The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 259 Ten Thousand Ghosts Eaters!

Today's work update! I'm trying to do the fourth update one by one. As for the reason for doing so, it's very simple. Jun Moxie wants to create an illusion! That is to make people think that the warriors have provoked an extremely strong but cruel opponent. And the opponent's means are also beyond everyone's imagination. It is not only ferocious and vicious, but also makes people unable to survive, unable to die...

The ultimate goal of this approach is naturally not to make people suspect that what happened here is related to Mo Junye, who has an ethereal physique!

Although it is cruel, Jun Meixie has no pity in his heart! For the warriors, in this way, Mr. Jun has already felt very kind. "While the young master is breaking into the land of the nine ghosts step by step, it seems that even Jun Moxie himself did not expect that there is a secret room hidden in the place he passed, and the six people at the highest level of the Qian family are discussing in this!

And the old guy who doesn't know how many times he has been reincarnating, is really a little Taoist. He actually used his unique spiritual induction to detect the breath of Jun Moxie! Although I only noticed a little bit of subtleness, it already illustrates the problem!

Jun Moxie was still flying at full speed. Suddenly, there was a strange sound of "buzzing" above his head. There seemed to be a strange bell. In an instant, this strange sound had spread all over the ground!

In an instant, everyone in the underground world became arrogant, and the vegetation became soldiers!

For many years, no outsider has been able to break in this underground world! Now, there are really enemies breaking in! This is the biggest secret related to the warriors. How can the warriors not panic? If someone really escapes, I'm afraid the biggest secret of the warrior will spread all over the fantasy house overnight!

In that case, the major families will definitely be alert immediately, because such secrets can't be hidden at all. If the warriors want to do anything in the future, the difficulty can be increased several times out of thin air, and even the clamp will become the public enemy of the other seven families because of this matter, and eventually lose the whole game, which is not

If you make a mistake, you will lose the whole game!

So, this is an earth-shaking thing for the warriors! Everyone has brought this matter to a certain level!

Be sure to catch the intruder and put him to death! Only then can everyone relax the string that everyone is tightening!

In front of Jun Moxie, a figure flashed. Five or six people in black robes appeared quickly, swept across, and then came back here in an instant to get together.

"Have you found anything?"

"No! The thief is very cunning, leaving no trace at all. The only thing that can be sure is that the thief is still in the underground world and has not left, which is a great blessing in misfortune!"

"It's good if you don't leave. Everyone continues to search! Be sure to find it! You can't let him leave!"

Five figures, the sound of "brush" was divided into five directions and flew out quickly.

"The foundation of the warrior family is really strong. Each of these five people has a saint-level cultivation! In fact, the power is only slightly inferior to the strong of the Holy Emperor at most. It can be seen that the warrior's plan is not small!"

Jun Moxie looked deeply at the fork of the five people, thinking in his heart.

Such five masters have been underground for a long time. Isn't the plot of the warriors even more shocking?

At this moment, another unusually rapid bell sounded. All the people in the underground world of warriors who were searching everywhere did not hesitate at all, and suddenly quickly retreated to their secret rooms like a tide!

The sound of banging kept ringing one after another, and all the secret rooms closed their own stone doors very quickly! Just leave the empty passage outside!

"What's going on?"

Jun Moxie is confused. Why did you relax so completely after being nervous for a while? No more searches at all? What kind of means is this? Do you really want to give up?

Under full of suspicion, suddenly a thin buzzing sound sounded inexplicably. From the entrance of various channels, countless bee-like strange flying insects poured in, suddenly flashing their wings and flying in the channel. It looked like there were at least thousands of them...

"Are you going to find my trace with a bug? What can these bugs do for?

Jun Moxie is still in the strange state of yin and yang escape. Under the state of yin and yang escape, it is equivalent to being invisible to the void. All methods are inviolable. The young master is very at ease and has no fear at all. At best, there is a little doubt. It seems that these small flying insects should be another more effective search method for warriors.

It's a pity that when you meet me, you are doomed to be disappointed. Jun Moxie sneered in his heart and was about to move forward again according to the original plan, searching for the whereabouts of the two brothers of the Zhan family. But at this moment of pause, I suddenly saw those little flying insects pouring in from the entrances of various passages really flying in their own direction!

Moreover, each one has a clear goal!

"Can these little bugs really detect my existence?"

Jun Moxie frowned and stared at the little flying insects that were getting closer and closer. The yin and yang shield has never failed so far. Will he be broken by some small insects today?

The young master guessed well. This kind of little bug itself has almost no attack power. It is a kind of strange worm that he unintentionally got in addition to a life-death experience.

This kind of worm lives in a dense place where the dead are dense, because it needs the strong corpse gas to survive and reproduce. In addition, although this worm does not have much attack power, it has the strange function of devouring the soul of the dead. It is because of this gifted ability that they are particularly ** to the soul.

After the war reincarnation got this thing, I felt that although this thing had no substantial power, it was a great helper for defense and tracking, so I cultivated it and named it 'Thousand Ghosts Eaters'. Before today, using this kind of thing to track or find hidden enemies can be said to have a remarkable effect and never been lost. Hand; today, I saw that all the members of the Zhan family were dispatched and failed to find the whereabouts of the entrant, so they released the ten thousand ghost-eating worms.

Sure enough, the effect was remarkable. As soon as the ten thousand ghosts and soul-eating insects came out, they found the whereabouts of Jun Moxie!

Although Jun Moxie is invisibility and no one can see him, this kind of bug does not use 'look'. Besides, even if he is invisible and empty, the fluctuation of his own soul still exists.

Of course, this is still Jun Mo's evil power is still shallow, and he has not been able to really play the true meaning of yin and yang escape and emptiness. Now he is still in a state of semi-emptiness and half-realness. If there is nothing, it is also a car of reason to be discovered by this kind of

But Jun Moxie, who didn't know much about Yin and Yang Dun, was shocked in an instant. Why didn't he expect that there was such a strange creature in the world! Is it true that there is a way to break it? Such an inconspicuous little flying insect actually broke the yin and yang escape method that he has never missed?

When this kind of bug appeared, the young master felt an extreme evil meaning.

Moreover, the air was suddenly filled with a disgusting smell of corpse!

This made Jun Moxie suddenly have a certain understanding of the source of this kind of thing, and he couldn't help but feel a strong disgust in his heart. Because when observing the fortune of the warriors before, the evil feeling of the evil calendar is really similar to the current feeling!

At this moment, about forty or five feet away from Jun Mo Xie, a middle-aged man with a smile suddenly appeared. As soon as the middle-aged man appeared, he was like a rich man in a dough. He smiled and said to Jun Mo Xie, "Your Excellency, you have come here. Why don't you just show up and let us The Zhan family has the friendship of the landlord. Isn't it good for everyone to touch the bottom of the wine glass and talk about it. From then on, it will turn the war into jade and silk and make friends? Jun Moxie did not answer. Although Yin and Yang Dun was accidentally broken, he still had no timidity in his heart. If he wanted to get out, he could easily disappear as long as a dirt escape. Safety can be said to be carefree. Since there are still a lot of cards in hand, why are you in a hurry to leave? It has never been a young man's personality to give up halfway!

And it seems that it's just those bugs who have found themselves. At best, these people can only judge their general position according to the response of the bugs. How useful can this be?

Smiling hoarsely, Jun Moxie responded in an unusually strange voice: "Senior Zhan family, do you think you can catch me with these insects? Well, you are a little too naive."

Before he finished speaking, a cold voice behind him said, "We are not interested in catching you! Because since you are here, you are doomed to leave alive again!"

Jun Moxie looked back and saw a worm. Seven or eight feet behind him, a man in black stood like a javelin. The whole posture of standing made Jun Moxie think of only a sharp sword out of the sheath!

It seems that this person is a sharp sword book network! From the person behind him, there is a coldness and murderous spirit, and the tide continues to guise out!

Jun Moxie quietly released his powerful soul to test, and accidentally found that each of the two people in front of him was a super master! Moreover, the power actually far exceeds the level of the Holy Emperor!

With the current self, if it is a real face-to-face battle, even if it is only against any of them, it is definitely not an opponent! Now, there are actually two attacks back and forth!

The engraved situation seems to be a little bad!

Jun Moxie said hoarsely, "It's really funny to say this sentence! I have always regarded death as home. Since I came to this world, I have never wanted to go back alive!"

"Nonsense, such nonsense when you die, then I will definitely give you a way to die today!"

After the man in black finished speaking, he suddenly moved. With his action, the ghost-eating insects in front of him suddenly made a point, and then there were hundreds of sharp swordsmen coming!

Jun Moxie snorted coldly, and his body dodged in a piece of nothingness. Then his right hand suddenly turned over, and a blazing flame suddenly shot out of his hand, and the whole channel was permeated in an instant!