The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 248 War Reincarnation!

The fourth update!

Everyone followed the sound, but saw the head of the main dance cloud at home. A young man in green with a pale face was stretching out his slender fingers and tapping gently on the table. His drooping eyes occasionally turned up. The dazzling light made everyone's words of reproach suddenly be swallowed into his stomach.

This position is an extremely important position, and a young man in his thirties actually sat here safely, but everyone had no objection!

The young man in green had a gloomy face and said faintly, "Everyone, please pay attention! Now it's not for you to blame them, nor is it a summary of lessons learned after doing things. It is for everyone to brainstorm and think specifically about how to solve this matter! Even if you scold them and beat them to death now, it has always happened. Besides, those things that are not helpful and useless are useless! As for the fault of the two of them, they have their own family punishment court, but it's not your turn to comment!"

What the young man said was rude, and his tone was extremely cold, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable when they heard it. But no one here had any objection, and even with this voice, everyone shut up directly!

There is no other reason, just because of this person's identity, but he is the most special person in the warrior family! If the ethereal physique is the future hope of the whole ethereal mansion, then this person is the hope and the last card of the warrior family!

This person is the real first person of the young generation of the Zhan family!

Even his own name was obtained by himself, war reincarnation!

At the time of reincarnation, he was only in his thirties. At present, he has the cultivation of the fourth level of the saint, and he is only one step away from being able to enter the ranks of the Holy Emperor! It can be said that he is a true genius! What's more valuable is that this person has never worshipped a teacher, but his strange learning makes the ancestors of the highest generation of the Zhan family admire him!

Even, it's just a few words of the reincarnation of the war, which made several senior warriors who have been unable to break through for a long time unexpectedly break through!

The strength and background of this war reincarnation can be seen!

Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu, the biological brothers, are the first and second people of the younger generation of the war family. They often compete with each other and strive for performance, but they only look up to this cousin who is not much older than them, and they have no intention of competing for power, because they already know that they themselves follow the war wheel. It is not at the same level at all. There is no comparison at all. The gap is too wide!

"Ethereal physique, it is said that it is the best physique for practitioners of Xuangong since the ages! Since ancient times, only the first young master of Jiuyou, the ancestor of Xuangong, has this kind of supernatural physique! And this Mo Junye is the owner of the second ethereal physique in the history of Xuangong in Xuanxuan Continent!"

It was still the war reincarnation talking. His voice was still so flat that there were no ups and downs, but everyone listened calmly, and no one dared to speak.

"It is said that the biggest advantage of this ethereal physique is that no matter what skills are practiced, there will be no bottlenecks! The biggest characteristic of the ethereal physique is that it is called ethereal physique. It does not exist in his meridians. For example, the obstacles we encounter when we practice are called bottlenecks, that is, the most difficult to open the meridians at each stage are all ethereal! There is no impurity blockage at all!"

"The legendary ethereal physique owner can be said to be the darling of heaven. Once the speed of Xuanqi cultivation is on the right track, even those who have thousands of years of experience and the so-called reincarnation of the spiritual species are far inferior! Especially at a higher level, the effect is even more obvious! The later the ordinary person is, the slower he enters the border. He is by no means in this limit. As long as he has a considerable amount of time, he can definitely become an unimaginable horror. If the owner is smart, his achievements are bound to be even more amazing!"

"And Mo Junye is such a person! With this person's intelligence, as long as he is given enough space to grow up, this person's future may not be second to Jiuyou!"

"If I am the master of the fantasy mansion, and the descendants of the Zhan family have made such an unforgivable mistake, I'm afraid that even the whole war mansion will inevitably be implicated! Even if the blood is flowing into a river, it should be used to deter everyone. Don't make any more crooked ideas about the owner of the ethereal physique! Because this person is the future pillar of the fantasy mansion in the true sense! After the words of war reincarnation, Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu's yellow-headed sweat fell on their foreheads, and their faces suddenly turned waxy yellow.

"So this matter must not involve the warriors! I believe everyone can understand the meaning of what I said to everyone.

Zhan Reincarnation snorted, and the fierce eyes camera Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu said lightly, "You two, the real death is not a pity! Everything is ready in our warrior family. Only when my strength is fully restored, I can be alone in the subtle moment of the fantasy house, you have made such a big thing!"

If Jun Moxie is here, it can be judged from the words of the war reincarnation that this war reincarnation will definitely reincarnate the spiritual species of a master! Because his words have been quite clear.

"So how should this matter be solved?"

Zhan Wuyun also has a respectful tone when talking in the face of war reincarnation.

"The reason why everyone came is to prepare in advance! This matter is all on those six people. Whether they are alive or dead now, this responsibility must be borne by them! First, find all the family members of the six people as soon as possible, and immediately let the people concerned make fake files. That is to say, these six people were abused by the Zhan family because of their family's mistakes earlier. The Zhan family has strict rules and strict punishments. As a result, there is hatred against the war. Everyone in their family should be crucified and have a unified caliber. At the same time, it will be good for their descendants. When everything is calm, there will naturally be a stable life for them..."

"The process of this matter is very simple, but in practice, it is extremely complicated! Because their families are also full of various departments of the Zhan family, and the families of the six nobles are not a small number. Therefore, it may take time for everyone here to take action, and then everyone's disposal methods are summarized and perfectly put together, and it is necessary to create a real crime of evil servant harming the master. Only with this one crime can the warriors be completely removed! This is the only solution! There is no future!"

"Those who do great things need to be cruel! This may be a little cruel, but this time's cruelty can save the warriors!"

The war reincarnation stood up easily, with a pale face, which looked extremely strange in the candlelight: "The most important point, don't ignore it. You only have half a night in total, and all actions must be completed before dawn! If it can't be finished, then... let's commit suicide together!"

After saying that, the war reincarnation put his hands behind him. Shi Shiran walked out and did not turn back.

It was not until he got to the door that he paused and said, "As for Qingfeng and Yushu, let's arrange for the two of them to suffer the nine ghosts together; if they can't survive and die, it will be the punishment of the two of them: if we can survive, then our warriors can also have two more promising That's it."

After saying that, his figure disappeared from the sight of everyone.

Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu) The man's face instantly became a little bloodless, and his legs trembled like a pipa. They have already realized what their next fate will be. There is no life to bear the real death of the "Nine Ghosts" pills. The pain, or it's better to die! However, the fate of the two brothers is doomed, because that's what the war cycle said!

The whole warrior was almost busy at the next moment.

Everyone was extremely nervous and busy, running around.

From the outside, the whole war mansion is the same as usual, but who knows that everyone inside is busy with everything,...

The Zhan family is busy, the Miao family is busy, and Cao Guofeng and others are also busy...

Jun Moxie, the center of everything, has become the most leisurely person on this doomed sleepless night.

However, Master Jun still has the same thing as everyone, that is, he is also sleepless tonight!

If someone enters his room to check, he will immediately find that a pillow is stuffed in his quilt, and he himself has already disappeared.

If the five holy emperors guarded in the fourth place find it, they will definitely shout at the ghost. Under the full protection of the five of them, they disappeared again!

In fact, it's not as serious as hell. At this moment, Master Jun is inside the Hongjun Tower!

The blood of Yan Huang was shining, flying around Jun Moxie, occasionally making a loud sword sound.

What made a contribution tonight is the divine sword, the blood of Yanhuang!

After summoning it out silently, Jun Moxie collected the book network and knocked down the six enemies one by one in almost no cost. And after drinking the blood of the strong, the murderous spirit is becoming more and more sharp.

This sword, under Jun Moxie's continuous refinement with his own soul, is getting stronger and stronger, and he has almost his own consciousness! If it had been before, after drinking people's blood, all the nutrition would have been collected, and it would not have emitted all the evil spirits like today!

Now, the blood of Yanhuang has taken shape!

What it lacks at present is only endless blood irrigation, which can become a flying sword in the true sense!

A sword of thousands of miles, across the world, will no longer be limited to being manipulated to play!

At that time, after full growth, the blood of Yanhuang itself can be extremely powerful!

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, there are more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!