The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 293 Ten Thousand Years of Cause and Effect

Kill the city with one sword. Will I also change my name one day in the future? Just call it 'Qingguo' and all over the world, or something...

"But from then on, I don't know whether it's because I attacked the road to heaven or because... something else, I suddenly fell the most fierce heavenly punishment on me... Unexpectedly, I almost completely destroyed my soul. I tried my best to escape back to the fantasy house in confusion. To this day, I can't go out..." < /P>

"Can't go out for a step?"

Jun Moxie's question.

"Yes, as long as I appear, I will immediately gather colorful clouds, and I will never stop until I die... Only by hiding here can I not be noticed by heaven and have a chance to survive. I can't remember when I tried to go out once, but I haven't come out of the underground cave, and the fantasy house outside has suffered a catastrophe..."

"So I can only stay here, stay here forever..."

Miao Qingcheng's helpless sigh...

"Heavenly punishment? What kind of heavenly punishment is it? Even a strong man like you has to retreat!"

Jun Moxie frowned. For the heavenly disaster, he has never been afraid. One of the cheating effects of Hongjun Tower is that it can absorb the heavenly disaster and turn it into the purest aura of heaven and earth, and it is also Hongmeng purple gas. In another sense, Tianjie is almost the most ideal tonic for Hongjun Tower.

If it's just a heavenly punishment, Jun Moxie almost wants to absorb it for him, "It's... the thunder of destruction!"

Miao Qingcheng's voice has a kind of heartfelt palpitation!

"The thunder of destroying the world? Is it a kind of thunderstorm? Is there no room for competition?"

Jun Moxie is very doubtful. Thunder Robbery seems to have experienced it from a master at the level of venerable. Even if you don't talk about your cheating advantage, there are many masters and strong people who can overcome it. How can a master like Miao Qingcheng can't resist it!

"Heavenly punishment, how can the thunder of the world be compared with the general thunder disaster? First of all, its scale should be at least more than ten thousand times that of ordinary thunder disaster. Once the heavenly punishment is formed, Zeyuan is widely used, and it is omnipresent. The thunder is connected to the sky and stationed on the earth. Any one, it This thunder is purple, and the power is unimaginable. Once everything in the world encounters its attack, it will silently turn into a fan at the first time! The two items are already tricky, but I still have a way to deal with it, but its third feature is really the most tricky, which makes me completely helpless!"

Miao Qingcheng sighed.

"Oh? Is there anything more tricky than these two characteristics? The younger generation is willing to hear more about it!"

It was a big accident to hear what Jun Mo Xie said. From the description of Miao Qingcheng Yuecai, the young master has learned that this extermination thunder also has two characteristics of "wide coverage, indiscriminate attack" and "unresistant". These two characteristics seem to be too horrible, and there is actually a more terrifying third feature?

"If it's only the first two items, although I dare not say that I can deal with it easily, I can still barely deal with it. What really makes me in a dilemma is that once this kind of heavenly punishment is formed, as long as I do not completely disappear as the target, it will continue. In those years, I had to deal with it all Mysterious power was completely exhausted, but there was no sign of weakening the punishment that day, so I said that the punishment on this day was over, and I could only stay in this damn place forever..."

"So it is..."

Jun Moxie also played a little drum in his heart. It seems that if it is only the first two characteristics, the young master is confident that he can handle it with the help of Hongjun Tower, but now he understands the third characteristic of "Heavenly Punishment". The power of the world's thunder is so terrible, and he doesn't know how long this thing will last. If the energy of that day's punishment is That's it, so it's a complete fight?

After all, Jun Moxie doesn't know what the biggest scope of Hongjun Tower is, and he doesn't know how powerful the heavenly punishment power of the world-killing thunder is. If he tries rashly... Jun Moxie asks himself that he can't afford this risk!

Hongjun Tower is his biggest card!

"Young man, I've been talking to you for so long, but I still don't know your real name?"

Miao Qingcheng took the initiative to change the topic. For him, it is also an extremely depressing thing to mention this thunderstorm. "My name is Jun Moxie."

Jun Moxie said calmly.

Since the other party has seen through his real strength, it can only make people laugh if they continue to hide...

"Oh... that's a good name."

Miao Qingcheng obviously knew nothing about the name of this evil monarch who is now famous in the mainland. He just said, "The right way in the world, Mo Xie is not bad in this life."


Jun Moxie touched his nose. Does his name mean this? It seems that I don't even know it!

"Jun Moxie, in the past few days, the magic house has been turbulent, heaven and earth have changed positions, the water and qi have turned, and the universe has been turned upside down. Did you do it?"

Miao Qingcheng pondered for a moment and asked.

"Even if the seniors don't say it, the juniors are still questioning. In the fantasy house, the ambition of the warriors is obvious to all, and they even use an extremely evil method to steal the fortune of the Miao family and strengthen themselves. As the founder of the fantasy house and the ancestor of the Miao family, why did he not interfere in such self-interest? At least he should tell the person in charge of the Miao family now!"

Jun Moxie frowned and asked.

"Some things are not what you want to do and should be done, but can really be done."

Miao Qingcheng's voice sighed and became extremely lost again. At the same time, a burst of smoke suddenly rose sharply in the hall, gradually condensing into the image of a figure. The man wore a high crown, a blue shirt, his face was extremely clear, and his figure was long. He stood in the center of the hall and stood with his hands

After a while, the man's wandering image became clearer and clearer, but he saw that the man's face was white. Looking at his face alone, he was only thirty or forty years old at best.

But between the opening and closing of this person's eyes, although there is no flashing light, it seems to be full of strange meaning. When he opened his eyes, it seemed that the whole world was full of light, but when he closed his eyes, it made people feel that the world was in the dark at that moment!

At this moment, these strange eyes are staring at Yangjun Moxie.

Then the man gently moved his footsteps, walked step by step from the middle of the hall to the steps, and Shi Shiran sat down.

Jun Moxie's eyes lit up, because when Miao Qingcheng was walking, Jun Moxie seemed to feel that the brightest galaxy suddenly appeared in front of him. In it, tens of millions of stars slowly rotated along some kind of magical trajectory with the slow pace of Miao Qingcheng!

In this world, there are people who can reach the level!

At this moment, Jun Moxie was so shocked that words could not describe it!

Miao Qingcheng's cultivation has actually reached the height of 'taking the creation of heaven and earth! And such a strong man was still waved casually by the first young master of Jiuyou, completely sealed on this continent and couldn't get out...

It can be seen that the first young master of Jiuyou is strong to every level...

"Don't be envious. I believe that one day, you will come to my level! With your current age and speed of progress, that day will not be too far away!"

Miao Qingcheng smiled slightly, as if the whole earth was in this smile, the spring was warm and the flowers were blooming, the rivers thawed, and everything was revived...

"Yes, I think so too."

Jun Moxie nodded, and his face was still the same as before. Miao Qingcheng's eyes showed sincere appreciation. If Jun Moxie is modest in a word or two, his heart is still in the realm where everything is not lingering, that is, there are still shortcomings, but Jun Moxie calmly admits it. Among them, it includes not only extraordinary self-confidence, but also unshakable determination!

is enough to prove that in the face of the terrible pressure of Miao Qingcheng, who has the realm of immortals and Buddhas, he is still not confused!

This is really the most valuable thing!

"Speaking of the war family, the cause of the earth was more than ten thousand years ago. At that time, the master suddenly returned to Xuanxuan Continent after a thousand years of disappearance, and brought back a few books. After I took over the fantasy house, I found that those books were all thrown away in this space.

Miao Qingcheng smiled bitterly and said, "One of them records the art of creating feng shui. I had nothing to do, so I practiced it according to what I said above... I found that it really recorded a lot of mysterious truths. If I can really master it and use it, it may not be as good as the highest level of Xuangong, and it implies the principles of heaven and earth. I have studied hard for two hundred years, and finally I have achieved something.

"That day, my eight disciples were practicing in front of the hall. As soon as I came to the state to master magic, I was happy in temperament, and I actually wanted to show off. On the whim, I actually divined for the luck of each family. And today's disaster originated from that divination!"

"At that time, I watched eight disciples with the art of feng shui numerology, and found that seven of them had high and low luck, and each had its own ups and downs, but the origin has never been lost at all. With the main palace of the fantasy mansion, it will last for thousands of years! However, only the disciple surnamed Zhan is exhausted. In about ten thousand years, there will be a great disaster of destruction of the family and death!"

Miao Qingcheng shook his head helplessly: "At that time, I said it directly. And told the six disciples about the war madness. Let him pay attention to it. In the long years to come, it is better for the descendants of the family not to do good deeds. Don't have any desire for power, let alone hurt people's lives. Or because of the blessings of all generations, the heart of heaven has a feeling that it can be invisible and turn away the danger of this overthrow!"

Jun Moxie smiled bitterly and said to himself that you are really naive to the extreme; the inferiority of human nature, even the sages can't be eradicated, let alone human beings? How can the warriors be willing to be dormant for ten thousand years?

With peerless magical skills, he can overthrow heaven and earth, but he can only do good deeds away from power. He can only give, but there is no return... One person may be able to do it for a lifetime, but it should be done like this from generation to generation...

How is it possible?

"At that time, the war maniac said: Master, in addition to this method, what other methods can solve this huge crisis that stretches for generations?"

When Miao Qingcheng said this, there were a few holes in his voice.