The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 220 Cheating?

Second update!

After the song, Lin Qingyin still stood still in place in a daze, and his face still did not turn at all, but two eyes showed a blank look. Yuxiao was still on his lips, posing a blowing posture, and the sadness all over his body did not dissipate at all.

A strange crow is silent!

After a long time, Lin Qingyin put down his hand and said to Jun Moxie with a sense of despair, "Brother Mo, in this first scene, I don't ask Brother Mo to be able to test the skill of blowing with me, but I want to ask Brother Mo, how about my heartbreaking? What are the disadvantages? For whom? If there are any shortcomings, how to remedy them? Where is my way in the future?

When Lin Qingyin said, 'Brother Mo is not required to compete with me in blowing skills, when he said that sentence, Zhan Yushu's expression tightened, and a dark look flashed in his eyes; but when he heard his last few words, his expression immediately calmed down.

He heard that Lin Qingyin's questions were simply deliberately making things difficult for people; there was a personal story in everyone's heart. When the scene was touched and the inspiration came, it was suddenly created.

With a song that has just been heard, ask who is this song written for? Mo Junye has never seen Lin Qingyin before. How does he know who he is doing it for? What is it that is not difficult for people?

As for the shortcomings... how to remedy them; this is even more nonsense. Zhan Yushu said that he was young and talented. Together with music theory, he was also quite insightful. He realized that this song was the only good song he had seen in his life. Such a good song, he had to ask what the shortcomings were!

If you must ask about the shortcomings, except for yourself, the composer, other people's mood is not in line with you at all. When it comes to doing this thing, you are in a slightly worse mood, which is a world of difference. How does Mo Junye know?

There is one last question, where is the way in the future... This is even more difficult. You are a newcomer to learning music. Can your road still be mysterious? It seems, "I ask at this moment, but there is a meaning that I don't want to continue in this field.

Then, it's hard to say the way in the future.

, "It seems that this guy still hasn't forgotten my warning! Let me see how Mo Junye will deal with this game. Zhan Yushu couldn't help but feel a little proud.

In fact, it's not just that Zhan Yushu thinks so, but almost all the others think so whether they know how to do it or not. For a moment, Lin Qingyin's eyes were a little admirable: this guy seems to be a dog that really knows how to bite people. Not only does he not bark, but he also needs to get the favor of others first, and then take a bite. One bite is enough to be fatal...

Then he looked at the genius with an ethereal physique on the opposite side and thought about it. Everyone was a little gloating. "It depends on how you answer. Even everyone has some regrets. This big scene may be finished directly in one game. There is no hustle and bustle to watch!

The music theory on the stage showed a funny look in everyone's eyes...

These people don't know that Lin Qingyin's game seems to be difficult, but in fact it has been released; people who are not immersed in music will not understand this section. Because everything, along with the sound of the flute, told Jun Moxie!

What did Jun Moxie hear? Just say it, and he will pass...

"This song, heartbreaking, is really good; it is indeed a rare song.

If it is from the single itself, there is no error at all.

A song with a broken heart, where to find a bosom friend in the world! It can be said to be perfect!"

Jun Moxie said slowly, "It's just that if it comes from the artistic conception of the music, it will be biased, but it is Bai Bi's slightly reverie."

When Master Jun said this, the music on the judge's table was already creepy and moved. His bright eyes looked at Jun Moxie's face without blinking, and he was afraid of missing the words behind him.

"The so-called music is nothing more than the emotional sustenance of our players. Whether it is sad and happy, or even angry, fighting in battle, it can be expressed by music. However, in addition to expressing the player's own emotions, playing music is also responsible for all those who have heard this song! The really good music is about music but not **, sad but not sad. After listening to it, people's body and mind are released and relaxed; even if it is a sad song, its meaning also triggers the common feeling in people's hearts, so as to relieve the pressure of the soul... Brother Lin's song is sad, but it is depressing to listen to it. After listening to the song, it can't help but rise Meaning. But it is very different from the original intention of the way of music! Although it is not the opposite, it finally has a sense of going astray!"

Jun Moxie smiled and said, "It can be said that this song is the most successful part, but it is also its biggest loophole!"

"Well said!"

At the judge's table, the old man exclaimed excitedly; other knowledgeable people also nodded slightly. This statement is not only extremely agreeable, but also hit the nail on the head!

Lin Qingyin pondered, nodded slowly and said, "So... in this case, how should we remedy it?"

"Remediation? Either simple or difficult!"

Jun Moxie said lightly, "My statement is not self-contradictory, just because the song is the voice of the heart; I just said that the song itself has been perfect, and there is no omission. What really has a problem is your mentality. With such a sad song, your face can always remain motionless. It can be seen that you are playing this song with the mentality of extreme despair. The name broken heart has also represented its intention. The so-called remedy, as long as you change a mentality, once the mood is easy, the mood will change. If you can't change your mentality, any remedy is meaningless. That's what I just said, or it's easy or difficult!"

"You may say that if you return the desperate mentality easily, you will lose the original intention of creating this song, but I want to ask, is life really so desperate? Why don't you try it from another angle? Try to change the mentality of despair into missing. It should be fine. I believe that the person who can make you make this song wholeheartedly will definitely have a deep relationship with you, and there will definitely be a lot of good memories between you.

"These memories are your most precious wealth, and no one can encroach on and plunder the wealth. If you think of these past events while playing, and even integrate the continuous affection into the music, "I believe it will definitely be different. At that time, what we heard was only sadness and nostalgia, not despair! Only in this way, broken heart chanting is a flawless famous song! The person who misses you and your brother will be truly immortal!"

Lin Qingyin stood in a daze, and tears suddenly flashed in his eyes. "As for who to do it... I have said it vaguely. Brother Lin, if I'm not wrong, I think you made this song for the beauty.

Jun Moxie looked at him warmly and said, "And your beauty should have died in an accident... It's not that sad people don't have arms. Otherwise, there should be resentment and hatred in your song. Since there has never been, the conclusion is only...

Lin Qingyin took a long breath, deeply pierced his eyes, and said dreamlikely, "That's good! Brother Mo is right, no matter how perfect the song is! With a broken heart, where can I find a bosom friend in the world! "My little pity, "I will never see you again..."

In front of his closed eyes, it suddenly seemed that a smiling face appeared, bright eyes were favored, delicate and cute, and suddenly turned into tears... Sick ** withered face...

At this moment, Lin Qingyin's mind was in a trance, as if he had returned to the past. He and the thoughtful man who vowed to live and die together sat down under the moon, and spent time together in the wind and rain

, "Xiao Lian" Lin Qingyin sighed deeply... Tears moored down in his eyes.

Jun Moxie was silent for a moment and whispered, "It's hard to say goodbye when we meet each other. The east wind is powerless. The spring silkworm is exhausted, and the wax torch turns into ashes and tears begin to dry... Brother Lin is deeply in love, which is admirable. However, if the little pity girl sees ..."

This poem is worthy of Li Shangyin's eternal singing. Although it is only half of it, it is read word by word at this moment, and it is suddenly full of movement! Miao Xiaomiao chewed these poems carefully, and only felt that her mouth was full of fragrance, and she couldn't help but be intoxicated. Such affectionate, such beauty... Why is every sentence from his mouth so ecstatic...

Suddenly, my heart tightened: If I haven't experienced such an experience myself, how can I write such a touching poem? Could it be that he has... Thinking of this, a strange emotion suddenly appeared in Miao Xiaomiao's heart, which seemed to be distressed for him,... and seemed to be sad for himself...

"When the spring silkworm dies, the wax torch turns into ashes... Tears, beginning, dry..."

Lin Qingyin muttered in despair, and suddenly felt sad and said, "Dare to ask Brother Mo, what should I do in the future?"

"Go with your heart! Do whatever you want!"

Jun Moxie looked at the affectionate seed in front of him with some pity: "Brother Lin has your own way. You know what you should do and what you shouldn't do... It's not a bad thing to be affectionate, but don't let your affectionateness become your own cage. If you break this cage, the world will be so big, and it can't be done.

"Thank you, Brother Mo, for your advice!"

Lin Qingyin bowed to the ground, his face was full of gratitude, and he said convincingly, "Brother Mo's understanding of the way of music is really much better than me! I'm willing to bow down; hehe, "I'm happy but not **, sad but not hurt... Qingyin will definitely remember Brother Mo's teachings! It's a pity that if you say goodbye today, there will be no future. Here Qingyin wishes Brother Mo a bad luck, a good luck in the disaster, and an achievement of the peak hegemony as soon as possible!"

"Thank you, Brother Lin, for your good words!"

Jun Moxie smiled.

The eight-character intention of what Lin Qingyin said was to turn bad luck into good luck, and the bad luck naturally refers to the dangerous pass in front of him, which shows his blessing very vaguely, and implies the meaning of cursing the war brothers. How can Jun Moxie not understand this section?

Lin Qingyin laughed, held the jade flute, and went back to his original position.

In the first battle, the ink genius with an ethereal physique turned out to be a complete victory! Looking at the judges raising the sign of 'winning' to Jun Moxie at the same time, Zhan Yushu's face was gloomy.

"This battle is the way of rhythm! But Mo Junye just said a few words and passed from beginning to end. He hasn't shown any musical talent. How can he say that he will win? Only he himself played a song, which must be better than Mr. Lin's broken heart. Only in this way can we be convinced!"

A voice shouted, and immediately echoed.