The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 404 The destruction of the Holy Land, the feud of the world!

even forced him into the downwind of no room to fight back! And while doing all this, the interceptor did not even show his shadow!

What kind of strength should this person have?

When everyone noticed the cold blade and heard the roar of the war reincarnation, Gu Han and others' eyes were even more complicated! This man turned out to be the fourteenth young master!

This madman!

It turns out that the real strength of Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master is so powerful! But he... has no grievances and hatred with the reincarnation of war. What is he doing to stop such super people as the reincarnation of war? This is equivalent to giving away the kindness of these big enemies today!

Gu Han, the head of everyone, is more complicated, but he also understands that now is not the time to think about this! The war reincarnation destroyed the prohibition, led to the complete collapse of Tianzhu Mountain, and also caused the collective eruption of the volcano. The ten-thousand-year foundation of the three holy places can be said to have been destroyed!

And the most terrible consequence is still there, and the heaven that blocks the invasion of aliens has disappeared!

All of this was destroyed in the nonsense of the war reincarnation!

After fighting with Jun Moxie for so long, there are not a few dead people, but it's still like the reincarnation of war. It's so miserable! More than half of the people in the three holy places have been buried in this catastrophe!

Among the three places, the immortal palace is the first to bear the brunt, and countless beautiful palaces have now been turned into a sea of magma! Except for Mo Wudao, who led less than 400 people to escape by chance, none of them survived!

The dreamy sea of blood is also not good. It is being smashed by the collapsed Tianzhu Mountain, and it is almost completely smashed on it! The suzerain Huyan Aobo escaped from his life under the protection of several masters of this sect. But the total number of people who escaped with him was less than 500, and half of them were wounded and disabled, which was a little more miserable than the Dunshi Fairy Palace.

There are almost tens of thousands of handymen and their families in these two holy places, and no one has escaped directly! Both the old and the young, men and women, all turned into a piece of scorched smoke! Among them, there are many masters, because in order to save their families and children, they are also buried in this catastrophe!

The location of the Supreme Golden City is a little far away. It can be said to be very lucky, but it is less affected. Although there are countless casualties in the process, the overall damage of combat power is not too big, and more than 2,000 master masters have escaped!

Ten thousand years of foundation, once destroyed! Tens of thousands of masters died!

Even in the Tiansheng Mountain Tiansheng Palace, there are two masters of the Holy Emperor who have been killed by this sudden disaster! None of all the elixirs survive, and the accumulation of ten thousand years has become nothing! The Linglong lotus pond also completely collapsed and turned into flying ash!

What a heavy loss!

It is often said that it is good to have people, but the things owned by the Heavenly Holy Palace and the three holy places are really more precious than talents!

And this accident happened a month before the battle! This is almost equivalent to announcing the death penalty of the whole Xuanxuan Continent! A total of billions of lives in the Xuanxuan mainland are about to be completely exposed to the bloody butcher's knives of aliens!

As the three holy places in the middle of the mainstay, more than 80% of its combat power was weakened before the war!

And the gap between heaven and earth and between the two places has now become a smooth road!

All of this is caused by war reincarnation!

This kind of hatred can no longer be described as irreparable!

This is a blood feud that can't be solved in life!

The hearts of all people in the three holy places are dripping blood.

Even if the poor green falls into the yellow spring, Gu Han and others will never let go of the reincarnation of war!

Warcrazy! This culprit!

Gu Han waved his hand and the peak master who gradually rushed over from the Heavenly Holy Palace had instantly surrounded a big circle, surrounding the two people who were fighting in it. Everyone looked at the reincarnation of war, and they were full of crazy hatred!

But then, the battle in front of him immediately attracted everyone's mind.

The battle between one person and three people!

Or it can also be said that there is a battle between one person holding a sword and two other swords!

Oh, no, to be more precise, it should be a battle with a group of swords!

The lonely figure of the war reincarnation, almost naked**, and the war reincarnation with no wind, is flying in the air, dancing loudly, the sword light is like electricity, like rain, like a waterfall!

Around the front and back of his body, a sword flew around, spreading a piece of sword rain from time to time, attacking the reincarnation of war in a pervasive way! There is also a dark nine-hearted cold blade, which emerges from the void from time to time. Every attack, the landing point is the weakest position of the war reincarnation defense!

From beginning to end, I didn't see anyone controlling it!

But these two swords are obviously controlled by someone secretly, and they are extremely smart kendo masters!

The skill of the sword is like a miracle!

With such subtle control ability, looking at the ever-changing attack, Gu Han and others took a breath of cold air and were ashamed of themselves!

Moreover, the magnificent imperial vanguard, every attack, seems to be mixed with the truth of kendo! Even every circle, every avoidance, has a mysterious and unspeakable taste!

If the attack is full of heaven and earth, no one can take it!

Including the war cycle in front of you! Even if he may be the closest to the top in the world!

Everyone silently watched the follow-up development of the war situation, and their hearts were rolling like storms. If it hadn't been for the amazing defense of War Reincarnation, which had reached an incredible height, I'm afraid it would have been defeated and died! In such a situation, if one can't defend, it will turn into a powder even if it is crushed!

But the war situation is not optimistic. The "Jiu You Shi Shao" who secretly controls the sword is undoubtedly powerful, but his shortcomings are also exposed. Obviously, his skills are definitely not as deep as the reincarnation of war. He may not be the final winner of this war of attrition! Although he has the absolute upper hand at present!

This battle can be said to be full of the rich color of self-righteousness! Whether it is the reincarnation of war or the sword, it has a kind of disdain! The aura brought out and the momentum of both sides obviously show this point: you can't interfere!

No one can intervene!

Anyone who intervenes is bound to become the common enemy of both sides!

In fact, there is no room for a third party to intervene in such a battle!

There are scruples in the heart of war reincarnation, and it is easy to be afraid that everyone will besiege you.

But why did the Yuxu Shenfeng also give out that kind of inhuman and hostile atmosphere?

At this moment, if everyone rushes up to clean up the war reincarnation, they are not only happy, but also the least variable and the easiest way to solve the problem. They are blindly entangled and only have the possibility of countless changes!

But in the face of the strong Yuxu Shenfeng, it is true that no one dares to intervene rashly. Once he intervenes, it means contempt for the sword master. The masters of the Heavenly Holy Palace never dare to offend this great master of kendo at this juncture!

Don't help a kendo master. Now his lungs are about to explode!

Master Jun never pays attention to the rules of the world. As long as he can put down the enemy, it is the best means for him to recognize. Therefore, there is not much pressure on him to sneak up on, plotted, or even poisoned and so on.

If the blood of hot yellow is now in his hands, I'm afraid that you will have raised your arms and shouted: Let's go together, this old guy!

Now, Yanhuang's blood attacks itself. Although it is more powerful than in his own hands, this guy is arrogant and awe-inspiring! How can you pay attention to the gentleman's demeanor... Pay attention to the fair and decisive battle! Moreover, there is quite a sense of pleasure to see hunting.

Even, there is some rejection of the Jiuyou cold blade in Jun Moxie's hand.

The most annoying thing is that this guy just wants to solve the war reincarnation by himself, and he is afraid that he won't eat alone!

Brother, this is a war! What kind of heroism do you play? These people present, you can absorb the spirit of the mysterious person, okay? Jun Moxie stared madly. If he hadn't been to worry about revealing his identity, I'm afraid he would have roared long ago.!

Secretly decided: After this war, we must pick up the blood of Yanhuang well, so that we can understand the spirit well! At such a critical moment, drop the chain and play alone...

Jun Moxie sighed deeply. In fact, Master Jun also knew that this kind of consequence was caused by himself, and it was no wonder that others. In the formula of Hongjun Tower, it has been described for a long time: "The swordsman is the emperor of the army; the swordsman" is the king of the army! Magnificent is the sword of a gentleman, the teacher of the hall, the wonder of righteousness, never dangerous, for the matter of the ghost realm! There are thousands of weapons in the world that can be called a gentleman, but the sword! The sword of a gentleman cares about pride. The world is proud, and the eyes are full of wind and clouds, which is the supreme emperor in the sword! If the sword comes out, it will be magnificent. The ghost realm swordsmanship trick may succeed for a while, and you can't rule for a lifetime. Remember. It is this article "The Theory of Gentlemen in the Sword, the thought, the blood of hot yellow can be said to fully digest and understand it. And it will be carried forward.

Therefore, it directly led to the arbitrary practice of the Fire and Yellow Blood Sword in this battle!

War reincarnation roared wildly and suddenly rose up! It turned out to be an abnormal, completely ignoring the horrible offensive of Yuxu Shenfeng, and he was desperate to rise up!

The blood of Yanhuang has been brushed on his body in an instant, and the blood has healed before it gushes out! Jun Moxie's Jiuyou cold blade also stabbed three swords from top to bottom on him in an instant! A sword on the forehead, a sword in the heart, a sword in Dantian!

But they were all only three points deep, and they were bounced out. Then the punctured skin also returned to its original state in an instant!

But when he saw the reincarnation of the war, he suddenly looked up to the sky and roared wildly, and his black hair exploded with a bang. He stood high in the sky with his hands on his back, looked coldly at the two swords rushing up below, and said blankly, "Very good! Nine You Fourteenth Young Master! Your real success made me angry! In the past ten thousand years, no one has been able to make me so embarrassed and disfigured! I'm proud that you can do this! Even if you die today, it is not in vain to occupy the position of the first master in this Xuanxuan mainland and dominate for so many years!"