The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 373 Is this reason far-fetched?

"I'm Mo Xie, it's Mo Junye! Miao Xiaomiao, my woman..." Jun Moxie slowly told the truth.

It seems that only God knows how terrible the impact on Miao Zhan and others is once these two sentences are said!

When he came out of the fantasy house, Miao Jingyun vaguely hinted at the three people. This evil monarch is most likely to be the fantasy house "Tian..." Mo Junye! So at that time, the three of them knew and connected the evil monarch with Mo Junye.

If it is really a person, then everyone is not an outsider. Mo Junye is the prospective son-in-law of the Miao family.

Although I don't know why Jun Moxie, the evil monarch, went to the fantasy mansion that day, the three of them are quite sure. People like Jun Moxie are impossible to pay the debt.

In particular, I heard that this person has been angry with his beauty several times, which is quite good to his woman. It seems that he will not be able to do such a matter of deceiving people's feelings. Everyone saw the situation that he helped Xiao Miao girl cross the disaster that day. Now that he knows his true identity, all the doubts of that day are clear!

So the old three thought about it all the way and only walked to the evil king's house. What should they do? Is it a showdown? Or is there no showdown? What on earth can we do to maximize Ligai...

But when they arrived at the evil king's mansion and saw Jun Moxie himself with their own eyes, the three of them overturned the original speculation at the same time.

Because the guess that thinks it is too ridiculous now, Jun Moxie and Mo Junye not only have different appearances, but also have different figures. They have different temperaments, different ways of doing things, and even their eyes are very different.

People who are good at make-up know that although a person can dress up ugly, he can also make himself look better, or even completely change into another, but no matter how it changes, the distance between the eyes can't be changed!

The distance between each person's eyes and the nasal bone is a constant iron triangle! No matter how skillful the bone reduction skill is, it will never be able to practice here. And the faces of Jun Moxie and Mo Junye have nothing in common in this critical place!

That is to say, these two people are two different individuals, and they can't be the same person!

So when the three people saw Jun Moxie, the only idea was that the master of the house made a mistake! Jun Moxie is definitely not Mo Junye, and such an idea arises in his heart.

With the rise of this idea, the long-planned plan also went bankrupt. In line with the idea that it is better to be familiar than to be familiar with it, the three naturally leaned a lot to the side of the three holy places in considering the choice of cooperation.

However, the world is so mysterious, and today's events are full of drama. Once the opposite side is completely denied by himself, and this is confirmed by himself and others, the party himself gave an amazing answer and returned to the original answer again!

Such a round and strange result, even the old world at the level of these three saints should feel caught off guard and difficult to accept!

So after Jun Moxie said "true...", the three saints opened their eyes at the same time and stared at Jun Moxie in a daze. The expressions of the three were neat and uniform, and even the expressions in their eyes were all the same!

Three old men, the same movements, the same posture, the same expression, the same shape... And they are all the funny looks that make people spray rice...

If it hadn't been for Jun Da Shao's mood, he would have been really depressed and depressed, and he would have laughed out loud.

"Jun...Your, you..." Miao Zhan finally "ka clicked", closed his big mouth and smiled bitterly: "Your joke is really big." It's just a joke, but it's really not funny..."

"Just kidding? I'm not in the mood to joke with you now. ..." Jun Moxie said seriously, "I entered the fantasy house under the pseudonym of Mo Junye before. Although I had my own purpose, this move also had disrespectful to the fantasy house, but I asked myself that I did not cause any damage to the fantasy house. Among them, he not only secretly destroyed the Zhan family's conspiracy against the Miao family's anti-sky transformation of feng shui, killed the two saints of the Zhan family, but also stabilized the colorful sacred tree emotions for you, and reached a consensus with Miao Qingcheng Miao Qianji..." Miao Zhan's look finally became solemn: "Are you... really Mo Junye Doubtful, but the evil monarch in front of him seems to know too many things. Most of them seem to know not very detailed even himself and the other three people. If he is not Mo Junye, the person concerned seems to be even more unexplained... "Is Mo Junye a great person? Is it worth pretending?! Well, Cao Guofeng and other seven holy emperors, can their advancement go smoothly..." Jun Moxie said lightly, and then said another information that outsiders would never know.

So far, Miao Zhan and the other three people have no doubt. Obviously, the "intention..." of Cao Guofeng and other seven people is not a real accident, but Mo Junye, that is, the evil monarch in front of him.

"I don't know why Junfu wanted to change his appearance and change his appearance to the illusion house to talk about your purpose. I'm not interested in understanding it now, and I don't want to investigate it now..."

Miao Zhan's words were considered: "In fact, when we were about to leave the fantasy mansion, the owner of the mansion had hinted to us that the evil monarch might be Mo Junye. However, we have been unable to believe it, especially after seeing the true face of the monarch... But now, the monarch has to believe it. I can't believe it! It's just..."

He smiled bitterly and said, "It's just that the owner is telling me this now, but why? I really can't imagine that you have tried your best to enter the fantasy house and risk offending the whole ethereal fantasy house to do something. Nowadays, as long as you don't admit it, you can't find anything on your head, but you suddenly take the initiative to say it. The owner will not provoke the patience of the fantasy house with this, will he? The owner of the house is not like such an unwise person, so..."

"There must be another reason for this..." Miao Zhan thought and said slowly.

"Not bad! Naturally, there is a reason! And it's a very important reason..." Jun Moxie said categorically, "I'm for Xiao Miao..."

"For the seedlings?" Su Zhan and the three of them were stunned at the same time!

These three people never dreamed that the important reason Jun Moxie said was Miao Xiaomiao!

Miao Zhan and others were really stunned. They even speculated, "What is the purpose of Jun Moxie, or what should be said to have a long-term plan, and what's more, Jun Moxie is for the grand blueprint of dominating the world", so they chose to say it openly and openly to strive for the understanding of the fantasy mansion, and then ...

Just now, Jun Moxie did mention, "Miao Xiaomiao, the woman I recognize..." This statement, but this statement is heard in the ears of Miao Zhan and others, but it is just a heavy foundation of getting closer to each other's relationship, and it may not care too much.

In this world, a man with three wives and four concubines is the most common thing. What's more, a generation of overlords like Jun Moxie? Even for the children of an ordinary family, there will be more than a dozen or even dozens of concubines, which is commonplace for everyone.

For men, a woman has always been just a vassal, or a pretend. Even a woman from a big family seems to be different on the surface, but her bones are just a marriage tool for profit. Even if she loves her at ordinary times, once it comes to the critical moment and the stakes, she will still not hesitate to sacrifice! Even the palm beads of the Miao family like Miao Xiaomiao will not have too many exceptions!

And now, Jun Moxie is actually for a Miao Xiaomiao, he destroyed all his previous calculations, exposed all his plans, and even risked the huge wind to provoke the thunder and anger of the whole fantasy house...

In the opinion of the three Miao Zhan, this answer and this reason are really incredible! Even if the target is the three of them, even the palm of the Miao family, which is loved by the whole Miao family!

Even if she is the most beautiful woman in the world, it's not worth it!

In particular, Jun Moxie is now worthy of his name and dominating one side. He is the hegemon of the world, and he is the only one of the only real power figures with the highest level of cultivation today!

If it's really just for a woman, it's simply dizzy to do such a thing.

In terms of cognition, such an emotional person is really not a suitable partner! Not a qualified leader either!

"Lord, the reason you said is too far-fetched! What I want to hear is your real purpose and real reason! I'm not here to listen to your infatuation or your persistence! Although Xiao Miao is the daughter of the Miao family, even if you finally get together, she is only one of your many women at best! The government mainly uses such reasons as an opportunity or foundation for our cooperation. We really don't need to continue!" Miao Zhan's face has become a little ugly. Obviously, Jun Moxie said, "For the sake of Miao Xiaomiao, this reason is really a little heroic for him...

"That's right, Jun Moxie. All three of us are old guys who have lived for thousands of years. Do you really think we will believe it for your reason for such a stilt..." Miao Jian said.

"Didn't the three of you understand what I just said? I have never thought of cooperating with your fantasy house. If you don't hear it clearly, or don't understand it, I will solemnly reiterate it here! As for what I just said, whether you believe it or not has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with me! I will still do this, even if the whole world doesn't believe it, I, Jun Moxie, am still Jun Moxie! I'm still a self-gotten and independent person..."

Jun Moxie rolled his eyelids and said proudly, "You don't believe it because you don't know me, Jun Moxie..."

"I would like to hear more about it. I'm really interested in knowing what kind of person the owner is..." Miao Zhan took a deep breath and stopped the irritable temper of Miao Dao and Miao Jian with a winet.