The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 435 Brothers are always here!

"You're going to die! You are going to die! "Death, why aren't you dead!" Mei Xueyan looked at him coldly, tears surging, and her body trembled," but she said decisively, "Why aren't you still dead? Don't you have guts? You want me to give you a ride. No problem. Just say something? I don't care about you, you son of a bitch!"

Now Jun Moxie is really a little anxious. "Xue Yan's words are a little too much, and Xiong Kaishan is straightforward." For the sake of his brother, he will die. In case he can't turn that corner...

"I..., I'm not dead!" Xiong Kaishan suddenly calmed down, and he stood up slowly. The eyes have become calm.

"Don't die?" Mei Xueyan looked at him and said coldly, "Are you not going to die now? Are you still thinking about what to do in the battle? Huh? Are you going to die to save He Laosan? Then the crane king died to save the tiger king; the tiger king died again for... and then the last one died to save me." Then I committed suicide! In this way, we will all die? It's great to be reunited in Huangquan! Do you want to do this?"

Xiong Kaishan was shocked all over. He looked at Mei Xueyan pleadingly and shouted, "Sister, please, don't say that... I... I feel uncomfortable! I'm uncomfortable. Don't talk about it anymore..." Yes," Xiong Wang's mind made Mei Xueyan say it right. Of course, he doesn't want everyone to die, but he already has the will to die!

The moment the Eagle King died to save the Bear King, Xiong Kaishan was loveless! At that moment, he said that he didn't want to live anymore! But he couldn't die at that time!

What's more, the bear king can't rest assured of his brother! So he decided that in the next battle, he should work harder and try his best to protect his brother to survive, at all costs! Just like the Eagle King did it for himself...

Then "If you can die to save your brother, then you will die even if you die!

It's not in vain to punish the king brothers for a fight!

But when Mei Xueyan said so, Xiong Kaishan felt a hearty creepy feeling, and fear of panic arose spontaneously. It's true that the Eagle King died today to save himself, and he was so sad! So, if he dies for other brothers, won't they be the same as they are now?

Heart to heart, everyone is the same!

Do you really want to think about what the elder sister said, "Everyone is dead? In the end, Huangquan gathered?!

No, I don't want to do this, absolutely not!


If your brother is in danger, will you stand idly by?

No! I can't do it! How can that be!

For a moment, the bear king was so entangled that he couldn't even speak.

"Brothers, there is never anything that needs to be exchanged." Jun Moxie said quietly, "The Eagle King sacrificed for you" his intention is by no means a rare reward for your body. Isn't it right to pay for other brothers in your heart?

"It should be! Do you understand? That's the brother! Your brother, you should do whatever you should do for you. Relatively, "No matter what you do for your brother, it's natural!" Jun Moxie said, "The pain is inevitable. But the Eagle King saved you. Even if you die, he is still happy! What you really have to do is not to die for your brother, but to live for them and do more for them!" If one day you die to save your brother, although we are sad, we will only be happy for you. Because of the heroic walk, you can walk with peace of mind! It's safe to leave! Just like the little eagle now!"

Jun Mo Xie said, "We want our brothers to live happily and proud because of us; even if our brothers have passed away, we also want to let our brother Huang Quan smile!"

"Yes, it should be. I'm willing to do anything for my brother! I'm not afraid of death! But I'm afraid that my brother will be disappointed!" Xiong Kaishan turned his head lonely and looked at the Eagle King: "But Lao Jiu... has always gone."

"Lao Jiu didn't leave" Brothers will always stay in our hearts!" Jun Moxie took a deep breath: "Until the day you die, your brother, whether it is the Eagle King, your elder sister, me, and a group of brothers who are not here, will still be with you! Even if it has passed away, the heart still exists. They are all with you! As long as you are still there, your heart is still there, brother, you are there!" "I understand.

" The bear king couldn't help wiping his tears and choked, "I'm here, my heart is still there, my brother is here! The little eagle is here!"

"That's right, so you have to live a good life for the Eagle King and your brother. Because his greatest wish before he dies is for you to live! I just want you to live well!" Jun Moxie said, "You can't let him down! Because he is your brother! In addition, the inheritance of the eagle clan also needs your support! You can't die! If you are really a coward, you are really sorry for Xiaojiu!"

Xiong Kaishan was silent, but his originally dark and godless eyes finally became a little more angry.

"One more thing, our brother's blood can't be shed in vain! If others let us bleed, let's let them die!" Jun Moxie said fiercely, "Lao Xiong, you have to be prepared, we have to get it back with the capital!"

"Yes! Brother's blood, how can it flow in vain! I can't say anything! Let those perverted bastards completely destroy the seeds!" Xiong Kaishan's eyes suddenly lit up, shooting deep hatred.

Then, he suddenly turned around, staggered around, and rummaged through it little by little. He collected the flesh and blood and feathers scattered by the Eagle King from everywhere, so he was so careful and serious.

And Mei Xueyan is doing the same thing...

The bear warriors around are also looking for them silently.

They want to restore their bodies for their brothers who have gone far away!

... Let your brother walk the last journey of the world with humor.

Finally, the collection is over. Mei Xueyan pulled out a wisp of her hair, and then asked Jun Moxie to refine a steel needle with the power of gold, carefully threaded the needle, and sewed pieces of feathers and flesh for her brother.

She is so focused, and the threading is so gentle and familiar. Just like that time, the Eagle King put on his clothes after metamorphing for the first time, but accidentally cracked his new clothes and sewed it for him with needle and thread.

I vaguely remember that at that time, the little eagle wrinkled his face and looked sad. I remember that at that time, I stretched out my hand laughingly. "I pinched his eagle hook nose and joked...

Now, it's still a similar situation, but my own mood is such a heavy injury...

While suturing, Mei Xueyan asked in a low voice, "Is the blood eagle that appeared in the sky just now" a taboo trick of the eagle clan? "The nine-sky eagle sings the blue blood, burns the sky and destroys the soul of the mysterious eagle,?"

Xiong Kaishan sniffed his nose and focused his head.

"What about... eight... seniors?"

Xiong Kaishan turned his head and didn't say a word. Tears gushed like a spring!

The huge body is like fallen leaves floating in the wind at this moment.

"So...body?" Mei Xueyan's heart sank, with hope in case, and even asked in a low voice with some prayers.

"Explosion..., it's all explosion..." Xiong Kaishan replied with a strong nasal voice, "He squatted down suddenly, hugged his head with both hands, and sobbed depressedly.

Mei Xueyan's hand shook, stopped moving, and raised her head to the sky. After a long silence, she lowered her head silently and continued her work. Although she didn't make a sound, her tears fell down." She quietly dripped on the cold body of the Eagle King... Mei Xueyan was obviously so sad that she was numb! Yes, numb! Her hand moved mechanically, and she couldn't think about anything. She couldn't bear to think about it any more. She didn't dare to think about it anymore: her long hair hung down and blocked her face." It also blocked her thick sadness like a mountain.

Bear it alone!

Jun Moxie sighed and stood up with his hands behind his back. He is as smart as him, but he doesn't know how to open up at this moment.

The long wind is tens of thousands of miles, blowing wildly, Jun Moxie's clothes and hair are flying in the wind, but in his heart, he inexplicably feels infinite pain and depression.

Brothers" recognizes so many brothers in this world, and now there is one who fights to death in front of himself!

Will there be after


Although Mei Xueyan then woke up and turned around, Jun Moxie knew very well that he was still like this. "Mei Xueyan's heart has been broken." The beauty's heart was soft, and she was already broken! At this moment, Mei Xueyan is just forcibly controlling herself.

As a heavenly emperor, he has no right to lose his temper in front of his subordinates! No matter when it comes, take it easy!

Only in this way can we bring confidence to my subordinates!

Previously, I was too sad and vomited blood and fainted. The psychological pressure on the soldiers has been very great!

Now, Mei Xueyan can no longer have any gaffes!

If you want to shed tears, you can only wait until the dead of night, you can quietly shed tears and cry quietly! But when you get up tomorrow and stand in front of everyone, you are still the emperor of heavenly punishment!

cross, magnificent, domineering in the world!

Jun Moxie's heart also hurts! The pain is almost suffocating!

He has always cherished every brother who is punished by heaven. It's not just a few beast king brothers who are punished by heaven. Even if it's an ordinary mysterious beast, Jun Moxie feels much more kinder than human beings! The simple mysterious beast, the mysterious beast with the heart of a red son, is definitely more worth interacting with than ordinary human beings.

The death of the Eagle King made Jun Moxie also dark in front of his eyes, and his liver was broken!

But Mei Xueyan had just fainted. "Jun Moxie knew that he could not have any more gaffes. If the two of them are too sad at the same time, it can be imagined that the current bear warriors will definitely mess up the camp, and the situation will be completely out of control!

If that's the case, it's really terrible. Even if it is remedied afterwards, the army's heart will inevitably be unstable. Fighting with such a mentality, these soldiers are in danger of being completely destroyed at any time! Because of the weakness of the king, they will not see any hope of victory!

In the independent wind, looking at the infinite bloody battlefield, although Jun Moxie's heart was as hard as iron, he also secretly asked himself at this time: Is it worth it?

Is it worth it?

This is undoubtedly a difficult question to answer.

Although I said before that I was indifferent to the world, Xuanxuan mainland has nothing to do with me. I am not a hero, but it doesn't matter. How can I really not care? After all, there are still brothers on this continent!

There are also your own relatives, friends, and people who can't let go!

How can you really not care?

I may not care about the world of Xuanxuan Continent, but how can I let those disgusting aliens enter the mainland calmly?

But if you really don't let them in, I believe that both the evil king's house and the heavenly punishment of the mysterious beast will pay a huge price! Especially in today's day when the unexpected strength of the three holy places is exhausted, Jun Moxie can't afford it! I'm even more reluctant to pay! Don't want to pay!