The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 217 Malicious Oath

"It's in vain for me to treat you like my own sister... You slander me so much! Just because of a gamble that hasn't started yet, how can I say that I have made up my promise?

Zhan Qingfeng's eyes were very painful, and he said sadly, "Sister Xiaomiao, how can I bear to be a brother when you talk like this?"

"Zhan Gongzi... I'm not the child I used to be."

Miao Xiaomiao said lightly, "And you are no longer the brother of the war. Now let's talk about it again, after that happened, and I witnessed your conspiracy going on... Do you think I will believe you again?"

"Good! OK!"

Zhan Qingfeng sighed and said nothing more.

"Miss Miao, please relax; although I dare not boast that I know everything, I still have a little understanding of piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and songs... Although I have only read the book for less than three years, I think I can fully cope with it. You don't have to worry about me. They put up three conditions, and I'll do it later. If you care about me so much, I'll win later. How about a condition for you..."

Jun Moxie's words made almost everyone present laugh with laughter.

This guy seems to be too good at blowing, and I don't know how thick the sky is... I've seen crazy people, but it's really the first time I've seen people who are so crazy...

This little boy is simply more crazy than the legendary Jun Moxie and Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master...

"Then please ask Brother Mo to talk about your conditions. Maybe Brother Mo will really win..."

Zhan Yushu curled his lips, resisted the impulse to laugh wildly, and said with a twitching at the corners of his mouth.

"I just heard that Miss Miao once bet with Mr. Zhan, and now it seems that the bet has obviously been cancelled. My conditions are similar to those of Miss Miao, and they are also different.

Jun Moxie said in a stunned way: "The first condition is that I want to be qualified to enter the elixir garden, and I also want your warriors to make sure that I can enter!"

"If it's just a verbal promise, you can't trust me, and I can't trust you either! I want the blood oath signed by your two brothers, which will swear in the name of your ancestors and your descendants! Do not hesitate to take any means, as long as I win, you must make sure to send me to the elixir garden! The most important point is not to affect Miss Miao's quota... Because this time, I'm going to go in with her!"

"In addition, I have to write down the certificate for everyone present! If anyone does not keep his promise, the eight generations of ancestors will suffer forever in hell, and they will not be transcended from reincarnation in life. In the future, they will have children and daughters, and men will be concubines and virgins, and generations will be endless!"

Jun Moxie smiled and put forward his first condition directly. Moreover, such a vicious restriction!

His condition looks simple, but the restrictions are stricter than the restrictions on himself proposed by Zhan Yushu!

Hearing such a vicious oath, everyone present changed their faces!

Not only the ancestors are involved, but also the curse of their descendants... This is simply a vow that no one dares to make! Once issued, you will never dare to break the oath!

At their level, they all know that there are too many unexplainable things and too many unexpected existences!

Ghost theory is not necessarily completely nonsense! The fulfillation of vows is even more common!

Zhan Qingfeng and the Zhan Yucun brothers looked at each other and saw the contradictions and worries in each other's eyes, as well as the uncontrollable anger!

"A vow to ensure the rights and interests of both parties, don't you dare to make it? Why are you so hesitant?"

Jun Moxie looked at the two brothers: "But you first come to me to fight with me, don't allow me to flinch at all, and put forward so many harsh conditions... Why, now when it comes to my terms of the conditions, you are dumb? Isn't it a bet to be fair?"

"Even if the conditions are difficult, they are also a legitimate reason. Naturally, this is understandable, but it's too vicious for you to make a vow outside the conditions, right?

Zhan Qingfeng frowned and said in a bad tone: "And, what are you going to do in the elixir garden?"

"Don't do anything; I'm just bored, and I can't think of good conditions for a while. I'm as prepared and far-sighted as you! What's the matter? I heard that the place is good. Can't you go in and play? Or can't you warriors do it?"

Jun Moxie sneered and said, "As for the oath... What kind of words do you say to? If you face a gentleman, what other vows do you need? Just by making a verbal agreement, we can reassure each other.

He squinted at Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu: "But to you... I can't trust you! I can't believe it at all! You even want to be a rogue in a girl's family, not to mention me, I'm just asking for a guarantee!"

The two brothers snorted at the same time!

But the two brothers had no way to question Mo Junye. The conditions just put forward by Zhan Yushu are all conducive to the rights and interests of the Zhan family. He has already put others aside, and the teenagers of other families in the four places have looked at the two people, and their eyes are faintly lucky and happy. It depends on how they reply. As for those poor children, they have no position to interrupt.

I don't know the quota to enter the elixir garden... Do the two brothers dare to agree? They made things difficult for Mo Junye, and everyone could see that in addition to those fools who were provoked by the warriors, most of these princes and buddies of other families came to see the hustle and bustle.

If you watch the bustle, you will be afraid of big things. The bigger the trouble is, the more ideal it is!

Although the ethereal physique owners are less powerful at present, the space for future development is infinite. They don't really want to offend them. And the war forces are the same in the fantasy mansion, and they don't want to offend, or even can't afford to offend.

So these people seem to be very indignant on the surface, but they adhere to one point: the look can be done, and the posture can also be quite posed; but if they really offend the ink genius in front of them, they won't say a word, because this great genius is a real genius...

As long as you always maintain a neutral position, no matter what kind of situation today's situation will eventually develop, you can turn around and sell well with Mo Junye or Zhanjia.

Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu are indeed in a bit of a retreat now. The quota of the elixir garden, even if it is the owner of the fantasy mansion, can't be given to anyone! Not to mention their warriors!

What's more, if you really make a blood oath and make a blood book in front of so many people here today; if there are so many people as witnesses, you can't regret it! Well, in case... if you lose, it means that the whole strength of the Zhan family will be moved, including some chess pieces that have been hidden for hundreds of years and ready to be used, they should also exert their strength at the same time! Only in this way can it be possible to win the qualification to enter the elixir garden for Mo Junye, and it is only possible!

However, once all the strength is used, the result is still no benefit to the war! Except for exposing his huge strength, he didn't even get a penny; and there was still no affection at Mo Junye! Because it was your own bet...

Although Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu are representatives of the younger generation in the family, their status is very important, but this matter can be said to be related to the future of the whole Zhan family. Even they dare not make such a promise in private!

This promise is absolutely different from the bet between the Qingfeng and Miao Xiaomiao before the war. It can't be resisted. It will often lead countless changes. Even if it is not to mention Mo Junye's own deep potential, the holy emperor Cao Guofeng behind him and the other six holy emperors, which is a good match!

The two brothers couldn't help scolding that Mo Junye was really a harmful spirit. They actually came up with such painful conditions. The situation in front of them was clearly a good situation, and between a few words, it became a difficult situation...

But they forced Mo Junye every day, using this kind of method. Now the other party counters his body in his own way, which is to attack the shield of the son with the spear of the son, and the strategy is more wise.

It's really impermanent in the world!

The purpose of the Zhan family can be said to be very clear; but the other party obviously disdained the quota to enter the elixir garden; it is only because the Zhan family needs it, so I have to fight for it so that I can go in and have fun...

This casual "reason" really makes people vomit blood!

What's more, the warrior fights for him, and he must fight for...

So until Jun Moxie asked for the third time, the two brothers of the Zhan family still didn't dare to agree rashly! This matter is a big deal. Whoever dares to promise is brain-damaged!

But if you don't agree, there is no way to procrastinate. If you don't agree, the test can't be carried out!

Then, the whole layout will be completely broken, and all the tricks of the warriors will be in vain!

What's more, because of today's events, Mo Junye and everyone behind him have completely offended the strongest master of the future fantasy house, and there is no power to restrain him. Even if you just want to think about it, you have a big head, but you promise... Who dares to promise so seriously!

This is really embarrassing...'......

"What? Why don't you swear? As long as you swear, the test can start at any time. The choice is in your hands. If you are willing to swear, I will naturally rest assured of the test. On the contrary, I'm really not interested in signing any blood oath with people who are not honest! Why are you so hesitant? As long as you don't break the oath afterwards, there will be no problem. Even if the oath is more vicious, what does it matter? Have you planned not to keep your promise from the beginning?

Young Master Jun asked coldly.

"You are talking nonsense. With our brother's status, such dirty things will be done, but the oath you said is really too vicious. It's not a matter of one person. How can such vows be easily issued! In addition, the conditions you put out are too harsh. There is no absolute in the world, and there is nothing 100% there! Brother Mo is too domineering, and it's really hard for our brothers to accept it!"

Zhan Qingfeng Road.