The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 331 Junlin Tiannan!

The fourth update!

Sima Shangfei didn't understand, but he didn't dare to think about it and didn't want to think about it! Now he only wants time to stay at this moment!

It seems that everyone else is not a fool. They have realized it in an instant. For a moment, everyone here turned pale and looked at Jun Mo Xie in fear. The teenager in front of him is actually the legendary... evil monarch?

Yes, the legendary evil monarch is the king of the Tianxiangjun family, and the third young master is not young, less than 20 years old... I heard that this person is handsome, the jade tree is in the wind, the turbid prince, the handsome young man...

Is it really him?

At this time, Sima Shang finally let out a scream! It seems that the pain that has spread to the central nervous system awakens the man who is unwilling to face the reality, ...

"Your Majesty... King, you old man, give me a break... I" Sima Shang trembled all over. He never thought that his luck could be carried to such a point!

He came out to bully others with the name of the evil monarch, but he actually met the evil monarch himself!

This kind of luck is really fucking unbelievable...

I don't know how many sins my ancestors have done to make me encounter this kind of thing...

Jun Moxie had a cold face and didn't pay attention to Sima Shang's begging for mercy at all. His wrist shook gently, and he didn't move in place. He still sat and kicked out abruptly. With a " bang", Sima Shang's burly body didn't even have time to make a scream in

The "flying" track actually ran in a straight line, but turned a corner in the air and was flying out of the door of the restaurant. In the distant sky that everyone could see, it exploded like fireworks, and the whole body fell one after another and smashed in an instant. It seems that there is not even a little complete bone left.

It turned out to be a veritable broken bone!

"Anyone, if he pretends to cheat and oppress the good in the name of the evil king's mansion, Sima Shang is a role model!"

Jun Moxie said coldly that other tycoons in the world had not colloted with Sima Shang before, and even wanted to stop it, so of course Jun Moxie would not be angry with others.

It's just that everyone is still silent, a little timid, and even shaking all over his body. Jun Moxie's reputation has long been resounding throughout the Xuanxuan Continent. He knows that this turbid prince with the appearance of jade trees in the wind. In his bones, he is a peerless demon king who kills without blink A little bit.

I saw it in person today. It's better to meet than to be famous. It's better to meet than to meet. It's really a peerless murderer!

Jun Moxie stood up slowly: "Everyone of you have the intention to congratulate the opening of my family. I thank you here. May you have a good journey! If it's fate, see you again in Tiannan.

After saying that, he pulled up Qianxun's slender hand, looked at Sima Shang's entourage with cold eyes, and said, "What is the reputation of the power of the master of Sima Fort?"

"Your Majesty, Sima Shang and his subordinates have a very bad reputation, just because his cultivation has reached the peak of the sky, and no one can control it!"

The Tianxuan master who stood up to stop Sima Shang said respectfully.

"Oh, so that's it. Since it's such an evil force for one side, there is no need to exist."

Jun Moxie said lightly. After saying this, he took Qianxun's hand and flashed away, disappearing from the restaurant without a trace.

After a long time, a hammer of silver flew from the air and gently landed on the table on which Jun Moxie was originally sitting... It was like someone gently put it down, but it didn't make a sound...

The people present, until Jun Moxie and the other two left for a long time, still stood respectfully and dared not sit down!

The evil monarch!

We actually saw with our own eyes the legendary overlord of the generation, the evil monarch standing at the peak of the mainland!

Several Tianxuan masters were so excited that they trembled!

Because they not only saw the evil monarch himself, but also received the order of the evil monarch!

"There is no need for such evil forces to exist!"

This sentence of the evil monarch is undoubtedly an order! Moreover, in the face of the orders issued by everyone in this time!

The power that Sima Shang has is doomed to be destroyed by them and divided by them! This is the meaning of the evil monarch! This is equivalent to giving them great wealth!

The order of the evil monarch has long been far more effective than the imperial edict of any monarch on the mainland! Since the evil monarch said this sentence, Sima Shang's power has been doomed to completely disappear!

If from then on, the evil forces that have been defined as "one side of the disaster" by the evil monarch can still exist in the world, then wouldn't it be the face of the evil monarch, the world's master? And it was fought by them... Who dares?

I believe that no one can afford such consequences. Even the strength of the three holy places dare not!

Among the people present, there was blood in their eyes: if this matter can't be completed, how can we face the evil monarch in Tiannan? Even if you get there, the people here may not have a chance to meet the evil monarch...

A pair of bloody eyes looked at Sima Shang's entourage at the same time. The big men with fleshy faces suddenly collapsed to the ground one by one! Especially the woman who was greedy for the clothes of the Snake King had already been paralyzed on the ground.

Who can imagine that the cause of the whole thing is just because of a woman's instinct to love fashion, to push her whole power into the eternal abyss?

So, women, it's not a sin to like fashion, but they still have to do what they can...

If you force your boyfriend to buy the so-called fashion... Well, that kind of fashion is not as good as...

For a moment, a wave of flattery rolled up: Look at others, it's really worthy of being the evil monarch! Even for a meal in the hotel, you have to pay for money and refuse to take advantage of it... What a noble and great mind it is...

It's natural to pay for meals, but the young master paid for meals and became chivalrous


How considerate Li Mindi is...

How much this is to punish evil, promote good and uphold righteousness...

What kind of chivalrous mind is this...

In the afternoon of the same day, the forces belonging to the master of Sima Shangbao were completely destroyed by Mount Tai. From then on, they disappeared in this world!

Because of the evil monarch, he said: There is no need for this force to exist...

This news made Master Jun, who had planned to go to Tianxiang City, directly dispel this idea.


Jun Moxie took the Snake King. The two of them were almost covered with stars and moons, and rushed to the south of the sky without stopping!

In order to speed up the road, Master Jun simply carried His Highness the Snake King on his back and unfolded the highest limit of Yin and Yang all the way, directly galloping like flying clouds and fog...

There is a green water wave in front of me, but it has been a long-lost Tiannan tune!

The Snake King ran fast all the way, and his eyes seemed to be a little painful by the wind. He couldn't help saying admiringly, "Bro-in-law, your speed is really amazing! The elder sister also dominates at the speed of her body, but at your speed, even the elder sister will be willing to bow down!"

Jun Moxie laughed loudly, walked away, stepped on the waves and passed quickly, and said, "What is speed? Haha, girl, I'll show you today! Traveling to the North Sea in the evening, the green snake in the sleeves is bold; after three days, people don't know, and Langyin flies over Tiannan Lake!"

"This is the so-called poem, right? My brother-in-law is educated. It's good to open his mouth." The Snake King looked worshipful and said, "But there are some words that don't make you mean... Although it's a green snake, it's... It's on your back, not in your sleeve..."

"Uh...Uh-huh" Master Jun opened his mouth awkwardly, and his face was inexplicably red, not because the Snake King was not in his sleeve, but because of the Snake King's praise. Is he educated? Is this a compliment?

Although you are thick-skinned, you still have its limits. Although we are stealing, we can't describe it as "cultured"...

Crossing Tiannan Lake, it has been flying for a day and a night. In the front, Tiannan City has entered the field of vision!

Jun Moxie suddenly found that Tiannan City was in contrast to the depression of the past, and the banners at the top of the city were displayed, as if there was a grand festival. At the same time, there were bursts of roars from afar, which were like mountains and seas.


Fly over Tiannan City, Master Jun looked closely and couldn't help but be shocked. He couldn't help rubbing his eyes. He really couldn't believe what he had just seen...

In the south of Tiannan City, it covers an area of more than 1,000 miles, and at least tens of thousands of snow-white tents stand, just like in this midsummer season, suddenly falling all over the ground with snow...

There is also an oversized flag, hunting and flying in front of it! Looking at the height of this flagpole alone, it is at least 50 feet high! It is completely a flagpole made of a towering tree upright and upright!

The bottom part of the so-called 'flagpole' seems to be held by more than 20 big men...

On the oversized flag, the book has 16 large characters, each of which is almost the size of a house, golden and shining, flying in the air, with a royal demeanor!

When Master Jun saw these sixteen words, he almost fell off the air!

"The king of the world, the evil monarch! Thousands of years, unify the world!"

Damn it! Could it be that any brother can't travel through time again? Such a slogan really makes the people who see it involuntarily think of the legendary Eastern Master. Even the young master of the king can't help but **pain, **itch...'. From afar, countless members of the evil king's mansion dressed in all kinds of clothes are attentively receiving guests... There are several groups in all directions. People are busy, but it seems that they are still a little overstretched...

There are too many guests, just like a tide sweeping through, waves of coming...

"Brush" fell down, and the Jun San General in front of him was cooperating with his wife to welcome the guests. Both of them were full of spring breeze and smiles.