The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 257 God--Does it really exist?

Today's first update!

In addition to admiration, Jun Moxie carefully observed the eight peaks around him, but he needed to distinguish the specific family in the momentum! These eight families have very different momentum, and I believe it is not difficult to distinguish them.

In addition, the warrior family can now be said to be the first family of the fantasy mansion, with strong ministers and weak masters. This is not difficult to see from the feng shui pattern. According to the method of checking the feng shui pattern mentioned in the classics of Hongjun Tower, Jun Moxie narrowed his eyes and looked at it carefully.

First of all, the easternmost mountain peak should be where the Miao family is located. Now the momentum of the Miao family has obviously faded; among the eight peaks, almost every peak has a dazzling red light rushing straight up, which is connected with the momentum of the main peak. Only the Miao family is much thinner, and there are several decadent intentions.

Obviously, in terms of luck, it is far inferior to other families.

However, this is also something that is expected. It should be known that the Fantasy House has always been the head of the Miao family, and the Miao family will certainly be quite prosperous for a long time. However, the alternation of power in each generation of the main palace of the fantasy mansion, even if it is carried out within the Miao family, it will still greatly affect the fortune of the Miao family.

To this day, the remaining luck of the Miao family can be said to have gone to the extreme, which can be said to be dangerous! If the main palace changes hands, even if other families are affected, it will not be too big. Only the Miao family will completely exhaust the last bit of luck, and the number of gas will be exhausted. It is really a collapse of heaven and the earth, and everything will end!

However, the power of the warring family is large, and the meaning of its replacement is already obvious. Under this change, the fortune of the Miao family is naturally as seen now. The rivers are getting worse day by day...

Among the eight peaks, the peak to the west is the most powerful, and the red light is soaring to the sky. Its strong momentum can even affect the main peak, which has a great sense of aggressiveness!

Among the eight peaks, this peak is the most prosperous! Compared with the main peak, it's not much different!

Obviously, this place should be the place where the warriors are!

However, Jun Moxie felt that there was something wrong with the weather.

Because in the red light that soared into the sky, there is a faint feeling of extreme disharmony. Although it is very obscure, the feeling is still very obvious. Even after seeing it, he can feel a creepy feeling from the depths of his heart...

"This red light is too straight, it's just going to be noisy..."

Jun Moxie muttered secretly, "Where can such a thing happen? Even if it is a full-scale embezzlement, it will not be able to go to such a dominant situation. It's hard to understand..."

Now that he has felt the strangeness, Master Jun simply flew higher and checked it carefully on the book website. After taking off again, after flying in the sky, he came to the red light and went straight to the core position to check carefully. Only then did Jun Moxie really realize that there was a strong evil spirit hidden in the core of the red light!

It was this yin and evil spirit that sneaked down and forcibly cut off the original connection between the Miao family's peak and the main peak. What's more, I didn't even know what method was used to pass on the luck of the original Miao family to the Zhan family. The combination of the two strongest families evolved into the uniqueness of the next family The big picture...

"So that's it!"

Jun Moxie frowned: "It seems that there are people in the warriors who understand the change of feng shui? And it should also be a big deal that can only be made by such a big connoist... If you look at it this way, I'm afraid that the conspiracy of the warriors has been carried out for at least several generations... It can really be said that it is preseditated and profound in layout..."

Jun Moxie snorted coldly: "In terms of the current situation, the fantasy house is stable, which is the most favorable situation of the seven holy emperors, such as the Miao family and Yu Cao Guofeng. I will completely eliminate the biggest crisis in this fantasy house, and take it as a reward for the people in the fantasy house!"

Thinking of this, the speed of Jun Mo's yin and yang escape suddenly increased to the extreme level, and suddenly ran down quickly! Facing the vigorous luck of the warriors, like a sharp sword, he stabbed it without hesitation!

No matter what kind of dragon pool tiger hole you are, the young master is coming today, and he will disturb you upside down!

If you calculate me, you have to bear my anger and revenge!

At this moment, Zhan Wuyun, the head of the Zhan family, has returned to the Zhan family and is discussing with the Qian family in the secret room.

There are only six people in the whole secret room!

None of them have ever appeared during the family's secret meeting.

As for the other two, in addition to the family leader Zhan Wuyun, there is only war reincarnation.

Among the other four people, the one in the middle is a yellow-skinned face, like a zombie. There is no half or two flesh all over his body. It is a pair of human skin on a skeleton. This person is a person like the ancestor of the Zhan family, called Zhan Tianji.

That is, the Tianjizi of the legendary figure who flourished more than 3,000 years ago, but the one on the left is ruddy, and he looks only about 50 or sixty years old at most. He is kind-looking and kind-looking. Even if he doesn't speak and has a calm face, he still looks like a smile, but this is born. There is a smile in his name, called Zhan~Xiao. Don't look at this person's kind face, but he is a person who hides a knife in his smile. He has a nickname to be a smiling butcher. The degree of his fer

As for the one on the right, his face is the opposite of Zhan Yixiao. His face is cold, and he is full of indifference thousands of miles away, and the divine light in this person's eyes is as ferocious as a fierce wolf, but this gentleman is a poisonous cold sword, Zhan Tu!

As for the person at the outside, he is a middle-aged man who looks like a businessman. He is kind and rich, his face is mediocre, and the dough is like a rich man. He has no characteristics at all. His face is pure in the kind that can't be found when thrown into the crowd...

But this person is the most terrible of these four people!

This man once had a horrible record of killing 3,000 people in a row overnight!

Even after the event, he didn't change his face. When he returned home at dawn, there was no murderous atmosphere left on his body!

This person's name is not surprising at all: thorough, Zhan Xiaoxiao. Just listening to his name, as if he were a woman, who would believe that such a person would be the most terrible of the four murderers?

However, only such insipidity is the most terrible thing!

Any of the four warriors is unfathomable!

But sitting here now, it only occupies one side!

The main Zhan Wuyun occupies the other side..

The person in the middle is actually a war reincarnation!

"You also saw the ethereal physique today, how do you feel about it?"

The pale face of the war reincarnation, under the lights of the secret room, shows a strange color, which is comparable to the coldness of the dead.

Zhan Wuyun took a deep breath and said respectfully, "...very strong! The potential... is great! Today, I witnessed with my own eyes that this Mo Junye, the breakthrough from Yin Xuan to Jin Xuan... This can't be fake at all.

"Is there really a miracle there?"

The eyes of the war reincarnation were dead gray. When he looked at the war dance cloud, the person so close to the war dance cloud also felt a chill on his back.

"Yes! The plant grows in an instant, and this kind of thing can't be faked.

Zhan Wuyun said honestly. " So... This Mo Junye is really like a talent from heaven?"

The tone of war reincarnation was unexpectedly full of surprise: "Between heaven and earth, there is a vision for him! In this way..."

He said this, but he did not continue to talk about it, but the light in his eyes flashed, but it was no longer the dead gray color. On the contrary, it was a look full of hope and longing. Zhan Yixiao waited for the four people to look at each other and nodded thoughtfully.

Only listening to the reincarnation of war slowly said, "Difficult... Does the legendary heaven really exist?"


It really exists!

This sentence makes Zhan Wuyun's brain completely short-circuited!

Because he finally understood what the ancestor of the warrior family wanted!

"However, whether he is the legendary ethereal physique or God's designation! But he still only has ant-like cultivation! Humph, we can let it fly away at any time! Wuyun, you took the initiative to show your goodwill to them. How did they react?

The thin fingers of the war reincarnation gently rubbed on the table. The movement is very slow.

Although he looks like a young man, this action is a real old man!

"They don't agree! Bai Qifeng even moved out of the scandal of our Zhan family and humiliated me. I was furious for a moment and had a fight with him.

When it comes to this matter, Zhan Wuyun is full of anger.

"Hmm, do you really think that an apprentice with an ethereal physique can decide everything?"

A cold light shot out of the eyes of the war reincarnation: "Dance cloud, ethereal physique, it is really a legend after ten thousand years, we can't bet! Once you really grow up, it is difficult for anyone to control it! Since it can't be used for us, destroy him!"

"The future of the ethereal mansion must be all in the hands of our warriors! Only in this way can we use the mystery of the main peak of the fantasy mansion to open the legendary road to heaven!"

The dark eyes of the war reincarnation looked at the void in front of him and slowly said, "What the first young master of the ancestor Jiuyou can do, we may not be able to do it? With the same skill, can't we really reach the peak of the legendary Tao?

"Are you really going to destroy this ethereal physique?"

Zhan Wuyun was unexpected. He really never thought about it. After all, the ethereal physique entered quickly. For the warriors, or the whole fantasy house, it can never be regarded as a bad thing.

Now, the Zhan family has replaced the Miao family as the master of the fantasy house, and it is almost in operation.

The owner of the ethereal physique belongs to the fantasy mansion, which is not much different from that belongs to the warrior. It should be that the faster you enter the border, the better. Why do you want to destroy it?

Isn't that a pity? It's really a big treasure!

"Don't you understand? Then I'm really disappointed in you! Even if there is such an disobedient existence in a family, no matter what potential and genius he has, it should be cleaned up as soon as possible! For the sake of power, flesh and blood, father and son, don't you see much? What's more, where the ethereal fantasy house can affect the overall situation of the whole world? If you want to be the owner of the fantasy mansion, don't others want to?"