling: "Young people with ethereal physique... I don't know how many tens of thousands of years it will take to produce one, that's it... It's a pity! What a pity..."

The rest of the people shook their heads and sighed at the same time. When they talked about this matter, they sincerely resented the three holy places! If it hadn't been for Zhan Mubai's obstruction, how could he have disappeared from such a rare talent?

It's useless to say anything now. Even if you want to settle accounts with Zhan Mubai, you can't do it now. Because the Emperor Zhan has died tragically under the hands of the evil monarch, and his soul has been destroyed, and he will be doomed!

This made Cao Guofeng unable to find a place to vent even if he wanted to vent, and he was directly depressed!

"It seems that the information is wrong this time. The person we are looking for is not here at all."

Cao Guofeng smiled bitterly and said listlessly, "This time, not only did no one find it, but also helped the three holy places to deal with the matter of Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master, but also completely twisted it. The things told by the palace owner were not being completed... Our seven brothers were really unlucky enough. Bai Qifeng said lightly This trip is futile, but because of the wrong information, how can you blame us? What is the virtue of the group of people in the three holy places? How to cooperate with it? If I don't pinch them to death one by one, I already have a lot of relief. Big brother, you don't have to care too much. I believe that if anyone in the fantasy mansion came out, he would not be so willing to give up with him. It's rare for you to control the incident to the point where you can advance and retreat freely.

"But... no matter what the reason is, the result is that nothing should be done."

Cao Guofeng said with a straight color: "There is a reason for the failure of everything, but this reason is not the reason for not to do things. O responsibility, or your duty! If you should bear it, you must bear it.

"I understand!"

Bai Qifeng looked up at him and said, "Don't worry, the six of us are willing to shoulder the responsibility with the eldest brother this time!"

"This is not a bad word. Since I am the leader in this trip, how can I ask you to take responsibility for me?"

Cao Guofeng's unpleasure. Then he sighed and said, "Actually, I've been worried these days, but I'm thinking about another thing."

"What's the matter?"

"The evil monarch is probably the third young master of the royal family. I believe that no one will have any doubts about this matter; but Jun Moxie's strong rise this time and the strong power he has made me feel that it is enough to affect the crisis of the fantasy mansion o"

Cao Guofeng said heavily: "It is inevitable for Jun Moxie to deal with the three holy places; and now, after a series of huge losses, the strength of the three holy places is not as good as before. As long as the Heavenly Holy Palace does not take action, then, the three holy places will be destroyed in the hands of Jun Moxie, which is inevitable. As long as Jun Mo Xie can delay for a few more years, even if the Heavenly Holy Palace intervenes and takes action, it may not be able to stop Jun Mo Xie! Such a person is really the most terrible, because he has an unparalleled speed of terrible improvement! The power he currently has is enough to move any force in the world!"