The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 325 Wealthy!

The second update today! It is still necessary to guarantee the monthly ticket. In the third update and the fourth effort, it is said that there are two outburst rich people from the countryside who entered Tianxiang City with 5,000 taels of silver. They felt that they were rich and not short of money, so they wanted to go to the Noble Hall. After going there, the two of them were stunned and asked What can silver play? How long will it take to play?

The bodyguard looked at the two explosives with a pitiful look, pointed to them and said, "Do you see it?" Go over there, there is an aristocratic teahouse. You hand in 5,000 taels of silver, and then go up to the first floor to find two seats and enjoy a pot of tea. Remember, you can only sit for half an hour at most. "Then you can come out and pat your buttocks and go home...

Another piece of advice: When drinking tea, you must be honest. Don't look at the beautiful little girl with tea and make any requirements. "As long as the little girl sits down, um, she just sits down. Once her buttocks touch the chair at your table, whether you have any other requirements or not, without 50,000 taels of silver, you I won't go to this gate...

It took a long time for the two "rich people" to conclude that 5,000 taels of silver are only enough to drink a pot of tea in the teahouse of the Noble Hall... Nothing can be done, even if there is no short of money, it will not be spent like this! So he left in dismay, saving the silver of 5,000 taels of white flowers...

Later, this little story was spread as a joke, and many people angrily accused the aristocracy of being rich and unkind, which was simply making fun of the poor! But those old men who can afford to spend money have been flocking to it since then! Instead of being ashamed, he is quite proud.

Are you an aristocrat?

Have you ever been to Noble Yu?

Haven't been there?

Then what kind of nobleman are you? Bullshit!

Talking about business?

OK, let's go, let's talk about it in the Noble Hall Teahouse.

What? Can't afford to go?

You can't afford to go to the Noble Hall. How dare you talk to me about business? Then forget it. Once the money is lost, can you afford it?

Do you have any items auctioned from the Noble Hall at home? Then you...that's ridiculous...

Noble Hall, only super aristocrats can afford it! Only super nobles are eligible to enter! As long as you enter the Noble Hall and come out again, although your purse is dry like a wind-dried eggplant, you can immediately have a superman feeling!

It is the elite who can enter the aristocratic hall!

is the peak!

is the ultimate!

This is the basic guiding ideology formulated by the young master at the beginning of the founding of the Noble Hall! And the propaganda slogans are all this...

After Tang Yuan took over, he vigorously promoted this idea and promoted it to the whole Xuanxuan Continent! After that, as the reputation of the evil monarch became louder and louder, the reputation of the Noble Hall also rose because of it! It seems that the closing standard of the noble hall is also rising like riding a rocket!

But the higher the price, the more people will go!

This is what ordinary people can't understand...

that is, the legendary "** effect"...

Those unsightlying medicinal materials that flowed out from the hands of the young master Jun will be auctioned immediately when they get to the side of the Noble Hall! Originally, you could buy 1,000 taels of gold, but as long as it was auctioned from the Noble Hall... You don't even think about it without 50,000 taels of gold!

Why? I'm an aristocrat! What I came to auction is not the elixir, but the identity! Do you understand? Is it a auction of thousands of taels of gold? That's really the loss of the aristocracy. "When a pot of tea costs 50 taels of silver, no one drinks it to 500 taels, but it directly rises to 5,000 taels... If it rises to 5,000 taels, it actually needs to make an appointment in advance...

This teahouse is still the epitome of the lowest end of the aristocratic hall. It can be imagined how horrible the fat man's family is now...

Money can serve ghosts, and you can also communicate with God!

When the amount of money is really enough to move anyone in the world, even if you don't have any amazing strength, you are also a big man who can shake the world!

The whole Xuanxuan Continent is full of uproar, and the major forces have dispatched travelers one after another. They are all elites, all of whom are full of energy and people are very popular! This is not only an invitation to the evil monarch, but also a great opportunity to show your face in front of the heroes of the world!

Who will let it go?

The opening ceremony of the evil monarch makes the whole continent boil together! Go up to the three holy places, down to the secular families! Even some Gang of Gang thieves took action at the same time. "Even some of those who did not receive the invitation are actively sending gifts for the congratulatory gift. "If you can have a good congratulatory gift to the evil monarch, it will reach the sky in one step. "Whether you receive the invitation or not," at least more than three The second person is worried about the gift!

You definitely can't go to the meeting empty-handed, but what should I send?

Send it to me, "How can you stand out and stand out in front of the evil monarch?"

I heard that this man is a super unreasonable person. "It's just that the gift can't stand out, but if he is not satisfied... I'm afraid his life is also mysterious...

As a result, many rich families continue to have thefts, robberies, kidnappings and so on...

No gold or silver, especially rare, rare, precious, cherished...

There is a famous old rich man who has always had a good relationship with the rich families around him, but after this incident, the only son of the old rich family was kidnapped by "familiar friends" in three days. "And almost the thieves in the secret room of the family trampled on the slate floor of black iron stone. ......

After this incident, the old rich man undoed all the mirrors at home... If he wanted to look at the mirror, he went to the door of the secret room. The ground was bright and bright, and it could be seen that "it seemed to be much clearer than looking at the bronze mirror...

In summer, he stood in front of the door of the secret room in a big pair of trousers, and he could even clearly count a few hairs. "But Jun Da Shao didn't know anything about the riots in the world.

Now he is walking alone in the deep mountains and dense forests...

This time, he left the fantasy mansion and returned to Xuanxuan, but he did not return from the position he entered. When he entered on that day, the position was not far from the Oriental family, and when Jun Moxie returned this time, he found himself in another strange place. Although this place was also full of deep mountains and dense forests, he was with Dang The first entrance is very different!

Looking at the top of the mountain from a distance, I found that there was no familiar scenery around.

The trees here are extremely dense, and even with the eyesight of Master Jun, they can't see too far...

However, Jun Moxie is not in a hurry. As long as he has returned to Xuanxuan Continent now, he just chose a direction at will and walked forward slowly.

You really don't need to worry. You just need to find out the place where people smoke, find out what this is, identify the direction, and hurry up. Even if the distance is farther, you can rush back to Tiannan in a few days!

In addition, since yesterday, Qianxun has been forced to feed him four or five times since Qianxun came out of the blood of the holy tree. At this moment, the pulse of the Snake King is getting stronger and stronger, and his breathing is getting heavier and heavier. The situation is getting better and better, and it seems that he may wake up at any time

At this critical moment, how can Jun Moxie delay the wish to wake up the Snake King as soon as possible just in order to travel? This poor woman has been sleeping for months for herself...

During this period, Jun Moxie also asked himself countless times: I first asked for Guan Qinghan, and then accepted Mei Xueyan. After accepting Mei Xueyan, I couldn't give up Guan Qinghan, and also accepted Dugu Xiaoyi. Now, I want Miao Xiaowei...

So, why can't I accept the Snake King?

This is a world where men are superior to women and polygamous. Even women don't get used to it. So, don't you dare to take on the responsibility you should take on?

Is it necessary to push these smart and affectionate women to some ordinary people, so that they can really find happiness? No, if you really do that, it will never be the so-called happiness for them. It will only completely break them into the abyss, and they will have a lifelong conscience!

In that case, what am I afraid of? Who am I afraid of?

At the beginning, Guan Qinghan was attacked by the world, which was almost pointed out by everyone. He scolded the world, but he could still resist it! Is it possible that now that after so many things, I will be afraid?

I'm me! I'm Jun Moxie!

All evils in the world, I am the monarch!

Why do I have to care about other people's opinions?

Do what you want! That's enough!

As for other people's views, "Who are they?

Annoy me and slaughter your nine clans!

Thinking of this, Jun Moxie only felt that his mind was clear, and he couldn't help but relax all over his body. At the moment of Qingming, he recalled the ancestral motto of the Jun family again: ** If there is a bird, you must be a man, stand up to the sky, fuck it!

I couldn't help laughing and said, "Fuck it! Really fuck, hahaha..."

The heroic laughter broke through the clouds and the wind, which shocked the birds in the mountains. "Suddenly, Jun Mo Xie clearly heard a faint moan from the Hongjun Tower. "Jun Mo Xie has judged the source of the sound in an instant, and his heart can't help but be overjoyed. Under the shaking of his body, he suddenly Entering the Hongjun Tower...

In the Hongjun Tower, Qianxun, the king of snakes, was self-reliant to support his weak body. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the scenery in the four miles doubtfully, and his eyes were full of confusion.

"Are you awake?"

After Jun Moxie came out of the fantasy house, he regained his original appearance.

At this moment, when he saw Qianxun wake up, he couldn't help asking in harmony.


A trace of surprise flashed across the snake king's face quickly, and then his face darkened. He lowered his head and whispered, "...Sister for a long time" Where are we? How come I didn't die?"

"With my brother-in-law, you will die there! This place is indeed a secret place!"

Jun Moxie replied with a smile. It's inexplicably sad in my heart. When Qian Xun woke up, his beautiful eyes saw his ecstasy and the satisfaction without regrets, and he saw it all in his eyes. This woman was full of confusion and fear about this strange place, but when she appeared, all the doubts and fears in her eyes turned into peace of mind!

It seems that no matter where you are, as long as you are here, everything doesn't matter" (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, there are more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!