The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 301 Extreme Shock!

The second update today!

Everyone was even more surprised. Is it really an ordinary stone?

Originally, I heard that the stone he sent could barely be regarded as a rare thing, but everyone thought that it was a naturally formed strange stone. Although it was a little shabby, it was always an object, which can also be called a gift...

But everyone never thought that this little taro really took out such a piece of stone left on the roadside, but I'm afraid no one could see it... And it's so small, enough for what! Oh, it takes up more space when it's big, and it's even more useless!

Is this boy deliberately making trouble? Some people gloat at the thought of it.

"'s really...stone...hahaha..."

Qiu Peng was also stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed. He bent down and laughed to tears: "Mo Junye... Hahaha, you are really poor and crazy. At the birthday banquet of the owner of the house, you really took out such a stone. You are so embarrassed... I'm really admired. Convinced by your courage, what kind of gift is this, when we are all blind? ..."

"I don't know if you are blind or not. Anyway, I like this stone very much. What a beautiful stone!"

Miao Xiaomiao strolled out and looked at Jun Moxie's palm without blinking. In her eyes, she was full of heartfelt love and satisfaction: "It's so beautiful, Junye, can I touch it?"

Miao Xiaomiao has made up her mind. As long as Mo Junye handed it to herself, once she got it, she would hold it directly into her arms, and then announced that this stone was her favorite gift...

Anyway, no one can take out this stone from his chest. Besides, he told a lie. The gift given by Mo Junye is naturally the best...

"Miss Miao! Sister Miao! How can you... distort the facts?"

Qiu Peng shouted angrily.

They didn't realize that at the moment Mo Junye took out this stone, all the masters above the Holy Emperor, including several senior saints, did not question and laugh with the rest of them. They all stood up all of a sudden, and a wolf-like green light appeared in his eyes!

All the top masters present couldn't take their eyes off the stone!

This greedy look full of possessive desire is simply trying to swallow this stone!

That's right. This is the idea here: swallow this stone in one bite!

It seems that even Miao Jingyun forgot to speak. He opened his mouth slightly and looked at the stone without blinking. After a long time, he slowly raised his head and looked at Jun Moxie.

"Lord Miao, but I don't know that the younger generation uses this stone as a birthday gift. Do you like it?"

Jun Moxie smiled faintly and then threw the stone out casually. Throw it on the table in the hall, on the table full of birthday gifts...

"Don't throw it! Be careful!"

"Five! Be careful!"

For a while, no less than a hundred people exclaimed at the same time. The faces of all the masters present, including the faces of a sage, turned white at this moment!

The figure swayed in a flash. In an flash, the wind roared in the hall, the white shadows flew, and there was an eye-catching red shadow in the middle. That's today's birthday star, Mr. Miao Jingyunmiao!

The top masters present all unfolded their fast skills and rushed in the direction of the stone falling.

One of the saints suspected that Qiu Peng, who was standing near the table, was in the way, kicked him out directly with a " bang" kick...

Another saint, who stood at a later position on the table, directly stretched out his hand and clattered. All the birthday gifts on the table were swept to the ground, and many of them were smashed. The 'thousand-year-old longevity pine was also immediately broken into several pieces... Pine needles flew!

And the saint didn't care at all. He flew out with a brush, just opened his hand and faced the flying piece, the little stone.

All the top strong people present, at this moment, there is only that small stone in their eyes!

There is nothing else!

The figure flew in a mess for a while, and finally settled!

In the hand of a four-level saint, he held the small stone like a priceless treasure and stood in the middle.

And the strong men of the Holy Emperor stood in all directions. They stared at the stone in the heart of the fourth-level saint's hand one by one. I guess they were afraid of the old strong strength, and they were afraid that one would accidentally destroy the stone, otherwise they would have grabbed it long ago!

And the fourth-level saint who grabbed the stone stared straight at the palm of his hand and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. With his mouthful of saliva, there was a tacit voice around him, but all the peak strong people swallowed the saliva together...

For a long time, the fourth-level saint raised his head tremblingly, and then lowered his head and stared reluctantly at the stone in the palm of his hand. With a dry tone of blood dripping from his heart, he said sadly, "This, since this is that, that... the birthday gift... or please... the owner of the

As he spoke, his lips trembled, and his body was also trembling. He was full of sadness. It seems that you can cry at any time...

Such a rare treasure, no! This is a fairyland fairy that is rare in the world for hundreds of millions of years! I'm going to send it out of my own hand armor like this. The sadness in the heart of this saint is like this...

Miao Jingyun breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, took it seriously, and said with a smile, "Oh... That's reasonable. This is Mo boy's birthday gift for me. I'm hey hey hey... I brazenly accepted it... hehe..."

While talking, he carried the stone into his arms with lightning speed, as if he was afraid that someone would rob it...

At the same time, there was an excited blush on this old man's face...

"My lord...this...that..."

The fourth-level saint, who just handed over the stone, first made a move that made all young people feel despised, but made all the strong people envious: he immediately put his hands to his mouth, put out his tongue and licked it, licking it carefully, and at the same time, he was out of breath...

This action is the same as the action of sucking white powder on the earth... Moreover, the same fluttering and addictive look...

Then he said, "... Lord... cough... cough... the old man has been in a bottleneck for 400 years... I don't know... I don't know... cough, cough... can you give... a little powder... cough, cough, cough..."

He said this sentence, and immediately all the strong saints glared at him!

It's so shameless! You are only four hundred years at best! Hasn't the one here been a bottleneck for hundreds of years? There have been thousands of years! What's going on with you these four hundred years? A little powder, you say it so lightly! How much powder can there be in such a big stone? Why don't you grab it?

"Well... Although this thing is a congratulatory gift from Mo boy to me, but since it appears in the fantasy house, it naturally needs to be dealt with fairly... Cough, this, wait until today, and then immediately convene a Senate meeting. Let's discuss how to deal with it in detail..."

Miao Jingyun's face twitched, with a little fleshy look.

Looking at the hopeful eyes around him, Miao Jingyun felt very uncomfortable: Shit! What kind of people are these! This is obviously a birthday gift given to my old man... It belongs to me, belongs to me alone... Now it has become a public object? So is Mo Boy. How can such a good thing be taken out in such a public? If you give it to me in private, how much trouble can you save!

This scene makes all the people in the hall who are not at enough to look at each other!

What's going on? What's going on? Are all the senior officials of the fantasy mansion crazy?

Especially the Mr. Qiu Pengqiu, who was kicked out inexplicably and was limping back, was even more stunned! What's going on?

Li Xingyue and others are also strange...

Isn't this ridiculous? As for this? Isn't it just to match the marriage between Xiao Miao's sister and Mo Junye? Unexpectedly, the old people who work so much work act together! Grab that inconspicuous stone? This...isn't that too much?

"My lord... This... this stone... is just a very ordinary stone! It's okay for Xiao Miao's sister to distort the facts. She must have been deceived by someone, but you are all at the peak of the world. How can you tell lies with your eyes open? I'm not convinced!"

Qiu Peng shouted unjustly. Seeing that he was expected to fulfill his long-cherished wish to return to the beauty, but he never thought that this would happen. Qiu Peng's brain was a little confused and shouted desperately.

"Shut up!"

Hundreds of people shouted angrily in unison, and the surging anger gathered in an instant, just like a flash flood broke out, and they all rushed to this Mr. Qiu Peng with a clear goal!

A total of hundreds of emperors and saints scolded angrily at the same time. This huge force gathered together. With a bang, Qiu Peng was rushed out like a fog... It took a long time before there was a sound of landing...

Qiu Chengyun, the head of the Qiu family, not only did not argue for his grandson, but also looked angry. The loudest "shut up" just now was the owner of the Qiu family!

At the same time, countless disdainful and sarcastic eyes came from all directions and focused on Mr. Qiu Chengyun. Mr. Qiu was full of shame and lowered his head deeply... It's really embarrassing...

If you don't have knowledge, you should have common sense, and if you don't have common sense, you should have insight... Even if there is nothing, can't you shut up and don't talk like others? Do you have to come out and howls like this? That's good... Now the face of the Qiu family is howling by your voice... There is nothing left...

Miao Xiaomiao was also shocked by the sudden scene in front of her and opened her mouth and couldn't speak for a long time. For a long time, the infinitely shocked eyes turned around and stared on Jun Moxie's face with strong doubts.

Childish recommendation of a new book: the starting point god Geyuju's new book: "Shengshi Officials and Merchants" book number:, Looking at Bao tells the story of the past generation of heavenly prides after the rebirth of the prosperous world of officials and businessmen!

The huge family of Geyu should be very familiar with it, that is, the author of Official Voice. Ha ha, Geyu Ju's writing style has always been steady and old, and the language is humorous, which can be said to be a rare product.

Let's go and have a look. I believe you won't be disappointed. X To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in