The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 286 Xiao Miao's Heart


Jun Moxie really opened his mouth. Before he came, although he had thought about the situation as seriously as possible, he really didn't expect that it would be so serious!

This symptom is exactly the symptom of my mother's oriental heart!

In the final analysis, it's just one sentence: heart to death!

Only when you fall in love with all your heart and soul, and then your lover suddenly leaves can you have unique symptoms! There may not be a case among hundreds of millions of people in this situation! Because, what happens is all the kind of strange women who are so affectionate, and the relationship with the person you love is so deep that you can't live alone!

Jun Moxie never thought that he and Miao Xiaomiao had only a short contact from beginning to end. This heart-provoking woman has reached such a point of love for her!

In an instant, Jun Mo's evil heart shook inexplicably. Is such a woman really going to live up to her deep affection? However,...

"Ah, what! You are still in the mood now!"

Miao Jingyun roared and gritted his teeth and said, "Mo Junye! If you can't wake up my granddaughter today, then the meat on your body will be on the plate of my husband's birthday party tomorrow!"

After saying that, he didn't wait for Jun Moxie to reply. He waved his hand angrily and said, "Take him in!" If it can't be cured, just peel it for me and make a soup!"

If you can say such words, it can be seen that the first boss of the fantasy mansion is already mad!

But this also shows how Miao Jingyun value Miao Xiaomiao...

Originally, young master Jun's personality, when he heard Miao Jingyun's big words, he would never comply. He was bound to make a clear understanding with this old guy before he could proceed to the next step! What's the matter? Are you amazing? How can you shout at me like this? After all, I am the great benefactor of your whole Miao family. How can I be such a big name to ask me to save people? It's my kindness to be willing to take action, and it's my job to be unwilling to take action! How old are you?

However, the current situation is really special. It seems that Miao Xiaomiao is already in danger. Jun Moxie is really not in the mood and has no energy. The most important thing is that he has no time to argue with Miao Jingyun. If he doesn't talk to her, he will follow Mrs. Miao.

Mrs. Miao took Jun Moxie, Miao Huanyu followed him at the end, and the three of them walked into the elegant building together.

Next, Miao Dao said doubtfully, "Master, why don't you explain the matter of marriage today? Why don't you just take advantage of this momentum and take this boy down in one fell swoop?

Although their brothers are one generation higher than Miao Jingyun's family members, they dare not be careless at all in terms of titles, and they have never had the slightest arrogance. This is the authority of the owner of the fantasy mansion!


Miao Jingyun hummed, "Now that Xiao Miao can't wake up, it's still undecided. If you want to make a marriage contract now... Isn't it too early? Besides... If our Miao family marries a daughter, do we have to beg others to marry us? He wants to marry Xiao Miao. If he doesn't go through some hardships, how can he show the preciousness of our Miao's daughter? Isn't it a cheap one for him?

"But... Lord, listen to the little girl's meaning, today's thing is obviously this boy... who rejected Xiao Miao... Xiao Miao will be like this..."

Speaking of Miao Xiaomiao, Miao Jian's cold face was also full of pity. But the meaning of the words is to say: the boy has refused, how can he beg to marry Xiao Miao?

"Today's refusal does not mean that it will be rejected after today."

Miao Jingyun smiled cunningly: "Didn't you see it? When I just said what Xiao Miao is doing now, the boy looked nervous to death? If he doesn't care at all and the ghost doesn't believe it, I'm even doubting that the boy is most likely to be lifting himself. "At this point, he seems to feel that his tone as the owner of the fantasy mansion is a little lost. He can't help coughing twice and said, "No, "If Xiao Miao really can't ...Don't mention this matter again! Moreover, I will definitely make this boy pay the price! What about the owner of the ethereal physique?

He stared, majestic, and added heavily, "The price of a cow!"

Everyone was silent for a moment, looking up and looking at the silent embroidery building, looking forward to the happy good news coming from it. "Everyone's heart is heavy...

This kind of thing happened before the owner's birthday. It's really like cheering, but he was splashed with a ladle of cold water. If Miao Xiaomiao really can't wake up, then tomorrow's birthday banquet should be like that, "Everyone has no bottom in their hearts...

What comes into my eyes is a quiet girl's boudoir. The room is very clean. There is a dreamlike white veil hanging from the window, and an almost small and exquisite bed. At the head of the bed, a budding lily stands...

On the white wall, there are two words hanging, one of which is: Shuntian may not exist, and you should laugh against the sky. Who is like me? The sword points to the waves of the world? ...The sun and the moon come into my heart, see if I lead **! Qing Feng casually came out of the sheath and asked who dared to walk in the sky with me? A sword is full of love for thousands of years, bloody rain, and people will not fall; with a sword to win the Central Plains, stand up and ask, in this life, don't bend over!

Who dances in the clouds, let me look across the horizon, my heart is full of twists and turns, and my heart is full of wind and snow; at the end of the song, people disperse, and a sword rushes to the sky angrily. The same smile in ancient and modern times, heaven and earth are free, and those who come in later generations are not higher than me.

The signature is: Mo Jun's night work, Xiao Miao's transcription.

And the other picture is: Lin Hua faded the spring red, too hurried, helpless to come in the cold rain and late wind; rouge tears, leaving people drunk, when will it be heavy, people grow and hate the water Changdong... The money is also: Mo Jun's night work, Xiao Miao copied...

In front of the window, there is a small table with a seven-string Yaoqin quietly placed on it. On one side, it is the music score of the funeral flowers...

Just seeing these, it seems to see Lao Xiaomiao's heart!

Because, other than that, there is no other decoration in this girl's boudoir! As the only eye pearl of the Miao family of Huanfu, the granddaughter of the owner of Huanfu Mansion, in the boudoir, the layout is so simple! This really made Jun Moxie a little unexpected. However, when I think of Miao Xiaomiao's gentle personality, I secretly say that this is in line with Miao Xiaomiao's personality.

And the owner of this room, Miao Xiaomiao, is lying quietly in **. His face is particularly pale, motionless, and even the breathing of his chest fluctuates. Even in a coma, the pair of beautiful eyebrows are sadly wrinkled... There seems to be a drop of tears in the corners of his eyes, " When Jun Mo Xiedan stepped into the door, he saw Miao Xiaomiao's face, and he couldn't help but be shocked again. Not long ago, this magnificent woman was still talking softly to herself and softening herself. She hoped to melt the ice and snow in my heart with her tenderness... But at this moment, she had become such a dying bleak look...

And all this is because of yourself! It's all because I love myself too much!

People are not plants, who can be ruthless!

Jun Moxie also has an indescribable feeling in his heart at this moment. Even though he has always been determined, he can't help but be a little excited at this moment. In an flash, I was a little confused in my heart...

If time can go back and do it again, will I still say those words to her? ... Jun Moxie smiled bitterly and looked at Miao Xiaomiao's eyes. For the first time, he added a little tenderness and pity. "After all, I'm not the kind of iron heart that doesn't care about anything." As soon as he entered the door, the little bean sprouts serving by the bed had already found him. He raised his tearful eyes "What are you doing here? Isn't it bad enough for you to make the young lady miserable?"

The little girl bulged her mouth, stared at her eyes, and looked like she couldn't wait to jump up and bite him.

"Little bean sprouts should not be rude!"

Mrs Miao whispered and said, "Mr. Mo is here to see Xiao Miao..."

Speaking of this, I can't help thinking of Xiao Miao's 'illness, precisely because of the young man in front of me, "I can't help but say it...

"Humph, "If it hadn't been for his involity, how could the young lady have had this strange disease..."

The bean sprout muttered and stopped reluctantly.

Jun Moxie ignored her, gently moved his footsteps, went to the bedside, stretched out his right hand, and put it on Miao Xiaomiao's delicate wrist...

After transporting the spiritual power, he suddenly understood: This is the same as his mother's illness in those years!

Although her mother Dongfang Wenxin was heart-sad and fell into a deep sleep, after all, her mother still had three sons for concern, so her heart was not completely blocked, so Jun Moxie woke up her mother as a human son that day, which actually did not cost a lot of effort...

But today's Miao Xiaomiao is completely blocked! There is no gap at all!

The heart is completely closed. What should I do?

Jun Moxie's eyebrows are getting tighter and tighter. If he is even helpless, I'm afraid that there will be no one who can be saved in the world.

Seeing that his face suddenly became very ugly, Mrs. Miao couldn't help but be frightened and asked in a trembling voice, "Mo... Mr., what's the situation of Xiao Miao...?"

She also knew that Mo Junye in front of her was not a doctor, and Miao Xiaomiao's heart disease was powerless, no matter how smart the magic doctor was, but she still asked this sentence, and her voice trembled when she spoke, as if she would cry immediately. This was the normal reaction of a mother...

"I need a quiet environment."

Jun Moxie said in a low voice, "You'd better go out first... Well, wait a minute or if you need little bean sprouts for help, let her wait at the door."


Miao Huanyu made a decision, stood up, took his wife's hand, winked at her, and said, "Then...the little girl's illness...please Mr. Mo..."

This sentence is very strange. My daughter's illness is obviously caused by this boy. It is reasonable for him to come to treat the disease. What's more, if he is cured, he will add a beautiful family to him out of thin air, but as a parent, he actually has to thank him... (Unfinished, if you want to know what will Author, support genuine reading!