The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 255 The head of the cuckold family--

The third update! In the fourth and more efforts, one by one, in the eyes of the public, Master Jun finally had enough to show. I guess these guys were also shocked enough. Only then did they slowly collect their work, and they were still a little in their hearts: the psychological endurance of these people is too poor! Every time I am promoted, I jump at more than ten levels. Now I have only jumped to the third level. In fact, I can't even compare with those subordinates under us. This progress actually shocked you old people' eyes. "I originally planned to continue to break through if you are not surprised, and within an hour, again Break through to Yuxuan... Dixuan... Tianxuan... But looking at the situation in front of me, it seems that the book network can't be used for the time being. Let's break through when it can be used in the future...

His hands circled and his eyes were opened. Master Jun looked at the hot eyes around him and said "confusedly": "What's wrong? Why do your predecessors look at me like this? I washed my face today. Well, I just took a shower yesterday, and there is no strange smell on my body!"

Speaking, he raised his arm and smelled it...

Everyone looked at this staring ethereal physique genius. If it hadn't been for hundreds of years of skill and calmness, it was estimated that all of them would have to stagger and stagger in a series!

The emotional guy is still confused, ", "Your boy just broke through his own bottleneck, don't you know?"

Zhan Wuyun looked at Jun Moxie with a very strange look, and his eyes were extremely complicated.

"Have you broken through?"

Jun Moxie scratched his head: "I don't feel anything. It's no different from the usual practice." "Even if everyone has hundreds of years of background, it's hard to bear it. Qi Qi faints," "Don't ask. The legendary ethereal physique is like this... There are no bottlenecks and obstacles in his body at all. "How can he feel," Miao Jingyun shook his head speechlessly and gave a pertinent explanation: "If you ask him, he doesn't know that if there is a feeling, it's not a good thing..."

"Oh...s true, the owner of the house is reasonable,"

Everyone suddenly realized, but looking at the genius teenager with an ethereal physique, his eyes were even hotter. "I just heard about it, and I didn't feel anything about it, but now this iron fact has happened in front of me. How can I be indifferent?

"Lao Cao, have you found a daughter-in-law?"

The owner of the Zhang family grinned, put his arms around Cao Guofeng's shoulder, squeezed his eyes and said, "I have a granddaughter... She is twenty-eight years old, as beautiful as a flower. "It's the same age as your apprentice. It can be said that it's a perfect match. God-gives

We are not lucky enough to get such a good apprentice, but it doesn't prevent us from getting involved in another way!

Cao Guofeng Shenghuang took the master Zhang's hand off his shoulder very reservedly and said in a long voice, "Don't be so intimate. I'm not so familiar with you. I can't afford to climb high, and I can't afford to climb high." The people present are all old deep-fried dough sticks. How can't The meaning, one is a euphemistic vertebrae, and the other is also a high-profile rejection. Who is my apprentice? Can your granddaughter rise up?

Although the owner of the Zhang family returned, he immediately brought inspiration to several other masters: However, we can marry that genius, which is the most effective magic weapon. If it succeeds, half of this ethereal physique will become his own family, which may not be slightly worse than the master-apprentice relationship...

So, the old men caught the seven Cao Guofeng brothers one after another, and each of them served them. In an emergency, they became noisy like a vegetable market. "Only Brother Bai Qifeng is idle on the side, but all the owners of the family know that this is a gunfire, which is the most unpleasant to talk and does It's even more unreliable, so no one asked him to discuss it at all.

I'm not afraid that he won't agree. That's not a big accident. The most important thing is that he is afraid that this guy will say something he can't stand. In that case, it's too embarrassing for so many people, especially in a panic. " Even Gu Yunyang is close in front of Cao Guofeng and talks about the New Year's friendship, as if the two of them have really been friends for many years.

Cao Guofeng Cao Shenghuang experienced hundreds of colds and heats. It seemed that he had never experienced such an embarrassing experience. Under the siege of everyone, he was sweating and embarrassed. If that's all right, he also felt that the other two sword-like eyes were nailed to his back with a stern warning, making himself sweaty...

Those two eyes came from Miao Jingyun, the master of the fantasy mansion.

Lao Cao understands the meaning in Miao Jingyun's eyes: Old Cao, your apprentice and my granddaughter are still confused. My granddaughter is like your apprentice. If you dagger again, I will immediately burn you...

When everyone was quarreling happily and enthusiastically, an abrupt voice made everyone stop laughing and cry.

"What? Don't be funny. How dare you hit my precious apprentice with those crooked melons and dates in your family? Zhan Wuyun, you didn't take the wrong medicine, forgot to take the medicine, and took fake medicine, did you? How can you talk nonsense?"

This pun can be said very loudly, and the speaker is the White Holy Emperor of Bai Qifeng!

Everyone followed the sound, but saw Zhan Wuyun, the owner of the Qian family, with an old face like a monkey's buttocks, red and staring at Bai Qifeng angrily and anxiously.

It turned out that Zhan Wuyun thought for a long time and felt that it was a good idea to attract this genius with ethereal physique and speed to enter the world with the help of marriage. He could also take the opportunity to eliminate the hatred between the two sides, and even win over the seven holy emperors to help the warriors. It is definitely a

After making up his mind, he wanted to speak, but at this time, the other six holy emperors were being entangled by others... At this time, he was undoubtedly boring in the past. After all, the positions of both sides are still very delicate at present.

Coincidentally, when Bai Qifeng saw that he was standing on his side, he strode over to prepare to settle the old debts with him. Zhan Wuyun saw that Bai Qifeng was in the middle of his arms when he came. He pulled him and showed this meaning in an extremely low voice, expressing his willingness to choose a girl to marry a good-looking , the two families turned war into jade and silk... from the enemy to the in-laws...

The idea of Zhan Wuyun is also good. In terms of the power of the war family, this move is not blindly taking advantage of Mojunye and the seven holy emperors. The two sides can be regarded as mutual benefit and strong cooperation!

However, the questioning object targeted by the master of the war is too problematic. If Zhan Wuyun finds Cao Guofeng or the other five holy emperors, I believe that the six brothers will consider one or two, and the table tennis will not refuse immediately. At most, it is a polite recommendation, but the master of the war found the most free Bai Qifeng Bai The emperor!

Bai Qifeng's belly is almost exploding until now. Don't say that Zhan Wuyun is talking about marriage. Even if the Zhan family gives up the owner of the house to Mo Junye, Bai Qifeng will directly push back a big hot ass!

After eating for a long time, Zhan Wuyun's old face turned red, and there was no room to step down. He still had time to think about what to say in the future? He also heard Bai Qifeng say, "Why, now that we see that our apprentice's future is unlimited, do you finally know that we are afraid? If you send a woman, you will want to resolve it. Is there such a cheap thing in the world? Besides, do you dare to marry the daughter of your Zhan family? They are either female tigers or Hedong lions, and they even go out of the wall to pick up dust or something... It's like the one who just got into your warriors last year, a very good young man, was crushed to death by a cuckold? How dare you open your mouth like this?"

Zhan Wuyun could hardly wear it in one breath, and his eyes stared like bells. The halberd pointed to Bai Qifeng and roared as if he wanted to spit blood: "Bai Qifeng! You, you... What are you talking about!"

"I'm talking nonsense? Why am I talking nonsense? Ask these people present, which one of them doesn't know? How dare you say that I'm talking nonsense? To tell you the truth, if I hadn't been involved with my apprentice today, those women in your family would have been dirty..."

Bai Qifeng has no fear, crossed his waist, and said in a big way.

All the old men are a little funny at the same time.

To talk about this matter, it is actually a major scandal of the Zhan family. The protagonist of the scandal is the daughter of a partial house of the Zhan family. After recruiting last year, she messed with her subordinates. As a result, the newlywed son-in-law was so angry that he was alone outside the adulterous husband** * Before it was finished inside, I suddenly heard a movement. Naturally, I was surprised. Looking through the crack of the door, I accidentally saw the groom's tongue sticking out and the elder hanging outside. As a result, he screamed and ran out of the woodshed naked...

At this time, he was caught by the warrior patrol guard...

Then... you can basically imagine it!

Although the Zhan family tried their best to hide this matter, the so-called good things did not go out and bad things spread thousands of miles, and somehow spread out. It became a joke in the fantasy house. Zhan Wuyun was laughed at by everyone many times, and some good people took a nickname for Zhan Wuyun, called 'the owner of the green hat family, ... Zhan Wuyun, as the head of a family, can he stand this? Later, there were several big fights, and no one mentioned it again. After all, where is the war power? The joke is not bad. If it really involves the dignity of the head of the family, it will be a big deal...

Zhan Wuyun officially eliminated the matter by correcting the traitors on the spot soon after.

I don't want to see it at this juncture, but the scar is bloodyly exposed by Bai Qifeng. How can Zhan Wuyun not be angry?

Zhan Wuyun was furious and waited for the attack, but before he could attack, Bai Qifeng said lightly, "If it's a real marriage, your Zhan family's daughter came out of the wall after entering the door, "Find some woodshed cowshed to do some shameless things." We don't have that kind of place here." As I said, you warriors can afford to lose that man, but our old brothers can't afford it..."