The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 321 I'm leaving--

Jun Moxie suddenly realized, and a heartfelt feeling of sympathy rose in his heart. In this space, there was only the holy tree himself, a spiritual creature. When the people who came to the fantasy house came to the state, they were as respectful to the holy tree as gods, and at that time, the holy village was the most unhappy time to lose old friends P>

After hundreds of years, it's hard to get acquainted again. This person is almost close to longevity, and it's going to be over...

This kind of thing, if it were a human nerve, "I'm afraid it would have been crazy long ago. It seems that this tree has endured almost tens of thousands of years, at least forty or fifty times of the same pain...

No wonder his mood is so unstable now, just like menopause. "It's no wonder." It's like a bride who married 40 or 50 husbands before and after...

"I'll bring the words to you."

Jun Moxie nodded cautiously.

"Thank you very much."

When sending out Jun Moxie, Lord Shengshu really gave birth to some reluctance, "Suddenly, Jun Moxie was bounced out. After him, the branches and leaves of the colorful sacred tree clenched into a ball, and the thick trunk was also shaking slightly...

Although we haven't been with each other for a long time, this kind of tit-for-tat exciting feeling just now is the first time in my life. "Especially in the end, I also suffered the great benefits of Jun Moxie." Of course, I also paid a lot. The pure child-like emotions of the Holy Tree Lord can't accept Leave...

The cling sound of leaves is obviously whimpering...

Then the wind suddenly rose, and the figure of the colorful sacred tree suddenly disappeared in an instant...


Miao Xiaomiao's cry of extreme ecstasy came from not far away, and then a slender figure flew over like a suckling swallow. In a blink of an eye, she hugged Jun Moxie tightly. She hugged so hard that she almost melted the two bodies together.

, "Miao Xiaomiao shouted and smiled, and suddenly tears fell down, clinging to Jun Moxie's chest, crying. The long-term tears suddenly soaked a large area of Jun Moxie's front...

This is not only the tears of forbearance, but also the cry of fear, the cry of joy, the cry of happiness...

Although it takes only half a day to separate from Jun Moxie, this half-day is as long as centuries as Miao Xiaomiao's past. "Several times, Miao Xiaomiao has been almost desperate. What a lonely waiting is for a teenage girl. If it hadn't been for the determination to support her who firmly believed that Jun Moxie would definitely come back, Miao Xiaomiao might have collapsed...

Now, Jun Moxie has returned unsidly. How can he not make her overjoyed? "Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm so good."

Jun Moxie gently patted the back of the beautiful woman in his arms and comforted her softly.

Miao Huanyu in the distance quietly looked at the pair of people who hugged each other tightly, full of old and comfort, "Although the holy tree still did not choose a successor this time," his daughter's life is already reliable, but it is the happiest thing for a father...

Compared with this, everything else is no longer important!

It was getting late, and it was time to leave the elixir garden. The three of them walked slowly and walked to the entrance. Miao Jingyun and others have been waiting here. Seeing the return of the three people, I can't wait to ask about the inheritance.

Miao Huanyu sighed and said the matter, and everyone was greatly disappointed.

However, Jun Moxie immediately stood up and said the last request of the holy tree, and everyone fell into meditation.

"... Even human beings with a short life span are still not easily accepted in the face of life and death, not to mention a tree with a mind and a long life? I believe that this is undoubtedly a great torture for him, not to mention the same painful experience again and again like the historical cycle... You only care about the interests of the fantasy house, but you have never considered the feelings of the holy tree... This is very wrong."

Jun Moxie's words are very direct, even unreasonable. But these words made everyone present silent.

Jun Mo Xie naturally did not convey the original words, but with a slight change, it became: Sheng Shu hopes that Miao Huanyu, the current owner of the elixir garden, can do it for a long time and do it as long as possible. I believe that in this way, the stability of the Miao family's power is basically a matter of certainty. " I'm very busy...

"Replacement of candidates is a troublesome thing. Why don't we want someone to do it all the time? "Unfortunately, Huanyu's first celestial mass is too weak. Now it's not at the level of Shenxuan. Even if we want to last for a long time, how long can it really last?"

Miao Jingyun frowned and said, "If it hadn't been for this, why would we let the holy tree choose the right person in such a short time?" "This is naturally considered by the holy tree. He asked me to bring something to Uncle Miao.

Jun Moxie gritted his teeth. Even for the sake of Miao Xiaomiao, he must not look at the power of the Miao family...

Jun Moxie reached out his hand into his arms and seemed to be taking something. In fact, he picked a group of colorful fruits from the Hongjun Tower. At the same time, he turned the three Tianji elixirs into the purest innate aura, and penetrated into the pulp. Then he cut the Linglong lotus into half and hit it /P>

When he reached out of his arms, there was already a string of seven-colored fruits in his hand. "All of them were the size of ripe peaches, which was more than twice as big as the colorful fruits collected in the Fantasy House now, and they were born with their own oxygen, and they knew that they were extraordinary!

"This is a good set of interest dragged by the Holy Tree Lord, and it is a group of colorful holy fruits that can be cultivated for 5,000 years! After eating this kind of heavenly holy fruit, it can make Uncle Miao grow his thousand years of power out of thin air without any side effects. The thousand-year-old life is "millennium-year-old power". It seems that this is still a little low for Jun Moxie. "The colorful holy fruit that has just been spawned is better than the group of fruits , and now we have to add the exquisite lotus. These two wonderful products are all cultivated in the world of Hongjun Tower, which are more than those top items that are more than how many times the original. To put it bluntly, just the effect of these two things combined can at least increase the strength of thousands of years, thousands of longevity. "This is just The efficacy of holy fruit and exquisite lotus. The extension of longevity brought about by the advancement of Xuangong has not been calculated yet...

In addition, there are the three elixirs, which can add a total of 180 years of pure Xuanqi, which is enough to upgrade Miao Huanyu from Shenxuan to the level of the supreme shang peak. The effect of the two groups of spiritual fruits is also enough to make him rush from the peak of the supreme to the It is even expected to be an advanced saint!

If everything goes well, Miao Huanyu's own Shouyuan will reach almost a thousand years due to the upgrade of Xuangong, plus the additional thousand years given by the holy fruit, "that's almost a full life span of 2,000 years!

Everyone is stunned!

There is such an unbelievable thing in the world!

For a moment, all the old men's breathed quickly. "I repeat, this is what the Holy Tree specially assigned to Uncle Miao!"

Jun Moxie frowned. It seems that these old guys look a little wrong. They don't.

, ""Nonsense, who doesn't know it's for the world boy? I'm just excited! Is it really difficult to grab it? To put it in a bad way, even if we want to rob it, can you block it? As for the repeated explanation, is it Lord Holy Tree who gave it to your father-in-law?

~ The saint blew his beard and stared at his eyes and roared.

Other old men also smiled awkwardly. Although they said it well, in fact, this group of people are really a little moved. After all, it is an anti-sky treasure that can improve the thousand years of longevity and thousands of achievements. However, as soon as I heard that this was specially given to the owner of the elixir garden by the holy tree, even if they really have great courage, they dare not grab it...

This is a colorful fruit that has only been released once in 5,000 years. Who dares to grab it? What if I annoy Lord Holy Tree and stop working from now on? Isn't the elixir garden a real existence?

Besides, the holy tree gave this unbelievable thing to Mo Junye. Mo Junye had a chance to swallow it alone. "But he didn't hide anything! What a broad mind this is!

If you wait for yourself and others, you have to think about it...

Isn't that worse than a beast? Can't even compare with a younger generation?

Miao Jingyun's old face turned red with excitement, and even the white beard was shivering. "If it's everyone here, they are the happiest, and the degree of joy is even higher than Miao Huanyu himself. After all, Miao Huanyu is his son, father and son are heart to heart. My son's body has always been a big problem of Miao Jingyun. Now, this problem has been solved! Two thousand years are "too enough

, "Miao Xiaomiao was even more happy, laughing and jumping excitedly. She took her father's hand and kept turning around, just like an innocent little girl. She didn't know what to do to vent the ecstasy in her heart...

"In the way, the Lord of the Holy Village has mentioned that although the improvement brought by the heavenly fruit has no side effects, this improvement effect is really too against the sky. The way of heaven is bound to lead to a series of heavenly disasters. It's better to find a place in advance that can shield the natural disaster, and wait until the medicine is completely digested before coming out to survive the disaster, so as to ensure that there is no mistake..."

Jun Moxie smiled and reminded him that it seemed to be Miao Xiaomiao's lesson from the last time, but don't show up again.

"Yes, yes! Lord Shengshu is still thoughtful. I have my own way to do this matter, and I will definitely have no fear, haha

, "I'm really happy today..."

Miao Jingyun laughed and brushed his beard, with a proud and confident face.

This kind of arrogant and hateful expression made the other strong people who came in feel sour one by one: "What a big joy" is really a big happy event for your Miao family "We haven't fished it at all. Not only can't get it this time, but it is likely that there will be no thumb for the next thousand,800 years Is this a great joy? The great sadness is almost...

Miao Jingyun personally put away the seven fruits preciously, followed by Miao Dao and Miao Jian, step by inch. The group of people couldn't wait to open the passage of the elixir garden to the world of the fantasy house, and rushed back like a gust of wind...

There are many dreams at night.

At present, the best way is to let Miao Huanyu go to the old ancestor Miao Qingcheng to retreat immediately after going back, and then thoroughly digest the medicinal power of the colorful holy fruit. With the ancestor, let Miao Huanyu be promoted to the poisonous disaster... Isn't it an easy thing?

In a happy atmosphere, Jun Moxie also proposed that he wanted to go back to his hometown to have a look. The reason was simple but clear: there are still relatives outside. If you plan to live in the fantasy mansion, you will always take them in...

Miao Jingyun readily agreed this time. He told him to go back quickly, and there was no shadow. After all, the smooth promotion of Miao Huanyu in front of him is the first-class priority...