The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 215 What is justice?

Miao Xiaomiao, who stood quietly a little farther away, looked at the situation in front of him, and he was developing more and more in a direction that was not conducive to "Mo Junye". All the trajectories were under the control of the two brothers of the Zhan family, and finally there was a trace of worry in his eyes!

She understood that what happened today is no longer a simple humiliation! I'm afraid that what they really think is that they completely leave a mark of failure that can never be eliminated in the heart of this ethereal physique!

The only purpose is to completely destroy the owner of this ethereal physique!

Even if it can't be destroyed, it will completely eliminate his opportunity to enter the core of the ethereal mansion now or in the future! So many people are in trouble at the same time, among which there are many talented people. Even if he is capable, and then the genius has reached the point of abnormality, how can he win the battle? Among other things, his Xuanqi cultivation is almost the last of the people present...

Even if it is not Xuanqi, even if it is the first young master of Jiuyou ten thousand years ago, it is absolutely impossible to completely defeat these people in the field they are best at!

"Zhan Er Gongzi, you have said so much at length, but I still don't understand... You can get around more than your eldest brother. Just say it happily, what do you want?" Jun Moxie finally became impatient. "Mo genius, I don't care whether you pretend to be stupid or really stupid, I will happily tell you that our intention is very simple! I just want to ask for justice for you, today's proud son!" Zhan Yuqi shouted awe-inspiringly, "We must not let you come out of thin air to plunder everything that originally belonged to us!" We want to take it back! Take back our rights and the pursuit of our life"

"Oh? I understand. You are jealous that the predecessors of the fantasy mansion attach importance to me. Wouldn't it be over if you had said it earlier? So what are the twists and turns! Ha ha ha... So, how are you going to take it back?" Jun Moxie laughed instead, with a very interested look in his eyes. Looking at Zhan Yushu, whose face turned red with excitement, he said in his heart that this guy is really good at acting. At this time, I'm afraid he has entered the play, and it's also an acting school... Then look at the Zhan Qingfeng, who always has a gloomy The house has a place, and it is indeed a successor. In front of the two brothers Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu, none of them is a fuel-efficient lamp! The two brothers are smart and smart, and they are all first-class!

Unfortunately, they did not apply such materials to the right path. Instead, they are keen to intrigue for power and profit!

If the fantasy house will collapse in the future, then the cause should originate from the warriors! These two brothers are actually ambitious heroes! They are both ambitious talents! Two tigers coexist, how can they work together?!

Look at the five or six young people sitting around. Although they are full of anger on the surface, their eyes are calm and waveless...

These young masters of the family are really not simple!

"Mo's genius is happy. You are so happy, and we are not difficult for you! How did you come here for the first time? Xuanqi's cultivation is not high; naturally we won't compare with you with any force, because it's blunt bullying, which is unfair.

We are even more disdainful of doing that kind of tasteless thing! Even if you lose, you will be convinced to lose!" Zhan Yushu looked upright and said rationally, "But apart from other aspects of Xuangong, you only need to be diligent, and you will definitely have considerable achievements. Look at these people here, no matter what they are a few years older than you. They have developed to a considerable height in all fields; some, even in some An industry has reached the level of a generation of masters, and the achievements can be said to be remarkable!"

When he said this, several people present showed pride and pride in their eyes. But they all looked calm, as if they were not talking about them, reserved...

"Their talent is naturally far less than the ethereal quality you have, but they can have the current achievements, and you have the ethereal physique that is unique in the world. I believe there is no reason why you can't do it! But you easily robbed the resources that belong to their life, so we want to compete with you. This kind of taste really makes us too aggrieved..."

Jun Moxie scolded in his heart: Damn it, if I hadn't traveled through time, wouldn't I have been played to death by you? Each of them has achieved good results in their respective fields, but this is due to their focus! For more than ten or twenty years, I have been concentizing on something. As long as I am not as stupid as a pig, how can it be effective...

But you want me to compete with so many people at the same time. Isn't it a joke? This is not bullying, so how can it be regarded as bullying?

Except for Jun Moxie, a traveler with 5,000 years of civilization, I'm afraid that no one in all dynasties can do it! I believe that even if the first young master of Jiuyou, the real ethereal physique owner, comes back to life, in the face of so many kinds of challenges, I have to sigh! Of course, if it is really the first young master of Jiuyou, it is most likely to directly slap everyone down. Don't you accept it? One more slap to death!

The warriors have a good calculation! Miao Xiaomiao almost scolded angrily! Don't promise..." As soon as you promise, you will be doomed...,.....

When Zhan Yushu said this, the Zhan Qingfeng wheel on one side coughed slightly, and Zhan Yushu, who was talking, immediately changed the "they" to "we,...

This change is so small that most people don't notice it. But the look in Miao Xiaomiao's eyes flashed, and Jun Moxie hung a faint smile on the corners of his mouth...

Miao Xiaomiao looked at the two brothers warily, and they were more alert. The invisible tacit understanding between the two brothers alone is already not to be underestimated!

As the saying go, one mountain does not tolerate two tigers, and one country does not tolerate two kings. Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu, both of whom are heroes, are heroes, but they can cooperate with each other, and the sky is always seamless! Obviously, the relationship between these two people is extremely extreme!

This matter seems simple, brothers and sisters, intimacy is reasonable, but in fact it is very rare. Especially in the rich family, it is simply inconceivable that such a thing happened!

The struggle between the children of the family is no less than that of the royal family! The matter of brother-in-law's father-seling is not a strange thing...

At this point alone, the warriors are better than other families! I have to talk to my grandpa about this when I go back.

But what Jun Moxie is thinking about at this moment is another thing: it turns out that the two brothers are in the ethereal mansion, and their goals are really different! Only in this way can there be no conflict at all!

It's a fantasy to talk about brotherhood in such a big family!

So, since their goals are different, the goals of these two people are very clear. One of them should value the right of the ethereal mansion, and the other one should focus on the Zhan family!

This is the only possibility that Jun Moxie came up with!

Even Jun Moxie is ten times more confident, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with his own guess!

The warriors really have great ambitions!

No wonder they have to be involved in the quota of the elixir garden in this almost boring gamble...

However, assuming that Zhan Qingfeng wants to enter the elixir garden to participate in the capture of the qualification of the garden owner, then Zhan Yushu is to take on the responsibility of inheriting the whole warrior family... But if so, the immortal of the most powerful landlord in the ethereal mansion... What should I do? Is it true that the warriors have no ambition for this highest position?

For this, I don't believe in killing Jun Moxie! Then the matter is very simple... But this simple fact, even old and cunning people like Jun Moxie will be shocked when they think of it!

Is there another peerless genius hidden in the warrior family? Is the qualification wit more above Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu? Can you completely convince these two brothers of the same clan who are the best choice regardless of their wisdom and scheming?! Or only such a fact can explain the incomprehensible phenomenon at present!

That will make Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu retreat and rise...

Shanjia... It's really awesome...

Jun Mo's mind turned around, and he had figured it out in an instant. Looking at Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu, there is already a trace of caution in their eyes!

Travel around the world carefully, otherwise, even if you are a world-class hero, you will inevitably overturn the ship in the gutter! Although Jun Moxie has always been arrogant on the surface, and even looks at all sentient beings in the world, when it comes to the delicacy in the bottom of his heart, it is almost unmatched...

During this period, Zhan Yushu also said the conditions of the test endlessly: ... After you compete with us, no matter success or failure, we all admire you as a man and recognize your position in the fantasy house!"

Recognize status? Are you lying to ghosts? Do you believe what you said? Jun Moxie despises it in his heart!

No wonder your warriors are so careful about me, the owner of ethereal physique, and even willing to set up a situation to calculate Mo Junye. It turned out that you were afraid that Mo's genius would take away what you like, or hinder your things...

After all, the existence of an ethereal constitution is like a time bomb. I don't know when it will suddenly rise up and become an existence that threatens anyone!

Now, Jun Moxie has finally found out the motive of the Zhan family's provocation this time.

Master Jun even judged that in addition to the most important purpose, the Zhan family also planned to use this provocation to select investment objects from those poor disciples and pull them into the Zhan family's camp. Become the private power of warriors!

After this matter, these people have completely offended Mo Junye, the "ethereal physique, the peerless genius, and even the holy emperor Cao Guofeng behind him, and the high-level officials of the fantasy mansion, coupled with the coercion and inducement of the warriors, it is easy to take them under his command!

This seemingly boring provocation is a wonderful plan to count birds with one stone in one stone! Moreover, all the interests belong to the warriors! This kind of plan can't be said to be meticulous... If it is a real ethereal physique that comes to the first time, the Zhan family's plan is almost in no mistake! There is absolutely no possibility of failure...