The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 375 "As the saying goes: Get out!"

"I didn't let you decide anything. "As for commitment, representation, and so on, there is no need to..." Jun Moxie smiled bitterly: "My biggest headache at present is the matter of Xiao Miao now. I hope you promise me one thing, which is a problem that is difficult for me to solve at present..."

"What's the matter?" Miao Dao asked curiously, "What's wrong with that girl Miao? How could you, an evil monarch, burn your buttocks like this?" As soon as Miao Dao said so, Miao Zhan and Miao Jian were also immediately interested.

These three elders are also old goblins who have lived thousands of years old. They have witnessed that Young Master Jun is so depressed and angry. Thinking of this monarch's self-analysis just now, how can they not understand that the reason why the evil monarch of Jun Mo Xie can make this decision in panic must be Xiao Miao. What did the girl do after knowing the truth made the evil monarch in chaos, so she caused the strange situation in front of her...

This boy's talent is naturally extremely high, and his Xuangong's attainments are also profound, but this royal wife's way is too disqualified. He is actually in chaos because of a woman. If the holy strong man favors a certain woman, that woman's family will not be attentive to the beautiful woman immediately?

Even if the woman should be flattered and served carefully, no matter how good her family background is, even if the woman has another person in love, or even has a long relationship with someone, there will be no exception. Even if she is abandoned afterwards, no one dares to pursue it. In this world where fists are big and reasonable. It has long been a convention.

Even if the ethereal fantasy house is no matter how awesome it is, it will never die for the sake of Miao Xiaomiao and the evil king's mansion! After all, Jun Moxie's background and fame and power are all there now. What are you afraid of?

These three old people have all come from this stage, and have witnessed countless peers act like this with their own eyes. Now this situation seems too strange! Can't the world be turned upside down?! I really can't understand!

Young Master Jun knew the reason of the Central Plains there, and thought that the Third Elder had seen that it was inappropriate for Xiao Miao to ask him for a crime!

"Alas..., really..., it's really hard to say..." Jun Moxie opened his mouth, closed again, and his face was full of entanglement: "Xiao Miaodi... She refused to forgive me, she" believed that I was me, Mo Junye was Mo Junye... More resentful because of my reason, made her Junye disappear I'm speechless..."

The mouths of the three saints are opened at the same time., type! Huh? Is this okay? The so-called Jun Mo Xie Mo Jun Ye... are just two different names? Most of them look different, but in essence, it's still the same person. What's the contradiction?

What does it mean to make Mo Junye disappear forever? It's... What do you say?

Isn't this boy acting with us? Isn't this good acting? But this drama is a little too bad!

"Xiao Miao can't accept me for the time being, but she still wants to die and say that she wants to watch the festival for her..." Jun Moxie rolled his eyelids speechlessly, and his face was about to cry without tears.

"Hahaha..." Although he knew that he should not laugh at this moment, and it was not the time to laugh at this time, Miao Zhan and the other three elders couldn't help laughing.

It's so coke!

Let your boy be full of love again! You have encountered a problem. If it is like a real saint, it directly shows that if I like Miao Xiaomiao, I will not talk about the name of the evil monarch, nor the huge power of the evil king's mansion. Based on your own strength, our Miao family is not happy to marry our daughter to you! Ask for trouble!

Jun Moxie frowned and rolled his eyes to look at them.

No, the three of you are Xiao Miao's parents. Even if you don't help, you won't laugh so happily, right? Is it that funny? What kind of coke is there?!

"Do you want us to persuade her?" The three saints shook their heads solemnly together, with a particularly solemn look: "Xiao Miao's girl has been stubborn since she was a child, but we can't persuade her to do it..."

The three old heads shook like rattles, swinging neatly from side to side.

This refusal can be regarded as a heart-to-heart, with one voice...

You don't play tricks on the whole fantasy house, which makes people laugh and cry, and you can't lose your temper. Who do you think you are? Someone has to treat you! Today is a self-inflicted sin. You can't live a real God with eyes!

Now that your retribution has come, it's too late for our brothers to watch the fun. Will they help you solve it? Dream about it!

The expression on the faces of the three people can be said to be seven emotions. They are very sad, sympathetic, and even very entangled, but they are happy in their hearts. The flashing pleasure in their eyes betrayed them. I'm gloating and happy. Let your boy be awesome!

Aren't you awesome just now? He also said, "I don't like your fantasy house, "What, you fantasy house doesn't deserve" and "I'm Jun Moxie! That's it"

OK! You have a personality! You have a temper! You can do it!

But no matter how much you can do it now, no matter how bad you have a temper, where is your character?

What is the most affectionate sex? In the final analysis, it is a wife who is strict! Afraid of my wife!

Lost the face of our holy strong man, and you still want us to help you. Dream about it! We are ashamed to be with you!

At this moment, Master Jun seems to hate his teeth.

These three damn old frozen westerns!

If you don't help, don't help, but you can't sing me fast. Even if you sing fast... But you can restrain your expressions, don't let me see it. It should not be difficult to control your mood and expression at the level of your holy level, right?

But you show a virtue that you want to laugh but don't want to laugh, and you still have a hypocritical and extremely sad expression on your face... Living like three chimpanzees who have been constipated for seven days and seven nights...

Your grandma!

You three old guys are waiting for your grandfather. Don't fall into the hands of Master when you beg God to worship Buddha, otherwise you three old monsters will definitely survive and die...

Master Jun cursed in his heart.

"Do you really want to help?" Jun Moxie gritted his teeth and aggravated his breath.

"No help..." The three old guys blurted out in an almost comfortable tone, and then woke up and sighed one by one.

"It's not that I don't help... I really can't help. I'm really powerless..."," Miao Zhan said lamented.

Looking at the twitching corners of your mouth and cramps all over your body, what do you think is helping? Jun Moxie cursed angrily from the bottom of his heart.

"It's a pity that I'm obsessed with martial arts all my life" is really not good at this Jing and children's affairs..." Miao Dao said.

How can you be good at it? Are you old like this? I guess your dick is so weathered that you still want to pick up girls? The corner of Jun's mouth was curled.

"This... the so-called bell must be tied to the bell... What can we outsiders help..." Miao Jianyu said word by word.

I'll figure you out!

I'm your head!

In an injun's heart, even his intestines were entangled and hit 17 or eight dead knots in a row.

This ethereal mansion is really abominable... "In that case, I'll leave Xiao Miao behind. As for the three of you, please do it. You have been out for so long, it's time to go back. I won't send it..." Jun Moxie was listless and directly ordered the eviction!

"How can that work? I'll wait here and go together. How can I leave Xiao Miao alone? Xiao Miao, a weak woman, if she is bullied by anything, how can it be good? How do you want me to face a group of fellow colleagues in the fantasy house in the future? How to face Xiao Miao's parents and family..." Miao Zhan's eyes were full of righteous words.

"Not bad! Besides, I have a heavy responsibility. How can I go back like this in the future of Youguan Fantasy House..." As soon as Miao Dao blew his beard, his knife-like face suddenly became serious.

"Yes, in fact, the lord of the king doesn't have to be too anxious. You can slowly enlighten the little Miao girl. As the saying goes, sincerity is the best, and the golden stone is open; as the saying goes, the martyr is afraid of pestering the man; as the saying goes, as long as the kung fu is deep, the The horn is full of gratifying pride.

"As the saying goes: Get out!", Jun Moxie was repeatedly "As the saying goes, his stomach came out with a fire, and he could no longer control it. He roared, stood up, shook his sleeves, and went away with a black face!

threw these three saints and strong men in the room*.

These three immortals obviously want to see the hustle and bustle of Master Ben!

Look at that old but not shy hateful face, it's almost happy to turn over... The gloating brother has seen too much, but he can gloat to the realm of the old three of you." It's really only seen in his life...

Jun Moxie's "get out" can be said to be extremely rude! But Miao Zhan and the three of them didn't think so. Instead, they laughed loudly one by one with their stomachs, laughing happily...

Jun Mo came out with an evil spirit, with a murderous face. He turned his head and asked, "Where are the rest of the Zhan family..."

A disabled team member standing guard hurriedly pointed the way, with a careful face and dared not neglect at all. Looking at the young master like this, he obviously wants to find the air cylinder to vent the fire, and ask God to worship Buddha's blessing. Don't send the air cylinder to yourself without finding it. "That's going to kill people...

There were still a lot of people chatting outside the courtyard. Seeing the monarch suddenly coming, they hurried forward and saluted respectfully. They didn't want to be appreciated, but just wanted to get familiar with each other.

But he saw the evil monarch walking all the way with a bad face, but he actually ignored it. The color changed one after another: Who on earth provoked this master? It seems that the product is going to be foggy...

Mo Wudao, Xi Ruochen and Hu Yan Aobo were chatting in front of the tent, and there was a warrior next to him, saying something funny. The bad news of the three warriors before did not come here at all...

But seeing the young man coming over like a tiger, Mo Wudao and the three of them were still hesitating whether to say hello. After all, this guy was too disgruly just now, and he really didn't want to talk to him...

But when I was in other people's land, this time I came here to ask the other party's strength. It doesn't make sense if I don't say hello.

Don't be afraid that you will be happy today, and there will naturally be a day when I will pull the list for you in the future...

Mo Wudao finally struggled to make a smile: "Your lord..." Unexpectedly, Jun Moxie ignored it at all. He came to front of him like a gust of wind and slapped the war family with a smiling face!