The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 380 Epiphany! Breakthrough!

Today's second update!)

"Junye..." Miao Xiaomiao muttered softly.

Tears have already drowned out those sad eyes.

She has formed a habit. Every time she is happy, painful, or confused, she will shout this name. It seems that only by shouting out the name, I will inexplicably settle down and no longer have any negative feelings.

However, at this moment, she subconsciously shouted the same two words, but she lost the effect of the past. But I only feel that my heart is more confused!

The night is late, and the sky and the moon are already a little off.

Miao Xiaomiao is still standing infatuated. For a long time, she has not moved.

This is Jun Moxie's room. I live here, so where does he live? Will you live in the rooms of those beautiful sisters?

Thinking of this, Miao Xiaomiao was shocked to find that a sour vinegar rose in her heart.

He is Mo Junye... He is Junye...

Why? Why?!

She sobbed in pain, but she didn't find it at all. When she thought of Mei Xueyan, Guan Qinghan and others, she consciously and unconsciously adopted the name "thought to those beautiful sisters, so to show recognition...

Suddenly, a long roar rose, wandering, with a vagueness of complete integration with heaven and earth, full of an untrue feeling...

Miao Xiaomiao's heart moved and almost subconsciously looked in that direction.

Jun Moxie's room is naturally the best view of the whole evil king's house, and it is also the most open room. From here, the punishment seems to be all at the present...

Then, Miao Xiaomiao's eyes suddenly opened rapidly and expanded to the extreme: in the distance, a leisurely white shadow floated into the sky in the forest. His rise is so slow and elegant, just like something under his feet, slowly rising towards the boundless night sky!

Jun Moxie!

What is he going to do?

Miao Xiaomiao's heart tightened and stared at it.

Jun Moxie is very depressed in his heart, but the matter in front of him is an embarrassing thing that has never happened in two generations. So after dinner, he ran away alone.

Master Jun went straight to the heavenly punishment forest alone, randomly chose a big tree and jumped up.

Then he lay down on the tree, pillowed his arm, closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

This is the way he reserved to relax himself in his previous life, which has always been a very effective means.

But tonight, Jun Moxie found that this always effective method seemed to be ineffective, and he couldn't calm down no matter what. After a long time, it was clear that the four fields were silent, but my heart became more and more confused.

He opened his eyes helplessly and looked at the soft moonlight in the sky. Jun Moxie smiled bitterly and said, "It's still good. No matter where I go, I can see you. No matter in which world, you are so calm. In a trance, you have changed the sea and even the whole world. You are still It's so quiet..." Can the moon know what sorrow it is? The moonlight still shines quietly on him.

Cold and still soft.

Looking at the moon in the distance, Jun Moxie exhaled a long breath and suddenly fell silently.

He suddenly remembered what he had just said inadvertently.

, no matter which world you are in, you are so calm and calm, in a trance, but the vicissitudes of life and even the world have mutated. You are still so quiet"

In a trance, Jun Moxie actually realized something.

Such a momentary epiphany actually made him suddenly enter the realm of peace of mind as water! It is equivalent to going from extreme chaos to extreme silence! From one limit to another limit that is absolutely the opposite!

The most contrast!

And the conversion of the whole process seems to be useless for a second!

But this transformation from extremely chaotic to extremely quiet has brought Jun Moxie an almost extraordinary enlightenment transformation!

Somewhere in my heart, the levee is like a broken mirror at this moment, and it is broken into Hui powder!

No more obstacles!

Jun Moxie's mind seems to rise to the distant night sky, boundless, let me travel!


The second breakthrough of Kaitian's chemical power and the second breakthrough of Hongjun Tower suddenly came when Jun Moxie was most distressed!

At the moment when Jun Moxie's whole body floated leisurely, he finally couldn't help making a long roar!

In the extreme ethereal of the state of mind, Jun Moxie figured out a lot in an instant! Or it can be said that there are a lot of words and truths that poured into his heart at that moment!

My heart is clear, my heart is the world!

Between heaven and earth, heaven and earth enter my heart! Heaven and earth are like my heart! My heart is like heaven and earth!

Everything in heaven and earth, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything!

One thought can be thunderous, and one thought can eliminate everything!

My heart is heaven and earth, then my body is everything in heaven and earth!

Although the mountains and rivers do not move, the mountains and rivers do not move!

Heaven and earth may be ancient, but if I die, heaven and earth will collapse!

One or two can fight ten thousand catties, soft to the extreme, and it is also strong and fierce!

One force can drop ten times, and when the strength reaches the peak, it is soft and overflows.

What is strong and what is soft? Stimid * strong is strong... I mean soft and soft!

Thousands of miles of rivers, let me fly!

Langlang Qiankun, it's up to me!

Who belongs to Yingya? It's me!

Jun Moxie's body continued to maintain the most primitive lying posture and slowly soared, and his arms remained in their original state and rested under his head. In such a strange posture, he slowly rose, rose above the top of the forest, and gradually rose into the air. Although the momentum was slow, there was no decline at all!

Suddenly, the thousands of thoughts of Jun Mo Xie's heart disappeared in an instant, and there was only an empty space in his heart, and the spiritual platform was only endlessly transparent. He stood up with a carp in the air, stood up in the blank, raised his hands and feet, and stood on the vast sky, but as if he were standing on a solid earth, so that he could do anything at will, without distinction.

There is really no difference!

"Hahaha..." Jun Moxie was so happy that he couldn't help himself. He laughed loudly, and then stood up with his hands in his hands. The whole person was like a mortal becoming an immortal, and the flag rocket rushed up quickly!

Clothes float in the wind outside the white clouds!

Thousands of miles in the sky, I am the only one standing alone!

Look down to the country and look at all sentient beings!

Yes, it's another breakthrough, and it's a comprehensive breakthrough! Not only did Hongjun Pagoda and Kaitian Creation Gong break through at the same time, but Jun Moxie himself has also made a big step forward at the same time today in the understanding of martial arts, which is also a far-reaching step!

The original Jun Moxie "kills with one blow, kills with one blow, and takes the enemy's life as the starting point and end point; as far as the enemy is concerned, it is naturally the most effective and correct means of attack, because the most perfect defense is to attack!

But it is very easy to break, and there is always a desire to move forward blindly. If your own attack is contained by the opponent in the first place, then you can only escape thousands of miles away, and there is no chance to entangle with the other party until the next move.

Because of him, the defense is not enough!

Offence is certainly the most perfect defense, but once the attack is lost, the perfect defect will follow! Once there is a flaw, perfection will naturally become an Achilles' heel!

Speaking of strong attack and weak defense has always been the biggest weakness of Jun Zhenxie. Even Jun Moxie himself knows that he has urgently considered improvement.

But it has never changed.

Attack is the letter of the most perfect defense, which has long been imprinted in the depths of the soul!

The habit of sharing two generations" is more in line with your own mental tactics. How can you change it as soon as you say it?

However, this time, under this bright, soft but all-inclusive moonlight, Jun Moxie suddenly realized!

Stness and softness, a perfect integration in the true sense! Round and transparent!

Soft is a kind of power, strong, it is also a kind of power; soft, the ear is strong: strong, can also be soft!

This is very similar to the concept of Taiji, but it is different from Taiji. Taiji" is born for Wuji. The main purpose is to overcome strength with softness and strength: But what Jun Moxie thinks of now is the unity of strength and softness, and there is no difference between each other!

At this moment, Jun Moxie completely forgot everything outside, where he was at this moment, and everything in the world. He only felt that his heart was full of joy and joy. He had to use all the martial arts he had just understood to vent the joy in his heart!

With a mistake under his feet, he made a brupt standing posture in the air. His hands were slowly raised, which was as soft as spring water, but at the next moment, the hands that had been raised up suddenly split left and right. Between a slight trembling, it was already dozens of continuous tremors!

If a master with profound Xuangong sees this scene in front of him, he will definitely refuse to believe everything he sees with his eyes, or think that Master Jun is exerting magic and magic, and he can put all the things that violate the laws of nature into practical actions.

Because in the eyes of others, Master Jun just raised his hand softly at the beginning, but the next moment it turned into a thousand-handed Guanyin. Every action is still extremely soft and clear. No one doubts that there will be power on it! But in fact, any tremor is accompanied by extreme strength!

As soon as you slide under your feet, your hands will rise, your shoulders will move, your waist will shake, and your body is like a soft willow dancing with the wind. Every action can be clearly seen clearly, but it inexplicably brings a string of shadows, and each residual shadow is the same action, all the residual images of the previous moment, It can stay in mid-air for a long time without dissipating at all.

As Jun Moxie's movements become faster and faster, the number of remnants in the air is also more and more dense, gradually forming a dense area in the sky!

At first, it only had a radius of three or two feet, and then gradually expanded to a radius of dozens of feet, and then hundreds of feet and thousands of feet. In the end, there was only Jun Moxie's figure in the sky. Unexpectedly, a huge dark cloud of figure was formed in this mid-air!

From beginning to end, none of the virtual shadows dissipated! In such a situation, it's like magic!

"Today's update is over."