The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 222 Young Chess King

Today's fourth update!

As for Miao Xiaomiao, with the poems appearing in front of her eyes, she can't help but be crazy... 360 days a year, the wind knife, frost and sword are strict; when can the bright and fresh beauty be, once wandering is difficult to find, at the end of the sky, where is the fragrant hill? If you don't like a brocade bag, you can hide the wind and flow with pure land; the quality is still clean, which is stronger than the dirty ditch. If you die today, you will be buried. When will you die?

According to this day, the flower man is laughing. Who does he know when he is buried in the new year? Try to see that the remnants of spring flowers are gradually falling, that is, when the beauty dies; once the spring is over, the beauty is old, and the flowers fall and people die!

It was written that Miao Xiaomiao's eyes swam involuntarily wet, as if to see a thin and sick woman, whose weak body was struggling to clean up the petals scattered on the ground, and then collected these petals one by one, included them in the sachets sewn by hand, and buried them gently in the ground, the most It finally turned into a fragrant soul...

In a trance, Miao Xiaomiao almost felt that the woman was herself. "Although I don't have that sick body, I live in this fantasy house. I am under the power all the time. It is hard to guarantee that on that day, I will become a working month of family marriage and be forced to marry someone I don't like at all, ......

If that's the case, it's really not as good as 'not as a kit to collect the bones, and cover the wind and flow with pure land; the quality is still clean, which is stronger than the dirty ditch.' ......

While everyone was immersed in the aesthetic mood of this poem, suddenly a wisp of quiet flute sound seemed to come from the end of the sky, and it sounded ethereal...

Funeral flowers!

A song of buried flowers, hundreds of people hurt their souls.

The sound of the flute sobs, like crying. The once purple and red, all kinds of charm, thousands of amorous feelings, were slowly displayed in the hearts of the crowd, and then slowly disappeared, and finally turned into nothingness, becoming a wisp of tears. "A song has been over for a long time, but no one has spoken first, as if Still in the air, around the beam for three days, the aftertaste is not, "Alas...this song..."

The music master couldn't help rubbing the corners of his eyes. There was a clear crystal: "It's really amazing, just like the divine song in the sky. Ordinary people in the world, if you can hear it once in your life, it's worth it!"

"Yes," Miao Xiaomiao's mind was still swaying in the music, and her voice was a little ethereal soul. She didn't give up, her eyes were hazy, and she almost unconsciously said, "This is the best Xiao song I've ever heard in my life..."

"Is it perfect? No, this is a perfect song. Brother Mo's song finally made Qingyin know what the true meaning of rhythm is! What is the way of music! After listening to this song today, Qingyin suddenly felt that what he had learned before was really not worth mentioning. Haha, I thought that the young people in the fantasy mansion were the first in music. I was not ashamed, but I didn't expect that I had never even touched the real music, "Lin Qingyin was intoxicated and sincerely convinced.

After saying this, even Lian Zhan Yushu couldn't help nodding. He was also a person with deep rhythm. At this moment, he really didn't want to erase his conscience. Then he felt that it was inconsistent with his position, so he shook his head again. But I felt that shaking my head was really ashamed of my heart, and I nodded again...

Funeral flowers, good lyrics and songs, impeccable! The beauty of the melody is the only one in life!

The helpless sadness, the lingering desolation, and the arrogance of the quality in the heart... It makes everyone's hearts broken...

I have heard such a perfect song, and the people applaud it at the same time. Even the people in the breeze can't find anything wrong with this song! Jun Moxie won the first battle with an overwhelming advantage!

No one mentioned anything compared with 'broken heart chanting', because it's basically heaven and earth... It's incomparable...

"Brother Mo, dare to ask this talented woman, "What's your name?"

Lin Qingyin asked extremely modestly, and there was also a longing look in his eyes. Although Jun Moxie said that this woman had passed away for hundreds of years, after listening to this funeral flower chant, Lin Qingyin saw the woman who swept the flowers alone in the autumn wind and rain...

I almost couldn't wait to be there at that time, so as to comfort the bitter peerless beauty. "What a coincidence, her surname is also Lin. It's your family, brother Lin."

Jun Moxie sighed softly and said, "Her name is Lin Daiyu."

Jun Moxie sighed a little. When he traveled to now, he finally understood one thing: the advantage of Yuyue is really too big!

Among other things, I believe that as long as you have passed a primary school on the earth and traveled into such a different world, it has also brought a part of the five-thousand-year-old Chinese civilization after the condensation of "especially the poems and music advocated by the ancients. If you get it here, it is directly invin ..."

Lin Qingyin exhaled gently and said in a melancholy.

"Brother Mo, can you copy this song of Funeral Flowers... Can you transcribe it for me?"

Miao Xiaomiao asked softly with a sense of shame.

"Of course it's okay! It's an honor for Mo to serve Miss Miao.

Jun Moxie naturally agreed.

"Brother Demo sighed and gave such a wonderful song, and Xiao Miao sincerely thanked him."

Miao Xiaomiao smiled shyly, and her eyes flowed, as if there was a touch of tenderness, dazzling by.

In the eyes of the Zhan Yu, Shu and Zhan Qingfeng brothers on one side, a strong look of jealousy flashed by at the same time! Looking at Jun Moxie's eyes, he was also very cruel.

With the consciousness of Master Jun, he was naturally aware of those two extremely powerful resentments. He squinted at them quietly and suddenly moved his heart: On the surface, it seems that Zhan Yushu is pursuing Miao Xiaomiao. Zhan Qingfeng is just assisting his brother, but why does Zhan Qingfeng have such a look in his eyes?

Does Zhan Qingfeng also have ambitions for Miao Xiaomiao? The reason why he approached Miao Xiaomiao before was not just for his own brother?

If this is really the case, then Zhan Yushu is afraid that he will still be in the dark! Or all this, only Zhan Qingfeng knows best. "So, is this worth taking advantage of?

I believe that's all. If it is used well, I'm afraid this will be the starting point of the two brothers of the War family, Xiao Wall, and even a complete break! Men, there are two things that are absolutely unbearable. The first is that you can trust your brother's betrayal, and the second is that your own woman will never allow anyone to think!

Fighting against the breeze, it seems that it has taken up both of them now!

If this secret is detonated to their brothers... I guess it should be very lively, or it may be more lively than today's situation.

Jun Moxie secretly calculated in his heart, but his face was silent.

The result of the first scene is obvious. Mo Dacai, who has an ethereal physique, is finished!

No one has any objection, and there is no way to argue any more. If you mess around again, the person who speaks out will be scolded to death by others!

Although the first game is over, as far as this gambling is concerned, it is just the beginning. Next, it is naturally the second game. The original plan was naturally to press another immediately after one game, and it must not give this guy time to breathe. But now a song of funeral flowers has not yet come to their senses. "Unexpectedly, no one has fought, forming an empty field for a moment!

People are always like this. They are full of jealousy and disapprodis being with people who are only a little taller than themselves, but if they are really much taller than themselves, it will form a kind of admiration and worship.

For example, if you compare a 10,000-yuan household with a 100,000-yuan household, you will only think that the guy's luck is better than yourself. If you put it on me, I can do it, but if you let them compare with Li Ka-shing, whether it is a 10,000-yuan household or 100,000-yuan household will only worship... Because the object Compared with the legend in the sense, is it brain-damaged? ......

That's what Jun Moxie is like now! Before the first competition, Mo's genius was just a "legendary" genius. Now, he is already a real genius, and everyone's feelings are naturally completely different!

In fact, these people who want to compete with Master Jun are here today. The main reason is that they have been confused, beneficial, and even some promises by the warriors. As for Lin Qingyin, they are directly coerced...

But before the future, they, who are both outstanding people, are indeed unconvinced! These people have quite proud achievements in their respective fields. Although it is far from being successful, many of them are well-known and powerful in the fantasy world...

Who is not proud of becoming famous when you are young?

But as soon as the owner of this ethereal physique came, he immediately took away the attention of all the senior officials and all the bosses in the fantasy house! No matter what achievements they have made, they have become nothing worth mentioning in the face of the legendary ethereal physique they have!

In particular, this physical problem is still innate, which has nothing to do with Mo Junye's own efforts, which makes people even more unbalanced.

But after seeing you today, especially after this song of funeral flowers, all the people present put away their arrogance! They are undoubtedly very proud, and they are also thinking about what they can get for today's things, but it doesn't mean that they can speak against their conscience...

The other party's musical attainment can reach such a deep level. This alone is enough to make people feel amazing, not to mention that he is still the owner of the ethereal physique?

Regardless of talent, he is also a hero!

"How about I deal with Brother Mo in the second round?"

Finally, someone came out again. The person came was a teenager, thin, stable, confident on his face, faintly in a way, and the world had a sense of self-confidence in my master'...

The two eyes are shining, but this kind of light does not belong to the clear eyes because of the cultivation of mysterious qi, but the two eyes are naturally extra flexible and particularly divine.

Although this young man is young, his demeanor is extremely calm. Jun Moxie saw it at a glance that this teenager, I believe, in terms of determination, even some experienced old men are not as good as him.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Jun Moxie looked at him.

"Brother Mo, this is the young chess king in our fantasy mansion, Qi Wanjie!"

Miao Xiaomiao introduced: "Qi Wanjie has learned chess since he was a child and became famous at the age of nine. After the age of thirteen, he is no longer invincible in the fantasy mansion! At present, he doesn't have to participate in every chess competition in Fantasy House, because all of them can only compete for the second place! Since Qi Wanjie Yicheng, no one has been able to take it away for 12 consecutive years!"