The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 447 Blood for Blood! A tooth for a tooth!

Today's third update! Five thousand words.

Make up the arrears, the sixteenth update, the seventeenth update and the two more in one. Tomorrow, I will make up a thousand more, so that these two will be more worthy of the name. As soon as Xia Changtianpu fought, he was trapped in a situation of bitter support. Although the method and body footwork are not chaotic at all, he can only passively see the moves, and there is no power to fight back!

Xia Shengjun's face has now risen to pig liver color!

Rusi's strong humiliation filled his whole heart! He never dreamed that Jun Moxie's strength could be so sharp! From the beginning, I have been holding a fight, a fight, a fight... Unexpectedly, I haven't attacked once!

The so-called one drum, then decline, three exhaustion, this is the truth of the battle, but Jun Moxie's offensive has never decayed, and it is getting more and more fierce, more and more fierce and fierce!

Why did things evolve to such a point? Not to mention the ancient Han people outside the scene, even the county magistrate himself, who was involved in the scene, was also confused. He is the strong man of the Holy King. Although Jun Moxie's strength is not weak, he clearly only has the level of the Holy Lord. Obviously, he is much weaker than himself, but how can the current situation be like this...

At this moment, Xia Changtian's only feeling is that he seems to be suddenly trapped in the swamp of the giant sky, and the more he struggles, the faster he will fall... Now, it is almost a disaster!

I only remember that at the beginning, Jun Moxie stabbed me with a sword, and then I wanted to take back and take down this arrogant boy as soon as possible to save the brother, but the other party's seemingly simple sword actually covered a few square places. If he retreats, he can naturally be fine, but in the face of a younger generation in What is the name of the saint?

So Xia Changtian decided not to retreat, but he could not take the opportunity to fight back at the other party's move, swallowing the dark sword light. Obviously, his body could not resist, so he dodged and dodged.

This flash action is not over, and the next sword has come to the throat. Xia Changtian was shocked. He looked up and turned sideways; there was another sword. When he reached the front heart position, Xia Changtian closed his abdomen and stood up. The puppet jumped straight. He was about to take action, but the sword light had arrived in Dantian again!

In this way, he dodged one by one and retreated step by step. Up to now, there are only two short breaths in the war. Jun Moxie has attacked 365 swords! Every sword carries a sharp sword! And Xia Changtian also dodged three hundred and sixty-five times!

One-time comparison! It's harder every time, and it's more embarrassing every time!

But he didn't free up his hand to fight back at all!

After avoiding it again and again, Xia Changtian suddenly found tragically that even if he wanted to work hard, he seemed to have no chance!

If you want to cause harm to the other party, the only way is to self-exploding.

Xia Changtian, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, suddenly felt sad in his heart! How did it turn out to be like this? After a hundred battles, how can I be forced to this point by such a teenager who never say defeat? Are you actually in a nightmare?

But, even if it's really a nightmare, it seems that there is no such ridiculous thing!

Jun Moxie's face is like iron, his eyes are like ice, ruthless and indifferent. One sword and one sword, without any mercy!

After completely integrating with Hongjun Tower, Jun Moxie's combat power at this moment has been raised to the amazing level of the semi-saint of war reincarnation! To deal with Xia Changtian in front of him, this person who only has the third level of the saint is full!

Because of this, Xi Changtian can be forced to an absolute disadvantage as soon as he comes up! He didn't have a chance to breathe at all!

The more crazy Xia Changtian is in the war, the more depressed he is in the war, and the more he feels ashamed!

Just a wrong decision, he pushed himself and his brothers into the eternal abyss! First, he was humiliated in public, and then he was questioned in public. Then, he watched the old brothers who had been with him for countless years fall into the danger of death at any time, but he was helpless and helpless. Then, I was forced into this kind of embarrassing danger to the extreme!

Looking at Jun Moxie's indifferent face, his eyes full of hatred and pleasure, Xia Changtian finally understood Jun Moxie's real revenge! First, let yourself taste the helplessness of the brother who fell into a desperate situation but could not help, and then was arbitrarily humiliated and played by the opponent, just like an old cat playing with a mouse!

, you are so cruel!" Xia Changtian dodged, roared harshly, his eyes were covered with blood, and his face was as ferocious as a ghost. The golden crown on the top of the head, with a bang... was cut off, a thick black hair spread out, and a little blood flowed from the head to the face and splashed on the ground!

, Xia Changtian, I lost many good brothers because of you, so I will naturally let you watch your brothers die in front of your eyes! You are destined to taste this wonderful taste carefully before you die! Even if you don't want to taste it!" Jun Moxie never relaxed at all. He bullied him up again. The blade was like a black cloud, like a black waterfall. The sky fell, and his voice was like ice beads, cold to the bone!

i, Xia Changtian, do you feel guilty? Do you feel useless? Do you feel painful and regretful?!" Jun Moxie roared, and the ghost-edged hurricane cut out ninety-nine swords in a row, countless black swords of thousands of feet long, mixed with the black fog, crissscrossed the whole site!

At the same time, he pressed down with his left hand and shouted, "Just get angry! Press me! The chaotic fire, which has fallen most of the distance in the pit of dozens of feet, suddenly accelerated and fell down! Facing those desperate eyes, it burned ruthlessly!

The shocking screams sounded so suddenly! The sad cry, even the people in the camp hundreds of feet away, felt heartfelt creepy when they heard it!

Yes, Jun Moxie has always been in control! Don't let Chaosfire complete the mission so quickly! Because the revenge he wants has not been completed yet!

Cutting meat with a blunt knife is really the most tormenting thing!

When the chaotic fire brush falls, everything turns into flying ash; with one knife, Xia Changtian's head is in a different place! Everything happens in an instant... very soon! But is it cool to go?

Do you have a sense of revenge?

I'm not happy! Death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that you know that death is inevitable in front of you, but it is slow to fall. The feeling of waiting for death is the most frightening!

Just as some iron men are not afraid of anything, let alone death, but they are most afraid of others to torture his family and his friends in front of him.

And what Xia Changtian cares about most is not his own life! Destroying what the enemy cares about most, and then destroying his life is the real destruction!

Jun Moxie made up his mind when he planned to retaliate! Killed my brother, do you want to die? It's so beautiful!

Otherwise, the drift speed of Chaos Fire is very slow, but it will not be so slow!

Death may not be too terrible. Only the suffering before waiting for death is the real greatest torture! And like Xia Changtian, he watched a class of brothers see death approaching, looking forward to his own salvation, but there was nothing he could do. All this was caused by him...

Xia Changtian is the most painful and suffering person!

And Jun Moxie is to let him taste this great pain to the fullest!

Listening to the screams, Xia Changtian's heart is like a knife, his heart is like a fire, and his eyes are red! Suddenly, he counterattacked crazily. In the face of Jun Moxie's sharp response, he no longer dodged at all. He roared sadly, "There is a head of injustice, and there is a master of debt. This matter is my own efforts!" Jun Moxie, do you have any means? Most of them are aimed at me! Don't torture my brother! Don't go on any further!"

i, are you in pain? Xia Changtian, it's all because of you!" Jun Moxie's cruel sword was like the wind, and the nine cold blades made continuous attacks. Xia Changtian's body was suddenly surrounded by red fog. The next moment, countless thin blood fountains shot out from all parts of his body!

, even if this matter is caused by me, my brothers are all innocent!,, Xia Changtian was covered in blood, suddenly looked at Jun Moxie fiercely and said awe-inspiringly, "Jun Moxie! As long as you are willing to let them go! I gave up resistance and let you do it!,,, ha, ha, ha ha... Jun Moxie laughed: "If you are willing to say so before the war, I may admire your courage to act, care about the brotherhood, is a man, and only kill you to finish the matter! But at this moment, you still have to say this sentence, but it will only make me look down to you! If you don't go to this point, do you think you still have bargaining chips? Can't I deal with you if you don't let me do it?"

When Xia Changtian heard this, he finally went crazy. At this moment, his only remaining self-esteem was ruthlessly thrown away by the other party! Trampling!

i, Jun Moxie, since you are so aggressive, come on the road with me! Even if my brother and I will die, I will pull your back! Go to hell!"

His whole breath condensed, and the whole space seemed to be frozen at this moment! Then, the sky and the earth suddenly became violent! Countless heaven and earth, at this moment, crazy from all directions from the sky to the earth into his body!

Just after the war, countless masters revealed that the aura of heaven and earth is in an unbalanced and violent state. Generally, masters should be careful when adjusting their breath here, lest these messy breaths enter the body and make their inner breath disordered.

But Xia Changtian is desperate to swallow the sea at this moment! Whether it is useful or harmful aura, all of them are absorbed into your own body, your own meridians!

From this moment on, everything is irreparable!

Gu Han saw the change in his eyes, and he was instantly clear about the situation that might happen later. He was shocked and immediately shouted: "Everyone retreat quickly!"

With his order, all the people in the three holy places quickly retreated at the same time, and in a blink of an eye, they had withdrawn hundreds of feet away, and everyone had a heavy face.

In terms of heavenly punishment, although everyone was worried about Jun Moxie, they also quickly dodged hundreds of feet away under the strict order of Mei Xueyan. Everyone was staring at all the changes in the field. There was no intention in their eyes as soon as possible, but there was more to worry. The other party was always the top master at the level of , using the same to die or even self-detonation and other means, even if Jun Moxie's strength is amazing and his light skills are superb, he may not be able to retreat completely.

Only Mei Xueyan did not worry about Jun Moxie's safety at all. Jun Moxie has the Hongjun Tower. Even if the world explodes, he can still be safe and sound. When Xiong Kaishan and others saw that Mei Xueyan was not worried at all, they naturally guessed that their magical brother-in-law must have a trick to protect himself, so they were relieved.

In the field, Xia Changtian smiled ferociously and stared at Jun Moxie with his eyes. The breath of Xuangong on his body continued to improve without interruption! Break through the third level of the Holy King, and then gradually advanced to the peak of the third level of the Holy King, and continued to rise...

At the peak of the fourth-level saint, it finally stopped!

The wind in the sky, under such a strong absorption, also seems to stop blowing!

The countless scars on Xia Changtian's body that had been pierced by Jun Moxie before actually stopped bleeding strangely at this moment, and his thin body swelled slowly and slowly!

Become a ball shape! Floating in the air!

, Brother Xia! No!" On the other side, Ji Bowen, under the extremely fast attack of Yan Huang's blood almost unruly, but wonderfully, he was already in a hurry. He only had the ability to fight back, and he had no power to fight back.

Yanhuang's blood and even war reincarnation can be completely contained. It's natural to deal with Ji Bowen, who only has a second-class saint!

However, Ji Bowen has always been a strong sage. Although the form is poor, he can always stand it. It is impossible for him to defeat the blood of Yanhuang, but it is also difficult for the blood of Yanhuang to defeat him. The two sides have fallen into an uneven situation.

But at this moment, because the situation is irreparable, Xia Changtian intends to do his best to pull Jun Mo Xie's back. The momentum is extremely powerful. How can Ji Bowen not feel it? As soon as he saw this situation, he immediately roared! Regardless of the forced impact of his own safety, he hopes to break through the interception of Yanhuang's blood and prevent Xia Changtian from using extreme measures.

Unfortunately, no matter how anxious he was and how strong the impact was, he could not resist the interception of Yanhuang's blood. If he tried many times, he was cleverly resolved by Yanhuang's blood one by one, and forced him to retreat step by step.

After a few more breaths, Xia Changtian's breath is finally slowly about to climb to the top. At this moment, he is completely crazy and has ignored everything in the world. The screams of brothers in his ears have already made him lose all his sanity!

At this moment, the screams from the sinkhole have become less and less, and they are getting weaker and weaker... But every scream, every moan, no matter how low the volume is, no matter how low it is, it is equivalent to a bloody knife after another in Xia Changtian's heart!

Xia Changtian doesn't want to steal the world at all now!

Such a shame, such a great hatred, if you can't wash the snow, do you still have the face to live?

It's just death!

Xia Changtian laughed crazily, almost hysterically, but his eyes unconsciously splashed tears. This was the only tear in more than 3,000 years. There is remorse, tyranny, hatred, there is, disheartened, and the heart is like dead ashes...

i, Jun Moxie, come with me!, Jun Moxie stared at him with his eyes, watched all his changes, gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Xia Changtian, that's what happened to you! It is because of your lack of rescue that I have punished my brother to die tragically for countless days. Today I will kill all your brothers! You let my brother blow yourself up, then I'll force you to blow yourself up too!"

Blood for blood, tooth for tooth!

This is Jun Moxie's always means!

Jun Moxie's revenge has always been like this ** naked, so direct!

Xia Changtian finally understood!

It turned out that his final Jedi counterattack method - self-explosion, was also in the other party's planning! And the other party's purpose is to force himself to explode!

This kind of aggrieved feeling of being played by others, like a puppet, makes Xia Changtian can't wait to die immediately!

The wailing and moans in the big pit have all disappeared now!

Xia Changtian's heart was only endlessly empty. He clearly realized that his brothers had completely evaporated in this world, and maybe... there was really no trace left.

Xia Changtian finally lost his last hope!

At this moment, just like the reaction of Xiong Kaishan when the Eagle King died: life is better than death!

But the meaning is very different, with almost essential differences!

The brother of the bear king died in a heroic battle to save his brother. He will last forever!

In contrast, Xia Changtian's brother is equivalent to dying because of the involvement of Changtian! It is destined to stink for thousands of years, and the two can't be said at all!

At this moment, Xiong Kaishan unexpectedly thinks of his brother. In addition to guilt, he is also proud! And miss it!

But Xia Changtian is different. In addition to guilt, he is also guilty, only guilt! Even under the nine springs, Xia Changtian felt that he had no face to meet those old brothers at all!

Xia Changtian completely collapsed!

, Jun Moxie, I regret it! I regret why I didn't kill your beast brothers with my own hands! I... I hate it... Xia Changtian shouted at the bottom of the bottom.

i, kill my brother with your own hands? You don't deserve it! Xia Changtian, at least my brother really died for the sake of the world, and what is your death? You have died ten thousand times, and you are not as good as my brother! You are the shame of Xuanxuan Continent! The source of killing each other, the sinner of mankind, the traitor of the mainland! A complete asshole! ! A piece of clutter! A pile of garbage!,,,,, ah~touch~" Xia Changtian shouted wildly: "Thousands of sins are all in me! But you are always with me on this Huangquan Road! Jun Moxie! Let's die together!"

With a loud noise, a blazing white light burst out of the field!

With this sad cry, Xia Changtian, a strong saint of a generation, finally launched the last counterattack method of self-explosion!

The violent explosion actually broke through a big hole in the thick clouds formed by the volcanic eruption all over the sky. At this moment, I actually saw the blue sky!

Then, another huge mushroom cloud rose, covering the newly flashing blue again behind the dark clouds!

Then, another big hole with a radius of nearly 200 feet appeared on the ground! I can't see the bottom!

The heavenly punishment soldiers in the distance and the lower-cultivated part of the three holy places were unexpectedly shocked and fainted!

As many as thousands of tents flew away, flying like white clouds in the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye!

The earth is trembling!

(Khan... I finally finished writing, this chapter... I guess I will be scolded a lot... I guess there will be a lot of scolding perverts.

The method of revenge at the beginning was conceived like this, but in the end, it was still a little unstoppable, and it seemed to be a little too much... However, that's it.

Receive blood for blood, pay for tat for tat, kill for life and pay off debts. If it's more cruel, it's also fair for me. It's a little extreme, just hehe... (To be continued)