The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 262 Kill you and destroy your soul!

Second update!

Zhan Tianji has always been confident in his ability. He has always believed that where he is, it must be the safest place! Since I was born, no enemy has ever been able to successfully calculate himself!

Because he is a natural machine!

has long belonged to the legendary B Tianjizi!

But now, at this moment, this absolute accident has really appeared!

Moreover, this unexpected price will end with the life of Zhan Tianji!

The sword light is like a world, with the destructive momentum of everything, and it slams down!

Zhan Tianji only had time to think about it: what fell into my eyes was the tip of the three long swords!

But how can there be such a bright sword in the world?

There is still time to think about it in the future. The sword has been deeply rooted in the heart of Zhan Tianji!

Zhan Tianji screamed heartbreakingly!

Although the sound is hoarse, the volume is earth-shaking!

Although he is blind at this moment, he also knows that he has suffered a fatal serious injury, and because of the previous excessive loss, there is not much residual mysterious gas for him to use, but the enemy defends him, "But the battle is always a holy strong man!

Although the sudden inexplicable sword pierced his heart in an instant, the murderous spirit attached to the sword broke out in an instant, completely destroying his heart and smashing his Dantian! Moreover, the strong Xuanqi was like destroying the dead at that moment, stirring up his internal organs and smashing them at noon!

But for the Holy Venerable, such an injury is still not enough for a fatal injury!

That is to say, Zhan Tianji still has the hope of living!

As long as he can get the last bit of emptiness, he will still have vitality!

Facing the desperate situation, in order to fight for the last line of vitality, he tried his best, but his thin hands suddenly turned over, and two shining short swords suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand! And at the same time when the two swords appeared, it was like a poisonous dragon coming out of the water and stabbing forward!

As soon as the dagger came out, a cold brilliance exceeded the blade and flew away at a high speed! This is the last blow of Zhan Tianji as a saint and strong man! These two guanghua, even the figures at the level of Cao Guofeng, once they collide head-on, they will die in an instant! And it's going to the bleak ending of the destruction of the soul!

In fact, Zhan Tianji did not want to kill the enemy on the opposite side! He didn't do such a delusion!

That idea is really too luxurious and completely unrealistic!

Since the other party can attack himself so successfully, the other party's strength will never be too weak, at least at the same level as himself! Even, it may be... much stronger than yourself! Otherwise, you will never make yourself unaware of it!

Zhan Tianji's wish now is very simple, simply extremely small. Now he only hopes that the other party can flash!

Yes, just a flash!

Even if he doesn't pull out the long sword from his body, as long as his hand loosens the hilt of the sword, he can immediately use the soul-transforming method in this short time, transform his whole body cultivation and soul power into a holy baby and get out of the body. As long as he can successfully transform the baby, he can Escape from this stone room in an instant!

After that, it is natural to choose a pair of body from the children of the Zhan family. It only takes a hundred decades of practice to return to the current level!

For the strong at the level of the Holy Master, a body is just a skin carrying the soul! Just change one, it's really not a big deal!

Or this wish is too small, and the other party really dodged!

Although Zhan Tianji's eyes still can't see things, with the touch of his holy strong man, he can still clearly feel that the opponent's hand loosened the hilt of the sword and flashed diagonally.

The battle is overjoyed!

He immediately moved his work and smashed his body from Dantian with a bang. Although the sword was still inserted in his body, this sword was no longer a threat to him!

Because he has now successfully condensed the Holy Baby!

Even if this sword cuts his original body to pieces, as long as the Holy Baby can escape, he will still be a battle!

The reason why there is such confidence lies in the speed of the Holy Child. Under the whole world, no one can match it!

But the battle is then desperate!

The speed of the baby, or really unmatched, does not mean that no one can hurt, nothing can hurt!

When the battle machine successfully condensed the holy baby, it was full of ecstasy and immediately flew away from the broken body! But he immediately found that he didn't seem to fly as fast as he thought? He took a closer look and found that there was a shining sword on his little baby's body!

And there was a kind of humane mockery on the shining sword, "Yes, there is nothing wrong with his feeling!

This sword is mocking yourself!

The war sky machine's brain became chaotic in an all of an hour. Isn't the holy baby invisible and traceless? Isn't it true that no one will find the existence of the Holy Child?

Why is a physical sword inserted now?

Zhan Tianji thought in panic, and then he found another thing that made him horrible and desperate! The long sword body inserted on his holy baby suddenly emitted a terrible suction that could not be resisted! It's like a long whale absorbing water, swallowing all the exquisite cultivation and soul power just condensed in his baby's body very quickly!

In another moment, he found that there was a young man in black, standing quietly in the void not far away, with empty hands and a cold smile at the corners of his mouth, looking at himself quietly...

"No! I don't want to die! Please!! Let me go. "I'm a legend of metaphysics, Tianjizi, I'm willing to be an ox and a horse for you." I'm willing to do anything for you, let me go...

Ah ""The battle machine is exhausted and begging for mercy, the little holy baby's body, dancing and begging for mercy, and his face is full of fear... and even full of crisscrossing tears. "But the young man in black was unmoved at all, still standing there indifferently. As far as his eyes could The evil sword has never stopped absorbing energy from his body...

"Don't do it" "The last cry of Zhan Tianji was torn by the book network. The small body that was easily condensed turned into nothingness again, and all the energy was still swallowed up by the sword! The whole number has been transformed into the purest power in the blood of hot yellow!

Zhan Tianji has been fighting against Tianji all his life. Even at the last moment of his life, he is still trying to tamper with Tianji and change his life against the sky! However, the sky is supreme, how can manpower fight? The sky is unpredictable, how can manpower change it?

So the battle machine eventually died under the sky machine he tampered with!

And Tianji, "it's still the sound of Tianji, and the blood of Yan Huang actually let out a satisfied sword sound. This time's tonic really benefited it a lot!

Isn't it a little bit of the power of a strong man at the level of saints?

"Are you going to have a good time this time?"

Jun Moxie smiled, but there was a smell of a little complaint: "This time it's really... You have taken over all the benefits, but I didn't get anything," the crisp long sound of Yanhuang's serum, full of joy, slowly turned around him.

Then, Jun Mo's evil hand pointed, and the blood brush of the fire and yellow flew out with a bang. The continuous tripod originally placed on the high platform had already burst in response to the sword, and the black and purple smelly objects inside splashed everywhere...

Then the yellow blood still flew again without stopping at all. It went straight to the top of the stone chamber, brushed for a burst of thorns, and the sky over the stone chamber, which was exactly the same as the nine peaks of the fantasy house, was instantly full of holes, and then fell down rumbled...

At this time, the sound of rushing clothes outside suddenly sounded.

Jun Moxie's eyes turned, and the yellow light of his right hand faintly pressed down. With a bang, the ground of the whole stone room completely turned over, and the soil hidden in the ground gushed out and buried all the bodies!

Let them go to the ground first!

After finishing these, Jun Moxie immediately became invisible again.

Then he commanded the blood of Yanhuang to fiercely pry a sword at the upper left corner of the stone chamber. A strange and inexplicable gas came out, constantly dissipated, then gushed out, and then dissipated. "I added a sword to the upper right corner, but this time there were countless red fogs emanating """I don't know how many years and years of the war have continued the great conspiracy, and I don't know how many talents have been sacrificed to gradually perfect the conspiracy and trick. Under the rude and unreasonable destruction of Master Jun, he was completely bankrupt! Even the fortune of the Lien Chan family itself has been destroyed a lot...

People are doing, heaven is watching, heaven is doing evil, there is something to do, self-doing, can't live!

If the warriors knew that the cause of this matter was such a great disaster caused by Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu's provocation of Jun Moxie, they would certainly regret it very much. Why did they make the conspiracy against the owner of the ethereal physique at the beginning'...

Seeing that there is no hope of recovery in the arrangement here, even if everything is barely arranged, it has to start all over again. Jun Moxie put away the blood of the fire and yellow, "brush" to launch the yin and yang escape, and hide into the stone wall again!

The cluttered footsteps sounded.

The first one to rush in is still the reincarnation of war!

He had just returned to his refined room, and he was getting more and more angry when he listened to the continuous report!

"No trace of the intruder has been found yet."

"No found on the left" "No found on the right, the person seems to have left quietly..."

Listening to these undiscovered announcements, the look of war reincarnation is becoming more and more gloomy. Warrior, when did you become so incompetent? Someone broke into the most secret place of his family and mobilized all the manpower. Unexpectedly, he couldn't find the trace of the other party!

Did that man really leave like that?

Zheng is continuing to work hard for the third update and the fourth update, "I'm so tired! It seems that his physical strength has also reached a limit. Although he is still holding it tenaciously in one breath, "However, his eyes are a little dazzled...

The third update and the fourth update may not come out until after midnight. Look first, and I'll work hard again. "