The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 354 The Palm of Reincarnation of the Four Seasons!

The two people in the field are fighting fiercely since you come and go, and both of them are worthy of being masters of the holy emperor level! Xuangong and tricks are all free to put in. Everyone only saw them coming and going, but they never heard a little strong wind roaring. It seemed that both of them were making a fuss and didn't use any real power...

However, looking at where the two people go, they will show the vacuum darkness with the action of punching and kicking, flashing like black holes one after another, and then disappearing...

Everyone's eyes widened! These phenomena have long exceeded the comprehension of the people present.

The only thing I know is that these two people have absolutely gone all out!

Moreover, they are all trying their best to use the strongest strength they have realized!

That vacuum darkness should be the trace of terror caused by the legendary "power of heaven and earth"!

Although the situation of the battle seems to be bland, it is extremely fierce, but because they control their own Xuangong very cleverly, their strength is never overflowing at all. The most important thing is that the strength of the two people is roughly between them. They are equal to each other, and they can at least be able to attack each other. If it is offset by more than 90%, the rest will be resolved by the body-protecting mysterious gas, which will make this fierce battle that will be divided into birth and death, but it seems to be a thrilling pantomime. All unpredictable risks, life and death and death are all without saying...

You enter and I retreat" You hit me, punched and fro, and the clothes fluttered. Every movement was almost to the extreme, but it didn't even bring a trace of dust on the ground...

The two people exchanged a few moves in one place, and then the door switch and went to another position... And the original position was like an overall space collapse. "A huge air black hole appeared!

Then the people were eliminated immediately... And in the process of appearing and disappearing, several or even a dozen such space black holes have appeared one after another... The people in the hall dare not breathe to see this battle.!

Such a battle has exceeded the cognition of most people present! But everyone knows that such an attack level, even the two people who are fighting, can never bear it!

That's why they keep changing the position of their bodies with dogs!

Because once they are trapped by this space black hole, even if they are the Holy Emperor's cultivation, the next moment will be permanently destroyed with the disappearance of the space black hole... Because both of them have understood that the other party is working hard!

Hu Yan Aobo looked at it carefully and suddenly frowned and said, "It shouldn't be..."

At the same time, Miao Zhan Miao Dao and others also shook their heads slowly. How could this happen? It's really confusing!

Several people can see that the cultivation of the holy emperor of the evil king's mansion is undoubtedly extremely high, but the actual age is not old, I'm afraid it's not the age of knowing fate! The skill he has is clearly generated by a special method! Such a method can definitely be called a "unrivaled" method, which is what any superpower will dream of!

But there is a common drawback in the strength generated by this kind of external force. Even if the power is deep and pure, there must not be much practical experience, and the moves you know may not be much. Although the power can be achieved quickly, it takes time to accumulate martial arts and experience. Most of the enemies are won by relying on strong and horizontal skills, or in times of crisis, they are forced to get out of the field with their strong skills.

Therefore, such a master who gives birth to power, even if he has a very high cultivation, "but in terms of actual combat, he may not be able to be a little worse than two of the same-level master. In terms of image, "Although Zhang Daniu has the third-level intermediate cultivation of the Holy Emperor, in theory It may not be better than the third-level junior master of the Holy Emperor!

It's also like Qiao Ying. Although Qiao Ying's cultivation is high, a considerable part of her cultivation is suitable for Linglong lotus and colorful fruits. If it hadn't been for the talent of "insighted eyes", her real combat effectiveness would have been far inferior to that of masters of the same level!

Duan Chongfeng, who represents the holy land, is a real thousand-year-old monster, and the actual combat experience can be said to be extremely rich! I don't know how to fight with masters from all walks of life, so it is reasonable to have the upper hand in moves, martial arts and experience!

But now it seems that the result is not like this at all, even completely upside down...

Because it is Zhang Daniu who is using countless strange moves to attack, and Duan Chongfeng, an elder who has experienced countless battles, is using his profound Xuangong to forcibly break through the moves to protect himself...

... It's too weird, isn't it?

Every move performed by Zhang Daniu is extremely exquisite, and every move is something that no one has ever seen before. Often with one move, Duan Chongfeng has to change several body methods and change five or six moves in a row, so that he can withstand it...

At present, it is only half a cup of tea time, and Duan Chongfeng's forehead is already sweating profusely! This is a solid holy emperor level strong man. With their strong physical strength and endurance, ordinary fighting, even if they fight for a few days and nights, they may not sweat a drop...

On the other hand, Zhang Da Niu breathed calmly and had a long breath.

Suddenly, there was a long roar in the field, and Zhang Daniu laughed and said, "Say that you are not the captain's opponent, you still have to force it. It's time to pick up my four seasons reincarnation!"

Suddenly a cross-cut! Duan Chongfeng's pupils shrank: What's wrong with the wind in front of him?

Cut in the air with one palm! Duan Chongfeng darkened in front of him: Dark clouds are coming all over the sky!

This is actually just Duan Chongfeng's personal feeling in the game, but although the audience can't feel Duan Chongfeng's feelings, they also appreciate the strong momentum between these two palms!

One more palm, the spring breeze turns into rain, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and fragrant, and the rivers are thawing!

Next palm, summer thunder, storm, the sky is furious, and the mountains and rivers are about to be destroyed!

Another palm, the autumn wind is bleak" The frost is all over the world, the fallen leaves are flying, and life is late!

The last palm! The winter is cold, the snow is flying, the world is vast, and it has come to an end!

The end of life!

Starting from the first palm, Duan Chongfeng's mind was shocked!

In the second palm, I was in a trance!

The third palm is already trying to swing.

The fourth palm, the mind is already a little scattered!

The fifth palm has been drifting with the tide, and the sixth palm has completely sunk...

There is no way home!

Bang Bang...

If you defeat the leather!

In an instant, Duan Chongfeng's body, his front chest and back were like firecrackers. In the blink of an eye, he had a full 365 palms, and his palm did not fall, completely hitting his body!

The moment the blood spewed out of the mouth, the whole facial features and seven orifices also splashed at the same time!

Duan Chongfeng didn't even have time to make a sound. He had already turned down from the air, and his body drew a beautiful arc in the air. On the ground, there was a semicircle, full of blood drops!

When I fell to the ground, there was no more sound!

It is said that Duan Chongfeng's cultivation of thousands of years is not so bad, but the other party's Jun Moxie disdained it. At the moment he waved his hand, he was already dissatisfied.

The moment of pretending to think and arrange at will is even more angry. When the captain first came out, what he said made him even more angry, and his calm state of mind was completely disillusioned!

In this way, since I am confused, I have to be eager to achieve success, and I want to kill the other party as soon as possible; but I also face the unique martial arts that I have never seen before! Gradually suppressed, there is no confidence at all! The hope of winning has been lost, but I still remember that I shoulder heavy responsibilities. If I can't fail, the pressure in my heart will naturally be greater; in front of the heroes in the world, the sense of humiliation is stronger!