The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 429 Shang!

A thousand feet in size, the real full-screen large-scale indiscriminate attack!

And or luck will not always follow one person. Coincidentally, the bear king fell into a state of almost powerlessness at this time "...

The sound of "boom" turned out to be an unprecedented alarm!

The tens of thousands of people on the ground jumped up neatly, with their feet three feet from the ground at the same time!

Within a hundred feet, all creatures, regardless of the enemy and me, turn into ashes at the same time!

The smell of barbecue spreads against the wind outside Sanfengli!

The bear king looked up to the sky and roared, and was hit by a flash of lightning, and then his whole body was wrapped in electric light, trembling for a while." Suddenly he roared, and a round blood arrow spewed out of his voice!

With this mouthful of blood spewed out, the bear king's majestic body finally fell down like pushing the golden mountain and pouring down the jade pillar!

In the position of the middle of the middle!

"Fourth brother!" The Eagle King shouted like crying blood. Suddenly, his iron wings spread out like lightning, and rushed in that direction desperately!

"Kill!" The six crazy knife endurers not far from the position of the bear king also found this change. They couldn't help but be overjoyed. They didn't wait for the power of the disaster to disappear. At the same time, they straightened the knife and rushed to the bear in the middle of the field! As strong as them, they naturally understand that the bear king must not be allowed to recover in this blow!

Once it recovers again, then the black bear is a real and real saint! At that time, the remaining people will really be foggy! Take advantage of the critical moment when he has not recovered and is weak under the power of thunder bombardment, kill it quickly!

The knife flashes suddenly!

The distance of a hundred feet is just a blink of an eye for ninja!

Almost at the same time, six snow-bright knives fell wildly on the majestic body of the bear king lying quietly on the ground! In everyone's eyes, there is no intention as soon as possible! It's just the person in front of me. In just half an hour, he has destroyed at least more than 150 crazy ninjas, and nearly 10,000 alien elites!

It's too cheap to kill him like this now!

"Fourth brother..." The Eagle King roared like tears, with tears on his face, and resolutely rushed forward at an amazing speed like thunder and lightning! At the last moment when the six wild knife-bearant knives were about to hit Xiong Kaishan, suddenly the Eagle King made a long cry and turned into a black, huge and friendless Xuanying. He took the lead and jumped on Xiong Kaishan!

Without any hesitation!

Pu-po-po-po... Six knives hit the Eagle King at the same time!

Instant blood splashes, and iron is flying!

Six knives, a total of six holy emperors shot at the same time, and hit accurately at the same time! The body of the Eagle King has hardly been cut into six pieces! Fortunately, he was huge. Four of these six knives were cut on his iron wings; but there were still two knives, which were fiercely inserted into his body!

The Eagle King roared bitterly through the bone marrow! Then he jumped up abruptly!

His pair of iron wings have been completely broken at this time, and several pieces have been broken! His body was also penetrated by a long knife, and the four blood holes in front and behind him spewed out like a spring of blood at the same time!

Such an injury is a mortal injury! What's more, the Eagle King has just taken Huitian Dan! At this moment, even if Jun Mo's evil relatives come, Jiuyou 14th young master comes, instilling him with the purest mysterious power and the most precious and cherished elixir in the world, it can no longer save the life of the Eagle King!

But the Eagle King still jumped up! It is still with infinite determination and infinite magnificence! With his steel-like body, he blocked waves of desperate attacks for his brother-in-law, who is lying on the ground now!

"Fourth brother! Get up quickly! Wake up quickly..." The eagle king's voice seemed to be crying and praying, with blood and tears splashing in his eyes. His iron wings had already been broken into several pieces and drooped softly on his body.

But when he saw another alien sneak attack on Xiong Kaishan, he actually tore off his wings with a "pu" sound. As a hidden weapon, mixed with gushing blood, shot it out to block the enemy's attack!

A total of seven alien nine-level ninjas were cut off by the iron wings he threw out! Screaming, he was cut down in front of Xiong Kaishan's body! The big knife in their hands fell down, just a little bit, and it was about to be inserted into Xiong Kaishan's body!

Almost wiped the skin of Xiong Kaishan, deeply inserted into the ground!

The long knife is shining!

"Fourth brother, wake up..." The eagle king shouted hoarsely, "I tried my best to resist the attack of the six crazy knives! There is a constant shining knife light, falling on his body, bringing a piece of flesh and blood!

"Fourth brother... Get up quickly..." The Eagle King could hardly shout, and his throat was full of blood. As long as he let go of his mouth, when the blood spewed out, it was the moment when his soul was immediately broken!

He doesn't dare to spit out this mouthful of blood!

I can't die yet! Over there, there is still his own brother!

In his heart, he was still screaming: "Fourth brother... Fourth brother... Wake up! Little brother, I... I can't stop it..." Self-exploding, I dare not self-exploding, I can't self-exploding, the fourth brother passed later... I self-exploded, I don't know later, there is nothing I can do, who will protect my brother?

Another knife, fiercely split on the shoulder of the Eagle King. The Eagle King looked up to the sky in pain, roared dullly, and then stretched out his neck, and the sharp iron mouth fiercely inserted into the chest of the alien man who came out of the knife, and actually penetrated the front and rear bodies together!

Then he pulled it out, regardless of the three knives on his body, and another swing of his head, sharp eagle's beak" attacked another wild knife!

His hands are broken and his wings are broken! Only the last and most primitive means of attack are left!

But his body has never moved." It's like a mountain that has existed since ancient times. With his great body, he closely guarded the silent bear open mountain!

Make sure not to let anyone attack your brother who is now in a deep sleep!

In fact, it's not just the eagle king who is crazy. The only five crazy ninjas left have also fallen into complete madness! It is equivalent to the joint effort of the five third-level holy emperors, and he still can't break a eagle king who has been seriously injured and deserves to die 10,000 times, but he will not kill him?

The knife is like rain, and the Eagle King trembles, attacks, jumps, and spases in the rain of knives... His body can no longer feel any pain at this time. His eyes are blurred, and the once sharp eagle's eyes can't see the enemy at this moment!

But his heart is still roaring anxiously: the fourth brother... the fourth brother wakes up... the fourth brother...



The five-handled knife is inserted into the key position of the Eagle King's body from different directions at the same time! Two handles on the head, straight into the skull! Two handles on the chest, straight into the heart! Dantian has a handle and runs through the back!

The Eagle King was shocked all over!

Suddenly, it settled like a sculpture!

His body suddenly turned into a dead silence from a state of rapid movement and jumping!

The once golden eagle's eyes turned his eyelids unconsciously, looked at the two knives on his head, and then looked at the long snowy knife inserted in his heart...

The Eagle King suddenly cried with grief and indignation!

Two lines of tears flowed out together with the blood that had accumulated in the throat a long time ago.

The Eagle King is crying, crying in infinite despair in his heart!

He is not afraid of death! He didn't cry for himself! Because it's just the injury on his body now, at least it can make him die a few times! Even dozens of times!

Death, it's not terrible! It's not worth crying!

But he was still crying, just for his brother, and finally there was no one to protect him!

I'm still struggling at this moment, just to protect my brother's last belief, a little fighting spirit!

Who will protect you when I go? My fourth brother?

He suddenly exhausted his last strength and roared hoarsely: "I can't die... I can't die yet. What should I do if I die... Fourth brother... Fourth brother... Fourth brother, wake up, stop playing, wake up, I..., I can't support..."

The Eagle King gradually fell into a state of confusion, and his words became more and more incoherent. From hoarse roaring to muttering to himself, in a trance, he even hoped that the bear king was not really not awake, but just joking with himself...

The five long knives were pulled out of the body of the Eagle King again, with the hot man's blood.

The eagle king's body was twitching and shaking, but he still stood still! Two eyes, still with infinite hatred, staring fiercely ahead with infinite care! Don't move!

At this moment, he still has the demeanor of slaughtering the world and the king of Wei Lingyu!

Although his pair of iron wings are no longer there! Although his whole body is full of incompleteness, there is no place to be complete! Although the bones of his whole body have been broken and broken!

But he still maintains a standing posture. "It's still a fighting posture! In the eyes of anyone, he is still the eagle king who soars in the sky!

The strongest king in the air! The absolute air battle hegemon!

Even at this moment, he is on the ground!

"Roo!" The Eagle King trembled all over and roared, and suddenly took another step forward! He stared at the five people in front of him! Brutious and violent! This is his life, the last rejuvenation and the last warning!

The enemy seems to be in front of the warning: Can't! I can never... hurt my brother!

The five crazy knives in front of me suddenly felt a sense of fear and horror from his soul!

A total of five masters, but Qi Qi took a step back!

"Roar!", the Eagle King resolutely took another step! The two eyes are still cruel and the will to fight is endless! The ferocity all over the body is still spurting out!

Five aliens, take a step back at the same time! One of them, whose legs were bent inexplicably, was already a little trembling! They can become wild ninjas. Naturally, they have experienced thousands of battles, but they have never seen such a person! Such a mysterious beast!

In the face of such a tragic situation, I didn't dare to take a step forward, and I was all cowardly to the infinite fighting spirit of the Eagle King!

In order to protect the brother, the unswerving will to fight until death!

Although I know, I only need to take a step forward and only one finger to knock down the Eagle King in front of me! Let him never be able to stand up forever! But somehow, there are a total of five people, five first-class masters, but no one dares to take this step!

"Roar!", the blood stored in the eagle king's throat finally gushed out like a fountain, soaking the land under his feet!

After spraying blood, the Eagle King is finally going to take another step forward. The third step!

But as soon as his foot stepped out, it suddenly stopped in the air, and it was still, as if it had turned into an eternal statue!