The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 241 Magic Sword! Royal swordsmanship?

Today's first update!


The masked man in black roared in a hurry. I never dreamed that the boy, who was so scared that he couldn't even speak clearly, actually said such a sentence in shock, and almost couldn't believe his ears for a while.

"Let's kill this boy earlier. There are many dreams at night!"

The person who speaks turned out to be Wang Neng!

Jun Moxie turned around and said, "Are you also with and them?"

Wang Neng turned his face with some embarrassment, but said coldly, "Mo Junye, in fact, you really shouldn't come to the ethereal mansion. When you come, everyone is unhappy..."

"I understand."

Jun Moxie lowered his head in despair.

"Slow down!"

Seeing that these people were about to do anything, Miao Xiaomiao couldn't stand it any longer. She pointed out the acupuncture point of Xiaodouya, covered her invisible clothes, and then jumped out with a snoring. At this moment, a strange idea suddenly surged up in her heart: even if she can't marry him as a wife, that Well, it's also good to die together today!

So she jumped out without hesitation. Standing beside Jun Moxie, he stared at the eight people in front of him coldly: "As long as you make way today, I can guarantee that I will not pursue what happened today!"

"Is Miss Miao here? Pursue? What are you going to pursue?"

The masked man in black led by

laughed angrily: "Who do you think you are? If it is the fantasy house or your Miao masters gather, you are naturally the most noble little princess. Indeed, no one dares to offend you! But now it is desolate, and no one can find it here at all. Do you think you are still the daughter of the fantasy mansion? You came just in time to catch you and take it back to the prince. You know, he has been looking forward to you for several years. "I will be very happy to achieve my wish today!"

"Your lord, is it Zhan Qingfeng or Zhan Yushu?"

Miao Xiaomiao was not angry when he heard the words. He asked calmly, "Oh, by the way, the direct sons of the Zhan family are usually equipped with three bodyguards. There are six people here. It must be Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu working together? So, who are you going to give me to?

The masked man in black shot an extremely blatant light in his eyes. He laughed and said, "Miss Miao, you don't have to worry about this. When you are naked and waiting for luck, you will naturally know who our prince is... Maybe, when the prince is tired of playing, we can also taste the little princess of the fantasy house. I don't know what's the difference from the bitch in the brothel? Will the woman who has been played badly be as noble as ever? Hahahaha, ", "Shameless! You are simply not enough to die!"

Miao Xiaomiao was furious.

"That's right, they really don't want to die!"

A cold voice sounded, ethereal, and I don't know where it came from. For a moment, everyone looked around in astonishment, but no one could find the owner of the voice.

There is no doubt that other masters must have come! And he is a very scary master!

"It's too late. Do it quickly and kill them!"

A masked man in black shouted and rushed up with a sword.

"Hey hey hey hey" A burst of cold laughter sounded, and then suddenly the bloody light in the sky burst! An awe-inspiring sword spirit was born.

A shining and dazzling sword suddenly appeared in the air!

Appeared in the void in front of Jun Moxie!

This sword swallows the flashing cold flame, like the eyes of death, blinking in the night sky, making people cold from the heart!

This is undoubtedly a strange sword. The brilliance on its body is originally blazing white, but the light reflected all the surrounding scenery has turned into an extremely horrible blood red!

Although it is only a sword in front of us, in the feeling of everyone, it is like a demon god who is all over the world! It seems that the sword itself is full of heaven and earth, and I am the only one!

Demon-like sword!

Carved Miao Xiaomiao was also stunned.

In addition to the appearance of this sword, it is only the alind spirit from the body of this sword that has suppressed all the enemies present!

Miao Xiaomiao has a strange feeling: in front of this sword, thousands of creatures in the world are like ants!

The sword light flashed, and suddenly changed from still to roaring down. The speed was extremely fast, but in a flash, Wang Neng and Li Jie, who were behind the two, did not even exclaim, and the two big heads rushed into the sky! There was no blood gushing out of the neck!

But the two bodies have become dry!

Because, only at the moment of cutting off people's heads, the sword has absorbed all the blood in their bodies!

The sword stained with blood is still as bright as before, but the awe-inspiring murderous intention is becoming more and more prosperous!


I don't know where an indifferent voice came from somewhere, full of the power of soul deterrence. When all the masked people in black heard this sound, they actually had a moment of unexpected distraction!

And it was the loss of the mind at this moment, and the demon-like sword swooped down again with the ferocious smile of death! The heads of two masked men in black flew into the air...

"Magic Sword! Royal swordsmanship!"

The dead souls of the masked people in black are all gone: "Let's go!"

Royal swordsmanship, it is only when the cultivation reaches the Holy Emperor that there will be a new break. Only when you reach the level of the Holy One can you master the ultimate Kendo!

There are several voids in Xuanqi cultivation, which is completely caused by the carelessness of Jiuyou's first young master in those years... (No wonder I...

In the fantasy mansion, those who can master such ultimate killing skills will never exceed five people!

And none of these five people can handle these people in black.

The cultivation of the venerable, in front of the swordsmanship, is simply vulnerable! I don't even have the ability to fight!

But they want to leave now, but it's too late!

The end is doomed!

The divine sword sounded a sad sword again, flying through the air, and dragged out a blood-red light curtain behind him! Suddenly on the left, suddenly on the right, flexible and domineering. All human bodies, no matter how clever they are, are gray in front of the speed of this sword...

The sword light flashed again, and two masked men in black staggered to the ground.

The two people who fell to the ground, one ran east and the other west, but the two of them actually fell to the ground at the same time, lost their heads at the same time, and turned into mummified corpses at the same time. "Another flash, the farthest person slowly fell down. Make a slam sound.

Then the sword hovered in the air and flew in front of the leading black masked man, constantly moving in front of his eyes. With a bright cold light! !

The meaning is obvious: go back!

Among the six venerable masters sent by the two brothers of the Zhan family, the only one with a masked man in black carved the fruit, and also the one who played tricks on the young master before. Looking around, together with Wang Neng, Li Jie and his five companions, a total of seven people turned into a mummified corpse, and then The god-like strange sword couldn't help trembling all over! At this moment, the resolute state of the strong at the level of the venerable level is nothing and nothing!

From beginning to end, the owner of this peerless magic sword did not appear! All the process was completed by remotely controlling the sword, and the sword alone caused the horrible and appalling results now!

He had no doubt that as long as he showed any resistance, the sword would penetrate his body the next moment and turn himself into a mummified corpse like his friends.

He trembled and retreated step by step, his eyes were full of fear, and suddenly roared, "Who the hell are you? Who the hell are you?

The voice is almost hoarse like a dying person, full of completely hopeless and almost hysterical hiss!

However, no one answered.

Only when he retreated, the sword followed him step by step, always maintaining a three-inch position in front of him, so that he could always feel a deep cold!

The light of the sword flashed. At this moment, the masked man in black could completely clearly feel that it was the sword itself, which sent out a sense of ridicule! It seems to be mocking his cowardice!

But he can't help it!

Under the threat of such a magic sword, he has lost all his fighting spirit!

This is the disadvantage of the big family.

Jun Moxie looked at the venerable master who had no fighting spirit and sighed sincerely. This person's qualifications are quite extraordinary, and even his mind is considerable, but compared with those masters who have grown up in the bloody, life-and-death battle, he has always lost a lot of perseverance!

Although this person has the strength of the venerable level, it is very different from the actual combat masters of the same strength. In the face of irresistible masters, the first idea of those masters who have become their own heroes in the actual battle of life and death is whether they can take the strong in front of them for their own use, and the second idea If you can't take it for your own use, can you use it? The third idea is that if the first two methods are not possible, whether you can concentrate your strength to completely destroy this person and never threaten him, the last idea is to save your life and escape at all costs!

Even the worst, you can't even save your life and escape, and you can still choose to die in a vigorous battle!

I'd rather be killed than scared to death!

Even if you are beaten to death, your blood will collapse!

This is the courage of Jianghu people!

But the master of empty self-respecting strength in front of him, his cultivation has reached a considerable level, but there is no such fighting spirit and determination in his bones! Now he doesn't even have the heart to escape, leaving only the extravagant hope of submission and desire to survive!

This is the future trouble brought about by long-term cultivation: they no longer have the spirit that Jianghu people should have at all!

Such people are only suitable for nursing homes, and they are no longer suitable for wandering around the world! ( To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, support the author and support the genuine reading!