The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 319 The birth of colorful trees!

It seems that it is just a few breaths before and after. The previous small sapling has grown to the thickness of the thighs, and it is five or six feet tall. Jun Moxie smiled, his left finger changed, and the light green aperture suddenly disappeared. Instead, it was a dark green aperture...

With a "bong", the sapling of the colorful holy tree actually went straight to the height of more than 20 feet in the sky, and the body of the tree was instantly thickened. The canopy was like a dark cloud suddenly gathered in the sky, expanding rapidly, and it was already covering the sky in an instant.

, "After a few more breaths, it seems that the sapling can no longer be called a "sapling", because the body of this new colorful holy tree has reached a diameter of three or four meters, countless octagonal leaves are scattered, swaying gently, and the whole tree also emits a colorful faint halo...

After a while, in the place where the branches and leaves of the tree were dense, it gradually emitted a strong but distant fragrance. A colorful little flower suddenly appeared, with seven clusters, and there were as many as seven clusters on the whole tree!

Jun Moxie was stunned for a moment: "Didn't it take five hundred years to form two groups? How come there are as many as seven groups of this tree? Is it a genetic mutation?

When he was thinking about this problem, with the dark green halo energy, the colorful sacred tree that had just been planted for no more than a quarter of an hour in this Hongjun tower actually began the first result.

As the petals withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, the seven-colored fruits were instantly full of branches, no more, no less, seven or forty-nine! It's really seven groups!

Then in the blink of an eye, the whole world of Hongjun Tower is full of fragrant fragrance!

Jun Moxie stopped the input of the power of wood. He didn't want to be kicked out by Hongjun Tower like the last time. "Look carefully at these colorful fruits, which is exactly the same as the group he has eaten. There is absolutely no abnormality. The only difference is that the colorful fruits made here are better than the ones he has eaten. Some, at least twice as big! It seems that what is cultivated in Hongjun Tower is much stronger than that in the outside world...

Another point is that "It seems that this Lord Holy Tree did not cheat with himself" is worthy of praise...

People respect us, and we have to pay them back a foot. We still have a little bit of conscience!

It seems that Jun Moxie didn't know that when the Holy Tree was a tree seed that day, he only soaked it in the blood of his predecessors for a while. Like this tree species, he directly ate and drank enough...

This treatment is basically two different things!

For the colorful village, this is the most primitive innate foundation! It can even be said that the colorful holy fruit in Jun Mo Xie Hongjun Tower is the most complete state of the colorful holy fruit on the real fork...

Just as Master Jun breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that there was another mutation in the Hongjun Tower. From the colorful sacred tree, a colorful rainbow was mapped, brushed across the barren space, and accurately connected to the exquisite lotus on the other side...

Then, this rainbow stayed in the middle and turned into a real Hongqiao Jun Mo Xie could even faintly feel that through the transmission of this Hongqiao, Linglong lotus and colorful trees have accelerated their growth, which turned out to be the effect of promoting each other's complementarity. "Great! It's really great!

Jun Moxie waved his fist excitedly.

left seven sets of colorful fruits on the tree, and then added them to ensure that the fruits would not fall to the ground, and then went out.

In fact, Master Jun's move is purely unnecessary. The colorful holy fruit hanging on the branch is much better than picking it off, and it is not strong picking, it will not fall at all...

"Huh? What's going on?"

Mr. Jun was busy with his colorful fruit tree and Linglong lotus. Originally, he was in a good mood to come out and have a look, but he seemed to be a little unhappy.

Qianxun, the king of snakes, has been fished out by the holy tree at this moment. He is lying flat on the ground, but he still looks like a sleeping beauty. There is no sign of waking up at all. There is basically no difference from before, and even his breath and state have not changed. He can't help snorting

"Uncle, please calm down. "This girl is all right, it's really all right."

Mr. Jun said, um, and almost didn't scare out the courage of Lord Shengshu's hurried explanation: "Her injury, I have really been cured. "If you don't believe it, please take a closer look and give me another hundred courages, and I dare not lie to you." In the end, Lord Shengshu's voice seemed

Jun Moxie turned his head and couldn't help but be shocked~ Jump: More than half of the holy village's blood in the pool has disappeared and more. Now it seems that there is only a shallow layer left, which is barely enough to cover the bottom of the pool. It seems that this cartilage tree has really made great efforts... ...

"Since you said you were cured, why haven't you woken up yet?"

Jun Moxie walked to Qianxun's side and reached out to put his hand on her wrist vein. Suddenly, he was happy. The holy tree's blood really had the ability to seize the creation of heaven and earth. The snake king's wrist vein has returned to its normal state, and the beating frequency of heartbeat has been the same as that of ordinary people And smoothly, it's like deep sleep right now...

"Uncle... your little" lady was seriously injured before. In terms of her injury, she should have had no skills, but it must be that you used a lot of natural materials and treasures to create an environment for her that is close to the 'fetal breath and state, helping her retain the last line of vitality and hold on until now, although she is because of Blood is full of vitality, but because she has been asleep for too long, both the spirit, Xuanyuan and body are in the most primitive instinctive state. If she wakes up rashly, it will cause a huge load on her spirit and body. Once she can't bear it, it will inevitably trigger an irreparable negative impact..."

Lord Shengshu said aggrievedly, "So you need to take care of her for a period of time. As long as she wakes up naturally from this deep sleep, all the negative effects will not exist." "The Lord of Holy Village is really wronged. He really thinks for this sleeping beauty this time. Alone, sleeping for a few months, during this period, no matter how dedicated the person responsible for taking care of her is and what kind of frozen environment is arranged for her"

But it's always better than eating and drinking by herself!

What's more, she is still in this kind of serious injury that almost killed 90%? It's good to be able to feed some soup every day. "If she really wakes up rashly, I believe that whether it's the internal organs or the body function, it can't be loaded! This requires a gradual process. Of course, Lord Shengshu makes this arrangement, and there are also considerations for himself. If the Sleeping Beauty just woke up with a problem because her body was unbearable, she had to turn into ash...

So the Holy Village had no choice but to do it.

"Oh, what you said is very reasonable. "I see."

Jun Moxie naturally understands these truths, but the moon is just a matter of concern and chaos. It is inevitable for people to share this.

Although Master Jun is not a good person, most of the time he is very unreasonable and scheming, but he will still be reasonable when he should be reasonable!

"Thank you very much, more understanding" Lord Holy Tree almost burst into tears, and it seems that it is not easy to get the recognition of the robber in front of him...

"Well, you really handled the matter of saving people very well. I'm very satisfied. I promised to give you something and give it to you later. However, I have another question to ask you. I hope you can answer honestly. Your colorful holy fruit... It should be more than two groups in a year, right?"

Jun Moxie frowned and looked at him.

Lord Holy Tree was stunned, and then he sweated like a waterfall... This secret "How does he know? Is he cheating on me? Will it?

Looking at Jun Moxie's calm face again, Lord Shengshu finally didn't dare to lie. Now that he decided to tell the truth, he simply poured beans into a bamboo tube and said, "Yes, you are really aware of Qiu Hao, "But... Uncle, I can't do that. I also want to live.

, "Live?

Jun Moxie stared at the Holy Tree in front of him with a suspicious look. What does the number of results have to do with your life?

"Uncle" It's very normal for everyone in the world to have life, old age, illness and death, right? In fact, all living things in the world are also in this category!"

The Holy Tree said with a bitter face: "In terms of our tree, although the life expectancy is longer than that of human beings, there are also restrictions in this regard. No matter what kind of king of trees I am, the spiritual species of heaven and earth, even if I can live for 10,000 years or 20,000 years, but in the end, there is still a day ..."

This is the truth. There are really few creatures that can escape. Jun Moxie nodded in agreement and motioned him to continue.

"As for the process of life, old age, illness and death of the tree, I believe you must also know something. I won't talk much nonsense, so I will directly get to the point. If you want to get the colorful holy fruit, you naturally have to go through the process of flowering and fruit, and the whole process is a great loss! For us, it's like you human beings giving birth to children... This thing needs to hurt vitality... Each colorful holy fruit contains different essences of life. "And these essences of life are exactly the basic conditions for me to accumulate this holy fruit of the first period of growth..."

"If all these essences of life are provided for the growth of the fruit, then this process is equivalent to the five hundred years of longevity consumed by our holy tree. Except that the tree can grow thicker and taller, it is of no benefit to the body!"

The Holy Tree Lord sighed a few times and said, "To be honest, our colorful holy trees, trees less than 5,000 years old, can produce seven groups at a time! And trees from 5,000 to 10,000 years old can form 14 groups.

Every 5,000 years, it will double... But if we maintain this trend and always achieve the maximum limit, then our maximum life expectancy will not exceed 30,000 years, and we will disappear in this world.