The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 189 Super Treatment

First update) It's just from Cao Guofeng's narration that the first young master of Jiuyou seems to be really crazy. In addition to opening up private space, he also needs to use this as a starting point to create a channel to further connect other space. It's really a big deal... Jun Moxie really admires the goods ten thousand years ......

"In a word, it is no different from the original Xuanxuan Continent. Huanfu can be said to be another world! Or the size is slightly smaller than that of Xuanxuan Continent, but it will never be too small!"

Cao Guofeng smiled and said, "So, what the world calls the ethereal mansion, it feels like it's not a big place, just a mansion... In fact, it's a big mistake! Our ethereal mansion... How can it be compared to the three holy places?

What Cao Guofeng said was a little arrogant, but Jun Moxie took it for granted.

Fantasy Mansion controls a huge world by itself. Can you do the three holy places?

"I've been working so hard these days. I want to go out for a walk, okay?"

Jun Moxie made a request.

"No problem!"

Cao Guofeng readily agreed: "It's just that you're not in good health, so don't go too far. I'll send two people to follow you and go out for a while. Don't let your body be too tired. Remember to come back early."

"I got it."

Jun Moxie casually agreed, but thought to himself: I don't know if there is any specific division of countries and regions in this? Go out and have a look, stroll, just think of it as a trip...

"Well, it's a little cut... It's better not to go to the main palace of the Fantasy Mansion for the time being."

Cao Guofeng solemnly told: "It's the place where you came out after you recovered from your injury last time. That place is the root of my ethereal mansion. There are countless rare treasures in it, all of which are the rich heritage left by the first young master of Jiuyou in those years; but... there are also countless crises!"

He solemnly warned: "As long as you find someone trying to get close to it, or want to destroy it... No matter who it is, kill it! Even if you are my apprentice or the owner of the ethereal physique, the guardian will not show mercy. How did you first come here? You don't know the rules. In case something happens, no one can save you.

"O, the main palace of the fantasy mansion is the place where the fruit is produced, right?"

Jun Moxie was innocent and asked, "That fruit is really bad!" It's not as good as apples. It smells delicious and tastes disgusting. Does anyone still want that thing? ..."

"Stinky boy! What the hell are you talking about!"

Cao Guofeng was shocked: "That fruit is the treasure of our town. I don't know how many people dream of it. How dare you say it tastes bad? I have been here for 800 years, but I haven't eaten it yet! Don't be insatiable. You don't know when you are in the blessing..."

Cao Shenghuang paused and then said, "But the fruit tree is not in that palace... Didn't you grow up in the mountains? How can there be fruit trees in the palace?

"But there are back gardens in the palace, which is common sense..."

Don't be evil.

"What common sense, you know nothing! It's just a garden, where magical fruits can be planted! Who has ever seen a towering tree planted in a palace?

Cao Guofeng scolded with tears and laughter.

"Oh, it turns out that the tree is quite big."

Jun Moxie continues to set up.

"Nonsense! The tree is ten thousand years old. Can it be small? Even if it is ginseng, after ten thousand years, it should grow into an adult and become spiritual! What's more, the colorful holy line of the village that has been thousands of years old when it was moved?

"Well... more than 10,000 years old, the fruit is ripe and has fallen into a new book. Since there are more than ten thousand years, how can it develop into an orchard now? Why can't you eat with such a high status? It doesn't make sense either!"

Jun Moxie beat around the bush.

"Do you think this is apple hawthorn? If this thing had been easy to feed, it would have been a piece of food! But until now, it's just the success of cultivating two plants. In this way, it's just barely surviving. Whether it can bear fruit or not, it's still between the two... As for the resulting one, it's still only the original one. And it will take five hundred years to take it once... Each time, it's only 14 results! That is to say, if it is calculated according to the seven, only two fruits will be made in five hundred years! Half of these 500 years of accumulation have been spent on your boy, and you are still here!"

Cao Guofeng said with hatred.

"So little? How can it be so little?"

Jun Moxie shouted in astonishment. It's not pretending this time! It's only two in five hundred years... This efficiency seems to be too low, isn't it? The ginseng fruit of Zhenyuan Daxian can also bear 30 ginseng fruits at a time... Not to mention the mother's peach...

Two... How can this be enough? It seems that there is only one group left now...

"Ru Si Tiancai Dibao, how much do you think it can be?"

Cao Guofeng said angrily, "Moreover, for nearly 2,000 years, the fruit has to be supplied to a group of three holy places. In order to supply Huiyan Qiao Yu to build it in the battle of seizing the sky... This means that every 500 years, only one can be made!

For thousands of years, I have only accumulated three or four groups. You ate one group as soon as you came. What else do you want?

Jun Moxie stared at Cao Guofeng. If the black line is like this... Then what's the use for me this time? Even if the search is empty... it's only three groups... It's not enough at all, and you have to face the endless pursuit of the fantasy house...

If Cao Guofeng knew his idea, he would definitely be immediately furious. As soon as a treasured income, he would immediately change!

What do you think this is a big pot of rice? Unexpectedly, I still want to score equally...

"Go for a walk. From now on, you will live in this fantasy house for a long time. Under normal circumstances, if you can't cultivate Shenxuan, you won't go out to try. Even if you go out, you should try your best to hide your identity..."

Cao Guofeng smiled and said, "In fact, there is not much difference from the Xuanxuan mainland, and there are also rivers and lakes. This section... must be known. It's just that under the strong suppression of the Fantasy Mansion, no one dares to be presumptuous easily.

"That's how it is!"

Jun Moxie was curious: "How many people are there in the fantasy mansion?"

"I haven't counted it carefully, but there are millions of people. I think there are still some."

Cao Guofeng said, "Yes, you must remember something when you go out. There are a few people that you can't provoke, at least until your strength is great.

"Can't you provoke?"

Jun Moxie's eyebrows jumped unconsciously and said, "Who is the other party?" Is there a lot of power behind them?"

"I can't even provoke my apprentice. Naturally, there is a great power behind it. Among them, the first one is a young man who wears black all day long. This son's surname is Zhan, Zhan Yucun.

This person is the eldest grandson of Zhan Tianya, the chief elder of the fantasy mansion. It can be said that the old war is highly respected in the fantasy mansion, and the Xuangong is even more outstanding, which has long surpassed the level of ordinary holy emperors. However, this old man has a problem one by one to protect his shortcomings, especially his great-great-grandson, so this war five, tree is in the fantasy mansion, very few Yu people dare to provoke, even if they can afford to provoke, they will not cause such a big trouble for this little thing, because it is not worth it...

Cao Guofeng sighed slightly: "Actually, not only Zhan Yushu himself, but also any warriors will not be easily provoked by the people in the fantasy house, which also led the warriors becoming one of the few masters in the fantasy house in addition to the main palace. In fact, in addition to protecting his shortcomings, I am a very good senior..."

Jun Moxie nodded and said, "Zhan Yushu, a young man in black, I wrote it down."

Cao Guofeng smiled with great relief, thinking that his beloved disciple had remembered his instructions and would definitely not provoke the Zhan Yushu. But he knew that since he heard that there were only a few colorful holy fruits in total, Jun Moxie had already been angry from his heart, and his evil was born with courage, and he was full of frustration. If you can't take the opportunity to vent one or two, how can you vent your depression?

Don't provoke?

Rip! I even dare to provoke the whole fantasy house, and I'm still in the process of provoking. Is a war jade tree a piece of bullshit?

', you just said that there are a few people, and there are other people!"

Jun Moxie asked with great interest. His expression was cautious and modest. It seems that we should remember it firmly and resolutely not to provoke.

In fact, the calculation in his heart is that he must firmly remember that if he can provoke, he will naturally provoke. Even if he can't provoke, he must resolutely provoke after creating an opportunity!

It's upside down, and then just break out...

"In fact, there is another person who is still a teenager. This is more low-key than Zhan Yushu, so he ranks second; but this is much more fierce than Zhan Yushu. Although it is not easy to take action, once it is taken action, it is extremely ruthless, which often kills people's lives, and this son is the most lustful, so you should pay more attention to this person, especially... in terms of female sex, if possible, try not to conflict with him! Young people are strong-blooded, and they are most likely to have problems in this regard, but you should know that your goal is the peak of the world, and you are not a beautiful wife and concubine!"

Cao Guofeng used a strange voice and seemed to be very tired of this: "You have the legendary ethereal physique, which everyone in the fantasy mansion already knows. The outside world must pay a lot of attention to you. A group of us old guys know your potential, but those junior teenagers, any one of them used to be the proud son of heaven. Naturally, you will never be convinced if you suddenly over them. And... because of your qualifications, I believe there will be many girls... who are interested in you.

Cao Guofeng's expression when he said this sentence was like looking at his handsome son who was absolutely not difficult to find a daughter-in-law, full of complacence and pride: "You can choose or not. You should know that you have lost a lot of visitors these days because you have recovered from your serious injury. Otherwise, those who want to find your son-in-law are likely to have been queuing outside the door for a long time..."

Jun Moxie was stunned, but it was just an ethereal physique. Even if it was against the sky, it was just the owner of a special physique, right? It's like the blood type on earth, but that's it. But here, it's so popular that it's so popular... (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on) Support the author and support the genuine reading!